Celebrating the life and legaCy of SUNRISE June 18, 1929 SUNSET July 13, 2022 Whole truth ChurCh of god in Christ 3997 Humboldt Detroit, MI 48208 Administrative Assistant Ernie M. McCutchen Sr., Officiating Pastor Allen C. Yancey, Eulogist SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2022 FAMILY HOUR 10:00 a.m. HOMEGOING CELEBRATION 11:00 a.m. MotherNellie V. Bolton
2| Organ Prelude............................................................................................................................................... PrOcessiOnal ........................................................................................................... Minister daMeOn BrOwn sealing Of Bier .................................................................................................................. the evans singers cOngregatiOnal selectiOn evangelist Jackie fryer Miracle Tabernacle COGIC invOcatiOn .......................................................................................... adMinistrative assistant alan evans Open Door COGIC Old testaMent scriPture reading.................................. district MissiOnary BarBara Prince new testaMent scriPture reading..................................................... PastOr gregOry sPringer Musical selectiOn the nellie v. BOltOn MeMOrial chOir wOrds Of exPressiOn (2 Minutes Please) ....................................................................................................... the lOcal church…………………..…...........…............................asPiring MissiOnary Mia carsOn Lifeline Christian Fellowship sis sylvia BrOwn Whole Truth COGIC sPecial reMarks ..................................................................................................... lady Minnie Mccutchen Whole Truth COGIC triButes ...................................................................................................................................... yancey faMily elder darnell austin Bailey faMily selectiOn ....................................................................................................................................BOltOn faMily wOrds Of exPressiOns ........................................................................................................................................friend...................................................................MOtherlucilleMOOre Conquerors Church adMinistrative assistant e Presiding 1 1 Service of
|3 Victory 1 Please stand ssistant ernie M. Mccutchen sr. Presiding I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believes in me though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth & believes in me should never die….St. John 11:25-26 celeBrating the life and legacy Of MO nellie BOltOn sPiritual daughter ...................................................................lady shernetta evans Open Door COGIC gOd daughter ...................................................................lady Marilyn shields Antioch Temple COGIC the JurisdiCtion representative suPervisOr designate MOther faithe s. BrOOks The Historic Jurisdiction of Michigan, Northeast Women’s Department Musical selectiOn ......................................................................... the nellie v. BOltOn MeMOrial chOir the acknOwledgeMents Of cards, telegraMs, and the reflectiOns Of life evangelist valerie haMiltOn the PresentatiOn Of JurisdictiOnal BishOP .................... adMinistrative assistant ernie M. Mccutchen sr. intrOductiOn Of eulOgist .................................................................................... BishOP Zachary n. hicks Prelate, The Historic First Jurisdiction of Michigan, Northeast serMOnic sOlO autuMn yancey sPecial wOrds Of exPressiOn ..............................................................................Minister antOniO yancey eulOgist ......................................................................................................................... PastOr allen yancey Lifeline Christian Fellowship COGIC recessiOnal .......................................................................................................................................................... Organ POstlude................................................................................................................................................... Repass at Lifeline Christian Fellowship 19136 Joy Road, Detroit, MI 48228
Celebrating the life of Mother Nellie V. Bolton was born on June 18, 1929, in Millington, Tennessee. Both her parents preceded her in death. Nellie was raised on a thriving farm and learned how to grow, cultivate and harvest their crops along with her seven brothers and sisters. Her leadership capabilities came early in life as she had many responsibilities and had to delegate to her younger siblings as her mom worked on the military base and dad worked their vast property. Nell, as she was called, was educated in the Tennessee School District where she was an exemplary student. She played basketball during high school and was an avid writer who loved English. Nellie attended college for a short while but met the love of her life Herman Bolton and a new chapter of her life began. After two years of courtship, they were married December 30, 1950, and started their journey to start a family and build their future. To this union seven children were born.
Herman Bolton desired a stronger spiritual connection for his family as he had been raised in holiness. He led Nellie to the Church of God in Christ in the neighborhood. While visiting the church, she recognized that there was a sweet aroma in the building and she wanted to be a part of that Holy experience. Shortly after, they joined the Whole Truth COGIC at 721 Clairpointe, under the leadership of Pastor Lemuel Austin where she received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues.
MotherNellie V Bolton
Sis. Bolton served faithfully in the Women’s Department and was licensed as a Missionary in the Church of God in Christ. Nellie was a faithful and dedicated servant. She also had the spirit of Evangelism. She worked hand in hand with Elder Edgar Hicks hosting revivals where many were saved, delivered and set free.
After settling in her new city, Detroit, she united with Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Rev. Robert Wright, Sr., where she worked with the Mission Circle closely beside Mother Annie Hamock who was the President at that time. Nellie was very involved in working with the women at Mt. Zion where she gained lifetime friendships and knowledge.
Sis. Nellie was not a bench member, she personified the scripture “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might”. She worked with the Youth Ministry at Whole Truth, assigning speeches, presenting plays and holding various youth sessions. Her singing voice was heard for many years in the adult choir and in the congregation. She was also placed as the local and district president of Prayer and Bible Band, conducting services and teaching lessons.
Mother Nellie Bolton leaves to rejoice in her memory and legacy, her children: Allen L. Bolton, Gloria J. Bolton~Bailey, Sandra G. Austin (Darnell), Chuanne L. Yancey (Allen), her niece Gladys M. Macklin and a special daughter Rita Cage. Her grandchildren; Stacey Macklin, Anthony Macklin, Larry Mack lin, Jr., LaQrissua T. Bolton, Kenny L. Dodson (Yolanda), Takara D. Montgomery (Ashley), Arthur L. Bolton, Leticia S. Kelly (Bobby), Aniqua S. Bailey, Eric M. Montgomery II, Allen C. Yancey II, Nicole A. Montgomery, Alexus C. Duncan (Brandon), Antonio C. Yancey, and Autumn C. Yancey. Twenty-one great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, family and friends.
Mother Bolton had the privilege and joy of serving the Whole Truth COGIC and Lifeline Christian Fellowship COGIC. legacy
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Of MO nellie BOltOn
Mother Bolton truly loved the Lord. She will always be remembered for her beautiful smile and for the precious nuggets she left in our hearts. Many people called her a warrior because of her strength and her ability to overcome life’s obstacles. She was saved, sanctified, and she loved her family. She often boasted that her family was her greatest treasure. She fought a good fight, She kept the faith and now a crown of righteousness is waiting for Her. Mother Bolton remained steadfast in her faith through her many losses. Sons Larry D. Macklin, Ken neth S. Bolton; daughter Michelle D. Bolton; grandchildren Shaniqua L. Baskin, Raymond L. Bolton, Ramone D. Bolton, and Michael B. Johnson; Her siblings Lillian Macklin~Sledge, Richmond Macklin, Ella Jean Garner, Gloria Dean McCullough, Victor Parham, Ronnie Parham and Eddie L. Smith all preceded her in death.
After the death of Pastor Lemuel Austin, she served under the leadership of Pastor Ernie M. McCutchen Sr. Due to her kind and nurturing spirit, she was elevated to Church Mother where she encouraged, directed and mentored the women of Whole Truth for over 30 years.
Mother Bolton served in various capacities in the Historic First Jurisdiction of Michigan, Northeast under the leadership of Bishop P.A. Brooks. She was appointed the District Missionary of Miracle District by Superintendent Lewis Andrews. She continued to serve under Superintendent Ernie M. McCutchen Sr., where she operated faithfully for over 20 years. During that tenure, she also served on the Advisory Board and Executive Board where she supported and upheld her State Supervisors. Even at the age of 90, Mother Bolton felt God still had more work for her to do, so she asked her pastor if she could help her son and daughter, Pastor Allen and Chuanne Yancey. With his permission, Mother Bolton joined the Lifeline Christian Fellowship Church where she was a faithful and supportive member. She was an intercessor, prayer warrior and a wonderful advisor. She emparted, encouraged and advocated for both men and women at the LifeLine Church.
In Loving Memory
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Pallbearers Amiri BrandonKennethBoltonDodsonDuncan Bobby Kelly III Bobby Kelly IV Ashley Montgomery EricAntonioAllenMontgomeryYanceyYancey Final Arrangements Entrusted to QA CAntrell FunerAl ServiCeS llC 22121 Kelly Road Eastpointe, MI 48021 Interment linColn MeMoriAl PArk 21661 14 Mile Road, Clinton Twp., MI 48035 Acknowledgment of Appreciation The family of Mother Nellie V. Bolton would like to convey their heartfelt gratitude for all the thoughtful comments, flower tributes, prayers, and concerns expressed in words and deeds during this difficult time. The family will send more personal acknowledgements at a later date. The Bolton Family Flower Bearers Family & Friends Designed by: Rendezvous Visual Communications | Rhondavousgd@gmail.com | rhondaevans.net Honorary Pallbearers Allen ArthurBoltonBolton MotherNellie V. Bolton