Hot Springs Village Advocate - Fall 2015

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Volume 39, No. 3

Fall 2015

The Waypoint at DeSoto Marina Page 8

Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate


A Message from Our Board President BUSY TIMES, AND MORE TO COME Summer has been a busy time for the POA. To begin, there have been a number of changes in staff positions, which repurposed existing positions to better serve our needs.

marina, Waypoint offers a coffee shop, Little Penguin Tacos, the BaseCamp staff, and a bait and tackle shop. Balboa Beach has been a very popular venue this summer, and to help sustain a family-friendly environment on the beach, we have hired beach hosts to interact with guests at the beach and ensure everyone enjoys themselves, without spoiling the fun for others. The beach hosts have been so well received that the Recreation Department is planning to expand the program to all three beaches.

Tom Hasselstrom joined the staff as Fleet Asset Manager and is responsible for acquiring, maintaining, and allocating POA rolling stock. Nicole Good, an HSV native with extensive construction experience, filled a position with the new title, Business Development Coordinator. Responsibility for Harv Shelton maintaining buildings and grounds has been Board President pulled out of the Public Works Department and placed The Hernando and Cedar Creek Trails suffered extenunder a Buildings and Grounds Superintendent. Mike sive damage from an extreme thunderstorm in June. Sykora, a former Cooper Communities employee, fills All of the downed trees and resulting damage have been that position with his extensive experience in building removed from the Hernando Trail, but the Cedar Creek and facility maintenance. Stephanie Heffer, Director Trail is a bigger challenge because of its terrain and the of Lifestyle and Community Development will be able number of trees blown down. A contractor has been to spend more of her time on development, because she hired to remove the trees, after which the Recreation is getting more assistance in supervising the Recreation Department will begin the work to get the trail back in Department. Stacy Hoover has been elevated to Direc- the kind of condition that has always made it one of our tor of Recreation Operations and Craig Annen takes most popular trails. over as Facility/Event Manager. August brought the first steps in implementing the ToThe Recreation Department has had a very ac- tal e information technology conversion. The golf and tive summer. By the time you read this, the archi- tennis reservation processes will be the first to opertectural design reviews should be complete and we ate under the new systems. Other processes will conshould be receiving bids for the DeSoto Club renova- vert during the remainder of this year and into 2016, tion, with a spring 2016 completion date still in sight. and eventually Total e will completely replace all of our The staff is working on acquiring a site for a new out- point-of-sale equipment and antique computers and door pool, pickleball courts, and are researching financ- many tedious manual accounting processes. ing options. Public Works has been hard at work this summer reA new facility, the Waypoint at DeSoto Marina, opened placing culverts, mowing roadsides, and repaving roads for business in July after the marina building and its and parking lots. Their most obvious project has been deck had a complete facelift. Besides supporting the smoke testing the waste water system in some of the older areas of the Village. This testing will tell us where the water intrusion problems are so we can focus repair Property Owners’ Association Advocate work on where the rainwater is getting into the waste Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5556 water pipes and overloading the Mill Creek plant. Email Address: Website: Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Ella Scotty

Volume XXXIX, Number 3

PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-847 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS – Additional Entry, Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $450.24 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 21,607 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019-847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.


Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

Arkansas weather is at its best in the fall. The golf courses are in great shape, the fishing is at its best, and the trails are especially beautiful. It is a great time to enjoy the beauty of Hot Springs Village.

Money Matters July 2015 Financials and 2016 Budget Process Reviewed at August 19 Board Meeting Chief Financial Officer, Lesley Nalley, presented the July 2015 financial report and reviewed the 2016 budget process at the August board meeting. Financial highlights included: • • • • •

Cash Balance, $5,154,611 YTD Net Revenue, $14,760,802 YTD Expenses, $14,511,551 YTD Capital Expenditures, $1,170,561 Current Net Worth, $70,241,418

and legal counsel, and strategy meetings between the COO, CFO, and AGM. Nalley provided an overview of the major revenue streams, calling them the basis for upcoming budget presentations. Major HSVPOA revenue streams include: assessments, golf rates, passes, and cart fees, POAprovided utilities, POA-owned food venues, fitness and tennis passes, event center rentals, ambulance services, and permitting fees.

Significant focus this year was given to better establishing rate structures with the specific Nalley updated the Board on efforts to collect Lesley Nalley amenity or service offered. The expectation from seriously delinquent multi-lot owners, citing CFO $49,254 recovered during July. She went on to point to is for increased assessment dollars to fund non-revenue an improved collection rate of 80.9%, versus a budgeted producing operations, deferred maintenance catchup, and collection rate of 78%, which was based on 2014 actuals. properly funding reserves for future capital expenditures. Rate improvements are expected to span 2016 & 2017, The 2016 budget process was also discussed, which be- beginning with a comprehensive external review of utility gan in April with a call for member comment, public rates and additional dynamic pricing elements for golf. committee discussions, detailed budget requests from department heads, meetings with external consultants

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In This Issue

Golf 501.922.5540

P&I 501-922-5562

Update with Harv Shelton, Board President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Police Non Emergency 501-922-0011

Money Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 501-922-5524

Hot Springs Village News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 501-922-0322

Notable in Hot Springs Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 501-922-2858

News from the Golf Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Public Works Recreation Tee Times Visitor Center 866-984-9963

Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate


Hot Springs Village News New Chief Named to Lead Hot Springs Village Police Rick Middleton has been named Hot Springs Village Police Chief. COO David Twiggs made the announcement at the June 17th Board of Directors meeting, noting that the promotion of Middleton from Interim Police Chief to Chief was effective immediately.

2015 Culvert Replacement Project At the April 15, 2015 meeting, the Board of Directors approved a bid from Sam Johnson Construction of Benton, Arkansas in the amount of $252,040 to replace 42 culverts. The project consisted of excavation and removal of the existing culverts, foundations and installation of pipe, backfill, compaction and asphalt pavement. This project was included in the FY 2015 budget. They completed the project in July 2015. Public Works Department staff replaced an additional 19 culverts that were not included in the project. This work was in preparation for this year ’s paving program. Additionally, the age of HSV culverts and more than normal rainfall in 2015 accelerated rusting and deterioration. Several other culverts failed and required immediate replacement/rehab on the following roads: Levantino, Murillo, Sabadell, Diamante, Camino (at the Pineda boat ramp), Sobresalir Lane, and Murcia Way. Most, if not all, of the culverts in HSV are corrugated metal pipe and have corroded over time and are in need of replacement. HSVPOA is replacing the old culverts with new high density polyethylene pipe that does not corrode and will last many years.


Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

Middleton brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position. He has been with HSVPOA for the last 35 years and has served in Public Safety since 1985. He attended the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy and was promoted to Lieutenant in 1993. Middleton holds an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice, is a graduate of the Institute for Law Enforcement Management College in Plano, Texas and has completed the course of Police Chief Executive Development sponsored by the Criminal Justice Institute in Little Rock, Arkansas.

2015 Road Paving Program Micro-surfacing of 13.52 miles of Village roads will begin in mid-September. Vance Brothers, of Kansas City, Missouri, was awarded the not-to-exceed bid of $440,000 upon Board approval at the April 15, 2015 regular meeting, as part of the 2015 road paving program. Micro-Surfacing is a more economical alternative to Super Pave that was used in the past. Vance Brothers will apply hot rubber crack fill on streets not already crack filled, in preparation of micro surfacing. The Public Works staff has begun crack filling the rest of the residential streets with the new crack-fill machine that arrived in April. Vance Brothers was also awarded the contract in 2014.

Long Range Water Plan Approved At the May 20, 2015 regular meeting, the Board of Directors approved a proposal from Crist Engineering of Little Rock, Arkansas to complete a long-range water system master plan for Hot Springs Village. The plan will include a detailed evaluation of HSV’s water usage and distribution system conditions. Crist will build a new computer water model to determine long-range needs and fire flow evaluation. The master plan report will be submitted to Arkansas Department of Health. The report will include a long-range capital improvements program to be used for future planning and budgeting.

Hot Springs Village News Gate Security Contract The Board of Directors approved a contract with AlliedBarton for gate security operations at the August 19, 2015 regular board meeting.

ized policies, training, coaching, discipline, development, safety, invoicing, uniforms, drills exercises, emergency response plan and quarterly and yearly business reviews.

Management researched outsourcing the gate security services for Hot Springs Village and solicited proposals, with two national security firms responding. After review of presentations from both firms, AlliedBarton best meets HSVPOA’s Gate Security needs at a cost savings, compared to our current costs for this operation.

Outsourcing Gate Security to AlliedBarton will provide many benefits, such as recruiting, training, scheduling, surge staffing for emergency response, incident tracking and reporting, all of which will free up time of HSV’s Police Department. In addition, AlliedBarton will be responsible for payroll, Human Resources personnel issues, and will provide employees with a comprehensive benefits program.

AlliedBarton is the largest managed contract security firm, having more than 63,000 employees in 120 offices nationwide. The company currently provides security services for approximately 200 Fortune 500 companies and over 500 residential communities. They have a verifiable track record of implementing innovative security solutions to gated residential communities. AlliedBarton’s Arkansas/Louisiana District has a tenured operations team of over 500 employees, dedicated recruiters and trainers, local office and local support. AlliedBarton’s HSVPOA Account Management will include a dedicated HSV site supervisor who will ensure standard-

AlliedBarton technology provides the power to streamline operations, create efficiencies and easily access needed information. The secure client website, provides access to invoicing information, ordering additional coverage and scheduling information based on HSV’s needs. Use of advance technology also enables AlliedBarton to accomplish gate security services and focus on intensive customer service training and appearance. HSVPOA management is confident that AlliedBarton will take customer service to the next level, while maintaining the security of HSV. The tentative start date is September 25, 2015.

Flow Monitoring and Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study As part of an overall program to mitigate excess inflow and infiltration into HSV’s sanitary sewer collection system, the board approved acceptance of a bid from RJN Group, Inc. of Hot Springs, Arkansas, not to exceed $275,000, to complete a Flow Monitoring and Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES) at the March 18, 2015 regular meeting.

lyzed to determine the areas of greatest infiltration and inflow and to develop a prioritized approach to proceed with the second task, SSES and field investigations. Flow monitoring was conducted for 100% of the existing wastewater gravity collection system. The results indicated that the major problem is with inflow due to manhole deficiencies.

The study requires an engineering analysis of data acquired from flow monitoring and field based investigations of the sewer system. The engineers are working collaboratively with HSVPOA to collect data and provide engineering analysis. Two initial tasks include flow monitoring and SSES field investigations.

RJN began the SSES Field Investigations during the summer and the task is ongoing. This task consists of manhole and visual pipe inspections, smoke testing, dye water flooding, cleaning and television inspections, and data analysis in those prioritized areas. Public Works held a town hall meeting on July 9, 2015 to inform residents of the details and what to expect of the smoke testing facet of the project. At the conclusion of the field investigation services, an engineering analysis of field survey data will be performed to develop recommendations for prioritizing repairs with cost estimates for budgeting.

RJN, Inc. completed the first task of flow monitoring by placing devices throughout the wastewater collection system and recording flow data during wet weather as well as dry weather events in April and May. The flow data was ana-

Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate


Hot Springs Village News Phase I of the Total-E New Member Portal HSVPOA recently implemented the first phase of the Total-E Member Portal. A Town Hall Meeting was held in August and conducted by Lesley Nalley, Ray Metz, Paul Nothern, Debe Jolliff, Tom Elliott, Tim Kohlmeyer and Diane Bielanski. The first phase focuses on booking tee-times and reserving tennis courts. It also offers an initial glimpse of features such as viewing assessment statements and purchases. For members who were unable to attend the informational meeting, a web portal user guide and login instructions are available on the top banner of HSV’s homepage at

Assessment and Utility Payments

In conjunction with the roll out of the first phase of the Total-E member portal, HSV’s website has been updated to add a “Pay Assessment and Utility” button at the top of the home page, making online assessment and utility payments more convenient for members. There are four methods in which members may pay Assessments and Utilities, 1) automatic bank draft, 2) mail-

Village Employees Benefit Fund Show Your Appreciation!

The Village Employees Benefit Fund provides property owners with an opportunity to show appreciation by providing gift certificates to POA employees. The fund also provides financial assistance to employees in need. Please mail your contributions to: Village Employees Benefit Fund P.O. Box 8503 Hot Springs Village, AR 71910


Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

ing a check, 3) by placing a check in the drop box located at the POA Administration Building, or 4) by credit card through the pay button. Further, as part of the United States’ endeavor to reduce credit card fraud, new credit card processing rules are mandated to begin in October. These rules are designed to better protect card holders and merchants through reduced handling of credit card information. As a result, you may have recently noticed new credit card machines with “chip readers” and new credit cards being sent to you, as Visa and Mastercard come into compliance. Merchants, like HSVPOA, are also taking compliance steps. In an effort to discourage over the phone credit card payments, effective September 1st, HSVPOA began charging $7.50 for telephone credit card payment requests. The most efficient method of processing payments for HSVPOA is via automatic bank draft. Any member signing up for auto draft of assessments and utilities from now until the end of 2015, will receive a $10 gift card to be used at any HSVPOA-owned facility.

Paron Water Emergency Source Hot Springs Village Board of Directors approved during the July 15th meeting, the installation of a connection to enable an emergency supply of water to the Paron Owensville Water Authority (POWA). POWA requested an emergency water connection with Hot Springs Village. Due to recent heavy rainfall events, the raw water supply to POWA from Lake Winona became too high in turbidity for POWA’s water treatment plant to manage. In the interim, they purchased water from North Garland County regional water supply. The location for the connection will be at the intersection of Highway 5 and DeSoto Blvd on the east side. The cost of the meter connection will be paid by the POWA.

Hot Springs Village News Mount Carmel Community Update Mt. Carmel Community at the Village has started development of Phase III of its senior living community. The Architectural Control Committee approved Phase III of Mount Carmel on April 2, 2015, which includes an additional 22 garden homes. So far, four of the 22 garden homes, each having 1300 square feet, are nearing completion. The garden homes, include 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a fully equipped kitchen and laundry room, an attached enclosed garage and covered patio. Meals and housekeeping are included. All utilities, including internet, cable and local phone service are provided. The

independent living garden home is the most popular senior living option in the Mt. Carmel Community. Mount Carmel Community at the Village includes a 60,000 square foot facility with studio apartments, deluxe apartments, a memory care facility, a 30,000 sq. ft. secure court yard and 16 garden homes. Mount Carmel is located on 22 acres, just outside the Balboa Gate on Ponce De Leon Drive and Highway 5, and is considered a part of Hot Springs Village. Residents of Mt. Carmel are eligible to take advantage of the many services and amenities of Hot Springs Village.


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Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate TG_Vacations_7x5.indd 1

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Notable in Hot Springs Village The Waypoint at DeSoto Marina The Waypoint at DeSoto Marina, located at 120 Marina Drive, off of DeSoto Boulevard just one mile inside the West Gate, is the newest Hot Springs Village amenity for members and guests to enjoy. The Grand Opening celebration was held on September 5th for this much anticipated project focused on creating a whole new look for the ever-evolving destination. Waypoint includes a coffee shop serving up gourmet coffees, smoothies, soft drinks, beer and wine, a fresh-food restaurant Little Penguins Tacos, and lake amenities including gas, bait and tackle, boat slip rental and convenience items. Waypoint is also the home of Basecamp, headquarters for

outdoor adventure, with equipment rentals including canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards and motor boats. Stop by 120 Marina Drive or call 501.922.5511 for more information.

DeSoto Complex Renovations The DeSoto Club, originally designed by E. Faye Jones and built by Cooper Communities in 1972 will be undergoing renovations. The Board approved a 2.2 million dollar renovation project at its April 15, 2015 regular Board meeting. Architectural firm Hight-Jackson Associates, PA of Rogers, Arkansas was selected to provide the plans for the remodel. Larry Perkin, senior partner with the firm, studied under and later worked for E Fay Jones, making this firm the best fit for this exciting upgrade to a historical facility. East Harding of Little Rock, Arkansas will head up the construction management of the project and solicit bids for contractors starting in September 2015. Our goal is to create a long term multi-market solution and first class amenity, while providing an opportunity to attract tomorrow’s residents and guests.


Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

The new center will not only include improvements on the interior design, but will also provide some much needed functional space as well. The new design features a three-tiered patio with flexible seating on the upper, middle and lower levels to accommodate regular dining, as well as special events. A fire pit will be located on the lower patio along with a recirculating water feature dropping over a seven-foot tall rock wall into a catch basin. The inside of the facility will accommodate space for both main and private dining. The kitchen will be able to service the full-scale of food and beverage restaurant events, catering for golf events and other events when needed. A projected completion date is mid-2016.

Notable in Hot Springs Village 2015-16 Urban Deer Hunt The 2015-2016 Urban Deer Hunt for Hot Springs Village, an archery only deer hunt began on September 1, 2015 and continues through February 28, 2016. The hunt is being regulated by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) and all rules will be enforced under AGFC guidelines during the hunt. Arkansas Bowhunters’ Association (ABA) handled the registration. Two hundred and sixty two registered hunters attended a mandatory Orientation Meeting on August 15th in Hot Springs Village. In addition to attending the Orientation Meeting, all hunters participating in the hunt were required to attend a Bowhunter Education Class, pass a shooting proficiency test, possess a valid AGFC Sportsman hunting license and be a least 16 years of age. Hunters must also possess a valid vehicle dash placard issued by HSV.

Why do we need these Urban Deer Hunts? Research has shown that the deer population is growing all over the country, not just in Arkansas. The deer that were once considered cute little creatures are now growing in numbers and becoming a menace to the urban home owner. These once cute and cuddly creatures are tearing up gardens, spreading disease, and causing millions of traffic accidents every year. To help with this growing concern the Arkansas Game and Fish (AGFC) has joined forces with the Arkansas Bowhunters’ Association to help control the growing population. Together they have agreed on a set of rules that will make this a safe and ethical means for controlling the growing population. The first adult deer harvested must be donated to Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry.

Fire Station Open House

Fire Prevention Week for 2015 has been announced and is October 4th thru the 10th. Hot Springs Village Fire Chief Jason Miller and his staff will be hosting an Open House at the Cortez Fire Station at 110 Cortez Road on October 10th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. There will be goody bags for the children. Fun and games will include: fire hose practice, bounce house and truck tours. Hot dogs and chips will be served.

The events of the day are scheduled as follows: 10:30 a.m. Repelling 11:30 a.m. Propane gas fire 12:30 p.m. Extrication 1:30 p.m. Structure Fire in training tower Sponsors of the event are: Village Assembly of God and Sams Club. Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate


Golf News Golf Department News A major accomplishment was achieved in August as Hot Springs Village converted accounting software and reservation system over to the new Total E Integrated multi-function software platform. This conversion included the Golf Department with new tee sheets, new Point of Sale registers in the Golf Shops and a new web portal for the use of our membership.

launched on August 1st followed by the member’s web portal being activated a few days later. As with all changes, especially one of this magnitude, everyone was nervous as to its outcome. With numerous training sessions for staff and members, everyone is again making tee times and back on the golf courses enjoying the summer season. Nothing actually disrupted our day-today needs to play golf!

Ray Metz To start this conversion, the Golf Department Director of Golf needed to transfer over 5,000 tee times for the Chelsea tee sheets to the new Total E software. Dur- On behalf of the entire Golf Department, I would like ing this transition, Chelsea was “locked” from use with to say a personal thank you to our members for their blackout dates that extended for a week. Upon all the tee patience and understanding during this great improvetimes and lotteries falling into place, the new system was ment for the Village.

Troon Drives Marketing Efforts for Golf in the Village The summer golf season is in full swing and Hot Springs Village is looking towards a great fall. The Golf Department would like to provide an update of the summer’s marketing campaign that has brought awareness to the regional and national golf market highlighting great golf courses to enjoy in the Village. Troon Golf Vacations, the travel partner for Troon Golf, has access to an inventory of over 50 rental homes throughout the Village. These homes include golf course, lakefront and secluded home sites that showcase all the various types of home lots that are available in HSV. Troon Golf Vacations also has access to hotel rooms in Hot Springs that offer the night life of Central Avenue along with Oaklawn Gaming and Oaklawn Racing during race season.

proud to say that through June, over 10,000 rounds of golf have been enjoyed during the afternoon twilight rates and over 3,000 guests have enjoyed reduced rates when playing with their friends who are members. Also, the Troon Advantage program continues to be enjoyed by the membership as over 250 members have traveled to California, Arizona, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Nevada, Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Montana, Colorado, Oregon, Connecticut and even Mexico, to play Troon managed golf clubs through the web portal. The Troon Advantage benefit provides access to Troon managed clubs around the world at preferred rates offered to the members of Hot Springs Village.

The marketing that has been created to support Hot Springs Village golf package promotions include email blast, print advertisement and direct mail. The marketing campaign has now reached over 1.2 million golfers throughout the United States and has produced over 2,100 rounds of golf that represent over $125,000 in additional revenue to the golf operation. In addition to the outside marketing, Hot Springs Village is also focusing on membership service. New rates were introduced this spring to include twilight rates in the late afternoon and early evenings, along with reduced guest fees for member accompanied guests. The Golf Department is


Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

Hot Springs Village has enjoyed a great summer season, (once the rains stopped) and is in a perfect place for continued enjoyment of our great golf courses heading into the fall.

Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER 10 11 11 12 12 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19-20 20 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 25 25 26 26 29 29 29

Farmers’ Market, Grove Park Karaoke, Balboa Club FOCCL Trivia Night, CCC Give My Regards to Broadway, Woodlands Country Two Steppers, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club POA Board Meeting, Ponce A Team, CCC Farmers’ Market, Grove Park Diamond Square Dance, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Lions Bingo, CCC Artisan Market, Grove Market Tribute to Abba, Woodlands Merry Mixers, CCC Arkansas Amateur Tour State Championships, Isabella Rhythm Jam, Grove Park Nutrition Class, CFC Karaoke, Balboa Club AWL Putting on Dogs & Cats, CCC A Team, CCC Farmers’ Market, Grove Park HSVPOA Home Builders Ser., CCC Diamond Square Dance, CCC Member/Guest Tourn., Magellan Member/Guest Tourn., Isabella Member/Guest Tourn., Granada BeBoppers Dance, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club 14th Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research Village Stock, Grove Park Nutrition Class, CFC Karaoke, Balboa Club Musical Note - Jackie B & Me, CCC

OCTOBER 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 6

Farmers’ Market, Grove Park Diamond Square Dance, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Lions Bingo, CCC Village Pride Day, Cortez Pavilion Boys/Girls Lions, Balboa Rock Porch –Markus Pearson, Grove Park Showcase of Arts, Ponce Merry Mixers, CCC Teen Challenge Tourn., Magellan Karaoke, Balboa Club

8 Farmers’ Market, Grove Park 8 Diamond Square Dance, CCC 9 Karaoke, Balboa Club 9 Country 2-Steppers, CCC 10 HSV Fire Department Open House, Cortez Fire Station 10 Kiwanis Brat fest, CCC 10 Knights of Columbus State Tourn.,Granada 11 Literary Festival, CCC 13 VFW Ladies Aux. Card Party, CCC 13 Karaoke, Balboa Club 14 Technology Day, CCC 14 A Team, CCC 15 Farmers’ Market, Grove Park 15 Diamond Square Dance, CCC 16 Karaoke, Balboa Club 16 Lions Bingo, CCC 17 Evening Lions Pancake Day, CCC 17 Elite Sporting Events Charity Tourn., Magellan 17 Merry Mixers, CCC 18 Rhythm Jam, Grove Park 20 - 23 HSVCA-Ricky Skaggs, Ponce 20 Karaoke, Balboa Club 21 POA Board Meeting, Ponce 21 A Team, CCC 22 Newcomers’ Coffee, Ponce 22 Farmers’ Market, Grove Park 22 Diamond Square Dance, CCC 23 Karaoke, Balboa Club 24 Harvest Fest, Balboa Spillway 24 Kiwanis Club of HSV Spaghetti Dinner, CCC 27 Musical Note- Jackie B & Me, CCC 27 Karaoke, Balboa Club 29 Farmers’ Market, Grove Park 29 Diamond Square Dance, CC 28 A Team, CCC 30 Beboppers’ Dance, CCC 30 Karaoke, Balboa Club

NOVEMBER 3 4 - 7 4 5 6 6 7 10 11 12

Karaoke, Balboa Club HSVCA The Hitman, Ponce A Team, CCC Diamond Square Dance Lions Bingo, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Merry Mixers, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club A Team, CCC Symphony Guild Soiree, CCC

12 13 14 15 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 24 24 27 28 28

Diamond Square Dance, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Heifer Int’l. Project, CCC Rhythm Jam, Grove Park Karaoke, Balboa Club POA Board Meeting, Ponce A Team, CCC Diamond Square Dance, CCC Lions Bingo, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Arts & Crafts Fair, CCC Merry Mixers, CCC Musical Note-Jackie B & Me, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Karaoke, Balboa Club Colt & the Old 45s, Ponce Reindeer Romp & Christmas Tree Lighting, Grove Park

DECEMBER 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 22 29 31

Karaoke, Balboa Club A Team, CCC Newcomers Coffee, Ponce Diamond Square Dance, CCC Lions Bingo, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Merry Mixers, CCC Cocoa, Cookies, Carols, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club A Team, CCC Diamond Square Dance, CCC Beboppers’ Dance, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Children’s’ Christmas Party, Ponce Musical Note- Jackie B & Me, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club POA Board Meeting, Ponce A Team, CCC Diamond Square Dance, CCC Lions Bingo, CCC Karaoke, Balboa Club Merry Mixers, CCC Rhythm Jam, Grove Park Karaoke, Balboa Club Karaoke, Balboa Club Merry Mixer’s New Year’s Eve Dance, CCC

Coronado Community Center: CCC Coronado Fitness Center: CFC Coronado Tennis Center: CTC Ponce de Leon Center: Ponce Woodlands Auditorium: Woodlands

Fall 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate


Hot Springs Village


895 DeSoto Boulevard Hot Springs Village, AR 71909

Board of Directors to Meet Once a Month The Board of Directors approved a revision to the frequency of its monthly meetings from twice per month to once per month, at the May 20, 2015 regular meeting. Effective June 2015, Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Ouachita Building at the Ponce de Leon Center located at 1105 DeSoto Boulevard. The once per month schedule is aimed at improving efficiency by combining the work meeting and regular board meeting. Board meeting agendas will include Old, Current and New Business items. Board meetings are open to the public and all members are encouraged to attend.

State Weeks The Hot Springs Village State Weeks promotion provides the opportunity for guests to play golf at reduced rates when they book a tee time during their respective state’s week. Invite your family and friends to visit during their state week and they will enjoy our fabulous amenities at reduced rates. Guests are welcome any time. You don’t have to be a member to play. But if you’d like to save money, plan to visit during your state week. Email to book your play, then just show your state drivers’ license at check in. 12 Hot Springs Village Advocate Fall 2015

2015 State Week Dates are as follows: Sep 7-13: Washington

Nov 9-15: Minnesota

Sep 14-20: Hawaii

Nov 16-22: Texas

Sep 21-27: Utah

Nov 23-29: North Carolina

Sep 28-Oct 4: Washington DC Nov 30-Dec 6: Florida Oct 5-11: Colorado

Dec 7-13: Pennsylvania

Oct 12-18: Wisconsin

Dec 14-20: New Hampshire

Oct 19-25: California

Dec 21-27: Arizona

Oct 26-Nov 1: New York

Dec 28-Jan 3: Puerto Rico

Nov 2-8: Michigan

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