Advocate Official Publication of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association
Volume 37, No. 2
Summer 2013
Magellan Golf Course Photo: Jerry Dawson, 501-922-5556
Twiggs To Take GM Post in early June DAVID TWIGGS, Chief Operating Plymouth, N.C., where he was Town Officer of Savannah Lakes Village in Manager for three years. Twiggs has a Master’s degree South Carolina has been sein Public Administration and lected by Property Owners’ a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Association Board of Direcand Commercial Recreation tors as the New Hot Springs from Appalachian State UniverVillage Chief Operating Offisity, Boone, N.C. cer/General Manager. Twiggs, He is active with the Urban who is 48 years old, will begin Twiggs Land Institute, American Planhis new post June 10. Twiggs was the top candidate cho- ning Association, U.S. Green Buildsen from among several candidates ing Council, Congress for the New with “excellent credentials and expe- Urbanism, and Club Managers Assorience,” according to former Board ciation of America. President Jerry Kosoglow. “David was picked as clearly the top candidate after two lengthy interviews with Board members and extensive background and reference checks.” Twiggs said he plans to focus on “finding new models for large-scale community associations to positively impact the tourism-based economic development of their region, while improving the association’s livability and competitive marketing advantage.” Before moving to Savannah Lakes in April 2004, Twiggs was General Manager of two golf course communities - Bent Tree Community in Jasper, Ga., for five years, and Linville Land Harbor in Linville, N.C., for four years. Bent Tree and Linville Land Harbor. He began his career in Property Owners’ Association Advocate Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5556 Email address: Website: Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Lisa Watson
Volume XXXVII, Number 2
Twiggs said his education, experience and participation in national associations will advance positive changes for all members, noting an interest in sustainable community development. “Good communities deliver a triple bottom line: Improved quality of life, environmental stewardship and economic development,” he said. The decision to change Twiggs’ title to COO/General Manager reflects a broadened perspective the Board wants him to have relative to See TWIGGS page 8
Summer 2013
PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-874 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS - Additional Entry at Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year, by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $432 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 22,026 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019-847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Board President Keck Highlights HSV Projects TRANSITIONING TO my new paving, your Board also approved a role as your Board President, I want to crack sealing program in conjunction say thank you to Jerry Kosoglow and with the road paving project to preJim Owens for their dedicated service pare the way for the actual paving. to our community Your Board iniin Hot Springs Viltiated action to Keith Keck lage. During their replace the failed President three years on the geo-thermal system Board of Directors board, our financial at the Coronado situation was turned Fitness Center. The around, leaving us replacement system with strong reserve and operating is being engineered, with planned incash positions. This strong cash posistallation to occur later this year. A tion is critical to our undertaking of key factor in this project is the commuch needed infrastructure projects. missioning of professional project Warmer temperatures have finally management/oversight by Crist Enfound Hot Springs Village, though gineering. it did snow in Arkansas in May. Our The first impression a visitor gets extended cold weather this Spring did of Hot Springs Village is driving impact our golf revenues and your through our gates. Both our gates are new Board of Directors is quickly facin need of freshening up, thus your ing some very key decisions. You may Board is carefully reviewing potential be assured your Board understands improvement projects to replace the the need to keep our eyes focused on Fay Jones sculpture at the West Gate your dollars and cents. and to update the less than impresKey Capital Improvement projects sive East Gate. At both ends of the are moving forward. The much needVillage, we need to create more invited Water Plant Expansion is off to a ing entrances to showcase the image good start and on track for a summer of America’s largest gated community. 2014 completion. Your board charGetting ready for the 2014 Budtered the Technical Advisory Panel get Cycle, the process of reviewing (TAP), made up of five retired Vilpotential changes to the current POA lagers with engineering and construcLot Sales and POA Membership Protion management backgrounds, to grams continues. The key balancing provide an independent oversight of factor is ensuring the POA is generthe water plant project. ating some revenue from these proYour Board approved almost $1.5 grams while not doing significant million for road paving to complete damage to the overall real estate/lot over 30 miles of Village roads this market. summer. To complement this road Lastly, our good working relation-
ship with both Saline and Garland County officials again produced some much needed support in the cleanup efforts from the Christmas snow storm. Both counties are approaching completion of the FEMA funded cleanup efforts. Thanks to Saline County Judge Lanny Fite and Garland County Judge Rick Davis for working for our community. A FINAL BIG THANK YOU to Linda Mayhood for her incredible dedication and time in handling the general manager responsibilities over the last seven months. Not only did she keep the place running, she successfully recaptured property owner confidence in management. We all look forward to getting our See PRESIDENT page 9
Hot Springs Village is an active, friendly, gated community with a wide variety of outstanding amenities in a natural environment providing ample opportunities for community involvement and an enriching lifestyle.
Marketing .................................... 21
IN THIS ISSUE New General Manager.................. 2 Board President ........................... 3 Around the Board Table ............... 4 Annual Meeting ............................ 6 General Manager .......................... 7 Gates .............................................. 8 Money Matters ............................ 11 Summer Fun ................................ 14 2013 Project Updates ................. 16 Public Works................................ 17 Golf/Recreation........................... 18 Planning & Inspections .............. 20
Calendar of Events ...................... 23
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
HSV Declaration Changes Take Effect A NUMBER OF amendments to the Hot Springs Village Declaration take effect in 2013. These amendments included changes to assessments and the establishment of imposing monetary fines for single and reoccurring infractions. At a town hall meeting, held April 18, Linda Mayhood, POA Interim General Manager, outlined the Declaration amendments. Amendment to Article XVI The first was an amendment to Article XVI, which was passed Oct. 29, 2002 and became effective April 20, 2006. This amendment determines the current amendment process, which allows seven years between amendment changes, defines a quorum as a majority of owners in good standing, requires two-thirds affirmative vote for amendment approval, a 45-day notice to all owners of any approved amendment prior to recording and an effective
date of one year from date of recording. Amendments to Article X An amendment to Article X, Section 3, which was passed Oct. 3, 2007 and became effective April 20, 2013, deals with changes to the annual assessment. From Jan. 1, 2014, the annual assessment may be increased each year above the previous year using the Consumer Price Index, South Region, All Items.* The assessment increase requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Board. In the same amendment, a change to Article X, Section 5, changed the percentage of members needed to approve an annual assessment without limitations to a majority of each class of members voting in person and or by proxy at a meeting duly called for that purpose. Also Article X, Section 6, was changed to require 30-day written notice of a meeting to change the assessment and a quorum was defined as a majority of members and proxies in good standing. Amendment to Article VIII, Section 3 An amendment outlining member infractions was added to Article VIII, Section 3. In this amendment, the POA was given the right to impose a reasonable monetary penalty for any single incident infraction as defined by the Protective Covenants and published rules and regulations. This penalty may not exceed the annual assessment in effect at the time (currently $432). For ongoing infractions, the POA was given the right to impose a daily monetary penalty. That penalty must not exceed five times the total of the annual assessment (currently $2,160). Monetary penalties, including interest, costs and attorney fees, are the personal obligation of the member. In addition, members have the right to be notified of contesting a monetary penalty by written notification to the POA. The Board or authorized representatives shall hear any contest of the infraction and monetary penalty within 60 days and the decision of the Association is final. For more information, see related story on the POA’s proposed Administrative Fines on pg. 5. An Amendment to Article X, Section 4, on special maintenance assessments was passed Feb. 15, 2012 and becomes See DECLARATION page 9
HotSprings SpringsVillage VillageProperty PropertyOwners’ Owners’Association Association--Summer Spring 2013 Hot 2013
Shelton, Atkins Assume Board Posts HARV SHELTON AND JEFF Atkins were recently elected to the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors for three-year terms, replacing Directors Jerry Kosoglow and Jim Owens. Shelton, who received the most HSV resident votes, has been a member since 2004. A U.S. Air Force colonel, his military experience includes serving as chief of police on the Little Rock Air Force Base, developing the Air Force’s five year budget, leading employees, managing resources and responding to changing conditions in worldwide operations. Shelton has been active in Hot Springs Village, serving on the Lakes and Water Committee for the past four years. He also served as president of the HSV Rotary Club and past di-
rector and treasurer of the HSV Veterans Memorial Foundation. Shelton and his wife, Millie, are active members of Christ of the Hills United Methodist Church. An HSV member for 14 years, this is the second term for Atkins, who served on the Board from 2007-2011. He currently owns three homes and 124 lots in HSV. His experience
BOARD CANDIDATE Harv Shelton Jeff Atkins J. Mike Medica Brent Gray Michael Zabroski Total
includes information systems and consulting, working with the internal audit at ALLTEL and FedEx. Shelton and Atkins were seated April 17 at the conclusion of the Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting and the Board certified the election results on that date. The POA Election Day Committee reported the following results:
RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT VOTES VOTES 3,266 1,834 2,131 2,329 2,836 1,432 1,090 1,656 416 471 9,739 7,722
TOTAL VOTES 5,100 4,460 4,268 2,746 887 17,461
Board to Consider Proposed Administrative Fines AN AMENDMENT to the Hot Springs Village Declaration Article VIII, Section 3, which went in effect April 20, 2013, has allowed the POA to impose monetary fines for members infractions. POA staff proposed several administrative fines for the Board to consider. These fines proposed are not already current laws, statutes or county ordinances or other policies with a monetary fines or penaltiesalready in effect. Staff did not consider fines that were unenforceable or did not meet the amendment’s intent. The proposal includes a fine of no less than $150 each and $25 per day for non-compliance. Fines were proposed that related to the Protective Covenants include: Temporary Structures, Obstruct-
ing Lines of Sight, Sight Installation of Prohibited Signs, Easements, Livestock, Poultry and Pets, Parking or Storing of Vehicles on Residential Property, and Parking or Storage of Commercial Vehicles. Two violations of ACC Policy were also proposed: Failure to obtain a required ACC permit and failure to properly clean a landscape site/right of way when job is complete. A proposed draft appeals process for administrative fines will also be considered. This process requires in-
fractions to be reported to the Planning and Inspections Department, which will investigate and mail a letter to the member explaining the infraction. The member will have 30 days to come into compliance and may contest the infraction by written notification. An Appeals Committee is being recommended. Fines will be the personal obligation of the member and the decision of the Appeals Committee will be final. This will be discussed during the June 5 Board Work Session.
BOARD RETREAT SET FOR JUNE: The POA Board of Directors Annual Retreat has been set for June 17-19. Topics on the agenda include future financial planning, strategic planning, community/economic development, future marketing initiatives, lots, capital project review, information technology plan, amenity upgrade projects, future amenities, administrative fines , committee chair reviews and budget parameters. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
POA Lauds Members, Employees at Annual Meeting THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association Annual Meeting, which was held Monday, May 6, at the Ouachita Activities Building, included accomplishments and awards. In her ‘State of the Village’ address, Linda Mayhood, Interim General Manager, said she believes David Twiggs, the newly hired POA COO/General Manager, will “lead the way to relaunch, redevelop and reinvent Hot Springs Village as the premiere master planned community to meet today’s shifting real estate environment.” Mayhood highlighted the POA’s current financial outlook, noting the organization should “proceed cautiously, maintain our amenities and infrastructure and position ourselves to meet future growth and diversity.” She noted several significant accomplishments by the POA in the previous year including the development of a 20-year Capital Improvement and Maintenance Plan, Water Treatment Plant Expansion project, HSV Visitor Center, Marketing Lead Database program development, addition of new events including TRI-the-Village Sprint Triathlon and the British Car Show, converting Magellan Golf Course greens, new Woodlands Auditorium sound system, online ticketing, improved communications, energy savings programs and GIS mapping of the Village. She also outlined several major projects for 2013 (see related story on pg.16). Mayhood thanked the Board of Directors, POA staff and members for allowing her to serve as Interim General Manager. Don Yucuis, POA Chief Financial Officer, further explained HSV’s financial situation. Newly elected Board President Keith Keck said the
POA was in a “good, solid financial situation,” and the board needed to “keep an eye” on the major projects and finances. Keck said Twiggs would be “looking to the future of Hot Springs Village,” for growth opportunities to continue the success of the Village for the next 40 years.
AWARD RECIPIENTS President’s Award Rolland White Retiring Board Members Jerry Kosoglow, Jim Owens Member Recognition Awards Jim Zahnd, Paul Pool, George Parker Mike Mooney, Carolyn Bowers, Renee Steinpreis, Dotty Burke, Katherine Winslow, Dan Gruben Ad Hoc Visitor Policy Committee: Sue Mefford, Don Langston, Bill Etie, Linda Holt-Monson, Dan Fitzgerald, Bruce Caverly, and Joe Moreau GM Search Committee: Larry Collins, Jerry Thompson, and Steve Clutter POA Employee Recognitions Sargeant Scott Hatch, Sargeant Ralph Ornelas, Officer Grant Hodges, Stan Leek POA Employee Incentive Awards David Harper, Sam Robertson
Ordinances in Saline, Garland Counties THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association reminds members that county ordinances on a variety of issues are already in effect in Saline and Garland counties. These ordinances provide regulations on maintaining exterior residential and commercial properties, noise and vicious dogs. To view the ordinances go to media/press/2013/ordinances-web.pdf. A link is also available on News & Announcements at 86
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012 2013 Summer
Hot Springs Village Moves Toward Positive Future AT THE RECENT POA Annual Meeting, I took the opupdates). These include: portunity to highlight some of the POA’s major accom• DeSoto Golf Renovation plishments and over the past year (see related story on pg. • Water Plant Expansion 6). While hile it’s great to reflect and celebrate our accomplishaccomplish • National Public Relations division launched in ments, it’s even more important to Marketing Department Linda Mayhood keep moving forward to keep Hot • Fire Training Tower completed POA Interim Springs Village a thriving, viable and approved by Arkansas Fire AcadGeneral Manager community. emy to hold certified trainings I believe hiring David Twiggs as • CFC Geothermal replacement the new COO/General Manager • Renovation of DeSoto & Corofor Hot Springs Village is a great nado Marina Docks step in the right direction. Twiggs’ experience and forward • Installation of cameras at all gates thinking will help to relaunch, redevelop and reinvent Hot • Filling Chief of Police and Public Works Director Springs Village. I look forward to working with him as he positions moves us forward. • East and West Gate improvements Hot Springs Village continues to step toward the future • 2013 Street Maintenance Program with a number of major projects in the works and under• Water and wastewater line replacement of aging inway for 2013 (see related story on pg. 16 for project status frastructure • Water meter replacement and water storage tank painting • New Declaration amendments in effect • Proposed administrative fines and process HSV’s finances are in the best order they have been in for several years. The POA closed out 2012 with a $5.1 million in operating cash and $7.9 million in reserves - an increase of approximately $2 million over the prior year with half of that in funding reserves. Hot Springs Village is a great place to live and work. I believe the best is yet to come as we continue to work together.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Crist Engineering and Mesa Designs Present Two West Gate Concepts THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association Board of Directors were presented two design concepts for improvements to the West Gate. Until 2012, the West Gate entrance to Hot Springs Village, located on Highway 7, was home to a sculpture designed by famed Arkansas Architect E. Fay Jones. The West Gate structure had to be removed because Design it was deemed unsafe. The electrical Concept B system was also tagged unsafe and did $400,000 not meet code. The pond was leaking, plumbing had deteriorated and the pond liner was no longer intact. At the Feb. 20 Board Regular Meeting, Crist Engineering was tasked to create two design concepts for the detail, anodized aluminum, and a layWest Gate, which were presented at ered polycarbonate wall that draws its the May 2 Work Session. form from the Ouachita Mountains and contains the same coloring as the Design Concept A quartz crystal shapes from the East Design Concept A (estimated cost: Gate design. $400,000) is reminiscent of the original E. Fay Jones design. It includes a Design Concept B replica of the original tower while inDesign Concept B, (estimated cost: corporating elements of the East Gate $400,000), replaces the tower with a design concepts (see related story on 30-foot water jet, which is placed on pg. 9). The tower is placed directly the existing curved stone wall and over the existing curved stone wall and raised on a stone plinth two feet above raised on an earthen ‘island’ two feet the upper pool elevation to create an above the upper pool water level along entry feature that is constantly changwith a vertically stacked stone wall on ing with wind direction and nightly the lower pool side, reminiscent of lo- lighting colors. It also includes the cal geologic formations, which folds introduction of the vertically stacked and turns around the circular plinth stone wall on the lower pool side, and eventually merges back in with reminiscent of local geologic formaJones’s existing stone wall design. The tions, which folds and turns around water feature pulls from the original the circular plinth and eventually design but adds a rough waterfall. merges back in with Jones’s existing Other features include native grasses, stone wall design. The water feature 12 water jets and LED lighting. creates a powerful cascading waterfall The central median entry signage falling down all sides of the stone isfeatures a built-up stone mound and land. Other features include two 20stone columns that are similar in foot wide waterfall on either side of shape to Jones’ original stone column the tower island falling from the upper 8
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
West Gate Design Concept A $400,000
pool over a level spillway and cascading over vertical stone. An LED lighting system will provide multiple color options for seasonal lighting and programmable controls to change the appearance of the feature at will. The central median entry signage features a built-up stone mound and columns similar to Jones’ original column detail, anodized aluminum signage and a layered wall that draws its form from the Ouachita Mountains and contains the same coloring as the quartz crystal shapes in the East Gate design. At the May 15 Regular Meeting, the Board voted to form an ad hoc committee to give input on gate design, working with Crist Engineering and POA staff. TWIGGS continued from page 3 providing exceptional member services and planning for the future, reinvigorated growth of Hot Springs Village, according to Kosoglow. Twiggs and his wife, Ashley, have two daughters, Salem and Catherine (CeCe).
Board Considers East Gate Designs at May Meeting THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association Board of Directors were presented two concepts for improvements to the East Gate, located on Highway 5 in Hot Springs Village. Design Concept A The first design concept, which was modified by Crist Engineering and Mesa Designs following the Feb. 6 Board work session, will cost an estimated $600,000, $200,000 for the road work, $400,000 for the signage/entry improvements, and $82,450 for the conceptual design and engineering improvements. The design concept was inspired by the geology of the Ouachita Mountain and Hot Springs region, and is characterized by the upheaval of stone into layered formations. The ‘wing walls’ of the design reflect geologic formations in the slanted stone veneer folded in different directions over the wall. Another local geologic characteristic of the regions is quartz crystal. Combining these elements with anodized aluminum hardware and accents provides a broad
East Gate Design Concept A (modified)
East Gate Design Concept B
representation of the region’s geologic and mineral characteristics. Features of the design include two stone veneer and dry stacked wing-walls on either side of the entryway, a quartz crystal centerpiece in the median of the new road alignment, multi-colored LED lighting, native plantings, quartz crystal shapes, and anodized aluminum signage. Design Concept B Crist also designed a second concept, which was more contemporary and formal in scope. The concept features a cascading waterfall and layered stone walls designed to resemble the rolling Ouachita Mountains. The design also features multi-colored LED lighting, native plantings, and anodized aluminum signage. At the May 15 Regular Meeting, the Board voted to form an ad hoc committee to give input on gate design, working with Crist Engineering and POA staff. PRESIDENT continued from page 3 new General Manager, David Twiggs on board. David is not your prototypical city manager; he brings a strong background in community development to Hot Springs Village. This expertise will be critical to the reinvigoration of our community to maintain our property values and more importantly reenergize Village growth. DECLARATION continued from page 4 effective Aug. 1, 2013. In this amendment, the POA may request and levy a special assessment for a specific project that will remain in effect for the duration of the project. Prior to this amendment, special assessments were applicable only for the year in which they were levied. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
POA Financial Overview Reported AT THE MAY 15 POA Board of Directors Regular Meeting, Don Yucuis, Chief Financial Officer, outlined the overall financial position through April. 2013 year-to-date revenue totaled $9.59 million. Though overall revenue was worse than the budgeted amount by more than $292,000, expenses totaling $8.682 million were better by $227,000 and balance transfers were in line with budget. Yucuis cited a number of reasons for the revenue shortfall including a decline in assessment fees, reduction in golf fees (due to inclement weather), reduced water usage and a reduction in the sale of POA-owned lots.
Operating expenses were better than budget for several reasons including $40,746 less personnel costs, materials and general expense; $35,446 less chemicals needed for Golf and $106,575 less maintenance than expected in Public Works. Total cash available was approximately $13 million with $8 million in
reserves and $5 million in operating cash. POA staff projects to end the year with approximately $4.6 million in operating cash and $2.9 million in reserves. The first Water Plant Expansion payout was made this month. Cash reserves will pay for almost all of the $6 million estimated project costs.
MG (R) Bill B. Lefler, DDS, FACP
Diplomat, American Board of Prosthodontics
Thomas B. Lefler, DMD, FACP
Diplomat, American Board of Prosthodontics
Office Hours by Appointment
130 Cordoba Center Dr, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
POA Accounting Currently Testing Email Billing Option THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association Accounting Department is currently testing a new service for members to allow them the option of receiving water, sewer and sanitation billing via email. The Department plans for the service to be available for all members by August. The POA already offers a number of options for payment of member assessments and utility bills. To pay by bank draft, print and fill out the set up forms. These forms are available online at | Forms or Governance | POA Operations | Forms. Members may also pay assessments and utility bills by credit card on the POA website. Provide lot,
block and addition as well as individual account number. An email address is required to receive receipt of payment.
To access this feature, go to www. and click on Make a Payment at the bottom right hand side of the home page.
2012 Audit Receives Highest Rating JANET PTACEK of Frost, PLLC, presented the 2012 Audit at the April 17 Property Owners’ Association Board Regular Meeting. The POA received an unqualified opinion, which is the highest and best rating an audit may receive. This year’s audit includes the 20Year Capital Improvement and Maintenance Plan (CIP), which projects future construction or replacement value for all existing buildings, golf
courses, utilities, roads, gates and rolling stock based on an inflation factor, useful life and estimated year. Thanks to Janet and the Frost team, POA accounting staff, Doris Truett and Kim Lambert, for their on-going work throughout the year and at year end, and the audit committee, led by Board Vice President John Cooney. View full report at www.hsvpoa. org | Governance | Financials | Budget & Financial Reports.
Sign up for the latest POA news at
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Hot Fun in the Summertime in Hot Springs Village GET READY TO “join the Summertime fun” with events to beat the heat in Hot Springs Village. May 25-September 2 - DeSoto Pool Summer heat got you feeling beat? Cool off at the DeSoto Pool. Play, swim, dine, watch movies, learn to swim and more. Check out the NEW Summer Nights and Dive In Movies on the DeSoto Pool’s Summer Calendar below. June 22 - Motorcycle/Scooter Show The Motorcycle and Scooter Show is coming to the Hot Springs Village Visitor Center June 22, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. This “show and tell” motorcycle awareness event will feature music by Larry Wilson and food from
Village Summer Fest July 4-6. Festivities include fireworks over Lake Balboa, a fishing tournament, ice cream social, flag golf tournament, canoe races and a concert by the Hot Springs Village Big Band. See complete schedule on page 15. Bellamy Brothers come to HSV Sept. 6
Grampa’s Catfish House along with the opportunity to view great motorcycles and scooters. Sign up for raffle prizes including t-shirts, doo rags and gift certificates. Take a simulated riding test by Arkansas State Motorcycle and Safety Unit. Learn more about the Arkansas Patriot Guard Riders. July 4-6 - Village Summer Fest Celebrate Independence Day at
Summer Fun at the Coronado Library
Aug. 5 - Mystery Dinner Theater Figure out “Whodunit” at the Roarin’ 20s Mystery Dinner Theater, coming to the DeSoto Club Events Center, Aug. 5. Sept. 6 - Bellamy Brothers Concert “Let Your Love Flow” to the sounds of the Bellamy Brothers, in concert Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at Woodlands Auditorium. Purchase tickets at www.
June 11 – July 30: Story Time, Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m., ages 7-10; fun stories, crafts, snacks Aug. 30: Library Trivia Night, 6:00 p.m., Prizes, Silent Auction, Registration begins Aug. 1.
DeSoto Pool Summer Calendar May 25, 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Pool Opens May 29, 11:00 a.m. Pool Open House June 7, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - Corn Hole Toss and Hot Dogs June 15, 8:30 -10:00 p.m. Dive in Movie - Grease June 28, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - Music Trivia and Burgers July 4-6, All Day Giant Water Slide July 4, 3:00 p.m. Giant Splash Contest July 5, 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - DJ, Dancing, Refreshments July 12, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - Ice Cream Social July 20, 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Dive in Movie - Finding Nemo July 26, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - DJ Music and Pizza Aug. 9, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - Corn Hole Toss and Hot Dogs Aug. 17, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Dive In Movie - Jaws Aug. 31, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Summer Nights - Summer Luau Finale Sept. 2, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Labor Day - Last Day Pool is Open Pool Hours (unless noted) Monday - Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. 14
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Pre-Summer Fest Even
a July 3 - Lake Balbo de Lighted Boat Para
Prizes - Call 501-92
Thursday, July 4 DeSoto Pool 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Giant Water Slide 3:00 p.m. Big Splash Contest - FREE prizes. Burgers/hot dogs for purchase
DeSoto Family Recreation 10:00 a.m. Miniature Golf Tournament - FREE
Friday, July 5 DeSoto Pool 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Giant Water Slide 7:30-10:00 p.m. Night Swim, DJ, games, burgers/hot dogs
DeSoto Marina 9:00 a.m. Canoe Races - FREE - Divisions: adult/adult, teen/teen 10:00 a.m. Paddle Boat Races - FREE - Divisions: adult/ adult, adult/child, teen/teen Balboa Pavilion 7:00 p.m. Big Band Concert - Sponsored by Summit Bank
Balboa Golf Course 7:00 a.m. Flag Golf Tournament - $10 entry fee Saturday, July 6 DeSoto Pool 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Giant Water Slide DeSoto Family Recreation 9:00 a.m. 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, $5 entry fee Lake Balboa 6:00 a.m. Fishing Tournament - Sponsored by HSV Anglers - $20 entry fee - Sign ups, 6:00 a.m., Lake Balboa boat ramp. Weigh in, 10:30-11:00 a.m. Prizes awarded in each division: Adult, adult/child, and male/female
Balboa Pavilion/Lake Balboa 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. DJ, food available for purchase 9:00 p.m. Fireworks featuring KVRE Patriotic Music
DeSoto Club 5:00 -7:30 p.m. Village Days Ice Cream Social and BBQ Dinner from Whole Hog BBQ, Corn Toss games, Dunk Tank, Moon Bounce, Live Music - $10 Tickets on sale at - Sponsored in partnership with Summit Bank Coronado Community Center 7:30 p.m. Colt and the Old 45’s in Concert - Tickets on sale at
Summertime in HSV Provides Fitness Options, Fun HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE is the place for Summertime fun. Want to be more fit? Amenities like golf, tennis, pickleball and the world-class Coronado Fitness Center, will help you feel the burn while of-
fering opportunities for fun. Water activities more your forte? HSV has you covered with 11 recreation lakes providing opportunities for swimming, skiing, kayaking, fishing and more. Work on your tan at
Balboa or Cortez beach. Boat rentals available. Looking for a place to hold a family reunion or party? HSV offers indoor and outdoor pavilions for rent at 501-922-5050.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013 15
2013 Projects Keep Hot Springs Village Future in Sight THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association is looking toward the future of Hot Springs Village with a number of major projects in the works and underway for 2013. Below is a list of status updates on current projects. Water Plant Expansion Max Foote Construction continues on schedule for the Water Treatment Plant expansion to be completed in July 2014. Currently, workers are finishing the pipe gallery and pouring concrete walls. Crews will begin changing out the filter media (which cleans the water after it’s been clarified) one filter at a time. The process will take about a month to change out all four filters. The project remains on budget and is estimated to cost a total of $6.6 million. Fire Training Tower A fire training tower has been constructed at the Cortez Fire Station. The tower has been approved by the Arkansas Fire Academy. The Hot Springs Village Fire Department will use the tower for training within the organization as well as area fire departments. Geothermal System Replacement The Board approved a contract with Crist Engineering for $51,500 for professional services and project engineering to replace the Geothermal System at the Coronado Fitness Center with a traditional Dry Air or Desert Air heating, cooling and dehumidification system designed and engineered for aquatic environments. Engineering work is currently in progress and final designs and bids will be brought
Workers at the Water Treatment Plant facility fit pipes together in the pipe gallery.
before the Board for approval this summer. The total estimated cost for the project is $380,000 and expected completion is at the end of September. DeSoto Marina/Coronado Boat Storage Repairs The Board awarded a contract to Super Duty Docks and Lifts, the lower bidder, for $86,503.44 to repair both the DeSoto Marina and Coronado Boat Storage Facility. Repairs included repairing decking and encapsulating the foam flotation for 20 slips at the Coronado Boat Storage Facility and 39 slips at the DeSoto Marina. Repairs were completed mid-May. Gate Camera Installation Work on installation of security cameras at all Hot Springs Village gates continues on schedule. To date, cameras have been installed at the East, West, Glazy Peau, Balboa and Balearic/Danville gates. The project, which cost about $21,500, is slated for completion in June. DeSoto Golf Renovation Renovation of the DeSoto Golf Course is currently underway. See related story on pg. 18. East and West Gate Improvements The Board is considering improvements to both the East and West gates. See related story on pgs. 8-9.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Board Approves Contracts for Street Resurfacing DURING A SPECIAL meeting Wednesday, May 1, the Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors approved a contract with Martin Marietta Materials for the 2013 Street Resurfacing Program. The contract, which totals $1,427,178.11, includes resurfacing of 30.23 miles of Hot Springs Village roadways. The program, which is conducted by the Public Works Department, is slated to begin mid-summer and a POA employee will be on-site to provide oversight of the project.
facing Program on schedule, the POA found it necessary to bid the job to outside companies with the required commercial equipment and manpower to complete the 30-plus miles
before paving begins. Once the paving program is complete, POA crews will continue to do crack seal maintenance on HSV roadways as manpower is available.
Crack Sealing The Board also approved a contract with Mitchell Asphalt Seal Coating for $132,248 to crack seal all major roads identified in the 2013 Street Resurfacing Program except for Cortez Rd., which will be completed prior to the project. Though the POA has not crack sealed roadways in the past, it is recommended to be completed prior to paving as a preventative measure for keeping moisture from seeping under the asphalt, extending the life of the road. To keep the 2013 Resur-
VIP Volunteer Program WANT TO MAKE a difference in Hot Springs Village? Serve as a VIP Volunteer. VIPs are volunteers ready to assist with projects, events, committees, etc. Work on your own schedule, on your own, or with a group. Short and longterm commitments are available. For more information, go to or contact Tom Paprocki at 501-9150430 or Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
DeSoto Golf Course Renovations Continue RENOVATIONS TO the DeSoto Golf Course continue on schedule. The project, which completes a partial renovation begun in 2001, is included in the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. Several projects have been completed including replacing railroad tie walls with rock walls around the 19th Hole, renovation of bunkers and cart paths. Culvert replacement and land-
scaping are also in progress. Conversion of all the greens to Champion “ultra dwarf ” Bermuda grass will begin when the course closes May 29, along with converting seven of the fairways to 419 Bermuda that were not converted in 2001. Substantial drainage work will also be completed along with irrigation improvements and other repairs. The course is set to reopen in October.
HSV Junior Golf Program Kicks Off in June CALLING ALL budding young golfers: Sign up now for the Junior Golf Program, which kicks off with an AllMember Orientation Monday, June 3 at 4:00 p.m. at Balboa Pavilion. The program will be held June 5 July 18 (no practice or play July 3 or 4) and will conclude with a tourna-
ment July 24-25. Sign up deadline for the tournament and picnic is July 11. Now in its 16th year, the Junior Golf program provides opportunities for young golfers between the ages of 8 and 18 to learn golf fundamentals, along with rules, etiquette and sportsmanship.
Weigh In On Balboa Club Renovation TAKE THE Balboa Club Social Center Survey online at, created by the Balboa Club Ad Hoc Committee to provide opinions on renovating the Balboa Club as the Hot Springs Village Social Center. A link to the survey is also available at Of the 1,400 responses, more than
80 percent are supportive of the social center concept. Responses favor the addition of a restaurant, games such as billiards, chess, darts, and a sports bar/lounge with televisions. The Balboa Club Ad-Hoc Committee plans to submit a business proposal to the Board during the June retreat. Thanks for your input and support.
Board Approves Trails Master Plan ONE OF HOT Springs Village’s top amenities, the trails system, is expanding. In the April 17 Regular meeting, the Board approved a fiveyear plan to add a total of 11 miles to the HSV Trails system. The 2013 budget for the project is $21,000 and will be used to begin construction of 18
the new trail system from the Coronado Fitness Center to the RV Park and Lake Pineda spillway. New trail head signs will be purchased to replace old, outdated signs. A complete map of the proposed system is available online at
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Applications are available at all HSV golf shops and online at www. pdf. Each year Junior Golf awards $2,000 scholarships to members who are high school seniors. For more, go to
HSV Trail Signs
ATTENTION NATURE Lovers: In preparation for the upcoming 5K Zombie Run & Trail Tour set for Nov. 2, the POA Marketing and Recreation Departments have added a series of descriptive signs along the Magellan Beaver Dam Trail identifying birds native to Hot Springs Village.
Planning & Inspections Update New Home Permits Through April, 2013, a total of 21 new homes have been permitted in Hot Springs Village. Building Updates • Coronado Baptist Church: The project is more than 75 percent complete with plans to finish by Aug. 31. • Remax Building #2: The structure had a final inspection April 30. Marriott Wealth Advisors and Village Chiropractic Clinic are currently open for business in the new location. • Mt. Carmel Retirement Facility: A Grand Opening Celebration was held May 19. The facility plans to seek a permit in June for the construction of garden homes. Forest Management Phase X of the Property Owners’ Association Forest
A Grand Opening Celebration was held at Mt. Carmel Retirement Facility May 19.
Management Plan continues on schedule. The board approved a bid from Cosby Custom Logging and Tree Service for $23.00 per ton. Approximately 78 acres and 12 subdivisions are included in Phase X. The estimated income for the project is $57,243.32.
Renew Hot Springs Village Special Event Sign Permits Now THE PROPERTY Owners’ Association Planning & Inspections Department reminds commercial businesses, churches, clubs and organizations to renew special event advertising sign
annual permits. The annual fee for this permit is $40. These signs, which are limited to Banners and Ground Signs, are considered temporary and may be displayed three days prior
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
to the event and removed within 24 hours afterward. For more information, go to | Services | Planning and Inspections | Permit Forms and Information | Sign Policy.
Marketing: Sharing the Hot Springs Village Secret MARKETING KICKED off the year exhibiting at trade shows across the target geo-market and now is gearing up for some fun-filled events (see related story on page 14). Non-Resident Quarterly Contest Non-resident members, please visit the POA website, and enter the Marketing quarterly contest to possibly win great prizes like an accommodation rental from or a $500 rental voucher from Village Villas, dining certificate from Diamante Country Club, Performing Arts tickets and much more! Take the Village Survey Calling ALL residents, the Marketing Department has launched a new demographic survey on the POA website. Thank you for taking the time to fill in the survey; your input is very valued. To take the survey, go
HSV Motorcycle and Scooter Show, June 22, Visitor Center
to A link is also available on the POA website home page. Share the HSV Secret Share the HSV secret with friends and be registered to win prizes like an overnight stay for four golfers and eight rounds of golf at Cypress Bend Golf and Conference Resort in Louisiana. Members whose guests toured
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housing and bought a home or lot during 2013 will be entered into the contest as a token of appreciation for helping grow the Village. To enter, please email your name, phone number, email, guest’s name, state week date and/or real estate agent’s name with company to Dannet Botkin at Deadline to enter the contest for the Cypress Resort prize is June 15. Members whose guests bought a home or lot in 2013 will be invited to the exclusive Ambassador Awards (A2) party Dec. 13 at the DeSoto Club Events Center. Custom-made trophies from the HSV Woodworkers will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Ambassadors during the party along with food, refreshments and fun. Facebook Contest Fun Facebook contests continue to bring in new followers. Be sure to post photos, blog about your favorite HSV events or amenities. Tell us how you “Love the Life and Live the Fun” in HSV, and, share the HSVPOA Facebook page with your friends. Posts will be selected at will for fun prizes ... blog and possibly win!
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Quality Homes
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If you own your own lot come see us! • We can build on your lot • We buy lots
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Always available to tour by appointment and online.
JUNE 1 5 6 7 7 8 10 11 14-16 14 16
Kopy Katz Concert - CCC POA Board Work Session - Ponce GM Coffee - CCC Summer Nights - Pool Lion’s Bingo - CCC Country Two Steppers Dance Good Life Expo - Tri-Lakes Edition - CCC Story Time, Library 1000 Lunches by Village Players - Woodlands Stryker Orthopedic Seminar, Dr. Trent Johnson - CCC Dive In Movie - Pool
18 18 19 22 22 25 27 27 27 28 29
Story Time, Library Blood Drive - CCC POA Regular Meeting - Ponce HSV Motorcycle & Scooter Show, VC Lion’s Bingo - CCC Story Time, Library Newcomers’ Coffee - Ponce Blood Drive - Ponce Last Thursday Author Event, Library Summer Nights - Pool Beboppers Dance
2 3 4-6 6 5 9 11 12 16 16
Story Time, Library POA Work Session - Ponce Village Summer Fest Independence Day Celebration Colt & the Old 45s - CCC Lion’s Bingo - CCC Story Time, Library Edward Jones Newcomers Reception - Ponce Summer Nights - Pool Story Time, Library Blood Drive, CCC
17 18 19 20 23 25 26 27 29
POA Board Regular Meeting Energy Efficiency Seminar - Ponce Lion’s Bingo - CCC Dive In Movie - Pool Story Time, Library Last Thursday Author Event - CCC Summer Nights - Pool Beboppers Dance - CCC Story Time, Library
2 2 5 6 7 8 9 13 16 16-17 17 20 20 21 22 24 24 27 29 31 31
Lion’s Bingo - CCC Ken Goodman concert - Woodlands Roaring 20s Mystery Dinner Theater - DeSoto Story Time, Library POA Work Session - Ponce GM Coffee - CCC Summer Nights - Pool Story Time, Library Lion’s Bingo - CCC Village Card Club Silver Lode Tournament - Casa de Carta Dive In Movie - Pool Story Time, Library Blood Drive - CCC POA Regular Meeting Newcomers Coffee - Ponce Sounds Spectacular with David McKay - Woodlands Beboppers Dance Story Time, Library Last Thursday Author Event - Library Summer Nights - Pool Country Two Steppers
Village A Team Dances: June 5, 12, 19, 26; July 10, 17, 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Main Number 501-922-5556 General Manager 501-922-5530 Golf 501-922-2858 Marketing 501-922-5561 P&I 501-922-5562 Public Safety 501-922-0011 Emergency: 911 Public Works 501-922-5524 Recreation 501-922-0322 Visitor Center 866-984-9963 Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Summer 2013
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Boulevard Hot Springs Village, AR 71909