Fall 2012

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Fall 2012 | Conference Magazine


Publisher Ayanna F. Kelson Administrative Assistant Nikki Grey

Credits for Ms. Adams photos: Photographer: Roy Cox Makeup Artist: Derrick Rutledge Hair Stylist: Adele Thorpe

Ministry Relations Coordinator Travis Kelson

The MESSAGE: IT’S BIGGER THAN JUST YOU Learn the keys to finding and fulfilling God’s true purpose for your life.

A Sprit Ablaze:


Creative Director Myron Krys Contributing Writers Min. Janine Folks Chaplain Cliff Vicars Kymberli Roberts Pastor Kenneth Paden Bishop Dickie Adams Linda Goldfarb

Sheila O. Foster Zakiya Kyles Jason Price V. Ivana Foster Jessica Epps

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yolanda adams

Shares her love for Gospel music and the greatest reward in her life.


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Pledging to support the mission of Renewed Magazine: to provide a quality Christian publication that will Transform & Empower the body, mind & spirit.

ADVISORY BOARD Pastor Marquis & Paula Townes (Chairmen) Destiny! Baptist Church Bishop Dickie & Mother Adams Global Ministries International

What we don’t know can hurt us:

Apostle Sammy Smith Grace Cathedral Ministries

Same -sex Marriage:

While the debate continues, how should we respond? Learn 3 effective ways to reach the lost and bring them to Christ.

Pastor R.J. & Lady Kesha Williams Vision of Faith Christian Ministry

Test Your Knowledge of the Scriptures. Puzzle on page 31.

To become a partner in ministry, contact us at 1-877-644-0454 ext 2 or visit, www.RenewedMagazineOnline.com

[Departments] Publisher’s Letter.........[6] Letters & Prayers.........[7] Generation Now..........[8] Health & Fitness.........[10] Kitchen Talk................[10] Life & Work................[11]

Bishop Carl W. Weeden, II The Upper Room Church & Ministries

Money Wise..............[11] Around the World....[12] Ministry Spotlight ...[14] Testimony..................[21] Brother’s Keeper.......[24] Sister to Sister...........[25]

A Lesson Learned....[26] Love Notes............... [28] Literary Works.........[29] Masterpieces.............[30] Word Search.............[30]

The mission of Renewed Magazine is to create a quality Christian publication that will Transform & Empower the body, mind & spirit. Renewed Magazine is published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter). US subscription $20/4 issues and $40/8 issues. Canadian and foreign orders must add an additional $15 for postage. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to PO Box 266, Hampton, GA 30228. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohitbited without written permission. Renewed Magazine, LLC uses reasonable effort to ensure all information is accurate and correct. Renewed Magazine does not endorse, assume responsibility or liability for the accuracy of any information including advertising. Neither Renewed Magazine, LLC, its publisher or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering is liable for any direct, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising out of your access to, use of the publication or its websites.

from me to you | ayanna f. kelson


an I give you a hand?

There I was—standing with a large box in one hand, holding a toddler on my hip, and trying to engage in a meaningful business call on my cell phone. Then it happened. As quick as I thought, the box began to slip from my hands. I had been patiently waiting in line at the Post Office with my preprinted label all tagged and ready to ship. There were quite a few people in front of me and a dozen more behind me engaged in their own personal affairs. I thought, “If I only had another set of hands, another hour to get things done, or an eager assistant willing to help.” Suddenly, a pair of small, frail hands reached forward coupled with a still voice and asked, “Can I please give you a hand?” An elderly lady who had carefully watched me walk into the Post Office touched my heart when she leaned in to assist me. She caught the box just before it fell and looked up at me with a warm smile. I was grateful and even more concerned if she was okay. I wasn’t sure if the box had been too heavy for her to grab or if her slip proof shoes would ensure she’d keep her balance. Nevertheless, I was impressed. She had not been concerned about the color of my skin, the youth of my age, or the fact that we were complete strangers when she just wanted to give me a hand. She motioned the box towards me, and I was obliged to give her my sincerest thanks. We can all learn quite a bit from this simple act of courtesy and even more from the life of Jesus Christ. “Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging… So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Mk. 10:46-51) There are hundreds of examples of Christ’s acts of servant hood throughout the four Gospels. He taught more than a dozen parables, feed over five thousand people, and performed numerous miracles. His entire agenda was based on the needs of others. In many aspects, He already knew what the person wanted; nevertheless, He still asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”


ow often do we extend ourselves for the pleasure of our brothers and sisters? Do we find it difficult to serve without expecting something in return? Do we constantly look for ways to assist those in need even if it creates a lack in our personal life? How often do we ask our neighbor, can I please give you a hand?

Letters & Prayers

I often think about how lonesome my life would be without my family. I look at the lives of my children, husband, parents, and siblings and wonder where would I be without them. Consequently, my life would not have much meaning. Therefore, I have graciously accepted the fact that my life and each opportunity I am presented with is more than just about me. I am here for you. And while I may not be able to give each person I love a million dollars, right now, I can in fact still ask, can I give you a hand? My goal is to be like Christ—spreading the message of hope, love, and peace. Needless to say, there are a variety of ways and innovative avenues I can venture. However, I’ve learned nothing beats an act of selfless love. Love is something many have been taught at a very young age, while others have struggled to understand its concept later in life. Still, love is what we’ve all been shown through God’s grace and mercy. Love is patient and it is kind. Love does not envy, become jealous or seeks to do wrong. Love is who asked God what can I do to help your children? Love is what made God give His only begotten Son for our sins. It was love that walked step by step up Calvary’s hill. And only love could have remain stretched wide and nailed to an old wooden cross. It was undeserved love who went down into the grave, and because of love, real love rose with all power in His hands. Now, that’s love. Think of all of the past opportunities that have been presented to you to help someone who was in need. Perhaps they needed a ride to the store, a few dollars to purchase a meal, or just a quick word of prayer. Did you overlook that experience to leave a “love mark” in someone’s life? Or did you accept the responsibility of showing Christ’s love through one simple act of kindness. One of my favorite television commercials portrays the contagiousness of kindness. You’ve seen it when one person holds a door open for someone else, there’s another person watching in the background. After a few moments, they show that same person who was watching now picking up a fallen item that someone else was carrying. From there, the acts of helping hands continue on and on. It’s amazing how in one brief moment those elderly hands changed my entire perspective and challenged me to continue to look for ways to help others at all times. Where would I be if Christ never looked for a way to help me? So, what actions will you take today that will bring kindness back your way? Prayer this Prayer of Love with Me

Summer 2012

HE NEEDS TO LEAVE! OMG! Thank you for the article “Why She Just Doesn’t Leave”. I have a friend in a similiar situation who continues to stay because she feels that she cannot live without her man. Many of us have tried to express the importance of her personal safety as well as the safety of her three children. My sentiments have been if you won’t leave, then he needs to go. Yet, she continues to stay. I am praying for her. Vivian P. Via email

BALANCING ON A BUDGET Thank you for the article on “3 Tips to Achieve a Balanced Life”. I have been on an extremely tight budget for well over eighteen months because I was laid off. However, your column encouraged me to continue to seek balance even if I am temporarily in a tight squeeze. I used to think that I had to go on an expensive vacation in order to de-stress, but now I know. There are simple ways to achieve the same effect while staying within my means. Brandi W. Via email

Father, I am grateful for Your consistent help in my time of need. Thank You for Your constant acts of love, grace, and mercy that continue to follow my life. I ask You to teach me how to be thoughtful of others at all times. Help me to see others through Your eyes and not with my own human perception. I am blessed to be Your child and to be in the hands of a Mighty God. Remind me daily of Your goodness so that I may continue to show goodness towards others. In Jesus’ name. Amen. FALL 2012 | 7


generation now | sheila owens foster

Binge eating I have to be honest. I suffer from Bulimia Nervosa. I have been binge eating since I was fourteen years old and thought I would have stopped by now. My best friend is the only person who is aware of this problem because I am too afraid to tell my parents, my pastor, or even God. There are times when I want to open up, but I quickly change my mind thinking they may judge me or somehow insist I need a mental evaluation. I find myself constantly eating and forcing myself to vomit. It’s slowly killing me I know, but I just can’t stop. Please help. Wanting to Stop Toledo, OH

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Roms. 12:1).

Dear “Wanting to Stop” First things first. It is important to note that asking for help is the first step towards the healing process. The fact that you have now opened up is considered a major part of the honesty needed to defeat this problem. It would be unimaginable to think that your family and loved ones would judge you or insist that you need a mental evaluation when we are all living by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Yet, you have to be willing to give them the opportunity to assist you. Those who love you must understand their role in being your support system as you will need their words of encouragement and constant presence to help you overcome this hurdle in your life. There are thousands of other young men and women who suffer from eating disorders. And while it is a very serious problem that moreover afflicts 1 out of 10 women at some time in their lives, millions of males suffer from these issues too. Eating disorders can be extremely distressing, very unhealthy and even deadly, but you’ve made the best decision towards getting your life back on the right track. Additionally, it is equally important to know that God has always been aware of your struggle. He loves you and created your body to be used for His glory and for His purpose. The Bible reminds us “… do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). This encourages us to make the best decisions and wise choices concerning our body. Remember, we only have one. Lastly, get into a good Bible study where you will be able to search the Scriptures and develop an intimate relationship with God. Pray and ask God to help you to be honest at all times with those who love you so that you can receive the best counseling and help needed to conquer any problem you may face.

Sheila O. Foster is a Youth Advisor at Harrison Grove Baptist Church, SC where she has a passion for helping the youth to cultivate their minds for a Christ-centered future.


Let’s Talk About Sex While many teens find it almost impossible to discuss their beyond-friendship-relations with any mature adult, especially a parent, talking about sex should not be considered taboo. As a matter of fact, it’s encouraged and shows a high level of responsibility you as an emerging adult should have. The reality is this. Sex is a healthy aspect of adulthood that should be shared between a husband and wife. Yet, many teens find themselves being pressured into premarital sex from information gained through television, movies, radio, and friends. And while it seems like everyone including the goof-ball in homeroom is having sex, the truth is, everyone’s not doing it. Talk with your parents or you as the adult should have the sex conversation with your teen. Knowledge is power to help overcome the pressure. Here are a few tips to help break the ice. Parents Don't assume that if your teen asks questions about sex, he or she is necessarily thinking about having sex. Your teenager wants your help in making many of life’s most difficult choices. Pick a time and a place where you will have their full attention. Know the current facts about sex, sexually transmitted diseases and other helpful information beyond the basics. Be ready to answer real questions. Be open and transparent. Remember, you are their greatest role model. Share your values regarding sex. They will listen. Youth Your parents want to talk to you about sex so that you will be informed to make wise decisions about your life. Every hour, 350 teens contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) 1. Have a list of questions handy. Be honest. Tell your parents exactly what you’re thinking or feeling. If you find it impossible to speak with your parent or to speak with your teen about sex, don’t stop. Find a licensed counselor or pastor you trust to help you through this conversation. 1 It needs to happen. www.advocatesforyouth.org

health & fitness | linda goldfarb

De-Stress from Life’s Distress in 21-Days!

Chocolate SURPRISE Cake

Recipe submitted by Jessica Miller-Epps, author of “Finding God in the Kitchen” Website: www.wix.com/jessicamillerepps/books


• 6 tbsp virgin coconut oil • 1/2 tsp Sea salt • 1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder

• 2 packages of Stevia • 1 can Vegetarian organic

Are you living a hectic lifestyle filled with weeds-of-worry, physical crabgrass, and suffering from a persistent energy drought? When was the last time you felt refreshed like a well-watered garden? The fact is, stress can perpetuate heart disease, mental and physical fatigue, and weight gain. Stress knows no age, culture, or race. And living in today’s society, everyone suffers from some form of stress. So, are you ready to transition from a state of distress to a life of less stress? If so, here are several healthy tips to improve your mood, empower your g brood, and enlighten your attitude over the next 21 days. t Get up early so you can start the day unrushed and allow for quiet time with God. t Allow extra time to be ahead of deadlines; arrive at appointments ten minutes early. t Eat everything in moderation–small portions, balanced food groups, and limit sugar. t Have one daily meal at a table with family/friends.

t Only listen to and look at things that can help improve your quality of life. t Go to bed allowing a minimum of seven hours of sleep.

• • • • • •

chili beans 5 large pastured eggs 1 tbsp organic vanilla extract 3/4 cup Xylo sweetener 8 tbsp organic cocoa powder 1/2 tsp baking soda Water to smooth batter if needed.

t Lighten up and laugh out loud. Cry. Let those prayers fall down your cheek. t When you’re stuck in despair cry out “Thank you Jesus!” t Move your body continuously for 30 minutes everyday. t Create a Count My Blessings List and read it before you get out of bed every morning. t Every night, thank God for one thing you’ve never been grateful for before; add it to your list. t Hug your family members daily – physical touch is relational food. Good ideas take 21 days of consistent application to become healthy habits. Start today by implementing 2 or 3 of these tips daily and before you know it, life won’t seem so heavy and the joy of the Lord will prevail. Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professonal medical advice. The reader shouild always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the approprateness for their own situtation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or reatment plan. Reading this information does not create a patient-physician relationship.


Directions Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a 9 inch cake pan with coconut oil cooking spray. Dust inside of pan with cocoa powder. Rinse and drain beans in a colander. Add beans, 3 eggs, vanilla, Stevia and salt into blender or VitaMix. Blend on high until beans are completely liquefied and smooth throughout. Then, in a medium bowl, whisk together cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder. In another bowl, add coconut oil, Xylo sweetener and beat with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add remaining eggs to the coconut oil/Xylo sweetener mixture and beat for one minute. Pour bean batter into egg mixture and mix. Stir in cocoa powder, water and beat batter on high until smooth. Pour batter into pan and shake gently to evenly distribute. Transfer mixture to the oven and bake for 40-45 minutes or until firm to the touch. It is important not to over bake). Cool and enjoy.

life & work | v. ivana foster

Money Wi$e

Gratitude: The Foundation of an Abundant Life

Staying Committed to Giving Even in Difficult Times As Christians, we know that giving is an act of faith, worship, and love for God. My wife and I haven’t always been consistent givers in the past but thankfully today, this is very much a part of our relationship with the Lord. We’ve even extended our giving more recently by stretching our faith and love for the Lord for a new church building project. After making the commitment we recently found that we’re going to have some family medical bills each month for the exact same amount. This isn’t exactly what most Christians expect to encounter when extending giving to the Lord, but we don’t doubt God will provide as long as we stay committed to Him. It would be easy for us to stop this additional giving and manage the money our way. Neverthess, our choice is to stay committed, faithful and continue to give out of our love and trust in God. God will provide! Here are a few scriptures that can help remind us of the importance of having a proper attitude in giving. g “And though I bestow all my goods to

feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing” (1 Cor. 13:3). g “So let each one give as he purposes in

his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). These scriptures teach us that giving without a heart of love is of no value to us. The proper attitude in giving is crucial. Remember, it’s all God’s money anyway. He desires a loving and trusting relationship with us. Giving is a great way to grow this relationship. Jason Price blogs about personal finance from a Christian stewardship perspective at www.onemoneydesign.com

When was the last time you said thank you for being alive? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Well, if you barely have time to appreciate what you have, how can you ever desire anything more? When you place your focus on material possessions—rather than on the fact that you are living, breathing, and BEING— you tend to forget your greater gifts. Life is a miracle and it can be taken away in a moment’s notice. There are many ways you can show your appreciation for your life. 5 Ways to Express Your Gratitude Sometimes showing your gratitude can be as simple as saying “thanks,” while other times you can show gratitude by helping others, or “paying it forward.” After all, you’ll never know how a simple, kind gesture will affect someone’s day.

4) Reconnect with your spouse and children. Actions speak louder than words so turn off that television and spend some quality time with your family. Have some fun. Whether it’s a surprise getaway or a family game night, renewing your relationships with your family will strengthen your bond and bring you closer together. 5)​ Keep a gratitude journal. Write down all the things you’re grateful for in your life and reflect on all that is good. Even the simplest things–such as finding a parking space at the mall or locating your missing keys–are times to be grateful. Giving IS Receiving

Here are some ideas to help you appreciate life while also helping others: 1) ​Reach out to your extended family and friends. Reconnect and show these people they’re important to you. 2) Reflect about your childhood and ancestors. Write a poem, essay, or short story about your life. What sacrifices did your parents make for you? What struggles did the family endure? How is your life better or easier than that of your great-grandparents? How did these events make you the person you are today?

3) ​Meditate, pray, or go to your place of worship. Find a quiet place to think about all that’s good–your health, family, or home–and simply say “thank you” to the Creator.

When you give of yourself – either with a smile or another kind gesture– you receive the warm satisfaction of helping to make a difference in the world, one person at a time. Your uplifting attitude will be contagious and you just might be the recipient of a random act of kindness. www.IvanaTheConfidenceArchitect.com

Atlanta’s #1 Premier Confidence & Prosperity Lifestyle Coach, V. Ivana Foster, M.Ed, CLC, aka The Confidence Architect™, specializes in Subconscious Restructuring® and Confidence Coaching. FALL 2012 | 11

around the world |

Translate the Bible for Forgotten People

The Seed Company, the world’s fastestgrowing Bible translation organization, announced the Least of These initiative, designed to translate the Word of God for the world’s most marginalized people. Of the more than 2,000 languages still without any Scripture, 1,240 have 10,000 or fewer speakers. Most live in remote or inhospitable regions; all are without God’s Word in their language.

Photos courtesy of The Seed Company

Christian Talk Show Reaches Millions Worldwide

Photo courtesy of Lift Your Voice

The Seed Company, along with its global partnership base, is making an allout effort to enlist the support of Christians across America. Many Least of These projects are already underway and others are ready to begin or expand, but they need support to do so. To maximize this support, The Bolthouse Foundation will match every Least of These donation from any church-related group. Teams are currently in place on six continents, using technologies and strategies to accelerate the translation process faster than ever. Churches and churchbased groups are specifically invited to support the Least of These. This includes Bible study groups, women’s, men’s or youth groups, VBS and Sunday school classes. Churches and groups can support specific translation projects with ongoing investments or make a one-time gift. All contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar, no matter the size or scope of support. The Seed Company has developed Least of These resources to provide an overview for church groups including videos, printed materials and project details. For more information, see theseedcompany.org/ leastofthese, or email info@theseedcompany.org

Weapons on Faith Photo courtesy of FRONTLINE FAITH

on the Frontline

More than two-thirds of America’s active-duty service men and women are Christian, and FRONTLINE FAITH has an MP3 player loaded with prayers and inspiration for every one of them. The organization honors every request it receives for an MP3 player, providing them free of charge to soldiers of all Christian faiths. FRONTLINE FAITH produces MP3 players packed 12 | FALL 2012 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

Pastor Mark and Lady T are the Executive Producers and Hosts of Lift Your Voice which airs to over 22 million homes every Saturday at 4pm on Impact Network on Dish Network channel 9397. Lift Your Voice is a unique show. They travel to churches all across the United States to do live tapings showcasing Pastors and their churches. Lift Your Voice gives Pastors who have a vision to reach the Nation but do not have the resources to do so an opportunity to see their vision manifest. Pastor Mark and Lady T are also the owners of JMB Designs, a Christian graphic design company; they are pastors of The Harvest Praise and Worship Center in Easley, South Carolina and have SIX children! They truly believe that a husband and wife are one and in everything they do, they do it together. Working together in all of their endeavors gives them the opportunity to be connected in every aspect of their life. Without that connection to each other which can only come through a connection with The Holy Spirit, failure would be inevitable. With God as the center of everything they do, success and prosperity is the only option! Pastor Mark and Lady T believe they are setting the example to their children, natural and spiritual, of how keeping each other close is the key to keeping division out of their home, ministry and businesses. Contact them at www.LiftYourVoice.tk or 864.810.8991.

with prayers and inspirational material for Catholics and Protestants. Each programming package includes features exclusive to its target audience (Catholic or Protestant) and common features that include letters from children and inspirational music. For more information, or to request a sample MP3 player, contact 561-445-5409.


Gospel Worship Centre, Nigeria

Photo courtesy of GreenPastures

GreenPastures Gospel Worship Centre is a 21st century fast-growing, multi-dimensional, faith-based, missionfocused Christian Ministry based in Nigeria, West Africa. The church which took off in November, 2009 in Abuja (national headquarters) has successfully planted about fourteen branch churches in two neigbouring states of Niger and Nassarawa, since its inception. The fifteenth church which is just a toddler of less than three months is in Uyo, the beautiful, visitorsfriendly oil capital city of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria (international headquarters).

Apostle David George (after benediction during every service) emanated from a special encounter with the Holy Spirit by Apostle David George, General Overseer of the church. In November, 1992, while walking on the road, the Spirit of God spoke to him, saying “I want to use you to raise green pastures.”

The Vision of the ministry is “To raise green pastures for God.” Above vision, which is underscored by constant recitation of Psalms 23 by church members

measure of prophetic grace and anointing for deliverance, who is also the Foreign Affairs Director of Holiness Miniseries Coalition based in California, USA, the need to pray over the vision with a view to getting clear directions on how to fulfill it became his major preoccupation, rather than opening a church; albeit, he was simultaneously accomplishing this noble task via African Missionaries Network. So far, the church has been seriously used by God to win many souls for the kingdom. Many outside the church have been prayed for and delivered from much satanic bondage. Great majority of members have already witnessed tremendous financial and material breakthroughs by applying the teachings of the visioneer on the mysteries of covenant wealth. The church, in addition to emphasizing to members the need to lay up treasures in heaven via seed sowing and charity, organizes business lectures and seminars where professionals and experts are invited to lecture participants on the dynamics of wealth creation and productive living. The church also has a business and educational department headed by core professionals who explore ways of linking church members and the general public with multinational organizations like Avenues to Wealth and scholarship awarding bodies for international studies. And many more!

Years later as the man of God prayed over the vision; he came to clearer The greatest challenge and most understanding of green crucial need of the church is getting Apostle David George teaching the Word of God to the GreenPaspastures symbolizing resources for training members with prosperity. No wonder that tures congregation. a view to actualizing the church’s lofty the theme of the ministry’s vision of strategically planting at least 100 churches all over teachings seek always to disclose the mysteries of covenant Nigeria, Africa and the world over before the end of this year, so wealth as well as the principles and agents which underline its as enhance the fulfillment of our vision of rural evangelism and accessibility. Though the vision was received in November, 1992 community development. by the visioneer, Apostle David George did not immediately set about opening a church to pursue its fulfillment; rather, he For more information, contact GreenPastures Gospel wisely choose to nurture the vision under the aegis of African Worship Centre, G. P. O. Box 3583, Uyo, Akwa Ibom Missionaries Network, which he is the founding president. State, Nigeria. www.greenpasturesinc.org or email: info@ greenpasturesinc.org According to the amiable, radical-minded, multi-talented, prayer-addicted, indefatigable, benevolent pastor with great

ministry spotlight & thought for the season

Pastors Kim & Steve Outlaw Photo Courtesy of Living Water Christian Fellowship Church

Doing Ministry God’s Way

approximately 1,000 being served weekly.

Has God ever told you to do something and you thought, “No Lord, not me?” And so it was for Pastors Kim and Steve Outlaw, Senior and Co-Pastor of Living Water Fellowship Church, one of the fastest growing churches in Indianapolis, IN. When God called Pastor Kim to start a church, it was not what she had in mind; however, after discussing with her husband and both going into prayer, Living Water Fellowship Church was born. With Pastor Kim preaching the unadulterated Word of God and Pastor Steve functioning in the arduous role of Director of Operations, less than four years later, LWFC has grown from 17 congregants to

One of the fourteen ministries has seen a phenomenal growth is the Teen Ministry led by Minister Kendall (KD) Johnson. On any given Wednesday evening, there are approximately 75 teens not in the street, but in God’s house worshipping, praising, and learning how to cope with the pressures of life. Recently, LWFC held its 1st Annual Teen Lock-In. Although only 50 teens were anticipated, the actual count hit 200! Those children spent their Friday night not only eating, playing games, enjoying a concert, and socializing, but also recommitting their lives to Christ. Ask the members why they choose to fellowship at LWFC and the resounding answer would be because God is there. Pastor Kim easily breaks the Word down to even the newest of Christians. She is relatable, transparent, and truly has a heart for her congregation. She allows God to speak through her and has her finger on the pulse of His people. Pastor Kim has preached messages such as The Drought is Over, The Importance of Having the Proper Perspective, and Just Take It. She has turned some of her messages into series like Recipes for Healthy Living, Truth about Tithes, and The Road to Getting There. After just a year and a half of being in existence, LWFC defied the odds of an economic recession and was blessed with a $1 million loan moving to its current location, a 35,000 square foot facility. With all that God has done with LWFC, He’s not finished yet. While the future of LWFC entails expansion, an academy, and missionary work, Pastor Kim’s immediate focus is on community related activities and touching the lives of families locally. Not realizing what God had in His plan for their purpose, Pastors Kim and Steve Outlaw are genuinely humbled. Living Water Fellowship Church is truly a place where its members are learning and living life to the fullest! For more information on Pastors Kim and Steve Outlaw and Living Water Fellowship Church, please visit www.livingwaterfc.org.

Want the Spotlight? Email your ministry profile to editor@renewedmagazineonline.com 14 | FALL 2012 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

Sowing & Reaping Part 2

“For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Gal. 6:8 (NKJV). A few weeks ago I was working out in the yard cutting grass. As I was wrapping up my work, I walked towards the front door of my home and noticed a long trail of ants making their way inside. I decided to follow the line to determine where they were headed. There at the end of the trail laid a hand full of crumbled potato chips that had not been swept up. Something as small as potato chip crumbs on the floor led me to ponder on things I may be leaving behind for others to pick up. In this particular situation, there wasn’t anything life threatening for a human being, but it did mean destruction to an ant colony. I destroyed the entire ant hill—queen ant and all. The thought for this season is what are you leaving behind? Are you sowing good seeds into the lives of those connected to you? Or are you sowing weeds so that those who follow you could be destroyed? What about the people you work with or periodically come in contact with? Just like the ant which was drawn to what it thought was good, we have to be conscious of what we are leading others to. Our main goal in life is to leave the Gospel as a mark upon people’s live. The Gospel that expresses the very love of Christ and His Salvation is what others should desire from us. Therefore consider this thought for this season– what are others being drawn to by you? What’s trailing are you creating? Min. Travis Kelson is a man after God’s heart who loves sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world. Email him at manager@renewedmagazineonline.com

IT’s Much

GREATER than you by Ayanna F. Kelson

God in all of His infinite wisdom does not operate by “what if”. He is not afraid of what seems to be impossible.


am often amazed when I attend any professional production whether it is a play or musical. All of the lights, props, and placement of decorum seem to add a level of complete brilliance to the artistry of the setting. Every actor and musician beams during their moment upfront, while the music creates an atmosphere of bliss. In the end, I am amongst those who stand to applaud with an ovation. From my perspective, everything must have fallen into place. Those who had worked behind the scene should have been nothing less than pleased to see the production flow effortlessly together. Everyone, from the doorman to the stage helper, had followed their given directions. Their selfless sacrifice of time, talent, and love proved it had been a job well done. Yet, after the curtains are closed and the last costume hung, I often wonder if any of the musicians, actors, or assistants had ever thought that the production was really about them. Sure, they had agreed to play their part and to give their very best. Who wouldn’t want a moment to shine or a chance to be seen? Yet, the one remaining question that provokes my wonder is if they truly understood that they had been handchosen by the “director” to be a part of something greater—purpose? Our day to day journey must become more God-centered rather than fulfilling the pleasures of ourselves. It is easy to have a mentality of pursuing the enjoyment of our own labor, the pleasures of life, and to seek the beauty of personal happiness. And while each one of these things does not necessarily denote sin, they can in fact deter us from what is most important and what our true focus should be— God’s purpose.

Have you ever noticed that the book of Genesis is not just a mere record of the life and legacy of Abraham? Although many chapters are written from the perspective of detailing his transformational experience from Abram to Abraham, the real focus of the book of beginnings is none other than God. As a matter of fact, from Genesis to the book of Revelation, it is only about God.

and are consumed by our personal agenda and accomplishing what we feel is best for our lives. We have our best interest in mind and seldomly remember to put others first. In a sense, this mind-set can shift us from living righteously to seeking things which are not right simply because we are led by our flesh. However, when we allow our focus to

Living a life that is God-centered takes the pressure

The Bible was off of you to depend of God to “…supply all your need not written only as an account of according to His riches in glory... (Phil. 4:9). mankind’s history, but it is an upclose, personal be God-centered, it helps us to understand expletive of God’s will. Yes, you may have that salvation was provided to us by the grace read about the various trials and triumphs of God and it is a gift that we could have of the children of Israel, but their cross into never provided for ourselves. When we keep the Promised Land was about God’s desire God in the forefront of our life, we become to deliver His people. You may have perused sensitive to the needs of others, and we through the stories of the great prophets like eagerly look for ways to please God. Moses, Elijah, and Daniel. Still, they were chosen by God to perform His miraculous ways. Additionally, your course of Biblical Are You Available? study may have even revealed God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ as well as the When you apply for a job, your many courageous acts of the twelve apostles. perspective supervisor asks you one very Nevertheless, the one commonality found important question. Which days will you in all of the eleven hundred and eighty-nine be available? The reason you are asked chapters of the Bible is God. this is because it is typically used to assist management in knowing how often they will be able to depend on you. Answer the Following


(Sriptures provided for clarity.)

s What was God about to do when He

asked Noah to build the ark? (Gen. 6)

s What was God about to do when He asked Abraham to leave his family? (Gen. 12)

s What was God about to do when He sent Jesus to die upon the cross? (Matt. 27)

In each story, can you identify the most important factor? Was it the individual’s plan or was it God’s purpose? When God came to Noah He was about to destroy the earth and wanted Noah’s obedience. God was working to deliver the Children of Israel into the Promised Land when He desired Abraham to deny himself and to leave his family. Even at the foot of the cross, God was reconciling you and I back into fellowship with Him when He required the selfless love of Jesus who obediently humbled Himself to the cross. Without a doubt, it was God who asked each individual to submit their life, their plan, their talent and their will to His purpose. And it is this same hope God has that you and I will completely surrender and allow the fulfillment of His will in our lives. There is a difference when our life is God-centered or self-centered. When our life is self-centered we are more concerned about what is going on in our own little “world”. We are fixated on our dreams, desires, and plans,

only be wasting time by going in the wrong direction? When our life is God-centered we depend on God to lead the way. His plans are perfect and always succeed. While this may be difficult for you if you find it mind-boggling to not know what’s about to happen. Yet, do you really need to know every single detail of your life? Not know is part of being God-centered and trusting Him to direct your steps. When you make plans for your own life, you can only include those things you know. Consequently, this includes a lot of “what ifs” aa aa aa aa

What if I don’t get the job? What if my kids become ill? What if I lose my home? What if I never get married?

Does any of this sound familiar? It does if your life has become self-centered. God in all of His infinite wisdom does not operate by “what ifs”. He is not afraid of what seems to be impossible. As a matter of fact, impossibilities are His specialty. He has declared in His word that His thoughts toward us are “thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jer. 29:11. This grants us the certainty and expectancy of peace, hope, and victory. It’s going to work together for your good (Roms. 8:28).

This is quite How Would You Describe Your Life? similar to God— although He already knows Self-Centered what you’re • Focuses on self capable of. Yet, what He still • Seeks to fulfill the will of self needs for you • Self-confident to tell Him is if • Depends on the ability and strength of self you’re available. What have you • Looks at circumstances from a human perspective made available • Lives to please self for God to use in your life? Does He have permission God-Centered to use you, your • Focuses on God talents, skills, and • Seeks to fulfill the will of God resources to fulfill • Confident in God His purpose? Have you told • Depends on the grace and love of God God all about • Seeks God’s perspective in every circumstance your plans or have • Lives to please God you asked Him, “Father, what is Your will?” Our lives must be made available for God’s good What’s Next? will and purpose and this can only happen when we tailor our lives to be focused on Becoming more focused on what God is God’s Kingdom. Remember, it’s not about doing takes time, effort, and practice. you.

His Purpose. Not My Plan. Why do we not realize that it is always better to do things God way? Have you ever driven down a road only to find it’s a dead end? It would have been most appreciative if someone had warned you that you’d

There are a number of areas in each of our lives that need to be tailored and transitioned to living God-centered. Yet, here are three of the most important areas you can begin to work on right now.

cont’d on pg. 29

Balancing Music, Ministry, & Motherhood Yolanda Adams

Additionally, what I’ve learned is that as a woman, I have a lot of power and people listen to me. You have to have integrity when it comes to this. There are so many lessons and we would probably be here all day just talking about the lessons I’ve learned. RM: Today, everybody wants to sing, whether they really can or not. What do you say when people tell you they want this?

RM: You’ve been on the music scene for more than 20 years. What do you see now that’s different as it relates to Christian music than when you first began? Y. Adams: One of the main things that I have seen is that the industry has gone from maybe ten major record labels to about three or four. The Internet has now provided music professionals access to millions of people that they would not have had access to before. We’ve seen the independent label owner grow tremendously because they are finding talent all over. They are finding people who really have the goods, and I believe this has been for the better if you know how to do it right. RM: What lessons do you feel you’ve learned in the music industry? Y. Adams: There are quite a few lessons that I’ve learned. Definitely, always keep track of everything that’s going on within your organization. If you are a singer or anybody who is in the music industry, you are your brand. For instance, the Miami Heat is a brand. So, they are going to make sure that with LeBron and Dwayne Wade they are getting the best for their money. It’s the same thing if you are a Christian artist. You have to have a team of people, from your CPA to those traveling with you on the road, who you can trust. You are your company and you are employing tons of people to do different things. You have to have people with you who support you. There are some things you can outsource and some things you cannot outsource. But what you have to remember is that everything is a reflection of you. Every person around you reflects you. This is one of the greatest lessons that I have learned when it comes to people.

Y. Adams: First of all, I ask a battery of questions. What are your intentions? What is your relationship with God? How do you view your own singing? You have to take all of this into consideration. Just wanting to sing—that’s not good enough. If you’re getting into this industry where business has to count, it has to count for something. You have to know things about contracts and getting the right lawyers to handle those contracts. Just saying, “I just want to sing” is a cover answer because you can just sing in your bathtub. RM: Yet, beyond the business, marketing, brand management, and accounting, is it not still ministry? Y. Adams: Oh, definitely. That’s at the forefront. You can never forget that. That’s a given. I’m not even talking about that because that is a standard. You already know if you enter the Gospel music industry that it is ministry– period. You’re not just singing. You have to know the Word of God in order to minister to people. It’s not just about making sure you get the right television or commercial options. This comes along after you have been tenured and tried. There were a lot of people who started out with us, and I can count on my hands how many are still here. Some of them don’t even want anything else to do with music anymore. So, if this is not your standard, you’ve set yourself up for failure.

Gospel music is all about God. Now if you want to sing something else, you can just sing something else. But the core of what we do as Christian artists is we have the heart of God. We have the Spirit of God. We take the Great Commission like Jesus told us to ‘go and compel men.’ You have to be smart about it. You just can’t go out there and wave your giant Bible and say, ‘Oh, you’re going to Hell.’ Jesus never did that. Jesus always asked people, ‘What do you want? What are you looking for?’ That’s the way Jesus approached it. He never approached people with ‘your dress is too short or you’re this is too much of that’. I mean, come on. His reply always sparked attention and conversation and this is what we’re doing too. RM: You’ve used the phrase “Christian artist” and not Christian singer or Gospel singer. This means there’s a style or format to this genre. It’s different than Pop, Rock, or R&B. So, is there something those wanting to be in the industry should follow? Y. Adams: I think as Christian artists we just passionately love Christ, and because this is our passion, we have a different agenda. Our agenda is not to be number one on the R&B charts. Don’t get me wrong. These things are great because they can get you exposure. However, our agenda is always, who can I bring to Christ? It is about singing music that encourages people where they are and gets them to ask the question ‘is my life really as good as I want it to be?’ When you have people asking these questions, you will receive e-mails, letters, and phone calls from actors, actresses and people who have seen you in action and they want to know, what is this joy that you have? Someone asked me after performing at one of Tyler Perry’s Prayer Breakfasts, ‘Does that happen to you every time you sing?’ I said, ‘Yes. I absolutely have this joy about singing and about what I sing.’ She said, ‘I can’t say that I do that all the time.’ I was in awe.

We know that’s the power of the anointing. God is speaking and singing through us. We don’t dare take credit for anything. There are people in this world who can sing rings around me, but the difference is we put God first. We allow God to move the way He wants to move, and we step back and we feel privileged. This is not in the sense of arrogance, but we are privileged that God even wants to use us. RM: Your music has primarily remained in the Christian genre. Have you ever contemplated venturing to secular music? Y. Adams: Well, that’s not an entirely true statement [laughs]. I’ve been on the Top 100, the Top 10 of R&B charts and Pop charts too. Yet, I have remained in the Christian music genre. I’ve had a lot of success with mainstream television like the Grammy’s. I’ve performed there twice. I have performed for the Image Awards as well as for the BET Awards. However, I get a chance to do what I do. There are always offers for hundreds of millions of dollars to do Pop, R&B and the like, but that’s not where my passion is. My passion is God and this is why I remain where I am. RM: You have also ventured outside of singing as well. You were an elementary school teacher. Y. Adams: Yes. I taught second and third grade. RM: So, why did you stop? Y. Adams: The problem occurred when I couldn’t get back into to the classroom. When God gives you a platform to move forward you have to make some decisions, and I had to make the decision to stop teaching. RM: Is there any specific path such as radio, television, teaching, or singing that has been the most rewarding experience for you? Y. Adams: They have each taken a part of me that was designed for those particular situations. I can never say that I like radio best or I like television best. It’s all in me. When God puts something in you, He wants you to expand and expound. I have been given a wonderful opportunity in all of those areas. So, I can’t just say that one of them has been the most rewarding because

the most rewarding thing to me was becoming a mom. My daughter is my greatest reward. RM: You’re doing all of this and balancing motherhood. What do you say to single parents, men and women, who know they have been called to so something great but feel like they are stuck in the mode of parenthood?

Y. Adams: It takes a lot of prayer. It takes a lot of time management. You have to consider everybody’s feelings when you are doing what you believe God has called you to do. There is no cookie cutter way of doing things. My way of doing things was not CeCe’s way of doing things or Vicki Winan’s way of doing things. We all had multiple streams that we had our hands in; so we all did it. I believe that starting, when Taylor was in the womb, ensuring that when she was out of the womb that she was with me at all times. I believed it showed her how mommy worked and what mommy did. It continues to show her how mommy works really hard to do what she does and it has already given her a great work ethic as a child. We, as parents, try to show our kids how to deal with everything in life. Sometimes I don’t have the luxury of breaking down and saying I can’t do something. If I have a commitment, I’ve got to do that. My daughter has heard at times when I’ve said, ‘Okay Taylor, I know you have a sleepover this weekend but mommy has to go to Jamaica, and when I come back, we’ll do something special.” That’s how that works. Additionally, after you prioritize and make sure your time is managed well, you have to have great people around you. I don’t do anything, whether radio, television, fashion, or books, without great people. I have such a phenomenal group of people around me. I have so many entities that really, really save me a lot of time because you can’t do everything by yourself. You can’t be a great mom if you’re exhausted by the time you get home. Somebody has to go buy the groceries. Somebody has to make sure the yard is straight. I have people doing all of those things and it makes my life easier so I don’t have to second guess if things are taken care of. Then last but not least, write the vision, make it plain. If you don’t know what you want to do, you won’t know how to get started.

cont’d on pg. 27

testimony | “I wanted God to empower me to be the sister, daughter, best friend and mother to those who were in need...”

“It became clear to me that God was giving me an instruction manual to know how to help others.” time, shaking hands, singing a few hymns, then leaving as soon as the Pastor finished his sermon. Still, I did not understand why others didn’t feel the same way that I did. When I finally understood God’s

calling in my life, I wanted to spend every waking minute with my church family. I began receiving the answers that I was searching for and God was placing things in my life that He wanted me to have. I wanted God to empower me to be the sister, daughter, best friend and mother to those who were in need, and I knew Melissa Suttles with her children: Brandon, Marissa the only way to accomplish and Barry Jr. this was through having a mother’s heart. A mother knows how to be exactly many others. It became clear to me that what her children need for her to be, and God was giving me an instruction manual she knows what they need. to know how to help others. I just had So, I began to search the Word of God to find examples and stories of women with the heart of a mother. I read about Ruth, Naomi, Bathsheba, Mary and so

Photo provided by Melissa Suttles

From the time I can remember I knew that there was more to serving God than what I had been taught. I had a desire to learn more about Him: how He works, how He loves, and how He cares about every one of us. Yet, I needed someone to tell me the entire story and not just what was written, but what God wanted me to hear. I knew that going to church was more than just showing up at a certain

I wanted to know the entire story

to follow the example He provided me. I became empowered, and from this, God birthed through me the Mothers of Israel Ministries where we assist women to learn their true purpose.

FALL 2012 | 21

J Homosexuality W h en

Hits Home

How Should We Respond?

oe, a rising freshman in college, could not wait to move out of his parent’s home. All of the unbendable rules of curfew, chores, and the tedious, mandatory church attendance had taken its toll. He was ready to be free to explore the world and himself. Years had gone by before Joe decided he’d return home for a brief weekend visit. His life had changed geared with new friends, a new look on life, and a new lifestyle he had chosen to follow. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to explain to his parents who had been married for more than 25 years about his new decision in life. Yet, he knew he had to be honest and honesty would come with a backlash. Still, it was time to come clean. He would openly admit to his gay lifestyle and take whatever consequences of broken

relationships or abandonment that was certain to come his way. Since the historical Massachuwe must strive to show love regardless setts Supreme Court of our thoughts against the sin. decision to legalize gay marriages, almost a dozen states have followed suit 1. Additionally, 10 out of one hundred and ninety-four countries including Canada and parts of Mexico have afforded same-gender couples the ability to be officially and legally recognized as man and man or woman and woman. Even the U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy was shattered at year’s end giving way to more than a half of a million couples who braved the aisles of courthouses and even some churches to bind themselves in the covenant of marriage. Since then, new debates and trends have descended including same-sex adoptions and same-sex parenting yielding an uproar from those who argue against and those who are pro its inception. The church as well as several federal organizations have suffered much criticism from many in the public arena who argue that “It is no one else’s business if two men or two women want to get married” and that “There is no such thing as traditional marriage.2” And while many churchgoers affirm the belief that homosexuality is a sin, according to the Bible, the numerical ladder of openly, confessed homosexuals ranging from actors, musicians and even church leaders continues to climb adding to what mazy feel has become present-day Sodom and Gomorrah. The debate of homosexuality is now active in virtually every major denomination and will no longer allow the church to deface its stance. It demands the church to face the issue openly and honestly. Even for Christians who agree that homosexuality is contrary to the will of God, there is little agreement on how we should address those who engage in a lifestyle of homosexuality. Speaking with Oprah Winfrey during her new series, “Oprah’s Next Chapter,” Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas told the media mogul he thinks “Homosexual acts are condemned in the Scriptures and it is not his job as a pastor to give personal opinions”.3 So, how do we deal with the unfading issue of homosexuality? Do we ban those who have confessed its lifestyle from attending and joining our churches, ministries, and auxiliaries? Do we shun away from gay or lesbian couples hoping they would soon realize the error of their ways and repent? What is our responsibility? What is our accountability? As complex as the issue may be, the answer is found on one of those old, popular wristbands asking us, “What Would Jesus Do (WWJD)? We teach the truth The most commonly referenced scripture addressing homosexuality is found in Lev. 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Regardless of its translation in the Amplified, New Living Translation, or English Standard Version, it’s all the same. The act of homosexuality is a sin. This grants us a major shift in perspective as we must understand that “homosexuality” is not a person, but it is a choice, a lifestyle, and a decision. Those who engage in its act must be educated that God has expressed with love that it is a sin. There have been several origins that have been attributed to homosexuality including genetics, spiritual, and a lifestyle that is taught. However, despite any of these arguments, the act of engaging in homosexuality is a sin and God wants us to separate ourselves from anything that separates us from Him. Joe’s parents set up several methods of interventions for their son, from counseling, to conversion therapy, but what they found was the basis of their son’s understanding of his choice of lifestyle needed to be educated in God’s Word. His parents would encourage Him as well as his new partner in God’s Word and explained to him that God’s has so much in store for him if

he chose to follow Him instead. If you know of a friend, family member, or co-worker, our responsibility as Christians is not to shove the Bible in their face every time they come around, but to tenderly teach them the Word of God. Our opinion or statistics do not matter. We must always teach the truth. We continue to love How we engage with those who have committed sins such as murder, theft, or homosexuality is the same way Jesus would. Despite His abhorrence of sin, Christ loves the saved and unsaved. Remember the woman caught in the act of adultery (Jh. 8)? Christ’s response to her was not in anger, rage, or with antagonism. He displayed loved. Similarly to Joe’s parents, we must strive to show love regardless of our thoughts against the sin. If we are ever going to draw people to our Heavenly Father, we must display His love. This has to be apparent in our actions and speech. We cannot relay to homosexuals that God only loves those who have chosen to obey Him. This would be a lie. There is an old proverbial phrase that says, “God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.” Although there is no direct Scripture found in the Bible that states this, there are however several verses that supports its translation. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) Remember, it is important to see a person through the eyes of Christ. This dispels our humanistic approach to dealing with issues because we must understand that we have “all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory” (Roms. 3:23). Your friend or loved

We cannot relay to homosexuals that God only love those who have chosen to obey Him. This would be a lie. one is a person with complex fears, hopes and needs. Open your eyes to see beyond the homosexual stigmata and see the person who needs to learn of God’s love. This opportunity to showcase the power of God must come through your interactions with anyone who lives a homosexual lifestyle. We must allow God to change the person Sometimes we can be eager to getting things back the way they were or how we feel things should be. We’ve created laws, rules, and regulations that are sometimes not open to change but rather suppresses an individual to stray even further. There have been signs, posters, and even bulletin boards that have displayed the celebrated quote, “God allows U-turns”. This is true to anyone who has confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But what was the turning point? Although Joe’s parents did not accept his new lifestyle, they continued to love him and educate him concerning God’s way. It was initially their desire to make Joe just like he was, but they soon learned through pastoral counseling that they had to allow God to move upon Joe and his partner’s heart to change. If you know someone who is living the life of a homosexual, it’s important to point your friend to Jesus Christ and not to their lifestyle. Homosexual men or women need the love and power of Christ working in their lives before they can change. Change insists having a new mind and a new heart, and these can only take place when God has been made the center of that person’s attention. People so often have very little motivation to change until God opens their eyes to His truths. As He begins to work on someone through a process of healing and forgiveness, He will show them the way that leads to eternal life. 1. http://gaymarriage.procon.org/ 2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com 3. www.christianpost.com

my brother’s keeper | pastor kenneth paden

FELLOWSHIP “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psa. 133:1)

destiny is calling you Over the past several years now, the economy has been stagnant. Unemployment has seemingly settled with “a new norm” that hovers a little over eight percent. Having said this, tend to misinterpret the “seemingly there are those who have just about inevitable succession of events” as set lost hope. Then, there are others who backs, failure, defeat, and the like. It are using the “seemingly inevitable is with this thought that I submit this succession of events” to catapult article. them to a new level of creativity and innovation. They have refused to allow Without trying to give a lengthy the down turn in the economy to cause theological dissertation on this, allow them to abort their me to simply lay destiny. Instead, a foundation. they have answered “ It is the “seemingly inevitable Jeremiah 1:5 the call of destiny, succession of events” that are states, “Before I stepped out, and formed you in the there to help us reach our as a result, have womb I knew you, destiny and not to cause us to found their niche in before you were abort it.” society. born I set you apart; I appointed The most you as a prophet notable examples of this are Mr. to the nations.” I am persuaded that Bernie Marcus and Mr. Arthur if God knew Jeremiah before he was Blank. At one time they worked for formed in his mother’s womb, He a company. However, they too were also knew you and I. If He appointed laid off. I can imagine their initial Jeremiah as a prophet, He has also response. However, instead of giving appointed us to something. It is the up, they formed the company that we “seemingly inevitable succession of now call Home Depot. Looking back events” that are there to help us reach in retrospect, wouldn’t you agree that our destiny and not to cause us to they are now glad they were laid off? abort it. Always remember that regardless to how things may appear to be, destiny is calling you. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, destiny is defined as “the seemingly inevitable succession of events. “I believe that all of us have a destiny. However, I also believe that we

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:11). 24 | FALL 2012 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

What could possibly happen if the men of God receive the revelation of this scripture on unity? As I think about the statement “church is the most segregated place in the world on Sunday morning”, I also think of how Christian men have the least amount of FELLOWSHIP than most men’s groups (fraternities, clubs, sports and even gangs) in the world. The unification of these groups have produced World Series, Super Bowl and NBA Champions to say the least, with the help of many Christian men. However, fellowship has been one the greatest benefits to the 22 years I have lived my life without having a desire to turn back. I am grateful to see each new day as an opportunity to build and encourage someone to be the best ambassador Jesus could ever have in the earth. Fellowship helps us to build relationships, promotes accountability, and encourages men to be the kings the Lord has called us to be in our God-given domain. These are some of the keys to the successes of the men’s groups around the world. So, what would possibly happen if we understood this important principle on unity according to Psalms 133:1-3? We would experience more of His anointing (glory) to change lives. The Lord would command more of His blessings to overtake us. Nothing will be impossible for us to accomplish. Christian men around the world would become the most sought after role models. Remember, the brother you connect with may be the one the Lord has sent to change your life forever. Bishop Dickie L. Adams is the Senior Pastor of Global Ministries International Inc. www.gmi1.org

sister to sister | janine folks

Some Things I Know For Sure

Our faith is an account of our personal experiences meant for public display of God’s glory. The key word is PERSONAL. It requires us to have an intimate experience with God and to allow His Holy Spirit to speak, lead, and guide. In my life, there are things I know for sure about whom God is and what He does. These are things I know for sure about God: God speaks to us in what I call His simplistic splendor every day. He lets us know He is there by the breeze blowing and birds chirping. “He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow” (Psa. 147:18). How can anyone deny His presence? Here are a few tips to knowing for sure.


Hearing of God’s word is not enough. We must be doers. “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).


Faith has less to do with what doctrine we believe. It is all about acting on what we believe. James 2:17 reminds us this so move on what God has promised you. “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”



Meditation applies to Christian believers too. “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Psa. 1:2). How then will we live by God’s word if don’t take time to hide it in our heart? Prayer is the key to all life’s situation. “…pray without ceasing” (1Thess. 5:17). God wants to hear from us often. Got prayer? When was the last time you checked in?

Zakiya S. Kyles is the Founder of Queenly & Confident, an organization dedicated to helping women and girls “Discover the Royalty Within”. Visit her online at http://queenlyandconfident.com

“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain She does him good and not evil All the days of her life” (Pro. 31:10-12).

Good Posture

“You were sitting there with your back straight and your smile was amazing!” He said. “That’s why you spoke to me?” she replied. “It drew me,” he added. Her body language said she was confident. Her smile indicated happiness. He saw a secure woman with feminine charm; joyful and fulfilled. So, he wanted to know more.

important than our physical posture is the posture of our heart that should be humbled and broken before Him. “The King of Kings is God notices.

worthy of our efforts to come before His presence whether we kneel, stand, sit, lie down or stretched prostrate. Still, what’s more important than our physical posture is the posture of our heart that should be humbled and broken before Him.”

Nonverbal communication speaks volumes. Good posture makes the statement that you care and that you’re holding it all together. Posture can determine how others respond to your presence before they hear you speak. Men notice the posture of women easily.

God notices and responds to our posture too. The way we come before His presence matters. The posture of prayer— on our knees, with a bowed head and clasped hands speaks humility, reverence, submission, and honor. In praise and worship, our lifted hands express our desire to reach Him, positioned to receive. Our tears express how God touches our hearts. The King of Kings is worthy of our efforts to come before His presence whether we kneel, stand, sit, lie down or stretched prostrate. Still, what’s more

Posture is how you present your body as well as your heart. It’s important. At all times remember to “…present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom. 12.1)

Always mind your posture; back straight, head up, holding God’s love in your heart. Let good posture become a natural part of who you are.

“Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates” (Pro. 31:29-31).


FALL 2012 | 25

a lesson learned | chaplain (maj) cliff vicars, d.min

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Several years ago my family and I lived in the small German town of Vilseck, which is located in the heart of Bavaria. A farming community with a quiet, friendly atmosphere, Vilseck was beautiful year round. The winters were cold and white, portraying a majestic image of the countryside. The summers were warm and inviting, producing an abundance of flowers and colorful landscapes.

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Dr. Vicars is a native of South Carolina and serves as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. He lives at Fort Benning, Georgia with his wife Sharon and sons Will and Charlie.


“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them” (Isa. 11:6).

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When God calls your name, will you be ready to answer and to enjoy the gift of eternal life? If you are unsure, pray this simple prayer of salvation and begin to enjoy your new-found life in Christ. Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart, and receive the free gift of salvation.

It was a simple truth, no more complicated than the purple flower. What would our lives look like if we stopped long enough to see the beauty that God has planted around us? I believe that as God’s people, we owe it to Him and to ourselves to pause long enough to notice what He has given us.

As I knelt beside my young son,

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to know Jesus Yes, Iaswant my personal Savior.

I could not help but wonder how many beautiful things in life go unnoticed simply because we are too busy or too big to stop and kneel down.

One summer day we found ourselves attending my oldest son’s soccer game. While Will was on the soccer field, my wife and I We can offer sat in the bleachers God our gratitude What would our lives look like watching the game. by thanking Him if we stopped long enough to At some point we when we pray. see the beauty that God has noticed that our However, I cannot youngest son, Charlie, planted around us? help but believe had disappeared. As gratitude is best I stood up to look for expressed when we him, I saw that he enjoy the beauty had wandered to the and grace He has middle of a field located behind the given to us, when we stop along the bleachers, and was squatting down in path of our life and notice the small a way that only a three year old can. details. As I walked out to him, he appeared to be looking intently at something in the On at least one summer day, grass. that happened for me when I knelt beside my son and noticed the It turned out that a small purple beauty of a small purple flower and flower, buried beneath the grass, had the wisdom of a child. mesmerized him by its simple beauty.


Confess This Simple Prayer

Father, I know I have broken your commandments and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry. I am making this decision today to turn away from my past sinful life and live a life in true obedience to you. Please forgive me and help me avoid sinning again. I believe your Son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey you and to do your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

RM: Most artists find themselves in the songs they sing. Has this been true for you? Y. Adams: That is the best way to write. You can only sing about what you are passionate about. The key to singing and the art of singing, as Donnie McClurkin puts it so eloquently, is that you have to convey a message that is personal to you. It should mean something to someone else who’s sitting on the other side of that microphone waiting for an answer. You never know what a person is going through that’s sitting in the audience. You never know what the climate of the city is that you’re going into. You just have to ensure that as you sing and as you minister that there is something that does ring and resonate with the people because they are important. RM: So, when you’re not performing or on the air, what does Yolanda Adams like to do? Y. Adams: Sleep, sleep. Oh, my God. It’s a commodity [laughs]. I also love to cook. People are always asking me, ‘When do you have time to cook?’ The truth is I started cooking when I was younger. I developed a love for cooking.

Q &A

I love to see someone sit down and enjoy the food that I have prepared. It’s absolutely awesome. People probably know by now that I love to play golf. I love to exercise. I run and I walk. It’s a part of who I am. I love the fact that because we are so fearfully and wonderfully made, the body will perform whatever you task it to do.

here’s something else.’ I seriously look at it and say, ‘Okay God, something is about to happen. You’re about to teach me something. I have to learn this lesson through this, so be with me, and I’m going to give you praise every single day as I do it.’ Now, if I get a little off track, He’ll just tell me, “Hey, reel yourself back in child.”

RM: Is there any particular song that you sing to yourself at the end of the day that helps you get through the storm?

One of the things I have is a prayer area outside of my bedroom. It’s almost like a water garden. So, if I’m ever stressed, I turn the waterfall on and I lay back in the lounge chair. I just let the water flow and allow God to speak to me. I know it sounds weird, but I love nature. I love being around things that God created.

Y. Adams: I like to listen to anything CeCe Winans sings. I like to listen to anything from Israel Houghton. I am a fan of Gospel music. I can listen to all of the Gospel artists all day long, 24/7, if I have the time. I’m a different kind of person when I go through tough situations. You wouldn’t know that I’m going through anything because, from my youth, my grandmother taught me how to be calm and silent with God. For me this takes away the worry, the pressure, and the stress. When you talk about having troubles and trials, we all have those. But it’s all in the way you handle your storm. I don’t deal with it like, ‘Oh, God,

Every time I go on vacation, I go to reflect. You can find me somewhere near water and sand. I’m one of those people who has to have water. It calms me. It reminds me of the vastness and the beauty of God. I love looking up at a clear sky knowing that, that is the kind of window Heaven has. So, if His window is that big, I know He can pour me out a big blessing. This is how I handle stuff.

w/ James Green

Why is Gospel music such an important aspect of the music industry? The word Gospel in the Greek translation means to declare “good news”, or to announce “glad tidings”. So Gospel music is another way for us to receive and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Gospel music itself is such an important aspect of the music industry because it provides another avenue of ministering to both the believer and the nonbelievers.

music more now that ever. Without it, there may be thousands of others who may not hear this good news. Through the ministry of Gospel music a life can be

The sound of Gospel music can soothe your soul when there is no one else around besides you and God. If a person is physically unable to attend church to hear a message from God, they can receive this same inspiration from Gospel music. Whether it is instrumental, traditional, hip hop, or R&B, as long as it praises and glorifies God, the listener can be uplifted through its music.

changed, a sould saved, a person delivered from an addiction or disease and the peace that flows like a river is granted.

Today, there is so much music showcasing negativity, violence, and degradation of self that we need Gospel

James Green is the Founder of ThePraiseHouse.com a 24 hour global Gospel webcast that broadcasts in more than 104 countries worldwide.

love notes | for couples


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el Marion & B.J. R

Here the two of you are after once making a vow not to become that couple whose romantic passion is quenched while trying to survive the diaper phase. Nevertheless, it happened. You’re now known as the couple who wears puke stained shirts, has dark, heavy bags underneath your sleep deprived eyes, and has an evening routine of falling asleep to the tune of “Hush Little Baby.” Who would have thought nine months ago that keeping the romance alive would be this hard and that your latest news revolves around the word “baby?” The truth is it really doesn’t have to be. With a little hard work, your love life can survive the diaper phase if you’re willing to keep these few things in mind. Plan Ahead: Romance does not always have to be spontaneous. Sure, it’s okay to go for a nice drive while you’re already out, but now with a new baby, a plan ahead can be just a fun. Remember your spouse must remain your top priority too. Find a reliable baby sitter, schedule a date night, and stick with it. Flexibility: A life with a baby demands the ultimate flexible lifestyle. Be open to bending your own rules. The term date night may have to be adjusted to breakfast or lunch. Be creative; think outside of the crib. Set Boundaries: Most of your time and energy will be spent the next 18 years raising your child. Yet, it’s important to remember to spend an adequate amount of time with your spouse. Try to hold a conversation without talks of organizing the nursery, looking at baby photos, and when the time will seem right to add a new addition to the family. Just concentrate on you and your spouse. Intimacy: If the two of you had not been intimate in the first place, there would be no new baby. The “S” word plays an important role in keeping your relationship strong. Remember, to put the needs of your spouse first. Foundation: Above all, it’s important to remember the spiritual needs of your marriage. Keep Christ in all that you do from teaching and training your children to loving and respecting your spouse. Nothing else can stand if you don’t have a sure and solid foundation.

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate”(Mk 10:9). Want to Spotlight Your Marriage? Download Our Married Couples Form From Our Website. 28 | FALL 2012 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

Were married on July 4,1980 in Lakeland, FL followed by a beautiful honeymoon in Miami, FL. Marion is the senior pastor for Vision of Life Ministries and B.J. is the founder of the Women of Power ministries. This couple has 2 children, Keith and Kia. What has been the key to your lasting relationship? One key has been the ability to respect each other’s opinion and temperament. The success of our marriage also comes from our love for God, honoring the covenant taken, and allowing humor to be ever present. We honor the wisdom of God in the fact that He created us as a gift to each other.


When my wife and I first met neither

of us was walking in the Word of God. e said However, since then our relationship

has transformed. It was at a nightclub where we met and for some reason on that particular day I had gone alone. Later on that evening, this young girl walked in wearing a navy blue maxi-coat pant suit. When I first saw her I didn’t think she belonged there, but I was still in awe. I remained cool and watched her as she swiftly walked over and asked me to dance. It was there that she used her beautiful eyes to hypnotize me and the rest is history. It’s a good history with a beautiful future.


I agree that our relationship has truly into a God-ordained covenant he grown relationship. However, my version said of the “how we met” story differs. He is right–we did met inside at a night-club one evening, and yes, I probably should not have been there. However, it was my birthday weekend and my “girls” and I were trying out what we thought was the night life. We walked into the night club and honestly, I don’t remember seeing him first. Moments later, I noticed this guy walking over to me as if he was gliding on air. He was smooth in his approached when he asked me for the first dance. Now, 32 years later, we are now dancing together for the Lord.

Money: It’s Just Paper. We all could use a few extra hundred dollars in our pocket towards the end of the month. The steady increase in the cost of gas, food, and housing alone insists that we may need to apply for a second or third job. Many organizations that once provided secondary assistance are no longer able and hard-times have challenged us all. Therefore, when your life is self-centered you may make hasty decisions that you feel are in your best interest, but in the long run can lead to more debt, financial anxiety, and lose. Remember it’s just paper. God blesses you with different opportunities to be a financial blessing to your family and His church whether it is through your employment, disability income, or spousal support. A life that’s God-centered constantly looks for ways to add value to others as well as it places the needs of others before itself. Living a life that is God-centered takes the pressure off of you to depend of God to “…supply all your need according to His riches in glory... (Phil. 4:9). It’s His responsibility to bring the increase, but it starts with your seed.

Time: It Only Comes Around Once. Time is considered one of the most precious gifts we can never replace or replenish. But what could you do with an extra hour or two? Would you spend more time watching your favorite episodes on the television or more time on a shopping excursion? Would you spend more time continuing your education or more time on your job? Realistically, a life that is self-centered would consider doing all of the above. Yet, there are hundreds of others who have not been extended the time you have been given even to read this article. Their time may have expired due to loss from death or perhaps halted by a sickness or incarceration. Living a life that is God-centered causes you to be mindful that every moment you live is priceless and should be made available

to fulfilling God’s purpose. Allow God to lead you to share the Gospel with those whom you meet day to day. Let Him establish your goings and direct every step you make. “Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am”(Psa. 39:4-5).

Talent: Where Did You Hide It? “And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey…” (Matt. 25:14). We all have been given a talent that God has invested in us. Perhaps you have the gift to sing, write, dance, or you may even be a financial wiz. Still, these gifts are not simply for your own benefit but for the building and advancement of God’s Kingdom. There are hundreds of organizations and ministries that need your help. Don’t be afraid to share the gifts that God has given you. Be open to whatever opportunity He presents to you that will allow others to see God’s purpose in your life even if it doesn’t come with a paycheck. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith...” (Eph. 4:11-14). Remember, you can decline to be used by God to fulfill His great purpose to save, bless, and transform your life and those He has divinely connected to you. The choice is yours. You have been given the freedom to maintain your own life or to allow God’s grace to sustain you. You have been given an opportunity today to be used by God for something bigger and greater. Give way to His divine purpose. Let Him lead you.



I Choose Jesus

Musical Revival

| kymberli roberts

The Praise & Worship Experience

Just months after releasing her debut album, singer/ songwriter Moriah Peters has already left an unforgettable mark on the industry. With an album that will inspire you to pour all that you are into your worship, this 19- year-old’s introduction onto the scene combines a melodic approach and powerful lyrics with a heartfelt sound. Absorb the messages behind the title track. Meditate on your personal relationship and be lyrically challenged to choose Jesus above all else.

This anointed, award winning group of musicians have captivated audiences yet again. The family band known as Forever Jones unites groups of all ages crossing over genres through their songs of praise. Now their latest project “Musical Revival” brings a diverse yet classic collection of songs that will ignite a revival wherever you are. An instant hit, this album speaks volumes from beginning to end offering you eleven tracks that can set the tone for a glorious time in His presence.

Pastor Winans brings yet another soul stirring project your way. Combining new tunes with classic hits, this collaboration album inspired by the LIVE Praise & Worship concert brings together gospel favorites like Marvin Sapp, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Donnie McClurkin, Mary Mary and more. Newly released this past summer, you can order this musical collection and get ready as the atmosphere is set for a true Praise & Worship Experience.

Available for $9.02 from Amazon.com

Available for $9.99 from Amazon.com

Available for $9.99 through iTunes and $13.76 through www.amazon.com

Using the NKJV Bible, find the missing words hidden in the word search puzzle.

“And see, now I go _______ in the spirit to _______, not _______ the things that will _______ to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that _______ and _______ await me. But none of these things _______ me; nor do I _______ my life dear to _______, so that I may _______ my race with joy, and the _______ which I _______ from the Lord Jesus, to _______ to the _______ of the grace of God.” puzzle answer pg. 5

Hint: Acts 20:22-24 FALL 2012 | 31

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