Spring 2013

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SPRING 2013 | Vol. 3 Iss. 1


Publisher Ayanna Foster-Kelson Administrative Assistant Nikki Grey Ministry Relations Coordinator Travis T. Kelson Graphic Designer Myron Krys Contributing Writers Min. Janine Folks Chaplain Cliff Vicars Kymberli Roberts Pastor Kenneth Paden Bishop Dickie Adams Tena Baine

THE MESSAGE: UNSUNG MINISTRY They love, they give, and they serve. Yet, they have no church or title. They are reaching thousands every day without one single ounce of desired recognition or accolades.



Sheila O. Foster Zakiya Kyles Jason Price V. Ivana Foster Jessica Epps Freda Wilkins

Advertising & Sales 1-877-644-0454 ext 2

Whitney Houston, Hurricane Sandy, Newtown, CT & so many more other events, places and people who changed our lives forever.


Customer Service 1-877-644-0454 ext 1 Pledging to support the mission of Renewed Magazine: to provide a quality Christian publication that will Transform & Empower the body, mind & spirit.

ADVISORY BOARD Pastor Marquis & Paula Townes Destiny! Baptist Church Bishop Dickie & Shenenia Adams Global Ministries International Apostle Sammy C. Smith Grace Cathedral Ministries

WHAT WE DON’T KNOW: SEX + TEXTING= SEXTING Sending sexually illicit materials via your cell phone or web devices are not only prohibited—it’s illegal. Learn five things you should know before you press send.

Pastor R.J. & Lady Kesha Williams Vision of Faith Christian Ministry

Test your knowledge of the Scriptures. Puzzle on page 29.

[Departments] Publisher’s Letter..............[6] Letters & Prayers..............[7] Generation Now...............[8] Health & Fitness..............[10] Kitchen Talk.....................[10] Life & Work......................[11]

Money Wise.....................[11] Around the World...........[12] Singles Only......................[14] Thought 4 The Season.....[14] Testimony..........................[23] Brother’s Keeper...............[24]

Interested in submitting an article? Send us a sample to editor@renewedmagazineonline.com

Sister to Sister............[25] A Lesson Learned.....[26] Love Notes.................[28] Literary Works..........[29] Masterpieces..............[30] Word Search..............[29]

Bishop Carl W. Weeden, II The Upper Room Church & Ministries Pastors Kenneth & Connie Bivens Saving Grace Ministries To become a partner in ministry, contact us at 1-877-644-0454 ext 2 or visit, www.RenewedMagazineOnline.com The mission of Renewed Magazine is to create a quality Christian publication that will Transform & Empower the body, mind & spirit. Renewed Magazine is published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter). US subscription $20/4 issues and $35/8 issues. Canadian and foreign orders must add an additional $10 for postage. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to PO Box 266, Hampton, GA 30228. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohitbited without written permission. Renewed Magazine, LLC uses reasonable effort to ensure all information is accurate and correct. Renewed Magazine does not endorse, assume responsibility or liability for the accuracy of any information including advertising. Neither Renewed Magazine, LLC, its publisher or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering is liable for any direct, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising out of your access to, use of the publication or its websites.

from me to you | ayanna foster-kelson


AHEAD Let’s take inventory. In the year 2012 there were many challenges, many obstacles, and one too many bumps and bruises. Many of us experienced missed possibilities, rare encounters, and perhaps two or three once in a lifetime opportunities. We’ve all seen much, talked about a lot, and attempted to get a good balance in life. Yet, as the new year has already begun and an opportunity to create change still stands before us, will you in fact continue to rehearse all of your could have and should have moments that are now behind you, or are you moving ahead?


adly, it has become a universal ideology that influences us to believe that when we miss what we believe to be our season we have missed God’s love, joy, and peace in our lives. However, contrary to popular belief what we may consider to be an opportunity missed does not necessarily mean lost. In fact, it is one of God’s greatest joys that you receive every good and perfect gift He has in store for you regardless as to where you are today. He wants you to experience it now. There are a few things I have continually held on to for many years that constantly remind me of my past. I have a few rarely-worn outfits still hanging in my walk-in closet that would be the perfect fit if I was only the size I was one or two years ago. There are several cassette tapes resting at the bottom of a collapsible footstool in my den that take me back to the years before the introduction on the “you gotta get this new CD” phase. And how can I forget the dozen or so spongy pink curlers somewhere still tucked away in my bathroom closet that have become so obsolete in the face of the amazing flat iron? Yet from time to time I ask myself, what purpose do these things serve me now? Why am I still holding onto the past? “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14, NKJV).

Time is one of the most precious gifts we have all been given. It is unique in the sense that it can not be duplicated or reversed. Time can not be modified. It can not be exchanged or transformed. Yet, no matter how unparallel time is, the one thing it can be is wasted. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Phil. 3:13-14 to examine ourselves in the sense that we do not continue to approach our lives by starring at the reflection of the past. Our hope, our change, and new opportunities stand before us as we press towards the future. This year make a conscious effort to move ahead. Create a list of goals and objectives you want to accomplish. Yet, don’t just create this list to be used as a coaster on your kitchen table or as a scrap piece of paper for your grocery list. No. Take aim and press towards the mark. Here are a few things you can do to help you move forward. 1. Forgive those you believe have offended you. 2. Make a plan. Add realistic steps and milestones to reach. 3. Make a decision not an excuse. 4. Enjoy the company of those who bring out the best in you. 5. Give it to God to figure out how it will all come together.

Remember, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you” (Phil.3:14). So why not step out on faith this year, press forward, and move ahead? God is waiting on you. He’s not lost, and you have not missed your moment. You’re right on time to receive your blessing this year. So, reach for it.

Letters & Prayers Email us at info@RenewedMagazineOnline.com

Winter 2012

I DIDN’T KNOW I was so informed when I read the article Just What the Doctor Ordered. I didn’t know that it was not safe to take prescription drugs that are for other family members. I thought that if it was safe for my wife and children, it was safe for me. Thank you for providing this valuable information that helps us spiritually as well as naturally. Curtis J. Via Email

HELPING OUR YOUTH It’s one thing when we as adults face our challenges, but when our young men, women, and children are the target of depression, bullying, family drama, and so much more, we should step up more–together. Our youth need more– real, mature, and compassionate people to surround them who will listen and not judge. They need love, affirmation, and security in their parents and caregivers. Our teenage girls should not be struggling alone with the decision of having an abortion. Our teenage boys should not be confused in their sexuality. My prayer is that those who see and those who know will come from behind the shadows of fear and help our young people. Margaret M. Via email

info@RenewedMagazineOnline.com SPRING 2013 | 7

generation now | sheila owens foster


AM I CRAZY? Q: Sometimes I feel as if I am bipolar or something is wrong with my mind. I am a Christian, but I have panic attacks and strange thoughts. Sometimes I think I am going crazy. Please tell me. Is there something wrong with me or am I just being paranoid? I need help. Strange Thinking, Walnut Grove, SC Dear Strange Thinking: Thank you for the transparency in your question. First and foremost, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He took on all of our infirmities and weaknesses. He is the Great Physician, and because He lives, we can cast all of our cares, fears, strange, and unusual thoughts on Him. What a wonderful gift to know you and I have a Savior who will hear us. Even more, God desires to hear our fears and strange thoughts. In fact, He wants to deliver you from them. As a Believer, you have the strongest weapon in this battle over your mind–His Word. Allow God to speak to you and give you the strength to cast down anything that contradicts His word. God, often referred to as a mind regulator, has given us promises in His holy Word: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7). Remember, you must rely on His Word and not your own mental ability to defend your mind and sanity. God, through Jesus Christ, is our Prince of Peace and a Wonderful Counselor. God promises to keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind constantly thinking about what He desires for your life (Isa. 26:3). Always remember when evil thoughts try to infiltrate your mind that you have the victory over paranoia and panic attacks through Christ Jesus. Stay strong. Stay in the Word and be encouraged. You can make it through this struggle over your mind. Here are a few scriptures that can help you meditate and keep your mind on things that are positive. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord” (Isa. 54:17). “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7). Sheila O. Foster is a Youth Advisor at Harrison Grove Baptist Church, SC where she has a passion for helping the youth to cultivate their minds for a Christ-centered future.


Stop the Bullying 7 Warning Signs that Your Child Is Being Bullied No parent wants to learn that their child is the object of another person’s jokes or threats. Yet, it’s common in almost every school and educational setting to learn about the numerous amounts of children and teenagers who feel threaten every single day because of bullies. Parents and caregivers should be aware of these 7 signs that may indicate that your child is a victim of bullying. Here are some behaviors that should draw your attention: 1. Your child suddenly seems depressed, sad, angry, or frustrated. 2. There is a dramatic change in your child’s social life and/or circle of friends. 3. You see dramatic changes in your child’s sleep or eating habits. 4. Your child’s grades, school work or extracurricular activities take a turn for the worse with no reasonable explanation. 5. Your child is missing valuable possessions and can not account for their whereabouts. 6. Your child shows sudden signs of being in fights, you notice bumps, bruises, or they insist on wearing long sleeve shirts and pants when the weather does not necessitate. 7. Your child begins to show avoidance behaviors such as a disinterest in riding the bus, going to school, going to the mall or other youth hangout spots. Although many of these signs can be explained by other adolescent phases of life, youth bullying should be taken seriously. Bullying and harassment in schools is an ongoing problem, but it can be curbed when parents get involved. Any of these behaviors are serious enough to deserve your attention and to be checked out.

health & fitness | tena baine

RISE AND SHINE EASTER CRUSTLESS CRAB QUICHE Recipe submitted by Jessica Miller-Epps, author of “Finding God in the Kitchen” www.wix.com/jessicamillerepps/books

5 REASONS YOU CAN’T Sticking to an exercise program is very difficult, even for the most committed. We can have a great plan, but it can be derailed by life—work, family, illness, and other activities. Below are some of the most common reasons you can’t stick to an exercise program and possible solutions that can help you as you resolve to live healthier this new year. WORKOUTS ARE TOO HARD. A lot of people think they are in better shape than they actually are. Therefore, start where your body is now. Approach your workouts from where you are now, not where you used to be or where you want to be. It’s tough to do this when you want fast results. Start easy and gradually build your workout over a period of weeks, not days. Listen to your body. It will tell when you need to rest.


IT DOESN’T FIT MY LIFESTYLE. Most people don’t have the time to exercise five days a week. But instead of skipping a workout, do what you can do in the amount of time you do have even if it’s ten or fifteen minutes a day. You can do this by creating a doable workout schedule. Before setting up a routine ask yourself two important questions: (1) How many days can I really exercise? (2) How much time do I have to exercise? The key is to figure out how much time you really have and fit your workouts into this timeframe.


HEALING BENEFITS Calcium: A Mineral for Colon Cancer Prevention

I DON’T LIKE MY WORKOUTS. There are a lot of reasons you may dislike exercising, but part of overcoming this involves adjusting your attitude about exercising and finding a workout you enjoy– this may take a little experimentation. So, try to find exercises experimentation. or activities you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to try different types of exercises. You may want to hire a personal trainer or consider using exercise videos that lead you through different types of workouts.


I’M IN PAIN. You should never work through pain during an exercise. However, some exercises can actually help pain and other physical conditions. Consult with your physician who may be able to help point you in the right direction. You may also want to consider working with an experienced person trainer or physical therapist to help you find ways to heal your injury while staying in shape.

Folate: May break the Link Between Alcohol & Cancer


• • • • • • •

8 oz. organic Swiss cheese 2 tbsp(s) fresh parsley, chopped 1/4 c. organic roasted red peppers, chopped 6 large organic omega-3 eggs 1/3 c. chopped organic onion 12 oz. organic evaporated nonfat milk 12 oz. lump crab


I DON’T KNOW HOW TO SET UP A BALANCED WORKOUT ROUTINE. Finding balance includes working with your schedule, energy level, and body. Yet, rather than throwing out your workouts completely, figure out how you can fit in exercising. Be flexible and consider what your body needs instead of what your mind is telling you to do.


www.beachbodycoach.com/tena4fitness Tena Baine is a wife and mother of 2. She has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years with certifications in Aerobics, Personal Training, P90X, yoga and pilates.


Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading this information does not create a patient-physician relationship.

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray quiche pan with nonstick cooking spray. Mix meat, onion, parsley, then, spread the crabmeat, onion and parsley in the bottom of the quiche pan. Sprinkle half of the Swiss cheese over the ingredients in pan. In a separate mixing bowl, crack the eggs and whisk slightly. Add the evaporated milk and whisk to mix. Pour the egg mixture over the crabmeat in the quiche pan. Top with the remaining Swiss cheese. Sprinkle the roasted red pepper over the top of the quiche. Place in the oven and bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until lightly brown around the edges. Insert a knife in the center to ensure quiche has set. Enjoy.

life & work | v. ivana foster

MONEY WI$E 3 ����� ���� ��� ��� ��� �� ��������� ����� Financial traps lurk around every corner. We fall into them when we become too smart in how we manage our money. Here are 3 traps that can rob you of your financial peace if you’re not careful with your finances. 0% FINANCING: I know 0% financing seems to make a lot of sense. After all, you’re not paying any interest unless you miss a payment. A lot of people use 0% financing for TV’s and appliances. However, 0% financing is still debt no matter how you look at it. You’re locked into the payments every month until it’s paid off and there are typically big penalties if you miss a payment. NOT FOLLOWING YOUR BUDGET: As good of a planner as you may be, there are still going to be times you spend a little more than anticipated. However, if you consistently ignore your budget plan and don’t correct overspending, you’ll dig yourself into a hole that’s difficult to get out. You’re either forced to take money from another budget category to keep your budget in balance or use your credit card. Either way, you don’t have the money to meet other expenses. SAVINGS: Perhaps you’ve been told you’re getting a work bonus, but you won’t receive the money for a couple of months. It’s easy enough to spend ahead from your savings and then some. But the problem is, you’re using money today you may need tomorrow. Things can get really complicated when you have to put new expenses on a credit card because you’re waiting on the future money to pay back your savings. What happens if you don’t earn that money? Again, you’re forced to swipe the credit card. All these things are easy traps to fall into. Believe me, my wife and I have done every one of them and they’ve definitely robbed us of our financial peace. Jason Price blogs about personal finance from a Christian stewardship perspective at www.onemoneydesign.com

CHANGE, MOTIVATION & MOMENTUM they don’t have to push so hard to keep moving forward and that the goal is actually closer than they think.

One of the most difficult aspects of goal achievement is simply getting started. It’s easy to dream and plan; however, many people get stuck in taking action. Planning and dreaming might make you feel like you’re doing something about your goals, but if you never take a physical step forward, you’ll never move towards your goals. In order to see measurable progress, you have to step out of your comfort zone and actually move forward. Unfortunately, it’s during this phase that most people give up. They decide that it isn’t meant to be and set their dream aside for later. Even worse, some resign to living a mediocre life because they don’t believe they have what it takes or are not deserving of abundance. I pray that this does not describe you. The fact is this doesn’t have to be the end of the story. You can pick up your dreams, dust them off and try again and again and again. You see by this time you would have experienced the active part of change called Momentum.

If you choose to get momentum working even quickly for you there are a few ways to do it, and this can be summed up in one sentence— be willing to work harder, faster and take bigger risks than you have ever taken before.

The reason why momentum can be delayed sometimes is because many people take very tentative steps towards their goals. They’re afraid to really give it their all, so they hold back much of the energy and power they really should devote toward their goal. At this point they begin to feel comfortable working at a slower pace, so they avoid taking big risks and only choose to take baby steps. If this approach suits you, have at it! However, if you want to make faster progress and realize your goals and dreams quickly, insist on taking leaps while committing your mind, body, and spirit towards making it happen now. By doing so, you’ll push through the difficult beginning and find yourself coasting inside your passion before you know it.

The difficult phase I just described is what happens at the beginning when you’re trying to gain momentum. Most people quit during this phase because they think it’s always going to be this hard. What they don’t realize is that every effort put toward the achievement www.IvanaTheConfidenceArchitect.com of the goal builds on the previous V. Ivana Foster, M.Ed. - The action. With every step forward the Confidence Architect™ process gets easier and easier. Finally, they’ve put so much energy and effort into the process that momentum begins to take over. Suddenly they realize that

#1 Premier Confidence & Prosperity Holistic Life Coach & Pastoral Counselor for the Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit of Actualizing Women.

SPRING 2013 | 11

around the world | rev. freda wilkins, msw, m. div

The Mission

of Teaching— Bangalore, India

Photo credit Freda Wilkins

be expected in any seminary; Old Testament, Christian Ethics, Hermeneutics, and Church History. In addition to studying Greek, they also have classes in English. This is especially important at ITTM because many of the students speak no English at all when they arrive. Often students arrive at ITTM in the middle of the night with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a testimony of being called to preach the Gospel.

Education is not the first thing that we think of when we hear the word missions. But at the India Institute of Theology and Missions (ITTM) the two go hand in hand. Rev. Alex Korulla, President of ITTM and his Various students attending a class session at ITTM. family have managed to turn their home into a Christian Seminary, a mission, and a sanctuary for young men and women who have been called into vocational Christian service. ITTM is housed on three floors of the Korulla’s home, while Rev. Korulla, his wife Reny and their three sons occupy the other floor. The 20 or so students at ITTM study subjects that would


Students often share personal stories of having been forced into illegal activities in their own countries. Some suffered abuse and disenfranchisement because of their cultural, ethnic backgrounds, and Christian faith. One student related seeing family members beheaded in his country. Another student who was once a Hindu priest remembered how he performed ritual sacrifices according to the Hindu tradition. His father accepted Christ and later led him to Christ. Most of the students at ITTM do not pay any tuition. In addition to providing an accredited seminary education, ITTM also provides students with free room, board, and limited medical care. Rev. Korulla and the staff at ITTM donate most of their services. ITTM depends on donations from sponsors and support from visiting professors from around the world who come to teach for as little as a few weeks to as much as a year or two. Six days per week students begin devotion at 6AM and then alternate study and worship until 9PM when they end their day. The environment at ITTM is one that balances in-depth academic study with outworking spirituality that helps those who are in need and preaches Salvation to those who have yet to know Jesus Christ. Rev. Korulla is fond of saying that at ITTM they live like Elijah—waiting for God to send the Raven with provision— and that provision continues to come from all over the world. This support allows ITTM to equip Christian leaders who can go forth to evangelize all of Asia and the world. www.iitmissions.org

Medical Missions Photo credit Judy Collins and Joe Teefey

in Panama

Many of us dream of what our second career will be like. We imagine a more relaxed pace where we do something solely because it feeds our souls and glorifies God. I imagine that dentist Dr. Volunteer Joe Teefey applying fluoride treatment to children’s teeth. Cleveland Cooper and his wife Matilde’ who is an RN had these same thoughts as Dr. Cooper retired from his dental practice. I hardly think they could have imagined that retirement would find them providing pastoral leadership to Calvary Baptist Church in San Miguel, Panama City, Panama. Calvary, at over 100 years old, is a landmark in the San Miguel community. The Coopers arrived at Calvary planning to lead a small quiet congregation as the ministry of their twilight years. What they found was a poor community desperately in need of practical as well as An unnamed volunteer in General Practice Clinic takes the blood pressure of spiritual care. a patient preparing to see the doctor. The Cooper’s believed that people could receive the Good News of Jesus Christ better if they were well fed and in good health. So they pooled their professional gifts, and once again, offered them to God for His glory. The result was the formation of The Christian Medical and Social Foundation or Fundacion Cristiana Medico Social (FCM) in Spanish. FCM began when Dr. Cooper invited 18 other interested persons to talk about the needs of the community. Through the diligent work of this group, FCM has obtained non-profit status in Panama and approval to accept international donations. Since its inception, FCMS has hosted over 40,000 volunteers in Panama, Brazil, and the Sudan. Each mission team is funded solely by the volunteer team. FCMS has also received some corporate support in the past. Each month, teams of 5 or more persons arrive, equipped with a few medical professionals, and donated medical supplies, medications and a lot of people with big hearts for God and God’s people. Dr. Cooper packs up the teams and they go out into rural

Dr. Cleveland seeing a patient in dental Clinic.

areas to set up a clinic. A physician will run a general practice (GP). Volunteers get vital signs, weights and blood pressures to help prep patients to see the doctor. Representatives from the Panamanian Ministry of Health support the clinic by taking lab work for processing. Dr. Cooper sets up and runs a dental clinic with a volunteer dental assistant. They average 10 to 15 extractions a day. Many of the patients do not have access to dental care for other follow up. The teams make use of whatever space is available. The team pictured is from Virginia and Tennessee. A desk covered with a cloth served as an exam table. Gynecological exams were done with flashlights and a covered desk chair. Each clinic also has an Evangelism team. Team members will chat with patients as they wait. They may organize Bible based activities for youth and children to free the adults to receive care. Local residents are thankful for the much needed medical and dental care. But for FCMS and its volunteer, it’s the spiritual health of every patient that matters most. The real mission is to minister the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in every outreach they organize.

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Roms. 10:14) Rev. Freda Wilkins is the at the Springfield Baptist Church in Henrico, VA. Rev. Wilkins is is passionate about missions. www.fredawilkins.com

Minister Missions Dr. Cleveland seeing a patient in dentalof Clinic.

SPRING 2013 | 13

singles only | dr. brinetta p. thomas



2013 – THE BEST YEAR TO BE SINGLE Single or not, I’ll bet the title of this article caught your attention. In a world where many would rather confess to cannibalism before admitting to being single, could there be such a thing as the best time to be single? Perhaps it depends on your definition of the word. Yes, single means unmarried, but that’s not all. Single also means one. One is a very powerful concept. It signifies wholeness and completion. One denotes agreement and personifies the power behind unity. Hmm…single may not really be so bad when you think of it like that, right? Okay, maybe you’re not quite getting that warm, fuzzy feeling just yet. I understand. One of the greatest challenges about being single is facing those dreaded, seemingly endless moments when we have no one there; those unbearable times when it seems everyone else is happily connected and we are the only one alone. Many go to great lengths to avoid these instances at all costs. Yet, I dare to suggest, in light of our broader definition, that these alone times may be just what is needed to lead us to the benefits of one. Here are 3 things we can do when we are alone.

Rest – Quiet moments alone allow us to recharge mentally and spiritually. This is so vital and no one else can do it for us.

Reflect –Meaningful opportunities to slow down and sift through feelings and

events can help us determine what is worth keeping and what needs to be discarded. This invaluable cleansing process can lighten our load and assist us in moving forward productively.

Resolve – Our values and beliefs are the foundation of who we are. They help

us to define what’s important to us and guide the decisions we make every day. Taking time to rehearse these keep us centered and focused. A quick review can bolster our courage and refuel our determination to reach our goals. Perhaps, with these in mind, you’ll choose to see your single days not as a time to be avoided but as life’s opportunity to foster the wholeness every soul longs for. Yes, this is the perfect time for that. Dr. Brinetta P. Thomas is the co-author of When Sisters Speak and Conversations of Courage is a pastor on staff at Shield of Faith Christian Center in Southern California.


One Friday evening I was playing a game of basketball with a couple of men from my neighborhood community. After a few games or so, every one of us was exhausted, dizzy, and gasping for air. At that very moment, I recognized that we all were out of shape. Due to long work hours, daily routines, family responsibility, late night eating, and aging, it never seemed to be the right time to work out. When could I possibly fit one in? I knew what needed to be done, so I had to make a decision. Later on, I suggested to everyone that we should start working out at least once a week-preferably on Saturday mornings. Every one seemed excited to start our new venture of getting back into shape. We were pumped, revved, and ready to tackle the journey. The first Saturday morning soon came and I sent a text message to all of the men to meet outside for the first light workout. I received no reply. This happened several times. I would send a message to everyone, but only to find myself working out alone. I finally realized this journey I would have to take on my own. There are times when people will agree to take the journey with you. Whether it is starting a new business, going back to school, or even making the decision to follow Christ, sometimes the journey only has room for one—you. Isaiah 42:16, “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.” What about you? Are you listening to what the Father is telling you to do? Are you willing to obey and start on your own journey? If you are, you will be blessed beyond comprehension. Remember, you can become easily discouraged when you look at the big picture, or when you try to see how far you have to go. Try to get through each day feeling your best and knowing that with God’s help you can make it. But no matter where our journey takes us, we can find comfort in the promises of God that He Photos topunfamiliar to bottom: will be with us on those familiar and paths. Try God, He works! Photos provided by God Feet.

Founders of God Feet, David and Shannon Gillette visit an all boys orphanage in Haiti to give God Feet to each child. Haitian orphans dancing in excitement about their new Pastor Travis Kelson is a man after God’s heart who shoes given by God Feet.

loves sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world. Email him at manager@renewedmagazineonline.com



unsung MINISTRY Janine Folks Edwards


know a man who is not a church-goer. Yet, he believes in God. He prays and thanks God before every meal. He talks about God and integrity at the breakfast table with his family, and he tells them how blessed they are to have food, clothing, and shelter. This man, whom some might consider a street guy, takes clothing to homeless people on the streets. He doesn’t take used items; he goes shopping and buys new clothing to give. This man is meticulous and strategic with his benevolent operation. He stays off the radar, and no one really knows that he does this. His works remain anonymous.

Some time ago, he candidly shared with many that he has not always lived right. He was once a notorious hustler who used to make money in the streets, and he has done a few things some people might deem unforgiveable. But today his lifestyle is completely different as God has delivered him, and his life has been forever changed. Nevertheless, this man does not serve in a church, nor does he regularly participate in any church-related outreach program. He simply serves God incognito. I know another street guy who volunteers periodically at a local soup kitchen. Frequently, he pulls his car over to encourage a brother who appears to be struggling and in need of guidance. He is a gifted counselor, but he is not called a minister. As a matter of fact, this man doesn’t even go to church. He doesn’t attend Bible study nor has he ever gone to seminary. He doesn’t hold any professional degrees or the credentials of a Life Coach. He simply encourages others through random acts of kindness and words of compassion.

Years ago when he was a child, he and his siblings spent weekends at an uncle’s house. Sadly, one of his sisters was molested by the uncle who just happened to be a pastor and since then, this man has not been able to bring himself to go to church again. Yet, he believes in God. He believes and confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He knows he is blessed. He prays. He loves God’s Word and he serves. In his own way this man ministers although he does not have a ministerial license. A young woman tried to convince her church to start a women’s prayer group. There were so many women who were desperate and hurting. They needed encouragement and a safe place to be open with their feelings. Days and months went by and she knew something needed to be done quickly. After becoming frustrated by trying to muddle through the red tape and seeking approval from the church hierarchy, this woman started her own prayer group. She felt a sense of urgency and acted. She set a time and place and told women to meet her there to pray. Over 70 women showed up that very first day, and these women continue to pray together monthly. Since the group does not meet in a church, the young lady finds that the un-churched women feel more comfortable coming. With a mixture of churched and un-churched women, they seem to feel less inhibited and free to be candid in the informal setting. All of these men, women and so many others like them are who we call unsung ministers. Some visit those who are ill and sick in hospitals while others spend hours visiting both men and women who are incarcerated or confined to mental institutions. Some of these unsung ministers coach sports teams in an effort to shape and mold young lives in a positive way, and some run businesses and organizations with a heart after God. Yet, each one of them ministers and blesses people in deed and in word. They give, they love, and they spread the message of hope in their own individual way although it’s not typically seen as ministry. They are without titles, doctoral degrees, or any seminary preparation. They function off the church radar, generally desiring not to be seen. These humble servants know that God has been merciful and gracious to them, so they simply want to give back by being a blessing to others. Some of these unsung ministers are not comfortable in institutionalized church settings. Some of them have been rejected and wounded in the church. So, they have sought to do Kingdom work outside

the four walls of the church. Socially, some unsung ministers are unable to integrate their personality into church culture and church politics. They want God. They want to serve, but they want to do it their way. I liken it to a person with a strong entrepreneurial spirit who has a difficult time working a regular job. They are creative, ambitious and often misunderstood, so they prefer to do their own thing. Nevertheless, the work of this type of minister is just as important as the work of a pastor who is renowned and receives accolades. They are as diligent as the theologian, but in a different way. They labor. They lament. They are focused, and they have purpose. Unsung ministers don’t necessarily use a Bible, but they speak words of wisdom and in love. What they do is no less than what is done inside churches around the world. It seems a little different, but it’s just like the ministry of Jesus Christ.

church services and buildings. For many, Salvation may not occur on Sunday morning between 10 am and 2 pm. Their conversion may happen at any place and at any time. When culture changes, there are always benefits and risks, but we can work together to find ways to make change happen effectively. This is the greatness of unsung ministry that broadens its reach to those who simply want to be reached.

Benefits of Unsung Ministry

0 Personification of a mobile tabernacle 0 Still part of the Body of Christ 0 No red tape or bureaucracy 0 No need for church etiquette or tradition Risks of Unsung Ministry

0 Potential for bad theology 0 Operating without checks and balances 0 No structure or leadership 0 Lack of true fellowship Benefits of Institutionalized Church

0 Pastoral leadership 0 Structure and organization 0 Sound theology and doctrine 0 Power of the collective and corporate worship How do we merge the two?

0 Recognize the importance of both types of ministry

0 Mutual respect and support “Then the 0 Collaborative ministry projects master said to the 0 Intercessory prayer on both sides servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” Today, many of these unsung (Luke 14:23). ministers are strategically placed throughout every nation around the This year, God is going to continue world. They surface and arise in God’s to raise up those who will be called timing. They take heed to the cry unsung ministers. They are the hands of others and to the call of reaching and feet of God in the earth. They are the the lost. Unsung ministers are men, extension of His arms and the broadness women who are old and young. They of His bosom. Unsung ministers teach, are of every race, nationality, and encourage, exhort, and show the love culture. They are Believers who love of Christ in word and in deed. They God and love God’s people. They are serve in various posts, charges, and servants who are scattered, quietly assignments, but the call remains the serving. There is no physical trait same. “Go therefore and make disciples that identifies an unsung minister, of all the nations, baptizing them in yet they give their identity away by the name of the Father and of the Son the expression of their love for one and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19). another and in the lives they affect Unsung ministry cannot be accurately every single day. They are a beacon measured as it spans beyond traditional compelling others come. Are you one?



he year 2012 caught much of the world as some would say, by surprise. It began like most years with people gearing up to start on their journey of one too many New Year’s resolutions and an interest in whether or not the world as it is would change for the better or for the worse. Yet despite our greatest efforts to secure the economy, advance our intelligence, and to find faith in one another again, 2012 was a year filled with striking contrasts beyond comprehension in the arenas of politics and controversies, persecution and love, tragedy and hopefulness—all which convinced many to pray, change, and hope for better in 2013. The events, people, and places of the past year will forever shape and impact how we will go on to evangelize, think, and continue to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

Everyone is asking this question but does anyone really want to take responsibility for the answer? Photo credit John Moore/Getty Images

Photo credit AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin.



The fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman caused uproar within every ethnic group in America. On the night of February 26 in Sanford, Florida, Martin an unarmed 17-year-old was just returning from a quick trip to a local food mart where he purchased a bag of Skittles candy and a can of Arizona tea when a confrontation between him and a self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman ended in tragedy. The shooting sparked an outrage around the world, bringing many to the steps of justice and to the mercy seat of God that we would begin working together to unfold our Thousands of people held up signs and bags of Skittles candy during a rally in separations and remind us just support of Trayvon Martin at Freedom Plaza in Washington March 24, 2012. how broken we really all are.


Phoenix, Arizona Pastor Michael Salman was fined and sentenced to spend 60 days in jail for holding Bible studies in his home. The preacher was ordered to report to Maricopa County Jail no later than 10 a.m. on July 9. Prosecutors indicted Salman who was given a building permit to convert a garage into a game room, not a church. Salman wrote on his Facebook page that morning “Our God will take care of us and my family. Please pray for us. Until God opens the prison doors, I will be with you all in prayer and spirit.” Pastor Salman was also sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay a $12,180 fine.



Trayvon Martin’s parents Tracy Martin and Sabrina Fulton at the Union Square protest against Trayvon’s shooting death. Copyright Wikimedia Commons/David Shankbone


If nothing had ever been said before regarding the controversy of gay marriages, the president and CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, who expressed his thoughts during a radio broadcast in support of traditional marriage only added fuel to the already raging fire. In a press hearing Cathy stated, “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’” Yet, in response to a media storm and threats of boycotts, the franchise experienced and influx of support from thousands of employees, constituents, and fellow chicken lover fans who packed restaurants around the country on August 1 for “Chick-fil-A- Appreciation Day. This one day propelled the company to a record-setting day in sales and has continued to cause Chick-fil-A to thrive in the months since.

RIGHT: Same sex couple Tyler Savage and Larry Farris hold hands outside a Chick-fil-A restaurant on August 3, 2012 in Dallas, Texas. Several same sex couples gathered to kiss in support of a National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A held across the country in response to Chick-fil-A’s stance on gay marriage. Photo credit Tom Pennington.

Lovers of both R & B and Gospel music were shocked when news broke over the untimely death of legendary pop singer Whitney Houston on February 11 just hours before a celebration to salute the 54th annual Grammy Awards party at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Houston was 48. The entertainer, whose incredible talent was discovered at an early age, battled with many personal issues throughout much of her career. Yet, many were not surprised to learn that the singer and actress’ last vocal performance was her favorite rendition of Jesus Loves Me. Houston is survived by her daughter, Bobbi Kristina and other relatives. Some of Houston’s greatest hits includes songs like “The Greatest Love of All” and “I Look to You,” earning her a title by millions as the voice. Houston’s last theatrical performance can be seen in the 1976 remake of the classical movie set for “Sparkle,” produced by Bishop T.D. Jakes and Debra Martin Chase.


TOP RIGHT: Whitney Houston with daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown in 2011. Photo credit Jason Merritt/Getty Images. MIDDLE: Jordin Sparks as the title character and Whitney Houston as her mother in TriStar Pictures’ “Sparkle.” Photo credit Alicia Gbur, TriStar Pictures. BOTTOM: Whitney Houston performing in London in 2010. Photo credit (AP)

YOU SURVIVED. I SURVIVED. WE ALL SURVIVED. The fact that you’re reading this article is enough to convince anyone that the year 2012 had its share of unsuccessful and too many miscarried doomsday predictions. From the supposedly false alarm to the “they got the date wrong,” thousands of people around the world were affected in some way by what was believed to be the end of the world. Friday, Dec. 21 started out as the “prophetic day” some believed would usher in the fiery end of the world. But by Saturday morning, it had become just another punch line of countless Facebook posts and regrettable decisions by many of its followers. More than twenty thousand on-lookers gathered at the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chicken Itza, chanting and dancing around ceremonial fires and pyramids to mark the conclusion of a vast, 5,125-year cycle in the Mayan calendar. Many sold their homes and gave away all of the posessions. Nevertheless, we’re still here and most devote Christians still confess “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My (Jesus’) Father only” Matthew 24:36.

CRYING WITH NEWTOWN, CT The nation and the world fell to its knees in grief as we watched a small community in Newtown, Connecticut become shattered from the aftermath of one of the worse and horrifying massacres against human life. After a lone gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 and opened fire, killing 20 first-graders and six adults before killing himself, many believe evil had reached its edge. Not even five months after 12 people were killed in a movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., Americans were once again left reeling and searching for answers in the face of tragedy. The massacre has since sparked several debates over gun control laws and the influence of violent video games on our youth. But there are still so many unanswered questions. Why? Should we have taken prayer out of school? And is there a sensible solution to preventing this from ever happening again?




LEFT-TOP: Mayan shamans take part in a ceremony on December 21, 2012, celebrating the end of the Mayan calendar, at the Tikal archaeological site, north of Guatemala City. Photo credit JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP/Getty Images . LEFT-BOTTOM: December 21, 2012 was the day predicated by followers of the Mayan Calendar that the world would end. Visitors from around the world attended a ritual ceremony around the Kukulkan Pyramidin Chichen Itza, in Tinum municipality, in Yucatan State, southern Mexico. TOP-RIGHT: Memorials aligned many streets in Newtown, CT following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. BOTTOM-RIGHT: Precious faces of several of Sandyhook Elementary School shooting victims.

cont’d on page 22

Sexting: To Send or Not to Send?


hatever happened to the days of sending a nice, personalized greeting card? Do we even remember the era of the thirty-cent stamp or communicating with family, friends, and loved ones through a stretch of more than an instant message from our thoughts? For more than a decade, the popular cultural phenomenal of text messaging has inspired us all. With it, we’ve been able to send the gist of our day, last minute notes, and overlooked conversations in the strength of a 160-character, thumb-typed phone text message. However, with every advantage to influence the human span of intelligence and the exploration of new opportunities in technology, an accompanying perverseness always seems to tag along bringing bitterness to our advancement. Teenagers are now the more prevalent users of mobile devices. They text and send an average of “one hundred�1 text messages a day. However, with the use of instant and text messaging, many have become desensitized to proper and less offensive communication. Today, the means of communicating I love you, missing you, or other thoughts of real love has dwindled to the use of cryptic looking codes of abbreviations, acronyms, short hand text, and images that should be restricted to adult-only conversations. Yet, as more and more teenagers are giving the leeway to use mobile phones, parents should be aware of the dangers of teen sexting that now claims much of the mobile and internet airwaves.

Sex + Texting = Sexting It should not be assumed that all cell phone users or even an Internet junky is familiar with the definition of sexting. According to Wikipedia, Sexting is, “the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones.”2 Yet, sexting or better known as sext can include sending illicit materials via the Internet too. But sexting goes beyond simply sending suggestive text messages. It also includes the act of receiving and forwarding these messages or images to others. Although the idea of exchanging or recording sexual material seems to be a new concept to many adults, it isn’t. Historically, sexual material has been distributed through various means such as advertisements, books, magazines as well as many other means of communication. Yet, modern-day technology like the Internet, smart phones, and the tablet have made exchanges much easier and more powerful than ever before. It’s as simple as the press of a button, and once it’s gone, it can not be retrieved. Sexting Statistics: Who’s Doing It? c

Nearly 1 in 5 teens who receive a sext share it with someone else.


20% of teens have sent or posted a nude or semi-nude image of themselves.


Of those who have sent sexts, 76% of teen girls and 57% of guys sent it to get someone else to like them.


21% of teen girls and 39% of teen boys say they have sent such content to someone they wanted to date or hook up with.


15% of teens who have sent or posted nude/seminude images of themselves say they have done so to someone they only knew online.


This means an average of 85% of sexts are sent to strangers. Common Sexting Terms

Most teenagers who participate in sexting are familiar with its language. The objective of sending a sext is not so much as to confuse the recipient, but to hide its meaning from parents, teachers, and even law officers. Therefore, to avoid the possibility of being caught, messages and pictures are sent with words that can be combined, removed, or invented on the spot. So, here are just a few terms used in sexting. (Warning some of these terms are is sexually explicit).


I Love You See You For Sex Get Naked in Front of Computer Straight or Gay? Parents Are Watching Parent In Room Are You 18? Will You Call Me? Friends with Benefits Let’s Hook Up


What’s the Big Deal? In a recent conversation with her ninth-grade son, one mother asked, “Did you know you can get into a lot of trouble doing this?” She had caught her son sending sexual verbiage to a friend. With an honest look he replied, “No, it’s not like we’re really having sex. What’s the big deal?” Unfortunately, most teenagers are not aware of the hidden dangers associated with sexting. Instead, they simply brush it off as passing time or harmless chit-chat with friends. Many sexts can be exchanged on social media sites where the number of friendly-strangers is enormous. Yet, who would bring harm to a teen or child as a result of an innocent-inspired text?


are caught with sexual content on their mobile phones can actually be charged with possession of child porn—even if they are under the age of 18. If you are a parent or have a close relationship with a child or teenager you care deeply about, start asking questions. Ask your teenager if they use social media or mobile devices for this behavior. Review Internet sites, instant messages, and other communication devices with your teen. Tell them never to send their full name, address, phone number, or other personal information to someone they do not know and to people they meet online. Know who your children are communicating with at all times even if you think you might be a little sure and ask them to report to you any sexual solicitation they receive. When it comes to the safety of our children and youth, there’s no substitute for parental supervision. Use With Caution Mobile phones and the World Wide Web are two of the greatest inventions, drastically shaping our culture. Yet, beyond the benefits of social expansion, we must inform our loved one about the dangers of sending illicit materials that can have serious long-term effects. Teach your teens to use these devices with caution.

Sadly, sexting can be used by sexual predators to lure young girls and boys. The horrific stories of child abductions, molestation, and rape continue to climb, and FIVE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT children who are BEFORE PRESSING “SEND” sexting do not DON’T ASSUME IT’S PRIVATE. have a complete While you may think your best friend would never share your understanding of deepest secrets, think again. Your messages and images can the consequencbe passed around, even if you think they won’t. If it’s private, es or repercuskeep it that way. sions sions of their actions. actions. These images images and messages sages are easily forwarded forwarded on to others others and can induce induce a lifetime of shame, regret, and embarrassment.

If you suspect your teenager is sexting, you should talk to him or her about the dangers of sending out pictures and messages that leaves very little to the imagination. In most states, teenagers who

NOTHING IS TRULY ANONYMOUS. It is important to remember that even if someone only knows you by your screen name, online profile, phone number or email address, they can probably find you if they try hard enough. Shield your safety by not sharing your personal information. CONSIDER THE RECIPIENT AND THE MESSAGE. Know who you are texting. Only send text messages to people you actually know. Type exactly what you are trying to communicate and exclude any sexual innuendos. A message intended to be a joke can be easily misunderstood and forwarded to the wrong person. ANYTHING YOU SEND STAYS AWAY. Videos and photos can go viral on the Internet in a matter of days. And once the information is out, it stays. Potential employers, college recruiters, parents, friends, and strangers may be able to find your information even after you delete it. DON’T GIVE IN TO THE PRESSURE TO FORWARD. If you receive an illicit text, be sure to speak with a trusted adult immediately. You can be charged and convicted of a crime if you are caught with sexual material on your mobile phone or computer. So, tell a trusted adult. Then hit delete.



In a recent report on global religious identity, there is now a new religion that’s quickly growing in an unprecedented way. While Christians and Muslims make up the two largest groups, those with no religious affiliation often referred to as nones are now the thirdlargest religious group in the world. On Tuesday, December 18, the study released by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, found that more than eight in 10 of the world’s 7 billion people adheres to some form of religion. Christians make up the largest group, followed by Muslims, and close behind are the nones — those who say they have no religious affiliation or say they do not believe in God.

Owners of one of the largest Christian TOP: Brittany and Michael Koper, center, have filed a lawsuit television alleging financial shenanigans at TBN, founded by her grandparents Jan Crouch, left, and Paul Crouch networks, Sr. PHOTO credit AP Photo/Brittany Koper. founders LEFT: TBN’s Official logo. Photo credit TBN Paul and Jan Crouch, were sued by their granddaughter, Brittany Koper, who accused the network directors of illegally distributing charitable assets worth more than $50 million for their personal use. The civil lawsuit alleged that the network knew and kept quiet about broad financial inaccuracies benefiting its founders. In response, TBN filed six lawsuits nationwide accusing Koper and her husband of engaging in a smear campaign to divert attention from financial problems of their own. Some critics of TBN called for ministries associated with the network to pull the plug on their programming with TBN. However, despite the law suits, TBN has continued to move forward with its plan to build a studio in Holy Land, Jerusalem.



When Gabby Douglas competed at the 2012 Olympics in London, she never imagined she would be the first African-American gymnast to claim gymnastics’ biggest prize or named female athlete of the year by The Associated Press. Although her busy schedule leaves less time to train, Douglas insists she plans to compete through the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in 2016.



In an industry where body meets beauty, one Victoria’s Secret model calls it quit. Model Kylie Bisutti, 21, left the giant retailer because she believed it clashed with her Christian beliefs.

In a media interview on Good morning America Bisutti said, “I just became so convicted of honoring the Lord and my body and wanting to be a role model for other women out there who look up to me.” In 2009, the young native from California beat out 10,000 hopefuls to win the Victoria’s Secret Model Search. Kylie Bisutti – Frederick’s of Hollywood Summer She was 19 and recently married at the 2011 Photo shoot time. The day after the nationally televised Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on December 1, Bisutti who did not appear, took to her Twitter page and posted, “For all of you that were looking for me in the Victoria’s Secret runway show this year, I wasn’t in it. I have decided not to model lingerie because I personally feel that I am not honoring God or my husband by doing it...”

SURVIVING SANDY’S RAGE “Superstorm” Sandy, deemed one of the most destructive storms to hit the United States in decades, left millions without power for weeks and caused billions of dollars of damage. On October 22, the category 2 storm pounded more than seven east coast states with its winds stretching beyond 1,100 miles.




Image of one of the many controversial atheist advertising billboards that have been displayed. Photo credit NZ Atheist Bus Campaign.

Behind 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, Sandy became the second-costliest Atlantic hurricane with more than $65.6 billion in damages. Yet, in the wake of the devastation, Christian ministries, churches, and organizations were some of the first to step in for physical and spiritual aid. BOTTOM-LEFT (down): US gymnast Gabrielle Douglas (C) poses on the podium with Russia’s gymnast Victoria Komova (R) and Russia’s gymnast Aliya Mustafina after winning the artistic gymnastics women’s individual all-around final at the 02 North Greenwich Arena in London on August 2, 2012 during the London 2012 Olympic Games. Photo credit EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/GettyImages.

tweedy poole | my testimony

“In a trusting way he assured me that he would not hurt me.”

In 1997, I went to a conference where George Bloomer preached a message about God bringing things to the forefront of Nobody had ever told me it wasn’t my fault. your mind before He delivers you from a thing. He spoke about how a person must first When I put the baby in the crib, I fell confront it, which was something I’d asleep and was later awakened by a man never done. That message stuck with me standing over me. In a trusting way he and God started doing exactly what he assured me that he would not hurt me. preached. While fear and panic took over me, there But one night my husband touched was nowhere for me to go. I cried inside as me and I lost it. I felt every hand that had this stranger had his way with me. When ever touched me. God began to pull every my sitter came back it was apparent that something had gone wrong and she had to fowl, perverted, and demonic spirit that I had been carrying since I was a little girl contact my mother, who was furious. out of me. His comforting words to me That evening, I was taken to the while I was going through that process police department where the unthinkable was, “It’s not your fault!” He comforted happened. The examiner was a huge male me in saying that He wasn’t holding me

accountable for the seed that was planted in me that grew. Nobody had ever told me it wasn’t my fault. Although I have shared my testimony with many, I am even more inclined to let women know that there is life beyond these walls. God is able to renew and restore. I’m living proof. www.tweedypoole.com


OBAMA: MORE YEARS In the United4States, President Barak Obama overcame a bad economy, high unemployment, and a fractured political landscape during his first term as president to go on to win a second term in the White House on November 6. The incumbent first African American president for the States defeated challenger Mitt Romney by taking several key battleground states and denying him any inroads in traditional Democratic bastions. Obama tweeted on his official Twitter account: “We’re all in this together. That’s how we campaigned, and that’s who we are. Thank you.” Mr. Obama’s greatest supporter is the illustrious First Lady Michelle who despite many insinuations that she is unqualified to lead the country alongside her husband, she has left many speechless with not only her poise, but her extreme dedication and pro-activeness in her own stead.

Photo provided by Tweedy Poole

I am a native of Baltimore, MD and now reside in Greenville, SC. I am a wife and mother of six. When I was seven years old my virginity was stolen from me by a man whose name I’ll never know. My mother left me and my sisters with a babysitter while she went out with her friends. That evening the sitter took us to her friend’s house and she went out to party with her friends. I was the oldest left with several children, including a threemonth-old baby.

who had no consideration for the little girl that lay before him. He examined me as if I were an adult, shoving what felt like his entire arm inside of me, at that point breaking my hymen. For years I was terrified of the police. The one that was supposed to protect me violated me. From that point it was as if a bulls-eye had been placed on head. Everywhere I went someone had their hands on me. It happened so much; I thought it was a way of life.


LEFT: U.S. President Obama hugs daughters Malia (R) and Sasha (2L) as First Lady Michelle looks on during his election night victory in Chicago. Photo credit Larry Downing. TOP-RIGHT: People watching election results in Times Square. Photo credit John Moore/Getty Images. BOTTOM: The official First Family photo. Photo credit The White House.

SPRING 2013 | 23

my brother’s keeper | pastor kenneth paden


THE OPTIMISTIC MAN “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).

As I write this article, the country is still mourning with the city of Newtown, Connecticut in the aftermath of the very heinous act of violence that left twenty small and precious children dead along with seven adults. When I heard the news concerning what happened, I became very distraught and I am not even connected to any of the families. I could not even begin to imagine the grief and the pain of those who lost their loved ones and those who were close to them in one way or another.

Around the world, there are others who may not have suffered the violence of Newtown or experienced the devastation of a hurricane, but their lives are still being affected by unemployment. There are people who are still losing their homes to foreclosure. There are still those suffering from an illness or some type of disease. It is as if to ask, why not just give up? Once again, allow me to submit to you that God still gives us hope.

As we embrace It is not my the new year, let Yet, even in the midst of such assignment to us embrace the turmoil, God still gives us hope. attempt to offer change that it brings a psychological whether it has been analysis or a forced upon us by theological assessment as to why the the aforementioned circumstances or individual did what he did. However, simply recognizing that in order to be all I want to convey the absolute truth that you can be, change is necessary. in the midst of such grief and pain, God I conclude with this prayer: still gives us hope. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Not too long ago Hurricane Sandy Himself, and our God and Father, who wreaked havoc on many east coast cities has loved us and given us everlasting and towns. Thousands of people were consolation and good hope by grace, left without homes, jobs, and businesses. comfort your hearts and establish In fact, the statement has been made you in every good word and work” that it will take years to rebuild or to (2 Thess. 2:16-17). even recover from the devastation of this “Now may the God of hope fill you with hurricane. Yet, even in the midst of such all joy and peace in believing, that you turmoil, God still gives us hope. may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 15:13).

How do you feel about this new year? Are you excited or are you in fear of what lies ahead? I want to speak to your spirit— the part of you who is full of OPTIMISM. On New Year’s we are always making New Year’s Resolutions; however, very few are carried out because it carries the same mentality of the excitement from the honeymoon stage— here today, gone tomorrow. But the true OPTIMISTIC Man: o Is a man of God who has faith which

produces a hope and a confidence

o Is a visionary o Has expectations which are

considered realistic

o Uses past experiences as insights for

discerning future obstacles rather than fear builders

o Maximizes growth in real life



Men become optimistic by trusting God to give them their hope and visions. They are able to identify their daily steps of faith, while being inspired to take new steps of faith. Men who are optimistic continue to pray for wisdom to fulfill the vision, and they remain hopeful and confident about their future. Consider Abraham as it is said of him in Romans 4:18-21: “who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, ‘So shall your descendants be.’ And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” Bishop Dickie L. Adams is the Senior Pastor of Global Ministries International Inc. www.gmi1.org


sister to sister | janine folks



It’s a new year! We’ve seen dozens of commercials for weight loss, colleges, and yes dating websites appeal to changes people pledge to make at the top of a new year. And while the new year is considered a starting point to our own personal reinvention revolution, it is equally important to reflect on our actions. One key factor in attaining a goal is the ACTION taken behind the goal. For many of us we’ve spent years creating goals, however the ACTIONS behind the goals did not provide desired results. Consider this: “Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved” (Matt. 9:17). Jesus clearly explained that you can not take the old and expect the new to maintain it. When setting goals, the same principal applies. For example, when establishing a fitness goal, you can’t expect to drop weight if you have not changed your high saturated fat diet. It doesn’t work like that. In order to receive the full benefits of anything, new actions must proceed. Meditating on this scripture, God led me to see this applies to all areas of life. Below are 3 Must Takes that should be in place to achieve your goals this year:  MINDSETS-Roms. 12:2.  PEOPLE/ASSOCIATION- 2 Cor. 6:14-17  HABITS- Eph. 4:22-24 In this new year consider your actions and take on the new you in Christ, rooted and grounded to be the best version of HE who lives within you. Live in blessed abundance in 2013. Zakiya S. Kyles is the Founder of Queenly & Confident, an organization dedicated to helping women and girls “Discover the Royalty Within”. Visit her online at http://queenlyandconfident.com

Lisa, Angela, Pamela, and Renee were other women, young and old who are recognized as around the way girls, connected to us in some way, we all need while Rebecca, Lolita, Vashawn, and to recognize the special women in our Dawn could double Dutch. lives. They should be on Even in song, women our Ladies Roll Call. like being recognized for Like so many other There is a group their accomplishments women, young of sisters in the Old and awesomeness. It is and old who are Testament who stood powerful and liberating. connected to us in up for their right to some way, we all Perhaps it is because claim and receive their need to recognize throughout history, inheritance in a time the special women women’s roles have been when it was unpopular in our lives. They downplayed. We’ve been for daughters to speak should be on our in the shadows for so long up. Mahlah, Noah, that when we are noted Hoglah, Milcah, and Ladies Roll Call. for standing out, we get Tirzah pleaded their excited. case (Joshua 17:3-4) when others might have Yet, I’m sure the women Paul silently bowed out to avoid possible recognized in Romans 16 were humbly conflict and controversy. They knew excited too. Paul called them out and what belonged to them, they claimed and said good things about them. Phoebe received it. Do you know what belongs (v.1), a church leader, is called out to you? and Paul respectfully asked others to look out for her because she had been God has promised you some things. so helpful to him. Paul greeted and You have gifts. Your name is on a list in recognized Pricilla (v.3). She was a ride God’s hand. He needs your hands, feet, or die chick because she, along with her mouth, mind, and heart to change the husband, risked her life for Paul (v.4). world. Like our foremothers, your service He greeted Mary who worked hard (v.6). matters. You are on God’s roll call. I hear Tryphaena, Tryphosa, and Persis were Him calling your name. Do you? each women Paul recognized for their “Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, hard work as well (v.12). Rufus’ mother, you are fair! You have dove’s eyes beJulia, and Nereus’ sister also stood out hind your veil” (Song of Solomon 4:1). as hardworking women in Paul’s camp who helped in the ministry.

In these passages of scriptures, Paul truly expressed his appreciation and requested favor for these women. Like so many


SPRING 2013 | 25

a lesson learned | chaplain (maj) cliff vicars, d.min

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BECOME A SOCIAL MEDIA MISSIONARY Over the past few years, we have Our use of social media reflects seen a growing interest in social media. what we hear and see going on Anyone participating in this new around us. We get caught in the interactive phenomena can attest to trap of becoming a mirror for what the influence it can have on how we others deem important. That is spend our time. People from our past not wrong within itself, but as the have the ability to reach out to us and followers of Christ, we must make ask us to be their friend. By doing so, sure that we primarily reflect what old acquaintances help us to remember is important to Him. We can reflect how things used to be. We remember the culture around us, or we can where we went to school, the people we influence the culture around us. played with as children, and the people who helped influence how we became God has given us the who we are today. Old college friends, ability to establish new patterns of neighbors and distant relatives become influence on old friends. We can new influences on speak about the our daily life. The hope God has given We get caught in the trap of past and the present to us through His blends together to Son, Jesus Christ. becoming a mirror for what form new patterns of By doing so, we let others deem important. That is influence on us. the people of our not wrong within itself, but as past see how God the followers of Christ, we must While we can has blessed us with make sure that we primarily recognize how others an abundance of reflect what is important to Him. influence us with His grace. We can social media, we may “go into all the forget that we also world and preach have the ability to be an influence. the Gospel,” without leaving our kitchen table. Just a few months ago, people seemed obsessed with national politics, The next time someone asks and that seemed to be the predominant you to be his or her “friend,” take it topic people wished to discuss on social to heart. Share Christ with someone media. At other times, people have in this New Year. given most of their time discussing gun control, fiscal cliffs, or beautiful winter scenes during the holidays.

Dr. Vicars is a native of South Carolina and serves as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. He lives at Fort Benning, Georgia with his wife Sharon and sons Will and Charlie.

“...to the weak I became as[a] weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22).


to know Jesus Yes, Iaswant my personal Savior. When God calls your name, will you be ready to answer and to enjoy the gift of eternal life? If you are unsure, pray this simple prayer of salvation and begin to enjoy your new-found life in Christ. Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart, and receive the free gift of salvation. CONFESS THIS SIMPLE PRAYER

Father, I know I have broken Your commandments and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry. I am making this decision today to turn away from my past sinful life and live a life in true obedience to You. Please forgive me and help me avoid sinning again. I believe your Son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

love notes | for couples

MARRIAGE THAT ROCKS! We all look for those little nifty ideas that can make our marriage ROCK! Whether it’s spicing things up in the area of romance or communicating more than just the usual pillow talk, your marriage can work. Marriage itself takes your investment of time and a willingness to see your relationship with your spouse flourish beyond the honeymoon phase. So, while the year has only just begun, here are 52 things you can do this year to take your marriage to the next level. (Try at least one idea per week). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Write her a love letter. Go on regular date nights. Pray together. Go to bed at the same time. Let him hang with the boys for one night. Tell her to get away from the house and kids for a few hours. Buy a gift just for him. Send her flowers at work. Read the Bible together. Compliment her even if she doesn’t feel well. Praise your good man. Be best friends. Look to him to make the big decisions. Make his favorite dessert. Include her suggestions and thoughts before you make a major decision. Don’t nag him. Put down the seat for him; pick up your socks for her. Renew your vows publicly. Pick your battles and argue less. Go away this year (just the two of you). Hang pictures of the two of you around your house. Kiss in front of your kids. Spend time apart occasionally. Learn to enjoy something he loves.

25. Watch a chic movie with her. 26. Meet him at the door when he comes home from work. 27. Be accountable to each other. 28. Call him right now and say, “I love you.” 29. Be affectionate. 30. Leave work and come home early. 31. Wash, vacuum her car. Keep it full of gas. 32. Engage every day in a meaningful conversation. 33. Take one day a week and make her your focus. 34. Give her a surprise. 35. Be creative and spontaneous! 36. Start saying we more and I less. 37. Kiss and hug every day. 38. Stop complaining. 39. Forgive quickly. 40. Be honest. 41. Plan your budget together. 42. Laugh together. 43. Make him breakfast in bed. 44. Do her chores for her. 45. Exercise together. 46. Say thank you. 47. Learn something new together. 48. Listen to each other. 49. Support each other’s goals. 50. Wear something he loves. 51. Fight for your marriage. 52. Don’t use the word divorce.

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate”(Mk 10:9). Spotlight Your Marriage! Download Our Couples Form From Our Website. 28 | SPRING 2013 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

n) rly Alexis (Kelso Jared & Kimbe Were married on July 12, 2010 in Lutchter, LA. Jared is an Account Executive for Dr. Pepper/ Snapple and Kimberly is a Recruiter for ITT Technical Institute. This couple has 1 child, Kiley Alexis. What has been the key to your lasting relationship? We valued our friendship before we became husband and wife, and we keep God first in everything that we do.

E One day, Kim and I decided to HSAID play a friendly game of basketball.

I knew she had played basketball in college, but I still didn’t take her too seriously. In the beginning of the game, I started by making a few shots here and there. After she realized I was winning, I eased up just a little so that she could catch up. Once she noticed I was barely defending her, she began to complain that I wasn’t playing her as if she was my equal. So, I stepped up my game, and it all came down to the wire. But when I realized how badly she really wanted to win, I missed a few of the final shots on purpose. Needless to say, I let her win the game.


Friendly game? Yeah right! Initially, my plan to take it easy HE it was him because I knew what I SAID on was capable of. Still, he just kept challenging me. We both started out making a few jump shots here and there, but neither one of us wanted to lose. So, it was no longer boyfriend versus girlfriend; it was athlete versus athlete. Jared started blocking my shots, and I ripped him off the dribble. We battled the entire game insomuch that it turned into a shootout. Yes, Jared knew that I had played college basketball, but what he didn’t know was my shooting percentage was 75% from the field. So, he lost that game, and no he did not let me win. I tried my best afterward to not to rub it in too much. Not!


After A a change in their lead singer, many were skeptical on the Newsboys ability to create another amazing album. With a title track introducing their newest member, their band made “anew” and the cry not to fall victim to the lies of this world; this track has been leaving its mark on the airways since its debut. Go on a spiritual journey with a band that has been bridging the generational gap. Available for $9.99 through http://www.newsboys.com

AMAZING The new Gospel CD release from contemporary Gospel singer/ songwriter Ernest D. Wilson is a tribute to the amazing love of an awesome God that he serves! The peaceful voice of the Psalmist will bring you into the presence of the Lord with the song “Worship” and other songs like “Rest” will bring healing for the soul. His musical project is a fresh manifestation of what the Lord has declared prophetically thru him and a transforming endeavor expressing his gratitude, appreciation and love for God. The best is yet to come!

BREAKTHROUGH Featuring the Top 40 Billboard Hit, “You’re the One” was noted by Billboard as the most added Gospel song of the week and Gospel Music’s most active and newest song of the week; listed there with Mary Mary, BeBe & CeCe Winans, and more. This CD is sure to take gospel music connoisseurs on a musical journey! Visit www.hopeaskew.com for more info or call 1(888)809-6764 today! NOW Available on ITunes, Amazon and CDBaby.com!


Directions: Using the NKJV Bible, find the missing words hidden in the word search puzzle. “If _______ you have _______ Him and have been _______ by Him, as the _______ is in _______: that you put off, _______ your former _______, the old man which grows _______ according to the _______ lusts, and be _______ in the _______ of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was _______ according to God, in true _______ and _______.”

Hint: Ephs. 4:21-24



SPRING 2013 | 29

masterpieces | nu author

Q: DOES YOUR BOOK SPEAK FROM THE LIFE OF SOMEONE ELSE OR FROM YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE? GOINGS: This book was written from my own personal experience. But I don’t know if experience is the right word. I think a better way to put it would be that the book comes from my question and answer sessions with God. When I first came to know Jesus Christ, I had a lot of emotional pain and I could not understand the purpose of it. After God sorted through my stuff, He showed me what was important. Then, I was left with the things I needed settled in order to move forward and to allow Him to balance me. I was uneven in my emotions for so long, and it was time to stop the seesaw that was ruining my life. Q: IN THE WAKE OF TODAY’S ECONOMICAL TURN DOWN, MANY PEOPLE FEEL THERE IS NO NEED TO DREAM? WHAT’S YOUR PERSPECTIVE?

God knows a lot of people, and my world is too small to box God in. My mind goes beyond where I live and who I know.

GOINGS: We have to remember that we live in revelation not selfinflicted dreams. We plan a lot of things without God. Economics is not a part of the book, but if we allow God to reveal His plan to us, we would not be disappointed and feel as if God has let us down. I believe from my own experience that God will take care of His own if we continue to take care of what He has assigned to us. Q: WHAT KIND OF ADVICE DO YOU GIVE OTHERS WHO DREAM OF OWNING A HOME, STARTING A BUSINESS, OR DOING WHAT THEY FEEL THEY HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO ACCOMPLISH? GOINGS: Don’t just think about it. Make a plan. Write it down. God deals with people who will listen and plan. Also, you must be patient because God’s timing is always in line with what benefits and affects His Kingdom. Everything a child of God does must have purpose attached to it or built in. You have to ask yourself

what is the glory that God will receive from this. If I make money, what percentage does God want above the tenth? But for me it’s not about money, but the message. Q: WHAT DO YOU HOPE READERS WILL GAIN FROM YOUR BOOK? GOINGS: When you allow God to be in control of your life, true happiness comes from trusting Him. People can only do so much and are subject to fail. This is not because they want to fail, but because we are not designed to be the answer but an instrument within the answer. We trust people too much because we can see them. If it does not work like you think it should, this does not mean that’s all God has for you. God can start you again. Learn how allow God do what He does best. He wants to take the work out of our lives and teach us how to nestle not wrestle. Q: WHAT IS THE ONE LESSON YOU’VE HAD TO LEARN IN PURSING YOUR OWN DREAM, AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO DIFFERENTLY IF GIVEN THE CHANCE TO START OVER? GOINGS: The first thing I did wrong was I tried to get people to see what God was showing me and they didn’t get it at all. I thought that I needed other people to help me. If I could do it all over again, I would go all out while my balloon was full of air. I would trust God and be globally-minded. The one lesson I have learned is that God is global and when I pray, I pray in this manner. God knows a lot of people, and my world is too small to box God in. My mind goes beyond where I live and who I know. That’s why I’m so glad I am connected with Renewed Magazine.

WHEN YOUR DREAMS DON’T COME TRUE $10.00/ Paperback Where to Purchase? Any book site

WANT MORE LOUISE GOINGS? Visit her at www.outreachfamilyfellowship.com SPRING 2013 | 31


masterpieces | nu music

esiree’ Bonner

The Psalmist... Volume One $15.00 (download available for $9.99) www.dhbonner.com

Q: MANY ARTISTS CONSIDER THEIR SONGS TO BE A REFLECTION OF WHO THEY ARE? HAS THIS BEEN YOUR EXPERIENCE? BONNER: This is absolutely my experience. Much like King David in the Book of Psalms, the songs that I write are directly from my personal experience. They are my prayers set to music like a Psalm. Q: WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL TESTIMONY? BONNER: I grew up going to Sunday school. My family and I prayed, and there was always a Bible in the house. However, I didn’t have an ongoing personal relationship with the God of my Sunday school classes. To me, He was more like Santa Claus who knew when I was naughty or nice. Yet, we didn’t necessarily have a lot to talk about. Later in my mid-twenties, I was at my lowest. I was jobless and only a few days from being evicted from my small, roachinfested apartment that I lived in with three small children. One day, I simply got down on my knees with only the light from the television and I asked Jesus to help me. Instantly, I sensed a calm washing over me, and I knew it was God, Himself, who had touched me and that everything would be okay. Yes. It took time for things to work out for the good, but my life was changed at that very moment, and I have been growing in Him since that day. Q: SINCE YOU’VE BEEN SINGING PRAISE & WORSHIP FOR MANY YEARS, WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF WORSHIP? BONNER: Worship involves our reverence and love for our Creator. It may or may not be seen; it may or may not be heard. Worship is more than the songs we sing, or whether we lift our hands, shout, or fall out in the Spirit. Worship is embedded in everything that we say and the essence of everything that we do. It is not something that we turn on at eleven o’clock on Sunday morning and turn off as soon as we leave out of the church parking lot. Worship is a lifestyle.

Q: WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR PROJECT “THE PSALMIST?” BONNER: The inspiration behind “The Psalmist” is the fact that congregants would come up to me and ask me did I have a CD or who sang that song? People would ask me, “Where can I find that song?” Since these were my songs Worship is embedded in everyand not recorded, I thing that we say and the essence had no way to get it to of everything that we do. them. So, it became an issue of my heart to get them recorded. As I began to pray, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that I would need 3 volumes and this has been my mission. It was also a desire of my heart to formalize all of the notes that I’ve collected leading music teams and workshops over the years and to put them into one book. This desire has fully manifested and is called, “The Heart of the Psalmist.” Q: WHAT DO YOU WANT THE LISTENERS TO TAKE AWAY FROM THE TOTAL PROJECT? BONNER: It is my desire that the listener or reader becomes immersed in the very presence of God and that they sense His touch in the very same way I did more than 20 years ago. I hope people will go beyond an outer court relationship with God, enter into an inner court relationship, and spend time beyond the veil as often as they can. Prayerfully, “The Heart of the Psalmist” and “The Psalmist” can assist the reader or listener to create an environment that aids them in actually making the journey.

THE PSALMIST... VOLUME ONE $15.00 (download available for $9.99)

WANT MORE DESIREE’ BONNER? Visit her at www.dhbonner.com


masterpieces | nu author

Q: YOUR BIO STATES YOU’RE THE AUTHOR OF FOUR BOOKS. WHY DID YOU WRITE THIS ONE? BRYANT: I was inspired to write this particular book after working on an assignment at a school for special needs children. As I looked at some of the challenges on both sides– the teachers and the You don’t have students– I felt that everyone could to lie down use some encouragement to keep them and take it. going when the going gets tough. Some You have an of these challenges are so difficult that inner strength. if a person does not find the courage, You can fight they might give up. This moved me to back, and you try something that had helped me in the don’t have to past when I wanted to stop trying altolet life kick you gether. So I decided to follow that inner without kicking voice and write down what I did over back. the years that helped me keep going. Q: SOME PEOPLE FEEL REJECTED; HAVE LOW SELFESTEEM, LACK OF MOTIVATION, AND A SUPPORT SYSTEM THEY FEEL THEY NEED IN ORDER TO BUILD THEIR PERSONAL CONFIDENCE. WHAT’S YOUR STORY, AND HOW DID YOU FIND THE COURAGE AND STRENGTH TO MOVE FORWARD? BRYANT: I have experienced so many setbacks and so many times when I wanted to give up on myself. I had no place to go. I closed my eyes and saw nothing. I opened my eyes and saw nothing. I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. Then, I remembered what my foreparents instilled in me. And when that failed, I just called on the name of Jesus. One of the most rewarding things I did when I was going through a year-long illness was I played worship music over and over again. It fed my soul and spirit like nothing else could at that time in my life. I just held on to that spiritual hand believing that it would bring me through. Q: YOU OFTEN REFER TO YOUR PAST EXPERIENCES OF MARRIAGE, OLD FRIENDSHIPS, CHILDHOOD MOLESTATION, AND RAPE AS YESTERDAY. WHY?

BRYANT: I refer to those failed experiences as yesterday because that is exactly where they are. I have learned a valuable lesson from each of those experiences, and I now live these lessons to ensure that I do not go down those same paths again. I teach these lessons from my experiences to anyone who will listen so that they can be spared from the heartache of what I had to endure. Part of the reason why things happened in my past is because I did not have mentors walking beside me when I became an adult. I learned life’s lessons the hard way; I made the mistakes out of ignorance and immaturity. I didn’t understand that every action or non-action had its consequences. So as I learned, I changed. What worked I kept. And what didn’t work, I threw away. I still do this today. Q: WHAT DO YOU HOPE THE READER WILL GAIN FROM YOUR BOOK? BRYANT: What I want the reader to gain from reading this book is this: although life sometimes hands you a situation or circumstance that’s hard to deal with, you still have options and choices. You don’t have to lie down and take it. You have an inner strength. You can fight back, and you don’t have to let life kick you without kicking back. I want people to believe they can make it and go for it. I want them to accomplish their dreams and goals, but more importantly, I want them to remember that they have dreams, goals, and they matter. In other words, I want them to find their P.L.C– their Path. We all have one. This is your life’s purpose and your contribution. We all are to make a contribution to this earth before it is our time to leave. It is my hope that they get this message and follow through.

101 WAYS TO KEEP GOING WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH $9.99 paperback - $5.99 Kindle www.stillcruising2destiny.com Digital Download Available at Amazon/kindle

WANT MORE MARCI BRYANT? Visit her at www.stillcruising2destiny.com SPRING 2013 | 33

masterpieces | nu author


the Biblical principles that unlock the door of abundance. We can have a financially abundant life exceeding the norm of paycheck to paycheck living. The main thing we must get as a body is we must stop trying to prosper our way and to do it God’s way.

THOMPSON: This was a question I often asked as I seemed to constantly struggle financially at one time. I found out through studying God’s Word that the answer is yes. Our forefathers Abraham and Isaac were men who lived a life of vast wealth and abundance. In Luke 6:38 we get a picture of how rapidly and overwhelmingly our Father will bless us when we give. Our finances are included in this promise. He uses the terms “good measure, pressed down, shaken together I just couldn’t keep silent and and running over” on our neither would God allow me return. This sounds like a God to. People began to see the who is big, thinks big, and gives changes in my life and wanted big. Throughout the Scriptures to know what I was doing. there are so many covenant promises available to us in the area of financial prosperity if we and willing to accept what our Father has provided for us.

THOMPSON: The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” The heart referenced here is the soul of man; the seat of his emotions and affections. So, it’s really the soul which has a tremendous weight on the external. The soul deals with our subconscious thinking patterns and takes us deeper than just the mental. If we don’t sow seeds of financial abundance in our soul we will never manifest it outwardly. That’s a law of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, our external circumstances are really just the mirror image of what is really going on in our soul. For that reason, what we term as generational curses are no more than paradigms or thought patterns that have held us in financial captivity. When those thought patterns are replaced, financial abundance will be the outcome.



THOMPSON: Certainly we came into a better covenant in the New Testament, but this better covenant had to do with Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law and the entrance of grace for mankind. It had nothing to do with removing financial prosperity from our lives. In the New Testament the disciples had their own businesses. They were wealthy businessmen. Jesus was a carpenter; He did well financially. So, prosperity is still for us today, and it goes far beyond money. But true prosperity is wholeness in every area of one’s life. Psalm 35:27 says God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. This means He wants us to have peace, safety, wellbeing, and wholeness in every area of our lives. Your money has not been left out of this equation.

THOMPSON: I teach in all areas. But it’s true, this is my niche. It’s the call God placed on my life. After years of studying, applying the Word, and seeing it manifest in my life, I just couldn’t keep silent and neither would God allow me to. People began to see the changes in my life and wanted to know what I was doing. I had to tell others that we had the power to live financially abundant lives.



BREAKING OUT OF POVERTY & INTO ABUNDANCE Amazon in paperback & Kindle version Paperback is $11.99 Kindle $7.99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ home.php#!/breakoutofpoverty

WANT MORE SONYA THOMPSON? Visit her at http://lifeinthewordministries.org

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