October 5, 2013 POW Magazine

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On Your Mark…

Ayanna Foster‐Kelson


A young lady called me out of the blue one day. She had been struggling with being obedient to what God had instructed her to do. She was in tears as we we spoke, but was rightfully convinced that God had given her an assign‐ ment. She wasn’t ques oning the authen city of the vision or if this was even the “right season”. She was not even perplexed with the idea that maybe God had not called her to do this great work. But as we began to talk, more and more she opened her heart and asserted, “I just don’t know where to begin.” My response was without any hesita on as I am consistent with any person who’s in a similar dilemma. Amazingly, I had been in this same place years ago. So, I was quite sure my tes mony and what the Holy Spirit had taught me would be very beneficial to her. I replied, “Sis, I know just where you should begin—on your knees.”

To me, this posture was undoubtedly the most important and it is spiritually interchangeably so for you and I. Years ago, I a ended a local college track mee ng. I watched the official Starter on of the track to give the commands. At his signal, the run‐ ners moved into their assigned lanes wai ng eagerly for the next three com‐ mands. But I was simply elated with the first–“On your mark.” This prompted all the par cipa ng runners to crouch to their knees. From this stance they were able to have a more powerful push off than if they were to start from any other posi on. Star ng from their knees would launch them further into the race and ahead of the other opponents. To me, this posture was undoubtedly the most important and it is spiritually interchangeably so for you and I. It does not ma er if you are just star ng as a new babe in Christ or simply just star ng to fulfill the purpose God has assigned to you, you have to learn to start each day of this Chris an race on your knees with prayer.

approach his sta

October 23‐26, 2013 ‐ Woman Let It Go Annual Women’s Conference. For addi onal informa on visit www. womanle tgo.com

Daily Prayer Call ‐ 6 am M‐F Dial in 605.477.3000 Par ci‐ pant Code ‐ 1023623# (15 minute prayer)

Voice of Empowerment Radio Broadcast ‐ 12 pm EST Every Friday ‐ Join us at www.thepraisehouse.com Add your upcoming event here for free. Send us an email.

Think about it, would you ever parachute from an airplane without first lis‐ tening to the instructor? Would you ever try to repair your vehicle’s transmis‐ sion without first asking the manufacturer where you should begin? Your daily conversa on with God in prayer is impera ve if you’re going to succeed in your assignment and in life. Jesus understood the importance of prayer as Mark 1:35 states, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went Continued on page 7

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Empowerment Session “Mentoring My Sister For Greatness”

the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... So that the may wisely train the young women…” (Titus 2:3-4)

Saturday Morning, October 5, 2013 @ 9:00 A.M.

……..……....................................................................OPENING PRAYER................................................................................... …………………...............................................................................................................................................................Welcome

……………………………………………………………….CELEBRATION OF PRAISE.........................Psalmist Dr. Brine a Thomas …………………….........................................................STORY OF TRIUMPH……………….………………Mamie Atkins‐Johnson …………………………………………………………..MOMENT OF EMPOWERMENT...................Psalmist Dr. Brine a Thomas …………………………………………………………….REFLECTION OF THE WORD….……..……………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Break …………………..…………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….…….……………Fun & Games Session—IDENTIFYING & USING YOUR GIFTS — Mamie Atkins‐Johnson ………………………..…....................................................................................................................................................Talk Balk …………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Special Presenta ons …………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...Giveaway ……………………...……………………………………………………………….…….Announcement/Call to Salva on/Closing Prayer

Renewed Magazine, Attn: POW | PO Box 266, Hampton, GA 30228 | 1-877-944--0454 f: 502-470-0067 www.PearlsOfWisdomMinistries.org

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Prayer is the exercise of your faith and hope. It is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through His son, Jesus. Prayer is the place of ad‐ mi ng your needs, adop ng humility and claiming dependence upon God. It is communica on to God and taking the me to listen to Him. And when you choose to start your day with an honest and open conversa on with God, it is the perfect opportunity to find answers to your ques ons, re‐ ceive daily instruc ons and get the push off you need to win against the adversary. Think about it, would you ever parachute from an airplane without first listening to the instructor? Would you ever try to repair your vehicle’s transmission without first asking the manufacturer where you should begin? Your daily conversa on with God in prayer is impera ve if you’re going to succeed in your assignment and in life. Jesus understood the importance of prayer as Mark 1:35 states, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Yet, too o en we ignore prayer and seek to accomplish things in our own strength. We choose to start our day with a fresh cup of coffee rather than a fresh wave of God’s anoin ng. I once read a church’s announcement board that displayed “7 days without prayer makes one weak.” While the essence of this statement is en rely true, even going one day without prayer can lead to a day full of frustra ons, complica ons and disappointments. Discipline yourself to connect with God every single day. Think of it as a necessary vitamin for your spirit. Star ng your day on your knees affords you several benefits such as v enjoying a sweet communion with God v developing your rela onship further with Christ v receiving an imparta on of His love, joy and peace v ge ng an a tude adjustment v obtaining daily clarity and direc on to GO Remember, your me in consistent prayer will not only strengthen you for your day’s challenges, it will also move you into a posi on to launch forward and win. Pray With Me Father, it is my desire to have a sincere rela onship with you. Help me to start and end my day with prayer which is not only my spiritual right, but a vital means of succeeding in

Ayanna Foster-Kelson Founder/Pearls of Wisdom Ministries

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Moment of Empowerment with | Pastor Brine a Thomas

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2013 Pearls of Wisdom Empowerment Session Speaker: ________________________________ Verses:__________________________________ Subject:__________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ “

Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3‐4 (Amp. )

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Session 1 | Evangelist Mamie Johnson‐Atkins

2013 Pearls of Wisdom Empowerment Session Speaker: ________________________________ Verses:__________________________________ Subject:__________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ “

Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3‐4 (Amp. )

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SISTER TO SISTER Janine Folks Edwards

Set It Off! By Janine Folks

In 2 Kings 5:2‐4, we read about a nameless serv‐ ant girl who was a foreign cap ve. Her social sta‐ tus was not impressive, yet her voice was power‐ ful and significant. In a single sugges on, her words ignited a chain of events that affected a na on. She set it off! Upon learning of her master’s ailment, she chimed in, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” Her statement was passed on and believed immediately. Without hesita on, Naaman acted. The Commander of the Syrian Ar‐ my acquiesced to the sugges on of his lowly cap ve. He put his reputa on on the line based on her words.


T he servant girl influenced the most powerful man in town. It reminds me of the folktale of the mouse that pulled the splinter from the foot of the lion. The helpless and vulnerable one becomes heroic. How did she a ain such credibility? Perhaps her demeanor allowed God’s glory to be re‐ vealed in her. Her faith thrust her to the ranks of women whose words set off moves of God. Take Sarah. God told Abraham, “Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her…” [Gen. 21:12]. Miriam and Deborah’s words impacted the world greatly. Huldah, another prominent voice, had great influence in Jerusalem. The high priest and the king rec‐ ognized her prophe c gi and sought spiritual guidance from her during the reign of Josiah [2 Kings 22:14‐20].

Your words can set miracles into mo on and impact na ons! Your words can trigger events you are not even aware of healing, encouragement and hope can be the result of something you say.

Just like the servant girl, your words can set off a chain reac on. Build your own credibility. Live the kind of life that compels others to believe and share your words. When God is deeply ingrained in you, even your casual conversa on reeks of Him. Your words can set miracles into mo on and impact na ons! Your words can trigger events you are not even aware of healing, encouragement and hope can be the result of something you say. Speak woman! Invoke miracles! Ignite change! Go ahead! Set it off! Janine Folks Fdwards

Min. Janine Folks Edwards is an ordained minister, speaker, writer and authors of several books. www.gogirlpreach.com.

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