JLNO Loves
Provisionals by Katherine Crawford Andrews
he provisional year for future Junior League of New Orleans members is one of the most memorable parts of the JLNO experience. Women joining the provisional class not only get an immersive welcome into the world of JLNO, but they also are stepping into a community of charity and fellowship amongst other charitable women. The provisional experience is key in fully understanding how important JLNO is to the city and for new members to learn how their skill sets and talents can best support the League. The year is designed to prepare and educate incoming members on the history of JLNO through engaging chapter and small group meetings, training sessions and hands-on volunteer opportunities, all of which support the mission of JLNO. “During the year, provisionals learn about the community projects and placements, JLNO’s mission, and they meet a lot of really amazing women,” said provisionals CoChair Nathalie Dillon. “Provisionals should leave their first year and enter into active membership excited about creating their place in JLNO and finding ways through placement, community partnerships and networking to help enrich our community and their role in it.” JLNO also became a welcome support to the provisionals during a strange and challenging year. Many found their lives upturned and struggled with current events but found solace in the leaders and fellow provisionals. Those who started
Lagniappe | Fall 2021
Provisionals Tara Pfeiffer, Mandi Credeur, Shelina Davis and Lauren Keefe socialize at the Provisional End of Year event at Wrong Iron