Volume 39, No. 1
Spring 2015
West Gate Fountain Restoration Complete Page 4
Spring 2015 Hot Springs Advocate 1 Photo Village by Renee Steinpreis
A Message from Our Board President Spring is Right Around the Corner
Time for All of Us to Enjoy What Our Village has to Offer David Twiggs, our Chief Operating Officer, has the our new Director of Golf. We have the capacity for right vision and skill set to move our Village forward. new golfers to enjoy our super courses. Our Three-Prong Plan for Funding our Future (Assessments, Amenity Subsidization, If golf is not your game, how about some tenand Growth) provides the blueprint for our nis or pickleball, take in an event at the WoodVillage’s financial future. lands, or have a good workout at the Coronado Fitness Center. Enjoy a trail, or spend time at Now that our community has openly faced Grove Park or the reinvigorated Balboa Beach our financial reality through a spirited asarea. Take advantage of all your amenities. Keith Keck sessment campaign, work on some key inBoard President frastructure needs to move forward. Our The third prong of growth is really getting kicklong-term future is bright; but first we need to fix our started. Your POA Board approved the expansion of near-term infrastructure challenges created by time Mount Carmel Community for another 22 new garden and underfunding over the last decade. homes. A second exciting developmental venture is the planned luxury motor coach resort, what a unique First up will be the renovation of the DeSoto Event opportunity to reach a new market and attract potenComplex, to get the clubhouse and restaurant op- tial new residents to become part of our Village. erational again for golfers and diners, plus address the DeSoto Pool deficiencies. At the same time, we Please remember we all were visitors to the Village at need to tackle our water and sewer infrastructure one time, so let’s keep the welcome mat out there. challenges, as well as stay ahead of our road/pave- David Twiggs continues to work diligently with other ment issues. potential investors to develop new opportunities to enhance our Village and attract a new generation of While handling our infrastructure challenges is our property owners with some fresh new product ideas. most urgent need, it is also time for our community to tackle the two other prongs of David’s plan, amenity To all property owners...Thank you for all your supsubsidization and growth. port and prayers during my term. Attacking amenity subsidies not only falls on the POA staff, but just as importantly on all of us as property owners. What a perfect opportunity we all have to introduce potential Villagers to the great amenities here. Invite that friend or family member to enjoy the new reduced afternoon golf rates introduced by Ray Metz,
In This Issue
Update With Keith Keck, Board President . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Money Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hot Springs Village News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Notable in Hot Springs Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
It has been my distinct pleasure to serve our Village for the last three years on the POA Board. A BIG THANK YOU to my wife, Julie for all her patience and support. Now it is time for us to enjoy our retirement together and for me to work on getting my golf handicap back to a respectable number. Property Owners’ Association Advocate Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5556 Email Address: administration@hsvpoa.org Website: www.hsvpoa.org Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Ella Scotty
Volume XXXIX, Number 1
PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-847 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS – Additional Entry, Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $450.24 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 21,607 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019-847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Money Matters FY2014 Preliminary Financials Point to a Shifting Business Model
Despite the year’s internal and external challenges, Decreases in golf rounds and investment interest earnHot Springs Village POA ended 2014 with a net worth ings, coupled with growing assessment delinquencies, of $72.2mil. While revenue and cash missed led to missing revenue projections by $667k for the year. In response, $974k of budgeted capital budget projections, the staff and Board demspending was halted. Additionally, operational onstrated their commitment to strengthenexpense control measures were implemented ing the long term financial position through various actions. Those actions included staff throughout the 4th quarter. and resource realignment, cost containment, a partnership with Troon Golf, development While 2014 had its share of lows and highs, and ongoing refinement of the village master Lesley Nalley 2015 will be a year of looking forward towards new opportunities in the shifting national ecoplan, expanding water capacity, and compleCFO tion of smaller-scale value added projects to spark re- nomic landscape. To fully capitalize on these opportunities, we remain committed to understanding newed interest in this beautiful community. and addressing assessment delinquencies, designing comprehensive fee structures that adequately supFinancial highlights for the year include: port long term goals, attracting new buyers, provid • Total revenues, less bad debt allowances, ing maximum value for current property owners, were $27.652mil. and aligning personnel, policies, and resources for • Operational expenses totaled $25.009mil accountable, agile operations. • Capital spending totaled $4.735mil
HSV Technology Integration to Improve Member & Visitor Experience In 2014, the Hot Springs Village Property Owner’s Association and Total e Integrated, a golf management and business solutions company, embarked on a major business and golf management system replacement. The primary objective is to improve the customer experience in all interactions at Hot Springs Village. Additional objectives are to improve customer relationship management, financial reporting and business intelligence, and the web experience for members and guests. Replacing aging business and point of sale systems play an integral role in our future growth.
ber and guest information can be quickly and easily accessed by the various POA staff while providing consolidated web based account access. Finally, the Total e Integrated solution includes marketing and website development, improving information collection and customized communications for an upgraded customer experience. According to Project Manager, Erick Sherman, “the discovery phase has been completed. This phase involved identifying the many business, golf, recreation, marketing, web, and point of sale requirements. Development of specific system elements is in progress and configuration of the new system on HSVPOA servers has started”. Sherman expects initial system testing to begin by the end of March with full system utilization, including ancillary modules, slated throughout 2015.
The new system will employ Total e Integrated golf management system and Microsoft Dynamics GP business management in a fully integrated structure. This provides tighter financial controls as point of sale financial information flows automatically into the financial and accounting programs, eliminating extensive manual transfers required for the present The board approved the project in September, 2014 systems. In addition, with the Total e solution, mem- at a total cost of $400,000. Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
Hot Springs Village News West Gate Fountain Restoration Complete
Originally called “Entrance Park”, the fountains and surrounding area at the Hwy. 7 entrance, was designed by famous Arkansas architect and designer E. Fay Jones and constructed in 1970 through 1974. Cooper Communities, Inc. issued a “Special Warranty Deed” on December 30, 1971, assigning the front gate (Entrance Park) to the Property Owners’ Association.
The iconic fountain became a landmark structure identifying Hot Springs Village. Over the years, the fountains at the front gate have been repaired several times during their existence. In May of 1991, the water tower of the main fountain was refurbished, which The Sentinel Record described as having its first face lift since its design and construction. In the following years, the fountains underwent additional repairs including, structural repairs, rock work, new lighting and painting.
ment, new LED lighting, replica of E. Fay Jones metal sculpture, fountain replacement, waterfall and signage improvements, irrigation system improvements and demolition of the old guard house.
The project was completed using in-house labor enabling the original scope of work to be completed under budget. The savings made it possible to add new landIn the fall of 2012 the 42-year-old iconic fountain tow- scaping, entrance signs, and installation of three er had to be dismantled because of deterioration. The new fountains in the south pond all within the origtower was literally falling apart, cracking, and crum- inal project budget. bling pieces could be found nearby. Plus, the pond’s liner had deteriorated causing water leakage into the The restoration of the entire West Gate Entrance, a vault where pumps and electric equipment were held. landmark that has welcomed members and guests for The pond liner, pumps and electrical system needed many years, was completed in January 2015. The new stone-wall signage and landscaping, in the area where to be replaced. the old guard house once stood, add to the aesthetAt the October 16, 2013 regular board meeting, the ics and curb appeal of the area. The West Gate Enboard approved a budget of $400,000 for the West Gate trance once again provides a landmark identifying Restoration project, which included pond liner replace- Hot Springs Village throughout the region.
H ot S prings V illage
Annual Meeting Set for May 4 at 3:00 p.m. at the Ouachita Activities Building, Ponce de Leon Center. For more information, call 501-922-5530.
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
Board Approves Bylaw Amendments
The Board of Directors approved several amendments to the POA Bylaws as recommended by the ad hoc Governing Documents Committee at the Oct. 15, 2014 regular meeting. The current Bylaws are available on the website at www.hsvpoa.org |Governance| Governing Documents| Bylaws.
Hot Springs Village News East Gate Enhancements
The East Gate entrance enhancement project is completed and is a beautiful addition to Hot Springs Village. Now members and visitors turning off of Highway 5 onto DeSoto Boulevard are welcomed through two new stonecovered signage walls that frame the road on both sides. On the face of the stone walls, brushed aluminum lettering spells out Hot Springs Village. New landscaping, designed by member, Al Edmondson and set in place by the members of the HSV Men’s Garden Club compliment the stone walls, and enhanced led lighting illuminates the signage adding a finishing touch to the area. The project also includes the addition of a bypass lane, which enhances customer service and improves the efficiency of traffic flow at the gates. The Bypass lane accommodates vehicles withHSVwindowdecalsenteringwithouthavingtostopatthe guard house. Visitors and vehicles without HSV decals enter
through the inside lane and must stop at the guard house before entering. The project was completed at a significant cost savings by using in-house labor. According to Jason Temple, Director of Public Works, Golf department employees lent a helping hand to Public Works crews, in addition to the voluntary landscaping work performed by the HSV Men’s Garden Club.
Hot Springs Village Acquires Fuel Stop Building and Property In December 2014, the Property Owners’ Association acquired the Fuel Stop Building and property on Balearic Road from Coulson Oil for the drastically discounted purchase price of $26,400. The property, which is located on the corner of Balearic Road and Ponderosa lane is conveniently located near the Coronado Community Center, tennis center and fitness center.
of December stating that they were ready to sell and would consider an offer. The POA offered $29,000, which represents the purchase price of $26,400 plus current year taxes. This offer was less than 10% of the original asking price.
The POA completed due diligence on the property, including any liabilities or legalities of purchasing the “When I arrived a year and a half ago, the member- fuel tanks, and a review of subsequent inspections ship identified this property as a key eyesore because from ADEQ. of its high profile location, said David Twiggs, COO”. Twiggs and Linda Mayhood, Assistant General Man- “While there is no immediate plan for the building, reager, met with the Fuel Stop owner, Coulson Oil, at moving the negative impact the building has on the area is a priority. We are fortunate the interests of Coulson that time to discuss their plans for the property. Oil and Hot Springs Village aligned to allow us to acCoulson Oil marketed the property for well over quire this property at such a minimal cost and we look $300,000 throughout the past year, turning down several forward to seeing this property become a viable asset to offers that did not quite reach that level. During that our community in the future”, said Twiggs. time, the POA did not make an offer, but kept in communications over the past year, reminding Coulson Oil The Board and staff will be looking at options for usage, which range from use as a POA facility, lease to a busiof our continuing interest should conditions change. ness or putting the property up for sale. No decisions Coulson Oil contacted the POA during the last week have been made at this time. Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
2015 Board Candidates Five Vie for Hot Springs Village Board Seats Five candidates have submitted applications and have been certified to be placed on the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors election ballot. Three seats are up for election, replacing Directors Bobbie Bateman Keith Keck, and Frank Leeming.
Candidates were also required to submit a petition with 50 signatures of members in good standing requesting that their name appear on the election ballot. Ballots will be mailed on Friday, March 6. All ballots must be received back to the Hot Springs Village Administration Office no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25. On Candidates have drawn for ballot position as follows: Mar- Thursday, March 26, ballots will be counted and a press cy Mermel, John Weidert, George Parker, Bobbie Bateman release will be issued with the results. Newly elected and Clark Vernon. Candidates must be members in good board members will be seated at the conclusion of the standing and may not be Property Owners’ Association Wednesday, April 16 HSV Regular Board Meeting. employees. Candidates are required to submit a statement of up to 500 words representing individual views including Statements for each of the five candidates are included background information, number of years as a property on the following pages. The Hot Springs Village POA owner, current community involvement, and reasons for does not attest to the accuracy of any facts stated in wanting to serve on the Board of Directors. the candidate resumes.
Marcy Mermel “Information into Transformation... Intention into Action” In 1991, my best friend moved to this mysterious place called “Hot Springs Village - the Largest Gated Golf Community in the Country”. Golf being my passion, I visited annually (as a non-resident), watching the community grow and change, knowing more with every stay that I was fated to become a “Villager”. The financial market of 2011 was opportune to purchase a home as a golf retreat until I might retire. Surprisingly, my Chicago commitments altered, allowing residency in April, 2013. Certain that HSV was my “Last Residential Destination”; I further invested in my future by purchasing 4 of the 5 lots that surround my home. POA Board - WHY? Because I want to secure my financial and pro6
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
found investment, and help create the means for a stronger, more viable, vital community...isn’t that what we all want for ourselves?
(NICAR), and NICAR’s “Realtor of the Year’’.
I am a specialist at analyzing investment, owner/user, and special-use property; including evaluation of I am President of Change contracts, leases, appraisals and Title.... UnLtd., founded in 2001. wouldn’t this be of value on the board? As a Transition Specialist, I assist small Business with Graduating from University of Illinois CHANGE: mergers; acquis- in Business Administration, plus MBA tions; ownership; growth experience in Accounting/Finance, or down-sizing; Recovery; Buy/Sell lead to an important segment of my preparation; to management develop- career in Small Business Administrament and finance. tion Lending. Beginning in 1990, with 2 National Companies, I was ‘”Top I am an expert at identifying needs SBA Lender in Illinois”. For 12 years, and creating plans for successful tran- I consulted with hundreds of Small Business Concerns - helping them sition...isn’t this what HSV needs? grow, develop, and change into A commercial real estate broker successful, sustainable entities. since 1984, I proudly hold the prestigious CCIM Designation. In 1997, I am a professional that knows what I was deemed the “Trifecta” as Presi- it takes to be the best at what I do... dent of the Illinois CCIM Chapter, doesn’t HSV want to be the BEST it President of the Northern Illinois can be? Commercial Association of Realtors See MERMEL page 10
2015 Board Candidates John Weidert
our veterans and the wounded warriors I believe Hot Springs Village (HSV) in Arkansas. I was also a member of is at a crossroads and several very im- the POA Recreation Committee and portant choices are going to served as Chairman. That be made soon that will chart position gave me the opporour course as a community. tunity to facilitate the mainThese decisions must contenance and enhancement of tinue to be made by the POA current amenities while proBoard as a result of honest viding additional amenities and open debate. If elected, the property owners could I will work with the POA enjoy. I also served on the Board members and General Man- HSV Long Range Vision Committee ager to achieve this goal. and Assessment Committee, both of which are concerned with growing Since moving to the Village I have and sustaining our wonderful Village been involved in many clubs and or- lifestyle. ganizations. I am currently President of the HSV Military Officers Associ- In my over 30 years of career military ation of America. Our chapter makes service, I held positions as a Cost a positive difference in the lives of Analyst, Budget Analyst, Financial
George Parker
prepares me for the many challenges My wife Clare and I are Arkansas facing the POA Board of Directors. I natives, have been married 56 years have served as President, CEO, owner of several large and small and we have two children and companies(20-500 employfive grandchildren. We moved ees) engaged in both state to the Village in 2008 from El and interstate commerce. Dorado for retirement. Over the years we have visited I believe Hot Springs Vilmany areas of the country, lage has an exciting but chalbut after visiting with friends lenging future. My four year in the Village, decided this tenure on the Architectural Control was the place to live. Committee(ACC), the last one and I graduated from the University of a half as Chairman, will help me unArkansas in Monticello with a De- derstand the complexities and steps gree in Business Administration and required to effectively control future a minor in Accounting and com- growth of our Village. I have a workpleted a number of management and ing knowledge of the HSV Declaraaccounting Continuing Education tion and Protective Covenants and courses. My business background served on the Ad Hoc Committee
Analyst and Comptroller. During my last year of military service I was the chief financial officer for all allied military operations in Afghanistan, managing the expenditure of over 15 billion dollars in operational funding. For two additional years, I served as the contracting officer responsible for administering and monitoring all financial functions in support of the USA office of the Combined Security Transition Command and the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan. I believe my financial management formal education, experience and expertise will serve to make HSV a more financially secure community, one we can all be proud to call home. See WEIDERT page 11
formed to revise the Covenants and the ACC Procedures. By attending most of the POA Board meetings since 2008, I have gained a deep understanding of how the Board functions and what will be expected of me as a Board member. I am fiscally conservative, yet I have an open mind to new ideas and thinking outside of the box to accomplish Board goals. My business management and accounting experience have taught me to be an effective leader, requiring a level head and a knowledge of all the facts before making decisions. I believe these attributes would allow me to be an effective POA Board of Directors member. See PARKER page 9
Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
2015 Board Candidates Bobbie Bateman I am completing my first term as a POA Board of Director with some high points and some low points but overall a challenging, rewarding experience. In that time we interviewed and hired a new COO/ GM who in turn hired a new CFO, a new Director of Public Works and most recently a new Director of Golf when John Paul retired after 17 years of service. We are beginning to turn around a new Business Model. What worked well 44 years ago isn’t what is needed today in the changing real estate development market.
Clark Vernon
I have a two year certificate from Alabama State in General Business and I audited a Masters Course in Community Development at University of Kentucky in Louvisville. I want to continue to serve on the POA Board of Directors to be a part of the growth of Hot Springs Village. My Professional skills and life experiences will help to make that happen. My careers included service in the Air Force at a time of great change there, I spent over 9 years as a Girl Scout Professional, similar to a POA Department Director, working for a Board Of Directors; 13 years as an Executive Director of two different YWCAs, again
First – vote NO on the two-tier assessment increase. Liana and I purchased our lot in the Village in 2002, began construction Second – let’s change the board. I ask for your vote so we can in 2008, and moved in 2010. be sure: Originally from South Florida, since 1995 we had lived 1. The Declaration is adin Hattiesburg, Miss., and hered to, or changed if necthe Memphis area. In 1963 essary, and that all stakeI lived in St. Joe, Ark., and in holders have an equal voice. 1964 attended the School of 2. All stakeholders are the Ozarks. The Mountains heard, and governance is open. and acquaintances drew me back. 3. Village growth is part of every Electing three board members comes agenda. on the heels of a contentious vote on 4. Needs are appropriately funded a two-tiered assessment proposed by from appropriate sources. the current board majority. Several 5. Special interests do not impose boards have made numerous mis- their will. takes and lost a decade of opportu- 6. Board members and POA staff nity. We can’t afford them anymore. are accountable. 8
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
working for Boards of Directors. At the YWCA in Louisville, Ky I started the first Rape Center in Ky and the first Spouse Abuse Center. We also started the first non-Traditional Jobs for Women at a time that women were trying to get into better paying jobs to support their families. I was with John Hancock Financial Services for 15 years eventually becoming the owner of my own General Agency and sold it when I went on the National Staff as a Regional Trainer helping General Agents learn to run a profitable agency. I also served on the Board of Directors of the local Goodwill Agency. So I have had experience both working for Boards of Directors and serving on a Board of Directors. See BATEMAN page 10
7. Accounting and financial reporting are dependable and accurate. My experience in finance and real estate prepared me to contribute to the Village’s direction and governance. I’m a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in management and finance. I have a masters degree in accounting from the University of Memphis. I was a commercial banker for 26 years in Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee. I have expertise in large commercial, industrial and real-estate loans from all aspects, to include: origination; administration; workout, and policy. I have been an auditor. See VERNON page 9
VERNON continued from page 8
My military experience includes three years active service with the terminal rank of captain. I’m very active in multiple capacities with the College of the Ozarks (formerly known as School of the Ozarks) near Branson, Mo., and its alumni program. To be successful, the Village must be able to deal with limited resources, an aging infrastructure and promote balanced growth by positioning itself to take advantage of the remaining 10 years of the largest (in history) senior population segment to retire in this country. I believe I can help with that, and ask you for your vote.
PARKER continued from page 7
Currently I am a board member of HSV Evenings Lions Club, member of the Executive Committee and serve as Assistant Treasurer. I am past Chairman of the Board of Deacons and Elder of the First Presbyterian Church of El Dorado, and served as Chairman of the El Dorado Chamber of Commerce. In addition I was a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, past President of El Dorado Lions Club, Teenage Club, and Racquet Club.
I have the ability to mediate differences and will work toward a better and more harmonious relationship with all property owners, support fiscally responsible proposals that foster growth and financial stability. We must continue to pursue an effective management program, wisely use our resources and preserve the aesthetics and infrastructure of our Village. I respectfully ask for your vote and, if elected, I pledge to represent all property owners. My e-mail address is: georgeg4730@sbcglobal.net.
Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
2015 Board Candidates MERMEL continued from page 6 I WILL: While serving on several other as- • Remain an exceptionally sociation boards, including 9 years motivating, inspiring, and at Harper College: Member - Real indefatigable leader; Estate Advisory Board; Adjunct • Create a synergistic working Faculty; and State Certified CE Inenvironment with fellow structor, I was an avid public speakDirectors, Staff and Management; er for the College, my Employers, • Expend 100% of my business and the Government itself. acumen, marketing prowess, visioning skills, and best I am a master communicator, both in practices; speaking and listening: direct, factual • Employ my acute ability to and fair...isn’t open, honest communilisten without filters to all cation what we’ve all been waiting for? sides and points of view, from residents and non-residents alike. I can take any challenge, no matter how large or complex, and clearly For information, questions, or my see the step-by-step means to an complete curriculum vitae, go to accomplished end. mgmermel511@gmail.com
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
BATEMAN continued from page 8
My Village volunteer experience includes the Trails Committee, the Recreation Committee, HSV Community Development Committee and the POA Strategic Planning Committee. I chaired the Arts and Entertainment sub committee for the 40th Anniversary Celebration and served as the first President of the then newly formed Village Arts Council and have been a long time member of the Village Players. I have been a member of the Village Quilt Guild. I also have been a member of the Friends of the Village, a group dedicated to improving and maintaining the quality of life in Hot Springs Village. I ask for your vote and support again for another term.
Stay informed WEIDERT continued from page 7
If elected, my three main objectives as a board member will be: (1). To ensure all landmark policy changes are preceded by an open and inclusive process. (2). To help establish and implement a new HSV business strategy designed to enhance our financial stability, maintain and upgrade our existing facilities and amenities and market and attract new people to HSV. (3). To work closely with the ten HSV Standing Committees, using their committee members knowledge and expertise in a more effective way to execute the HSV Strategic Plan to achieve our critical short and long term goals.
G et the latest H ot S prings V illage news and events in the V illage D igest eblast ! From golf and marketing to recreation and more, the Village Digest offers information about projects and news as well as upcoming events. To subscribe, go to www. hsvpoa.org and click on the Sign Up for E-News button located on the top of the home page. and resident property owners. I will work to protect everyone’s investment and increase all property values. If elected, I pledge to work with the POA Board Members and General Manager to maintain an open, honest and inclusive proI ask you to vote for me in the up- cess, making the course-altering coming POA Board of Directors changes needed to ensure this election. I totally recognize that community has a financially stable, HSV is comprised of nonresident viable and dynamic future. My wife Connie and I have been homeowners in the Village since 2007. We chose HSV because of the gated security, natural beauty, laid-back lifestyle, and the many diverse and interesting activities.
Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
Hot Springs Village News Mt. Carmel Community at the Village Moves into Phase III Mt. Carmel representatives stated they have a waiting list for the 22 garden homes, each of which include 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a fully equipped kitchen and laundry room, an attached enclosed garage and covered patio. Meals and housekeeping are included. All utilities, including internet, cable and local phone service are provided. Indoor and outdoor maintenance and lawn care and maintenance are also provided. The independent living garden home is the most popular senior living option in the Mr. Carmel Community. Mt. Carmel Community at the Village will begin development soon on Phase III of its senior-living community. The owners presented the Phase III concept and site plans during the January 7, 2015 Board work session. Subsequently, the POA Board approved a development agreement with the owners of Mt. Carmel during the January 21, 2015 Regular Meeting. The agreement covers the construction of 22 garden homes, each having 1,300 square feet, and a 3,400 square foot community clubhouse.
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
Mount Carmel Community at the Village includes a 60,000 sq. ft. facility with studio apartments, deluxe apartments, a memory care facility, a 30,000 sq. ft secure court yard and 16 garden homes. Mount Carmel is located on 22 acres, just outside the Balboa Gate on Ponce de Leon Dr. and Highway 5, and is considered a part of Hot Springs Village. Residents of Mt. Carmel are eligible to take advantage of the many services and amenities of Hot Springs Village.
Hot Springs Village News Desoto Marina and Lake Coronado Boat Slips to be Operated by HSV POA
A priority goal of the HSVPOA is to enhance customer experience by adding value to our amenities. Desoto Marina and Lake Coronado Boat Slips, which are currently under a commercial lease agreement, with K & L Marine, will be brought into HSVPOA internal operations on or before Apr. 6. Assuming management of the facilities will provide the HSVPOA the opportunity to add value to these properties by further developing recreational amenities, services and opportunities.
DeSoto Marina and Coronado Boat Slip facilities, at a cost of $86,500.
Lake DeSoto was completed in 1972 and covers approximately 200 acres; amenities include a boat launch and a full service marina. Under HSVPOA management, DeSoto Marina will continue to operate as a fullservice marina, including rentals of 39 non-covered boat-slips, and fuel sales. In addition, Basecamp activities will be operated out of the DeSoto Marina offering These facilities, owned by the HSVPOA, have been rentals of kayaks, canoes, stand-up paddleboards and leased out for the last several years. The terms of the other recreational equipment. current commercial lease agreement does not provide any revenue to the HSVPOA. However, the HSVPOA Completed in 1976, Lake Coronado covers roughly is responsible for all major maintenance at these facili- 380 acres and includes a boat launch, 20 covered boat ties. In February 2013, the HSVPOA completed re- slips, and 2 non-covered boat slips. HSVPOA will conpairs of the decking and renovation of the docks at the tinue to offer boat-slip rentals at the facility.
Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
NOTABLE IN HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE HSV Members Enjoy Troon Advantage Program Welcome to the World of Troon Golf Advantage Program. Village memas our partnership with Hot Springs bers traveled to and enjoyed golf in Village begins to flourish with the California, Arizona, Texas, Missouri, upcoming golf season. We are proud to report that Nevada, Florida and even Mexico! Please rememHSV members have already enjoyed golf at oth- ber to use TroonAdvantage.com for any of your er Troon managed properties through the Troon upcoming travel plans.
HSV Golf Apps are Now Available, Courtesy of Troon Golf Hot Springs Village announces the availability of HSV Golf Course Apps. These FREE Apps are courtesy of our great new partnership with Troon.
For Apple smart phones and tablets, search by the Golf Course name for the App in the Apple Store then download. For Android smart phones and tablets, search and download from the Play Store. The App features and benefits include: 1) Scorecards 4) GPS Caddie & Pro Tips 2) Facebook link 5) Range Finder 3) Book Tee Times 6) Swing Tips through the app 7) Weather via PlayOST 8) Troon special offers Help share Hot Springs Village golf courses by telling your friends and family to download their favorite course apps, which are available for all HSV courses except Coronado.
Golf Department News With the arrival of the spring golf season, Hot Springs Village would like to announce a few additional benefits that will be offered to our members. First up we will now offer new twilight rates for members to enjoy golf with friends and family in the late afternoon and early evenings. This summer, reduced rates will be available to play golf late in the day at all of the golf courses in the Village. Another new member benefit is discounted rates for your accompanied guests. Any Ray Metz member who plays golf with a guest will be Director of Golf offered discounted rates below the previously charged public rate. Inquire about rates for your guests through our new Call Center in the POA Office, 501-922-5556
Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015
Upcoming Events MARCH
2-8 Connecticut State Week 3 Fitness Center Open House, CFC 3-6 Neil Berg’s 101 Years of Broadway, Woodlands 4 Board Work Session, Ponce 4 A-Team, CCC 6 Karaoke, Balboa Club 6 Lions Bingo, CCC 7 Vienna Boys Choir, Woodlands 7 Merry Mixers 9-15 New Jersey State Week 9-12 Tennis Free for All, CTC 11 A Team, CCC 13 Karaoke, Balboa Club 14 Country Two Steppers, CCC 14 Junior Try Tennis Play Day, CTC 14 Lions Chili Day, CCC 15 Rhythm Jam, Grove Park 16-22 Massachusetts State Week 16-19 Tennis Free for All, CTC 17 St. Patrick’s Day, Balboa Club 18 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce 18 A Team, CCC 19 Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce 20 Karaoke, Balboa Club 20 Lions Bingo, CCC 21 Sol Def, Balboa Club 21 Merry Mixers, CCC 22 HSVTA Fun Sunday 23-29 Iowa State Week 26 FOCCL Presents, CCC 27 Karaoke, Balboa Club 27-29 Spring Fling, Village Card Club 28 Bebopper’s Dance, CCC 28 Bennie Wheels Walkin’ the Line, Tribute to Johnny Cash, Woodlands 30-4/5 Rhode Island State Week 31 The Musical Note featuring Jackie B & Me, CCC Coronado Community Center: CCC Coronado Fitness Center: CFC Coronado Tennis Center: CTC Ponce de Leon Center: Ponce Woodlands Auditorium: Woodlands
1-5 Rhode Island State Week 1 Board Work Session, Ponce 2 Michael Bearden, Balboa Club 3 Lions Bingo, CCC 3 Karaoke, Balboa Club 4 Easter (Hunt & Crafts), Grove Park 4 Rock Porch featuring Midnite Parade, Grove Park 4 Merry Mixers, CCC 5 Easter Service, Woodlands 6-12 Ohio State Week 8 A Team, CCC 10 Karaoke, Balboa Club 10-12 Hollywood Hillbillies presented by Village Players, Woodlands 10 Country Two Steppers, CCC 11 Kiwanis Bar B Q Day, CCC 13-19 Nebraska State Week 15 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce 15 A Team, CCC 17 Lions Bingo, CCC 17 Karaoke, Balboa Club 18 Live Band, Balboa Club 18 Merry Mixers, CCC 19 Artisan Market, Grove Park 19 Rhythm Jam, Grove Park 20-26 Texas State Week 21 Ouachita Speaker Series 21 The Musical Note featuring Jackie B & Me, CCC 21-22 ASGA Women’s Scramble, Granada 22 Earth Day Program, Grove Park 22 A Team, CCC 23 Newcomers’ Coffee, Ponce 23 Wartburg College Wind Ensemble, Woodlands 24 Karaoke, Balboa Club 26 HS Concert Band & Ice Cream Social, Woodlands 27-5/3 Mississippi State Week 27 Chef’s Table, CCC 28 Village Chorale, Woodlands 29 Community Fair, CCC 30 FOCCL Presents, CCC
1 Karaoke, Balboa Club 1 Lions Bingo, CCC 1 Chamber Business Expo, CCC 2 Merry Mixers, CCC 2 Rock Porch featuring Donnie Mathis, Grove Park 4 POA Annual Meeting, Ponce 4-10 New Mexico State Week 5 Cinco de Mayo, Balboa Club 5 Cedar Mountain Singers, Woodlands 6 Board Work Session, Ponce 6 Adult Golf Clinic, Magellan 6 A Team 7 Michael Bearden Music, Balboa Club 8 Karaoke, Balboa Club 8 Country Two Steppers, CCC 9 Arts & Craft Fair, CCC 9 Beboppers, CCC 10-16 Women’s Health Week, CFC 11-17 Louisiana State Week 13 Razorback Golf Tournament, Ponce 13 A Team, CCC 15 Spring in Bloom Garden Expo, Balboa Pavilion 15 Karaoke, Balboa Club 15 Lions Bingo, CCC 16 Merry Mixers, CCC 16 Lions Hamburger Day, CCC 17 Rhythm Jam, Grove Park 17 ASO Youth Orchestra, Woodlands 18-24 Illinois State Week 19 Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce 20 Board Regular Meeting 20 A Team, CCC 22 Karaoke, Balboa Club 25-31 Alaska State Week 26 The Musical Note featuring Jackie B & Me, CCC 27 National Senior Health & Fitness Day, CFC 28 FOCCL Presents, CCC 28-30 Couples Golf Tournament, Golf Courses 29 Karaoke, Balboa Club 30 British Car Show, Ponce Spring 2015 Hot Springs Village Advocate
Hot Springs Village
895 DeSoto Boulevard t Springs Village Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Woodlands 1 GM Planning Coffee, CCC Session, Ponce 2 COC Business Expo, CCC C 2 Lions Bingo, CCC g Coffee, CCC 3 Rock Porch Sessions CCC 3 Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC nament, Balboa Golf 5 Cinco de Mayo Party, Balboa Club Sessions 5 Cedar Mtn. Singers, Woodlands y Mixers Dance, CCC 7 Adult Golf Clinic, Magellan C 7 Board Work Session, Ponce eaker Series, Ponce 7 A Team, CCC oodlands 8 Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce ayak Fishing Tournament 9 Beboppers Dance, CCC Q Day, CCC 10 Spring Arts & Crafts Fair, CCC o Steppers Dance, CCC 10 Country Two Steppers Dance, CCC Titanic, Ponce 8-11 HSVTA Superbowl of Tennis, CTC www.HotSpringsVillageAR.com ner Theater, CCC 11 Symphony Guild Youth Orchestra ar Meeting, Ponce Concert, Woodlands C 12 L'Audible Arts, Ponce Woodlands 13 Village Chorale, Woodlands CCC 14 A Team, CCC Hunt, DeSoto Golf 16 Lions Bingo, CCC y Mixer Dance, CCC 17 Spring in Bloom, CCC od Institute, CCC 17 Evening Lions Hamburger Day, CCC C 17 Village Merry Mixer Dance, CCC Coffee, Ponce 21 Board Regular Meeting, Ponce b Doubles 21 A Team, CCC hips, CTC 23-26 HSVTA Generations, CTC ng Tournament 27 Arkansas Blood Institute, CCC d & Gun Club 28 A Team, CCC Party, Balboa Pavilion 29-31 Couples Golf Tournament Dance, CCC 31 Sounds Spectacular Orchestra, al Estate Open House Woodlands d & Ice Cream Social, 31 British Car Show, Ponce
Play Golf and Give to Others at Upcoming Golf Tournaments
Play golf and give to others by participating in one or more of the upcoming charity tournaments at Hot Springs Village golf courses. For more information, call 501-922-2858. Jun. 20 Jul. 18 Jul. 25 Sep. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 6
Shriner’s - Balboa Knights of Columbus - Magellan SOZO Recovery - Magellan Kiwanis - Magellan Boys and Girls Club/Lions Club - Balboa Teen Challenge - Magellan
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE In addition, the Golf skills Challenge is set for July G AT E WAY T O T H E O U A C H I TA S
1st at Magellan.
EMERGENCY 911 EMERGENCY 911 Main 501-922-5556 MainNumber Number 501-922-5556customerservice@hsvpoa.org customerservice@hsvpoa.org COO/GM 501-922-5550 dtwiggs@hsvpoa.org COO/GM 501-922-5530 dtwiggs@hsvpoa.org Assistant 501-922-5541 lmayhood@hsvpoa.org AssistantGM GM 501-922-5541 lmayhood@hsvpoa.org Accounting 501-922-5556 accounting@hsvpoa.org Accounting 501-922-5556 accounting@hsvpoa.org Fire jmiller@hsvpoa.org FireNon NonEmergency Emergency 501-922-2210 501-922-2210 jmiller@hsvpoa.org Golf 501-922-5545 rmetz@hsvpoa.org Golf 501-922-5549 jpaul@hsvpoa.org Marketing 501-922-5561 dbotkin@hsvpoa.org Marketing 501-922-5561 dbotkin@hsvpoa.org PP&&I I 501-922-5562 bellison@hsvpoa.org 501-922-5562 bellison@hsvpoa.org Police gadams@hsvpoa.org PoliceNon NonEmergency Emergency501-922-0011 501-922-0011 gadams@hsvpoa.org Public 501-922-5524 jtemple@hsvpoa.org PublicWorks Works 501-922-5524 jtemple@hsvpoa.org Recreation 501-922-0322 sheffer@hspoa.org Recreation 501-922-0322 sheffer@hsvpoa.org Tee 501-922-2858 teetimes@hsvpoa.org TeeTimes Times 501-922-2858 teetimes@hsvpoa.org Visitor Center 866-984-9963 Visitor Center 866-984-9963 vc@hsvpoa.org 16 Hot Springs Village Advocate Spring 2015 vc@hsvpoa.org
March 2 – 8: March 9 – 15: March 16 – 22: March 23 – 29: March 30 – April 5: Apr 6 – 12: Apr 13 – 19: Apr 20 – 26: Apr 27 – May 3: May 4 – 10: May 11 – 17: May 18 – 24: May 25 – 31:
Connecticut New Jersey Massachusetts Iowa Rhode Island Ohio Nebraska Texas Mississippi New Mexico Louisiana Illinois Alaska