POW June 8, 2013

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FROM ME TO YOU Ayanna Foster-Kelson There I was—standing with a large box in one hand, holding a toddler on my hip, and trying to engage in a meaningful business call on my cell phone. Then it happened. As quick as I thought, the box began to slip from my hands. I had been patiently waiting in line at the Post Office with my preprinted label all tagged and ready to ship. There were quite a few people in front of me and a dozen more behind me engaged in their own personal affairs. I thought, “If I only had another set of hands, another hour to get things done, or an eager assistant willing to help.” Suddenly, a pair of small, frail hands reached forward coupled with a still voice and asked, “Can I please give you a hand? An elderly lady who had carefully watched me walk into the Post Office touched my heart when she leaned in to assist me. She caught the box just before it fell and looked up at me with a warm smile. I was grateful and even more concerned if she was okay. I wasn’t sure if the box had been too heavy for her to

Can I give you a hand? or if her slip proof shoes would ensure she’d keep her balance. Nevertheless, I was impressed. She had not bee concerned about the color of my skin, the yourth of my age, or the fact that we were complete strangers when she just wanted to give me a hand. She motioned the box towards me, and I was obliged to give her my sincerest thanks. We can all learn quite a bit from the this simple act of courtesy and even more from the life of Jesus Christ. “Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disci ples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging...So Jesus answred and said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mk. 10:46-51) There are hundreds of examples of Christ’s acts of servant hood throughout the four Gospels. He taught more than a dozen parables, feed over five thousand people, and performed numberous miracles. His entire agenda was based on the needs of others. In many aspect, He already knew what the person wanted; nevertheless, He still asked, “What do you want me to do? How often do we extend ourselves for the pleasure of our brothers and sisters? Do we find it difficult to serve without expecting something in return? Do we constantly look for ways to assist those in need even if it creates a lack in our personal life? How often do we ask our neighbor, can I please give you a hand?


August 17 POW Session #3

August 17, 2013 2013 African American Authors Expo www.kelleavent.com

September 27-28, 2013 Encouraging the Heart, Woman to Woman Women’s Conference www.conniebivens.com

October 23-26, 2013 2013 Woman Let It Go Conference www.womanle*tgo.org

October 5 Last POW Session (2013)

I often think about how lonesome my life would be without my family. I look at the lives of my children, husband, parents, and siblings and wonder where would I be without them. (continued on page 5)

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FROM ME TO YOU Ayanna Foster-Kelson (continued from page 3)

Consequently, my life would not have much meaning. Therefore, I have graciously accepted the fact that my life and each opportunity I am presented with is more than just about me. I am here for you. And while I may not be able to give each person I love a million dollars, right now, I can in fact still ask, can I give you a hand? My goal is to be like Christ—spreading the message of hope, love, and peace. Needless to say, there are a variety of ways and innovative avenues I can venture. However, I’ve learned nothing beats an act of selfless love. Love is something many have been taught at a very young age, while others have struggled to understand its concept later in life. Still, love is what we’ve all bee shown through God’s grace and mercy. Love is patient and it is kind. Love does not envy, become jealous or seeks to do wrong. Love is who asked God what can I do to help your children ? Love is what made God give His only begotten Son for our sins. It was love that walked step by step up Calvary’s hill. And only love could have remain stretched wide and nailed to an old wooden cross. It was underserved love who went down into the grave,

Spreading the message of hope, love, and peace. and because of love, real love rose with all power in His hands. Now, that’s love. Think of all the past opportunities that have been presented to you to help someone who was in need. Perhaps they needed a ride to the store, a few dollars to purchase a meal, or just a quick word of prayer. Did you overlook that experience to leave a “love mark” in someone’s life? Or di dyou accept the responsibility of showing Christ’s love through one simple act of kindness. One of my favorite television commercials portrays the contagiousness of kindness. You’ve seen it when one person holds a door open for someone else, there’s another person watching in the background. After a few moments, they sow that same person who was watching now picking up a fallen item that someone else was carrying. From there, the acts of helping hands continue on and on.

PRAYER OF LOVE Father, I am grateful for Your consistent help in my time of need. Thank You for Your constant acts of love, grace, and mercy that continue to follow my life. I ask You to teach me how to be thoughtful of others at all times. Help me to see others through Your eyes and not with my own human perception. I am blessed to be Your child and to be in the hands of a Might God. Remind me daily of Your goodness so that I may continue to show goodness towards others. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

It’s amazing how in one brief moment those elderly hands changed my entire perspective and challenged me to continue to look for ways to help others at all time. Where would I be if Christ never looked for a way to help me? So, what actions will you take today that will bring kindness back your way? Pray this prayer of love with me...

Ayanna Foster-Kelson Founder/Pearls of Wisdom Ministries Page 5 | Pearls of Wisdom


Page 6 | June 2013 | www.pearlsofwisdomministries.org

Empowerment Session “Mentoring My Sister For Greatness” “Bid

the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... So that the may wisely train the young women…” (Titus 2:3-4)

Saturday Morning, June 8, 2013 @ 9:00 A.M.—12:00 Noon ..........................................................................................PRAYER...................................................Evangelist Rachel Swan …………………………………………………………………………….WELCOME…………………………….……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..CELEBRATION OF PRAISE..............................Pastor Kimberly Gadsden ………………………......................................................STORY OF TRIUMPH…………...….………………...……..Yvonne M. Foster ………………………….........................................MOMENT OF EMPOWERMENT.........................Pastor Tameka R. Colbert ………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Session #1—LIVING FIT & FABULOUS — Tena Baine ..……………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………….……..……………………Talk Back ……………………………….......................................................................................................................................................Break ………………………………………………………….………………BECOME A PEARL!…………………………..………………...………………….... ……………………………...……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….Fun & Games …………...……………..……………...……………..…Session #2—MAKING IT WORK — Pastor Connie Bivens………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…Talk Back …………...……………..….…………………………………………MINI SESSION…………………..…………….……..…..…………...Kelle’ Avent

Featuring “Mama Teeni” ………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………...…….…….…Special Presenta*ons ………………………...………………………………………………………………………………………...…….….….…………………Closing Remarks

………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……Prayer Renewed Magazine, Attn: POW | PO Box 266, Hampton, GA 30228 | 1-877-9444-0454 f: 502-470-0067 www.PearlsOfWisdomMinistries.org Page 7 | Pearls of Wisdom

My Testimony | Yvonne Foster

“I waited pa ently for the L ; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the L ” Psalms 40:1-3.


I am 52-years old. I am single, and have four adult children and seven grandchildren. Each and every day I thank God for my family. As I look back on my life, I now understand that God has all along been with me and He has been perfec*ng some things concerning me. I had to learn to bear the fruit of longsuffering, pa*ence, and humility. Years ago, I was addicted to cocaine. Someone introduced me to the substance and I became dependent upon it to get me through my day. I loved the way it made me feel and forget about all of my problems. Yet liCle did I know, I was forgeDng and losing two of the most important parts of my life — self and family. S*ll, the love and grace of God was always with me. One day, I woke up in an empty and dark room. I was so afraid. I was bleeding from mouth. Someone had leE me for dead. When I finally came to myself, I was informed that I had been hit on the side of my face with a 9 mm gun. At that moment, I knew I had to make a decision. It was either the decision to live or the decision to die. So here I am today. God was not ready for me to die and neither was I. I can truly say that I know Him to be my redeemer, my healer, my restorer, and my deliverer. I have personalized God for myself because I know it was nobody but Him who had kept me through all of my moments of pain, disappointments, failures, and mistakes. He is God Almighty, and today I am free. It had been 6 years now that I have walked in my new journey with Christ. I am walking in my complete wholeness, but all because of His help. I know that with God I can do anything as I seek Him first. Every day I thank God for my life. I am grateful, and I am more than a conqueror. I asked God every day to help me as I pursue His purpose for my life. I am working. I have a home, my own vehicle, and I am working on going back to school. I am the Director of Opera*on Street Force within His Worship Ministry. It is my desire to help others who are suffering with addic*ons. I want to go out into the highways and compel others to come and experience the hope, love and salva*on that I have experienced in Christ.

Page 8 | June 2013 | www.pearlsofwisdomministries.org


I just couldn’t keep silent and neither would God allow me to. People began to see the the Biblical principles that unlock the door of abundance. We can changes in my life and wanted KDYH D ¿ QDQFLDOO\ DEXQGDQW OLIH H[FHHGLQJ WKH QRUP RI SD\FKHFN WR to The know whatthing I waswe doing. paycheck living. main must get as a body is we must stop trying to prosper our way and to do it God’s way.

THOMPSON: This was a question I often asked as I seemed to FRQVWDQWO\ VWUXJJOH ¿ QDQFLDOO\ DW RQH WLPH , IRXQG RXW WKURXJK studying God’s Word that the answer is yes. Our forefathers Abraham and Isaac were men who lived a life of vast wealth and abundance. In Luke 6:38 we get a picture of how rapidly and overZKHOPLQJO\ RXU )DWKHU ZLOO EOHVV XV ZKHQ ZH JLYH 2XU ¿ QDQFHV are included in this promise. He uses the terms “good measure, pressed down, shaken together I just couldn’t keep silent and and running over” on our neither would God allow me return. This sounds like a God to. People began to see the who is big, thinks big, and gives changes in my life and wanted big. Throughout the Scriptures to know what I was doing. there are so many covenant promises available to us in the DUHD RI ¿QDQFLDO SURVSHULW\ LI ZH and willing to accept what our Father has provided for us.

I just couldn’t keep silent and Q: IS POVERTY CIRCUMSTANTIAL OR MENTALLY AS WELL? neither would God allow me THOMPSON: The Bible says in Proverbs to. People began to see the23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart so is changes he.” The in heart here is the soul of man; my referenced life and wanted the seat of his emotions and affections. So, it’s really the soul which has a tremendous weight on the external. The soul deals with our subconscious thinking patterns and takes us deeper than MXVW WKH PHQWDO ,I ZH GRQ¶W VRZ VHHGV RI ¿ QDQFLDO DEXQGDQFH LQ our soul we will never manifest it outwardly. That’s a law of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, our external circumstances are really just the mirror image of what is really going on in our soul. For that reason, what we term as generational curses are no more WKDQ SDUDGLJPV RU WKRXJKW SDWWHUQV WKDW KDYH KHOG XV LQ ¿ QDQFLDO FDSWLYLW\ :KHQ WKRVH WKRXJKW SDWWHUQV DUH UHSODFHG ¿ QDQFLDO abundance will be the outcome.

silent and WRITTEN SEVERAL OTHER BOOKS SUCH AS Q: SOME MIGHT SAY THAT PROSPERITY IS ANI just OLDcouldn’t TESTA-keepQ: YOU’VE neitherNOW wouldISGod“BUSINESS allow me MENT PRINCIPAL AND THE IMPORTANT BLESSING BY THE BIBLE” AND “SEEDS OF PROSPERITY”. to. People began toIS see the YOUR NICHE? THIS SPIRITUALITY. WHAT DOES PROSPERITY REALLY MEAN? changes in my life and wanted THOMPSON: Certainly we came into a better covenant in the NewI wasTHOMPSON: I teach in all areas. But it’s true, this is my niche. It’s to know what doing. 7HVWDPHQW EXW WKLV EHWWHU FRYHQDQW KDG WR GR ZLWK -HVXV¶ IXO¿OO the call God placed on my life. After years of studying, applying ment of the Law and the entrance of grace for mankind. It had the Word, and seeing it manifest in my life, I just couldn’t keep QRWKLQJ WR GR ZLWK UHPRYLQJ ¿ QDQFLDO SURVSHULW\ IURP RXU OLYHV silent and neither would God allow me to. People began to see the In the New Testament the disciples had their own businesses. changes in my life and wanted to know what I They were wealthy businessmen. Jesus was a carpenter; He did was doing. I had to tell others that we had the ZHOO ¿ QDQFLDOO\ 6R SURVSHULW\ LV VWLOO IRU XV WRGD\ DQG LW JRHV IDU SRZHU WR OLYH ¿QDQFLDOO\ DEXQGDQW OLYHV beyond money. But true prosperity is wholeness in every area of BREAKING OUT OF POVERTY & one’s life. Psalm 35:27 says God takes pleasure in the prosperity of INTO ABUNDANCE His servant. This means He wants us to have peace, safety, wellAmazon in paperback & Kindle version being, and wholeness in every area of our lives. Your money has not been left out of this equation. Paperback is $11.99 Kindle $7.99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Q: WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO “BREAK OUT” OF POVERTY home.php#!/breakoutofpoverty AND INTO ABUNDANCE?

WANT MORE SONYA THOMPSON? THOMPSON: It’s possible and available if we’ll accept it and apply

Visit her at http://lifeinthewordministries.org Page 9 | Pearls of Wisdom

SISTER TO SISTER Janine Folks Edwards

Strong Arms When I went to a roller derby orientation program, I thought I was just going to learn about roller derby. I didn’t know we were going to get physical. I had no idea I would realize how important arms are and why they need to be strong. After going around talking about our skating back ground, we went to the middle of the floor. We were told to wear gym clothes and gym shoes, but I had no idea what was in store for me physically. I just wanted to skate. That was easy for me. So we line up and we start jogging. Not my favorite thing to do, but I hung in there. If that wasn’t enough, we did other jumping type exercises. I thought I was in shape because I was a skater. This was a startling reminder of how bad my endurance was.


We got to the part where we had to drop down and plank and do push ups. “Are you kidding me? I am here to skate, not be an Olympian!” My arm strength was nil as I struggled to hold up my body with my arms. “OMG! My arms are so weak!” I realized. Trembling at my attempt to hold up, I thought they were going to kick me out. The other women were holding up like they’ve done this all their lives. They were strong!

Well, I hung in there, amazingly! Literally two hours of exercising. I didn’t think I had it in my 42 year old body. I couldn’t even do this stuff in my 20s or 30s! I hadn’t even tried. The next day, I was terribly sore, but I went back for more! It comforted me to see that the younger women were also sore from the previous day of physical training. “So it’s not just that I’m older. Whew.” I proceeded and passed skills testing to move on to the boot camp for eight weeks. My body must have thought I had lost my mind. I went through the sore legs and then sore arms. My arms were so sore, I could barely lift anything and carrying out daily functions was a great challenge. My arms were in excruciating pain, to the point I went to the doctor to see if it was serious. Muscles and tendons just needed to heal. Today, I can plank, holding up my body weight with my arms! Instead of slowing down with age, I’m actually getting faster and stronger. When I think about my arms getting stronger, I cannot help but think about the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31. In verse 17, it says, “She…strengthens her arms.” In addition to being Godly, ingenious, resourceful, a business woman, an amazing mother, a loving wife and over all phenomenal femme, she also saw fit to strengthen her arms! Not just to look fabulous, but so she could be strong. I’m sure lifting to perform daily functions for her work and life with endurance helped her to be more productive and effective. Warriors need strong arms. In addition, this woman of virtue could spiritually lift others with her wisdom, encouragement and inspiration!! Find your strength!!! It's inside you. Strengthen your arms!! Strike the “I am woman” pose, hold your arm up with fist balled and make a muscle!

Janine Folks Fdwards Min. Janine Folks Edwards is an ordained minister, speaker, writer and authors of several books. www.gogirlpreach.com.

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Moment of Empowerment | Pastor Tameka Colbert

2013 Pearls of Wisdom Empowerment Session Speaker: ________________________________ Verse:___________________________________ Subject:_________________________________

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Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3-4 (Amp. )

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Session 1 | Tena Baine

Living Healthy In Your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s No matter what you age is today, it is NOT too late to start taking care of your health. God gave us a beautiful body to take care of. There are some things that heredity has given us that we can’t change, but I believe we can take care of what we are blessed with and also possibly push back or even halt some of those things we have inherited. Just some general research shows that a women’s chance of Breast Cancer is lowered by 37%, osteoporosis by 45% and heart disease by 14%, all by adding an exercise program and eating healthier. There are also many studies to show how diabetes is related to our eating habits and lack of exercise. So, lets start with your 20’s. This is a great time to start looking for ways to get and or stay healthy. Time is on your side. Your bone density is good at this age, but will max out at 30, so it is important to get enough calcium. Eating lean meat and making sure you get enough water in take is very important. Broccoli is also very important to include in your diet. Avoid too much caffeine, as it can dry your skin out, and always wear sunscreen, even when you don’t think you need it. This is a habit to get into now so that you continue to do it as you age. Premature wrinkles and sunspots are things you don’t want. Also if you have not started wearing a good moisturizer then you should add one now. So, what about exercise? This is the time to really work on that bone density that I mentioned before. Bone mass peaks in your hips and spine in your late 20’s, so build that bone mass to help fight against osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises are great for all ages. Biking, hiking, running, upper and lowerbody strength moves like squats are all great to add to your workout program. Some ideas are front squats, dead lifts, planks, push-ups, cable rows, supermans, glute lifts with or without a ball, and abdominal rotations for your core. So, you are in your 30’s. What’s important here? Most women feel their 30’s are the best years. A lot of women are having their children during this decade, and sometimes, (most often) life gets really crazy and we start to neglect our own health. We put others first and if we are working full time and have a family then we often put our own needs on the ‘back burner’. But, in reality, it is important for women, in their 30’s to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they can keep up with their crazy busy lives. Over the next 10 years, if you don’t keep your aerobic capacity up you could lose up to 6% of that capacity, so getting your heart rate up and keeping it there for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week is the way to negate that loss. Other things you need to do for you in your 30’s. Take naps, when you can, and make sure you are still getting enough water. Taking time for “you” is very important and will make a difference in how this decade affects your health. Fish is important to help with things like arthritis that might occur later in your life. Nuts are great for energy and loaded with protein and B vitamins, which prepare the body for things like stress and high blood pressure. Watch your sugar intake in your 30’s. Pick low-sugar, high-protein snacks like 1.5oz hard cheese, a cup of low-fat plain Greek yogurt, a stick of beef jerky or a handful of almonds.

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2013 Pearls of Wisdom Empowerment Session Speaker: ________________________________ Verse:___________________________________ Subject:_________________________________

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Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3-4 (Amp. )

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And last but not least your 40’s. This is the age that women start saying, “I can’t lose a pound. I have tried everything and nothing helps.” As we age, our metabolism starts to decline by about 5% for every decade of life after 40, so your goal in your 40’s is to “NOT” gain weight but to “maintain”. One-way is to eat 100 calories less a day. Hormones are playing a big role here and it is a complicated decade for sure. Your muscles start to shrink after 45, so it is crucial to maintain muscle mass by lifting weights. Muscle mass revs your metabolism which means you burn more calories, which means you have less tendency to gain weight. You still need to be engaging in Aerobic activity of your choice. One thing you need to add to your health list is to work on your brain power in your 40’s. Getting enough berries and cherries will help with this. Tuna is important as a great source of protein and dark green leafy veggies for your eyes. Red grapes and YES a glass of red wine is beneficial for your heart. So, what about exercise for your 40’s. As I stated earlier you need to maintain muscle mass, but you also want to do explosive movements like squat jumps. Remember to land softly and squat back down to help control the impact on your joints. For weight training, dumbbell squats to an overhead press, lunges with rotation, dead lift and a row, 1 leg dead lift to a reverse lunge, and on a ball-dumbbell pullovers to a crunch. In your 40’s you seem to have some sleepless nights so make sure you have your hormones checked so as to hopefully avoid too many nights of tossing and turning and counting sheep. So, what does all of this say about the decades of our lives? One thing is that no matter what your age, being healthy is important and it’s NEVER too late to start. So whether you are just out of college or sending your child to college, the time to start your healthy lifestyle is NOW!! Then simply adjust your workouts through out the years to help your muscles, bones and heart get what they need so that they keep working well enough to keep up with YOU.

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Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3-4 (Amp. )

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Session 2 | Connie Bivens

Isaiah 52:1-2

“Wake up, wake up, O Zion! Clothe yourself with strength. Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem, for unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer. Rise form the dust, O Jerusalem. Sit in a place of honor. Remove the chains of slavery from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion

The Important Call Wake up, wake up O Zion Slumber to be in a torpid, slothful, or negligent state To lie dormant,

Where Are You? Past Future

The Process Wake Up Shake it Off Get Dressed Take Your Place

Page 20 | June 2013 | www.pearlsofwisdomministries.org

2013 Pearls of Wisdom Empowerment Session Speaker: ________________________________ Verses:__________________________________ Subject:__________________________________

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Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment... so that they will wisely train the young women…” Titus 2:3-4 (Amp. )

Page 21 | Pearls of Wisdom

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