Summer 2013

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SUMMER 2013 | Vol. 3 Iss. 2


Publisher Ayanna Foster-Kelson Administrative Assistant Nikki Grey Ministry Relations Coordinator Travis T. Kelson Graphic Designer Myron Krys


THE MESSAGE: Purpose, Plan & Passion Do you know what God has called you to do? What’s your first step? What’s the next? Learn how to easily identify your life’s passion thus giving you insight into God’s plan for your life.

Tena Baine Sheila O. Foster Zakiya Kyles Jason Price V. Ivana Foster Jessica Epps

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Pledging to support the mission of Renewed Magazine: to provide a quality Christian publication that will TRANSFORM & EMPOWER the body, mind & spirit.

COVER STORY MARRIAGE CAN WORK With more than fifty percent of all marriages ending in divorce, read this couples relationship success story that may help save and inspire yours.


ADVISORY BOARD Pastor Marquis & Paula Townes Destiny! Baptist Church Bishop Dickie & Shenenia Adams Global Ministries International Apostle Sammy C. Smith Grace Cathedral Ministries Pastor R.J. & Lady Kesha Williams Vision of Faith Christian Ministry

Learn 5 ways to bring wealth into your life. Break financial habits that can be preventing your financial increase.

Bishop Carl W. Weeden, II The Upper Room Church & Ministries Pastors Kenneth & Connie Bivens Saving Grace Ministries

[Departments] Publisher’s Letter..............[6] Letters & Prayers..............[7] Generation Now...............[8] Health & Fitness..............[10] Kitchen Talk.....................[10] Life & Work......................[11]

Contributing Writers Min. Janine Folks Chaplain Cliff Vicars Kymberli Roberts Pastor Kenneth Paden Bishop Dickie Adams Pastor Connie Bivens

Money Wise.....................[11] Around the World...........[12] Singles Only......................[14] Thought 4 The Season.....[14] Testimony..........................[23] Brother’s Keeper...............[24]

Interested in submitting an article? Send us a sample to

Sister to Sister............[25] A Lesson Learned.....[26] Love Notes.................[28] Literary Works..........[29] Word Search..............[29] Masterpieces..............[30]

To become a partner in ministry, contact us at 1-877-644-0454 ext. 2 or visit, The mission of Renewed Magazine is to create a quality Christian publication that will Transform & Empower the body, mind & spirit. Renewed Magazine is published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter). US subscription $20/4 issues and $35/8 issues. Canadian and foreign orders must add an additional $10 for postage. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to PO Box 266, Hampton, GA 30228. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written permission. Renewed Magazine, LLC uses reasonable effort to ensure all information is accurate and correct. Renewed Magazine does not endorse, assume responsibility or liability for the accuracy of any information including advertising. Neither Renewed Magazine, LLC, its publisher or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering is liable for any direct, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising out of your access to, use of the publication or its websites. Scriptures reference NKJV.

from me to you | ayanna foster-kelson

What ’s the

DIFFERENCE? Growing up I can remember the joy of getting the Sunday morning newspaper. It was not because of the latest news that graced the front cover or the astronomical amount of coupons stuffed between the local and international news thread. But for a 10-year-old and her three siblings it was all about the comics. We each had our favorites, ranging from Peanuts (Charlie Brown-for you younger folk), Garfield, Blondie, and of course the well-known Can You Spot the Difference game. Televised cartoons and outdoor play would meet its match each weekend when we all settled down on the living room floor to go at it. It was an amazing, yet simple collection of brightly-colored illustrations to search-and-find the differences between two pictures. Each image kept us intrigued for hours as we diligently looked and looked and looked for any alterations, variances, or inconsistencies in one image or the other. Whenever one of us would spot a difference the room would fill with a thunderous shout of I see one, and the game would continue until we found them all. Yes, at times we took a peek at the bottom of the page to get a hint (displayed upside-down) or a suggestion. Nevertheless, thinking about all of these special moments in my early childhood made me begin to wonder if we, as children of our heavenly Father, truly live a life that does not resemble the world and if it is a life where others can easily spot the difference.


n this season we are now living in, it is very easy to take on the mind set of the world. We all have our struggles, our issues and we’re all dealing with the economical turndown, rise in unemployment, and problems that demand a change. Yet, in the midst of going through does your attitude still reflect Christ? Does your response to any negativity challenge or defend the Gospel? Does who you profess to be on the Sabbath call into question your display of Christianity, or can others really spot the difference? During a play I attended a few years ago, the cast members were acting out a scene in which one of the actresses was pretending to drive a vehicle down a traffic-heavy road while being closely followed by a police officer. After a few moments of seeing and hearing the driver shout censored remarks at other motorists, the officer suddenly noticed several bumper stickers with adorations for Christ on the back of the vehicle. He then turned on his LED lights and alerted the driver to pull over. He gradually approached the vehicle and the driver asked, “Officer what seems to be the problem?” The officer asked for her license, registration, and remained quiet as he turned back to his car to research the driver. Upon returning back to the driver’s car again she asked, “Officer what seems to be the problem?” With a puzzled look he replied, “Ma’am I am sorry to have troubled your day, but when I saw the bumper stickers on your car and how you were screaming and cursing at other motorists, I assumed this vehicle must have been stolen.” What a wonderful lesson we can learn from this. We all want to be a great influence to those who have yet to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. We want to be role models for our younger generations, and we want the world to see that the true and living God is our Heavenly Father. We want people to know about God’s love that was displayed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the greatest showcase of who we say we are, Christians, is not in the identity of toting a Bible, or the cross pendant that we wear, or even in how often we go to church. But our true identify and the difference we display from the world is in our love for God and our love for one another. Our love for one another should exhibit an impeccable contrast to the world. When we are faced with fear, anxiety, stress, trials, or tribulations, the love of God should exude our problems. Now this is not to say we do not feel pain or the effects of what we are going through, but we should take comfort in knowing “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all” (Psa. 34:19). When we have conflicts with others, our love for one another should radiate in word, action, and deed. It should be seen in the way we forgive, the way we answer, and the way we care. As we move forward from day to day, let us not forget what true love is. Let us remember the love God has shown through the salvation in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Let our hope rest in this, and let us be mindful and committed to showing His love to all others. This is what love is…

Letters & Prayers Email us at

Spring 2013

MINISTRY IS 24/7 I really, really loved the article Unsung Ministry. Sometimes we as Christians tend to think ministry only happens inside the four walls of the church. There are so many people hurting everywhere. My prayer is that we will open our eyes and begin to see how we can truly influence the lives of others by the life we live. Janice Young Greensboro, NC

TEENS & SEXTING I know the article was about sexting, but I just can’t help but to think about teenagers and texting period. Almost every day as I am driving, I drive past so many people, including those in my near senior citizen group, who are texting while driving. It’s a shame that we continue to think every accident caused by texting is another sad wake up call from God. What are we really going to do about this? How much worse can it continue to get?

“Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not envy and love is not puffed up. Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, and thinks no evil. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but [love] rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, [and] endures all things. Love never fails. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest is love” (1 Cor. 13: 4-13).

Lisa James Idaho Falls, ID

Send us your thoughts and prayer requests SUMMER 2013 | 7

generation now | sheila owens foster



Q: I am a single mother of two and a new Christian. I attend a church where I feel as if I am looked down upon because I have children and I am unmarried. I am confused. I thought God had forgiven me. But why does the church seem so unforgiving? Don’t get it twisted. There is nothing truthful Sincerely, about having safe sex. Today, more and more teens are finding it absolutely hard to abstain Forgiven? from pre-marital sex. With all of the pressure Baltimore, MD from friends, television, and nearly every media outlet, who would want to wait? But the Dear Completely Forgiven, truth is — you should. Why? Having sex before marriage (fornication) is totally wrong. It’s Wow! What a wonderful question. Thank you for your candidness. against God’s plan for your life and your future. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in so many churches. But please allow me to encourage you that you have been forgiven from all of your sins through Think about it for one minute. Would you your acceptance of Jesus Christ. God’s word is true: “If we confess our sins, want to save all of your hard–earned money He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all you worked tirelessly everyday doing yard work, unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). extra chores, running errands for your parents only to end up driving a used car? No! The fact Oftentimes in our churches, believers have a tendency to forget that of the matter is you’d probably prefer to have a they, too, once surrendered to their fleshly desires and lust. And as believers brand new car that everyone would be beaming seemingly forget their sinful past, it leads to criticism and passing judgment. to see when you pass by. You may encounter men and women who are unforgiving in your church; however, God is forgiving. I admonish you to take heed to what God has said This analogy remains true for your future about your past sins in His word. When you confessed your sins, you were spouse. God’s design for sex is between one made free. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” husband and his wife. It’s a pleasurable state (John 8:36) You are free! that can lead to a greater level of intimacy in marriage and to one of the greater joys in As a final point, hold your head up high and walk boldly in new your life – children. freedom. Be an example for your children. Allow them to see how God can use you in His church. Don’t run from this church. Instead, embrace the So what is the bottom line? There’s nothing opportunity to be a light to other young single mothers and single parents. wrong with waiting. Instead of trying to reduce Develop a strong relationship with God through His word and seek Him. Then your chances of teenage pregnancy, contracting all will be able to see the transforming power of God in your life. an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), or disappointing your parents by going along Additional Encouraging Scriptures: with the crowd who’s having ‘safe sex’, make a commitment to practice Save Sex. Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Save Yourself for Marriage

Safe Sex?

Romans 8:1-2 – “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Save Your Respect for Yourself Save Your Future Save Your Body from STDs

Sheila O. Foster is a Youth Advisor at Harrison Grove Baptist Church, SC where she has a passion for helping the youth to cultivate their minds for a Christ-centered future.


In the end, you’ll be glad you lived a saved life that truly honors God.

health & fitness | tena baine


LEARNING TO LOVE YOU What do you really think about yourself? Do you think if you could just lose 10 pounds or if your body shape was differently your life would be perfect? Most of us believe that other people are happier, healthier, and seemingly living a better life. However, this is not always true. So, here’s your opportunity to find new ways to learn and love you. If the current image of yourself is not where you want it to be, here are 3 things you can do to change this.


nutrients your body needs, you will not be able to function properly. Add more fruits/vegetables to your meals and in-between. Make sure your plate is colorful and well-balanced. Soon, you will be on your way to seeing and feeling the difference of a better you.

TAKING CARE OF YOUR BODY BY EXERCISING Exercising on a regular basis is important. During exercise our bodies produce endorphins which are the body’s natural feel good TAKING CARE OF YOUR BODY BY ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR WORTH chemicals. Cardiovascular exercises and aerobics are great for improving First of all, acknowledge that you are worthy to be loved. You must learn to give your mood and releasing endorphins. Yoga, which focuses on breathing, yourself positive feedback. Try standing stretching, and centering your in front of a mirror and ask yourself mind, can also help release negative what do I like most about my body. emotions. Most medical experts Concentrate on what makes you unique. Start a self-image list by finding at least 3 agree you should exercise at least 30 things you love about yourself. Then, start minutes every day, but most of our focusing on them rather than focusing on lifestyles do not offer this flexibility. So, try exercising ten to fifteen the negative. From here, be determined minutes as often as you can. This can to start adding more and more positive aspects about yourself to your list. boost your mood, decrease fatigue, and help change how you see your body. TAKING CARE OF YOUR BODY BY EATING HEALTHIER The season of summer offers You are the only one who can change the an array of opportunities to work on way you feel about you and your body. Eating healthy and drinking enough improving our inner and outer life. And as we begin to concentrate on water are important and can add to your what’s positive about ourselves, we quality of life. If you constantly eat junk can begin to become the person God food or things lacking the essential daily truly created us to be in His image. Tena Baine is a wife and

BENEFITS Good Source of: Riboflavin, Manganese Low Carb, Gluten Free Almonds — provide powerful prostate protection


• 1 c. fresh raspberries • • 1/2 tsp. SweetLeaf® Stevia Extract • • 4 tbsp. organic, butter • • 1 lg. pastured egg • 1 c. ground organic • almond flour

8 oz. organic cream cheese 1 tsp. organic vanilla extract 8 tbsp. organic sour cream 7 tbsp Sweeteners Organic Zero



mother of 2. She has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years with certifications in Aerobics, Personal Training, P90X, yoga and pilates.

Recipe submitted by Jessica Miller-Epps, author of “Finding God in the Kitchen”

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading this information does not create a patientphysician relationship.


DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. First, make the crust. Whisk almond flour, 1 tbsp. Sweetener and 1/8 tsp. Stevia. Mix in 4 tbsp. melted butter and press into the bottom of a pie pan. Bake for 15 mins., or until golden brown around the edges. Let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees F. In a small bowl, whisk eggs, vanilla, sour cream, and remaining Sweetener and stevia. Beat cream cheese and remaining melted butter together until smooth. Add cream cheese mixture to egg mixture and beat until smooth. Pour cheesecake batter onto baked crust and transfer to oven. Bake for 35 mins. using the water bath method. Remove from oven and let cool. Transfer to oven and refrigerate 4 hours or until firm. Top with fresh raspberries and serve.

life & work | v. ivana foster

MONEY WI$E are you a shopaholic?

ROMANCING YOUR FIRST LOVE Do you enjoy shopping, but wondering if you take it too far? Here’s a handy checklist of 5 ways to tell if you’re a shopaholic. 1.

Money burns a hole in your pocket: You might be a shopaholic if you just can’t help but spend any money that comes your way.

2. You can’t keep track of your purchases: Open your closet door and take a peek inside. If you have items that you forgot about buying or that you’ve never even taken the tags off, your shopping habit might be spiraling out of control. 3. Shopping gets in the way of other hobbies or work: If you put aside things you once enjoyed to go to the mall, this may be a sign of a serious problem. 4. You buy things just because: One sign that your shopping has spiraled out of control is if you keep buying the same type of item, such as candles, sunglasses, or bags, even though you have more than enough. 5. You hide the items you buy: You may be a shopoholic if when shopping online you quickly close the browser window when someone walks by. If you can answer yes to “am I a shopaholic”, help is available. You can seek out the help of a therapist, who can teach you ways to control your compulsive shopping. For more… “10 Ways to Tell if You’re a Shopaholic” visit, Article written by Kelly Anderson.

Did you know that, whether positive or negative, the things your parents, family and close friends said to you decades ago are still a major influence in your life? Loving yourself is very challenging when you have limiting and derogatory messages playing in your subconscious mind. Most of these messages, whether intentional or unintentional, are recorded during childhood, but their effects can be far reaching.

journaling. Give yourself prompts or questions like these: my earliest memory of feeling stupid was and so on. The idea is to think back to an earlier time in your life and see if you can discover when and where your limiting beliefs started. Then, challenge those beliefs. Are they still true? Were they ever true? Decide what you want to be true, and begin to replace the old belief by focusing more on your new and improved beliefs.

Is it possible to overcome old messages and replace them with new, empowering messages that cause you to fall head over heels with yourself everyday? Yes! Here are three good ways to start:


ROMANCE YOURSELF. Think about the last time you fell head over heels with someone special. At the beginning you probably devoted a lot of time, attention, and affection to this person, right? You felt passionate and swept away by their beauty and their authentic desire for you. One of the best ways to learn to fall madly in love with yourself is to enter into a similar process – with yourself. Treat yourself like royalty. Do things that make you feel happy. Hug yourself. Sweet-talk yourself. Buy yourself nice things. Spend quality time with yourself simply because you deserve it.

Where there is low self-esteem, there is a tendency to focus on those things that are wrong with you, and dismissing the things that you have going for you. Start to turn this around by praising and encouraging yourself in your selftalk. When you accomplish something, congratulate yourself. Say things like: wow, I’m really proud of myself for doing that. It wasn’t easy, but I pushed through the rough spots and gave it my best shot. You can also make a point of simply giving yourself positive self-talk daily. Recite affirmations like these: I am a valuable person. I have a lot to offer the world. I’m talented and successful. The more you do these things, the more you’ll come to discover a brilliant, vibrant you that you just can’t help but fall head over heels in love with every day.

EXPLORE YOUR EXISTING BELIEFS. You may suspect you have old, limiting messages rattling around in your head but still be unsure about what they are exactly. In order to discover the beliefs that are holding you back, you may need to go on an expedition. Begin exploring your existing beliefs by V. Ivana Foster, M.Ed. - The Confidence Architect™ #1 Premier Confidence & Prosperity Holistic Life Coach & Pastoral Counselor for the Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit of Actualizing Women

SUMMER 2013 | 11

around the world |

North Korean Church

Photo credit: Open Doors USA

Leaders Ask for Prayer Amid War Preparations

Border guards at border between North and South Korea.



Deployed by Faith Comes By Hearing Since 08’ Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) initiated their military outreach about five years ago at the request of a handful of active duty Marines and chaplains serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Needing a deployment-friendly version of the ministry’s standard BibleStick, military members advised FCBH engineers of the needed specs and the result was the creation of the Military BibleStick. Today, Faith Comes By Hearing is honored to announce they have shipped -- free of charge -- more than 250,000 units to chaplains serving every branch of the military for distribution to troops in pre-deployment briefings, counseling sessions, Bible studies, weekly chapels and upon direct request of service members.

Photo credit: Faith Comes By Hearing

North Korean church leaders are asking Christians worldwide to pray for their country amid increased war threats and combat preparation by North Korean military officials. Prayer for beleaguered believers in North North Korean street child (girl) / kotjebi looking for something to eat. Korea is more important than ever, says Open Doors, an organization that supports persecuted Christians in 60 countries. According to under ground Christians, there is a war-like atmosphere in the country: “We are to meet the decisive battle with a gun in one hand and a hammer in the other,” summarized a Christian leader about the message the North Korean people recently received from the high command. “The military army, navy, air force troops, strategic rocket troops, the red guards and the red youth guards are already in combat mode.

Urgent meetings are being held everywhere, regardless if it is day or night. At those meetings, officials make decisions on what needs to happen in case war breaks out and everyone, including women, needs to be combat ready.” According to Open Doors sources, many cars on the roads are covered with camouflage nets. Also, soldiers are wearing hats with camouflage dried branches and carry guns. North Korean Christians are grateful for their fellow believers in the West and request their urgent prayers. “I would like to thank the many brothers and sisters around the world for their continuous love and support,” says the Christian believer.

Impacting Dislocated

Photo credit: Open Doors USA

Syrian Christians

In the midst of the horrible Syrian civil war, Open Doors and its church partners are putting warm clothes on needy children. For three long months this A local church is able to reach out to Syrian refugees and displaced people by providing winter clothing. past winter, children of a church in Aleppo have had to stay at home with the sounds of war going on around their houses. Many schools are closed, and going to church is dangerous. Christians in Aleppo are sometimes the target of deliberate attacks, but more often they suffer from the general chaos and violence in the city because of the bloody war. With the help of Open Doors, the church organized a special day for the children. Behind the chairs, big piles of clothes were waiting for new owners. Parents sorted through the sweaters and jackets, holding them up to find a suitable size for each of their children. Open Doors made sure all the 200 children went home with a new set of clothes. And while the parents were busy, the kids enjoyed singing Christian songs and a puppet show. The organizers feel blessed to see so many families coming out of their houses for one afternoon and thinking a little less about the worries of the conflict -- which has reportedly claimed 70,000 lives. “We really felt the presence of God today,” said one leader. Four years ago Open Doors started working inside Syria with an outreach to Iraqi Christian refugees, which included biblical training, distribution of relief supplies and trauma counseling. The outreach provided Open Doors with a unique network of church contacts as the Syrian civil war broke out two years later and Christians were specifically targeted in midst of the general horrors of war. As of last December, Open Doors estimated 20,000-25,000 Christian families had left their homes for other places either inside Syria or for countries such as

Medical care provided for Syrian refugees who have been unable to seek medical attention otherwise.

Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. An Open Doors contact in Syria says “bold attacks on Christians are increasing. And there are more kidnappings, too.” Open Doors is hoping to enhance its outreach during 2013 by helping hundreds of families cope physically and spiritually with their uncertain situation. The Open Doors aid includes blankets, stoves, heating fuel, medicines and hygiene kits as well as Bibles and spiritual training. The campaign, called “Displaced Peoples Project,” has also targeted countries such as Egypt, South Sudan, Nigeria, Mali, Laos and Iraq, as displacement of Christians is a worldwide problem. Thousands of Christians are being forced to leave their original family homes and villages due to persecution and ravages of war. “The focus of this project is to embrace uprooted believers, not only in Syria, but also around the world,” says Open Doors USA spokesman Jerry Dykstra. “Thousands of Christians are being forced from their homes, churches, schools and places of work. They find themselves completely destitute and face an uncertain future. “Your gifts and prayers will equip and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ and at the same time enable those being dislocated to remain salt and light in their regions or in refugee camps in other countries.” For more information and to support the campaign with your gifts, go to

Photo credit: World Vision News Bureau

Teens Embracing Social Media to Fight Hunger

This past April, more than 3,200* groups signed up to do the 30 Hour Famine (30HF) to fight global hunger. 30HF is the world’s largest teen hunger awareness campaign. Since 30HF began in 1992, teens have raised more than $150 million to fight global hunger. The United Nations says in 1992, 40,000 children died from hunger and preventable causes. Today it’s 19,000, still too high but proof that efforts like 30HF are helping. According to World Vision, the number of 30HF Facebook likes (31,701) jumped 8 percent from last year (26,599). “Our research says teens are more inclined to act on social justice issues when they hear about these causes from social media,” says Leah Swindon, 30HF National Director.

On April 26 th-27th, World Vision gave control of the 30HF website to teens across America so they can use social media to fight world hunger. Teens go without food for 30 hours to get a taste of what the world's poorest children face. Prior to the event, teens raised funds by explaining that $1 can help feed and care for a child a day. Teens consumed only water and juice as they participated in local community service projects at food banks and homeless shelters. Last year, 30HF raised $9.8 million. This year's goal: $10.5 million. Funds raised this year for 30HF will be sent to 10 countries including Haiti, Burundi and this year for the first time, 30HF funds will help fight hunger here in the U.S. For more info: SUMMER 2013 | 13

singles only | dr. brinetta p. thomas



Saved, Single, Lonely… and Broke The wonderful days of summer are finally here. The weather is nice, the days are long and everyone is in the mood for fun. It’s what I call, Single’s Season. It’s our chance to skip our chores, slip off from work, and head for the beach. For those who are dating, it’s the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy special things together. For those who aren’t, it’s the ideal time to get out and play with the added thrill of possibly meeting that special someone. In either case, these are those days. If you’re counting, merriment can cost a pretty penny. In the current economic environment, many have had to seriously down-size everything including their social calendar. So, what’s a couple to do when their piggy bank has taken a fatal blow? Unfortunately, many end up inside, on the couch, watching movies. It sounds innocent enough but for those who are truly committed to walking in celibacy, it can quickly become a sticky situation. “Oh my God, that’s me!” Sharon exclaimed. After sharing some of my thoughts for the column, this one struck a chord. Head in her hands she confessed, “I can’t tell you how many times that’s gotten me into trouble.” The trouble she’s speaking of is the danger zone where many Christian couples lose their battle over the flesh and sully both their testimony and their self-esteem. It’s often experienced when couples allow their date time to consist of hanging in instead of going out. “Things deteriorated pretty quickly” Adrian admits, “First we got comfortable. Then we got sexual. Then we just got comfortably sexual.” This article has come to remind you that you can smile in the sun while getting a smile from the Son. Dating on a budget doesn’t have to mean succumbing to boredom or walking over the hot coals of temptation. There are plenty of entertaining activities that won’t cost you a single dime. That’s right, they’re free. I’ve listed a few of my favorites for you to consider. My prayer is that you’ll experience a summer season that is saved, single, and superb. Enjoy you. F Museums/ Community art walks

F Concerts in the park F Lunch at the park/beach

Dr. Brinetta P. Thomas is the co-author of When Sisters Speak and Conversations of Courage. She is a pastor on staff at Shield of Faith Christian Center in Southern California.

F Physical exercise F Library /Book club meeting F Video-blog with your date


My 5-year-old son seems to have a special gift to remember any promise someone gives him. During a recent car ride, he reminded me of a promise I had made several months earlier. I was intrigued by his detailed replay of what I had stated. I glanced over at my wife with that look on my face — you know the one that says I just don’t remember that — but he was convinced enough not to let the promise go. He kindly said, “Daddy you forgot to do something.” Unsure as to exactly what my son was referring to, my wife simply joked, “Travis, leave me out of this one.” Oftentimes as children of God we feel the need to remind God of His promises. For example, we may find ourselves saying things similar to: God, you said that I am blessed and not cursed. You said with a long life You would satisfy me. You said when my enemy comes at me You would lift up a standard and they would flee seven different ways. We go on and on reiterating to God what He has promised. We put the Almighty in remembrance of His spoken word. We remind God that just as we are accountable to remember our promises to Him, He must also be accountable to what promises He makes to us. Yet, there is one thing God does not choose to remember. “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Heb. 8:12). Isn’t it such a wonderful thing that God chooses not to remember our past mistakes, sins, and failures. When our lives, our decisions, and our choices are contrary to God’s word, His mercy and grace compels us to ask for forgiveness and He chooses to remember them no more. It’s an amazing principal to understand that God’s word was not given simply to remind Him of what He said, but so that we as believers of His word can be assured of every promise He has given. During that drive my son asked me again and again if I even remembered what I had promised. I had to be honest and tell him no. I asked him to help me remember, and without hesitation he did. He was so excited about what I had promised and was expecting his father to top to ways bottom:we come through on his word. In Photos so many provided by Godto Feet. can celebrate with excitement Photos and expect God Founders of God Feet, David come through on His word when we know what and Shannon Gillette visit an He has spoken. What promisesallhas He made boys orphanage in Haiti to you? Do you remember? give God Feet to each child. Haitian orphans dancing in excitement about their new Pastor Travis Kelson is a man after God’s heart who shoes given by God Feet.

loves sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world. Email him at

Fashion Show

Inspires Women to Know There’s a New Day Ten years ago the Lord spoke to me that everybody wants to be a DIVA, but no one wants to be a DOVE. He took me to the story of Noah and showed me how they searched for dry ground. They first sent out a raven, but it never returned. Then they decided to send a dove. The dove not only returned, but it came back with proof that there was life beyond their current place. With all that I have been through, God began to show me that I was also a dove, and I was living proof that there is life beyond my circumstance. I was once bullied, overlooked, cast down, abused, Photo credit: Corey Poole and misused. I was never the first to be picked and felt hopeless. But today is a new day. Today, we release the DOVES because we are: • D - DIVINELY • O - ORDAINED • V - VICTORIOUS • E - ELEGANT • S - SISTERS The recent Releasing of the DOVES Fashion Show is an event that serves to give women and young girls who have been overlooked, bullied, picked on or who may have given up on

life an opportunity to shine. Women from various backgrounds received a makeover without the process of elimination. Some of the women who attended are Black, White, Egyptian, Hispanic, and bi-racial. It was amazing to see these women and young

girls come completely out of their shells and actually throw them away. One young lady said, “I found myself modeling and twirling all the way to the bathroom.” My response: “Mission accomplished.” For more information visit: SUMMER 2013 | 15



y three and four-year-old grandchildren love to travel. On any given day they will ask in perfected, innocent voices “Can we go to Florida to see your mom and papa?” Seemingly since I don’t want them to grow up thinking that money grows on trees or that you can just take off and do something without much thought, my response to them is always, “What do we need in order to do that?” They respond, “Money and a plan!” Of course it’s not always about money, but rather God’s purpose for each of our lives. However, what we must first understand is that those things which are really important to us can not simply be accomplished by desire alone. Opportunities do not come to us by osmosis. We don’t just dream and it somehow appears. The reality is this: we must get into position to take advantage of an opportunity when presented. In the book of Ruth, we read the story of an amazing woman whose life dramatically shifted as a result of several life-changing circumstances. She had been recently widowed, lost a brother-in-law and was now living in a city amidst people she knew very little about. Yet, in the midst of her loss, Ruth’s determination and her faith teaches us all a life lesson that can inspire us to go to the next level.


PURPOSE, PLAN & PASSION What is purpose? Purpose is nothing more than the answer for which something is done or the reason why something exists. It is that mind-boggling question so many of us ask ourselves every single day—why am I here? Then there’s passion—that strong and barely controllable emotion to do, fulfill or to accomplish something. It is what fuels our plans. Yet, while all three of these elements are necessary to understand and to fulfill God’s great purpose in our lives, the truth is without each of these, all we really have is an inactivated idea. Ruth, after experiencing such great loss had to formulate a plan in order for her and Naomi to survive. Based on her knowledge of the law, she knew she could glean in the corners of the field that was left for the foreigner, the stranger, and the widow. She fit that profile completely. She asked her mother-in-law, Naomi, to allow her to go glean in a field where she’d hoped to find favor. “So Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, “Please let me go to the field, and glean heads of grain after him in whose sight I may find favor.” And she said to her, “Go, my daughter.” Then she left, and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers. And she happened to come to the part of the

field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech” (Ruth 2-3) There, Ruth gathered grain from morning until evening. This showed a hard-working spirit in Ruth. She used initiative rather than simply sitting at home praying for food. There are times when each and every one of us must do something to activate our faith in what we believe God wants to accomplish through us. We must be willing to step out of our comfort zone and move forward with action. And as Ruth began to put her plan in action, there were some determinations she had made. == I will find a field. == I will find favor. == There will be food. == There will be enough. It is vital that before we begin to take a step in any direction, we must be determined to go forward and succeed. Our mind must meditate on things that are positive and encouraging. This is why the Bible instructs us to focus on “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,

Could It Be? How to Identify Your Passion. Passion is the fuel that drives you to fulfill God’s calling or assignment in your life. It can empower you towards the realization of your dreams. It can motivate you to live a truly satisfying and purposeful life. Have you found your life’s passion or are you still searching? Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to help you identify and recognize your passion. 1. 2.




How does it make you feel? There are certain activities that resonate with our core being. If it puts a smile on your face accompanied with feelings of self-worthiness— that may be your passion. Where did the time go? Have you ever gotten lost in what you were doing? If you completely forget about time when you’re engrossed in something, don’t ignore the feeling. Look at your day to day activities or those things you consider as ‘hobbies’. Perhaps you spend hours singing, cooking, or even encouraging someone you pass by. What you spend a lot of time doing could very well be your passion. Do you just want to talk about it to anyone who will listen? The scripture says in Matthew. 12:34, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” When it comes to passion, it resides in the heart. If you find yourself going on and on about something whether it’s visiting a nursing home, fixing things around the home, or even collecting the latest stamp, you may have found your life’s passion. So, let passion speak. Too easy? One of the surest ways to recognize your passion is in what comes easy to you that may not be so easy for others. Perhaps it’s easy for you to write poetry or bake a three-tier cake from scratch. You may not have had one single lesson to accompany your talent to play a sport because it’s just passion. What you’re passionate about will always be coupled with ease and a level of comfort. Would you do it for free? In a world that revolves around the mighty dollar it can be easy to ignore pursuits that don’t produce a monetary return. But passion exists without the need for gain. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life without getting paid, that may be your passion.

whatever things are of good report…think on these things” (Phil 4:8). You must believe you’re going to succeed before you start. You must be determined to take what God has placed in your hands and make it work. Nevertheless, in order to make good decisions, we must also have good information. This may require at times research about what we are preparing to do. You may have to take a college-level course, purchase and read supportive books and materials, and for some, be mentored by someone who can help you through God’s purpose for your life. The more we know, the better we can operate which eventually leads us to a better outcome. It was Ruth’s love for God and her family that provided her with information about His provision for His people. This information allowed her to position herself for the opportunity that was soon to come. So goes the story that Ruth went into the field and gleaned. She worked her plan. Although it was not necessarily in the best place to glean or the best of the crop to gather, she was still passionate about her survival. She was focused and driven to live. There are times when we begin to work our plan that things do not start as we think they should. Our business or ministry may not be in the best building, or we may not be in the position we believe we should be in. This can bring forth discouragement when the reality of our dreams leaves us breathless and tired or when the work is more than we anticipated yielding only small gains here and there. However, the word of God encourages us not to despise, get frustrated, or hate our days of small beginnings [Zach. 4:10]. Ruth worked diligently where she was and studied her surroundings. She asked the foreman if she could work closer to the regular field hands. Her determination and focus at what she was doing was enough to impress Boaz, the owner of the field.

But Ruth had no idea what was in store for her to receive. While she continued to passionately work, she was blessed. She received favor from Boaz who provided her with protection (told the young men not to bother her) and even gave her a bonus or two (she was allowed to drink from the vessels of water the young men drew). Through her diligent effort to understand God’s purpose, to work her plan, and to be passionately determined to fulfill her goals, she goes from gleaning in the corner of the field to owning it. She eventually marries Boaz, thus fulfilling God’s purpose of redeeming the lineage of Jesus Christ—King of Israel. Ask yourself—what is God’s purpose for your life? What are your plans, your dreams, and your goals? What do you believe God wants to accomplish through you? At the end of it all, we all want to hear God say well done. Yet, are we actively accomplishing His purpose? Do we know His Elder Brenda Bradley With over 20 years of experience in minplans? Are istry, Elder Bradley makes understanding we driven to the Bible practical and applicable in the life of every believer. She has been succeed in happily married for 25 years and shares spite of what the pastoral responsibilities with her husband, Elder Damon Bradley at the Rhema our present Full Gospel Fellowship in Wichita, KS. circumstance reveals? Be encouraged. Your The Boaz Factor drive to suc- When you are ceed in Christ Ready for the will define your RIGHT one! passion. Cost: $14.99 Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, and

Breaking Out of Poverty






Growing up, no one ever taught me how to budget or handle money properly. Most of what I learned came from the school of hard knocks and I have a lot of bumps and bruises to show for my many financial mistakes. You know, I just knew it was money. The rules were, you get it then you spend it. You get some more and you spend that too. One thing I can remember about money is that there was never enough. No matter how much came in, the exit of it was just as quick as the entrance. There were always more needs than money or so it seemed. That’s when I learned that the money was always there, it was just not being used properly.


was conditioned to think wealth was shown by who could get the most toys — a new car, clothes, jewelry and so forth. Whoever had the latest _______ (you fill in the blank) was the one who was wealthy. Society has duped us into believing this is what true wealth looks like. So, I spent most of my early teens and adult life running after stuff. I had the things but was terribly broke. As I began studying God’s word I found out money is not wealth and neither are things. Money is a seed and the tangible things are what the Bible calls riches. Money is supposed to be used to create wealth then in turn riches are purchased with this wealth. But in today’s society, we have it backwards. We are taking our seed — our paychecks and other financial increase trying to buy riches. This is why so many households are living from one paycheck to the next.

While financial problems only account for approximately five percent of divorces, seventy percent of married couples report some kind of money problems. Of all the topics I speak with people about, the lack of money accounts for 90% of my conversations. This is a result of the paradigm of handling money exactly as I have described, and the danger of it is we are passing on this same system of beliefs as an inheritance to our children. I once heard an old adage’, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” It basically means not to disturb a situation as it would result in trouble or complications. Yet, this is what we have done in the area of money. No one wants to talk about it. There are limited discussions and many reject those who teach on it. We simply continue to allow the deeply impressed patterns of our history and society to govern our financial lives.

3 John 2 says “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” After reading this verse, I get the idea that my Father wants me to prosper (excel and advance) in every area of my life. John said it’s your Father’s will for you to prosper above all things and this does not exclude money. So if this is God’s desire for us, and it is, then He must have a pattern or a new paradigm for us to follow in order to create this kind of lifestyle. The truth is your prosperity is not complete without your money. I can tell you from personal experience, there’s nothing worse than not knowing how you are going to pay your bills or provide the things you need for your family. It’s God’s will for you to have the money piece of the prosperity pie as well.

You may be wondering how in the world am I going to get out of this mess? Breaking out of poverty into financial abundance is going to take some time, but it is possible. You will find that poverty has more to do with your mindset than what you possess or how much money you actually make. We can see this proof in the life of sports figures and Hollywood stars who make millions of dollars each year, but end up in financial despair. They are living paycheck to paycheck just like many households, but on a higher level. If you are ready to break out of limitation, lack, and paycheck to paycheck living, here are a few steps which must be put into place right away. 1. Get control of your spending habits today by creating a budget. This can easily be done with a budgeting program. If you’re married, somebody has to take the lead and get the finances in order. However, you must be in agreement. Start by saving receipts for the next thirty days to see where your money is going, then decide if you want to continue spending money in that area and budget accordingly. You would not believe the surplus money you will find available when you save receipts. You will find out you have the power to decide what you will and will not do with your money. 2. Do not make any quick decisions when unexpected money comes in. Most people take their tax returns or unexpected financial increase and run right out and buy all the “stuff” they feel they’ve deprived themselves of, then they wonder how they keep ending up in the land of not enough. Just waiting a few days will give you time to think through what your family should do with the extra money.

3. Begin to medicate your finances with the Word of God. Lack is a sick financial condition. And the cure for lack is not always more money. Most of the time, the real problem is in you. The way you think about money must be changed. I am not talking about just mentally. I am talking about in your soul - the deepest seat of your emotions and desires. Purchase a CD with Scriptures on financial abundance. You can listen to this as you drive and get ready for work in the morning. There’s no way to manifest financial abundance if it’s not planted in your soul first. Get books from some good teachers in this area and begin to study Biblical financial principles. Tithing and giving will be a crucial part in breaking out of poverty into abundance. Don’t fight the principles. You have had long enough to prove your way doesn’t work. Make up your mind to do it God’s way.

Don’t tell me you can’t save. If you can’t put away at least 10% of your income each month then put away something. Start somewhere even if it’s five dollars per week or month. By the way, you are not saving for a rainy day. Do not declare this over your finances. These savings can be used to create wealth. Wealth happens when your money makes money. We will discuss this in the fall 2013 issue of Renewed Magazine.

4. Speak the word of God only concerning your finances. This is a difficult step for a lot of people. Stop agreeing with your current financial condition if it’s contrary to the word of God. Speak the word only concerning your finances. I would equate this to learning a new language. You have been speaking not enough, lack and limitation for a long time so it’s going to take some work to change your money language. This is why you can’t skip step #2. You can’t manifest what you have not planted in your heart. When it looks like there’s not enough you must remind God of His word and resist the urge to agree with your circumstances. The Word of God must be your only truth. Get your eyes off of the financial giant and keep your eyes on God and His word. I say again, speak the word only.

If you put the steps above in place you will begin to see a tremendous difference in your finances over the next twenty-one days. Why twenty-one days? It takes twenty-one days to establish a new paradigm/a pattern or habit. Luke 12:32 says “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Your heavenly Father has an inheritance waiting for you and your name is on it. The only thing keeping you from your financial break out is you. You are five steps away from your journey to break out of poverty into financial abundance!

5. Start a savings plan but don’t hoard money.

I know some people who have financial abundance yet they don’t do anything nice for themselves because they’re afraid they may run out of money. They are hoarders. Don’t let this happen to you. I‘m not sure which is worse, to have abundance saved up and still be afraid to use it or to live from paycheck to paycheck. Both are a picture of someone who is locked behind the prison doors of poverty, because there’s a looming fear of never having enough.

Minister Sonya L Thompson is an ordained minister, inspirational speaker, mentor of entrepreneurs, Certified Life Coach, and business owner. She is the self-published author of “Business By The Bible”, “Seeds of Prosperity” and “Break Out of Poverty Into Abundance.”

M A K E U P Y O U R M IN D ! One of the most important aspects of building wealth starts within the storage of your mind. Begin to meditate and concentrate on what God has spoken about prosperity and true riches. Here are a few financial, wealth building scriptures that will help you transform your mental capacity to store greater riches. “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness…” 2 Corinthians 9:10

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:18 “If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.” Job 36:11

“Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause; and let them say continually, “Let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalm 35:27 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 “Save now, I pray, O Lord; O Lord, I pray, send now prosperity.” Psalm 118:25

In a world where getting a divorce has become a universal code for love gone wrong‌one man‌one woman are determined to make it last forever. Their commitment redefines happiness, dedication, and the unwavering devotion that love is‌

Ma k ing


W rk

I Take You… To Have and To Hold

From This Day Forward RM: Tell us about the day you met?

FL Allen: Let me start with my side of the story. Vincent wanted to meet me even before the day we actually met. A friend of mine suggested that we meet, and she showed me a picture of him. He was a dark, handsome, Marine. On the day we were supposed to meet, I was washing my hair. I was determined not to leave the house, but my friend convinced me to come anyway. When I arrived, I saw this light skin guy standing at the top of the staircase in the building’s hallway. I walked up the steps right passed him. He turned, looked, and asked me with one of those you-look-good-girl-tones, “Um, how you doing?” I just kept on walking. I went inside the house and asked my girlfriend: “Where is Vincent?” She said, “You just walked right passed him.” What? I had dismissed the possibility of that being him because that wasn’t the guy from the photo. That guy was at least three or four shades lighter. But it was him. I supposed it must have been the effects of being in that California boot camp sun. So, I turned around, apologized, and introduced myself. From that point on we hit it off and the rest is history, right? V. Allen: Not really. The truth is I didn’t even know she existed. FL Allen: Oh, Babe, stop it! V. Allen: No, I let you talk now let me tell the story. I didn’t even know she existed. FL Allen: [laughing] Stop it! V. Allen: I did not. I had no clue as to who she was. I had just completed boot camp in San Diego, California. I went over to a friend’s house and he told me she had asked about me. So, her friend called her to come over, but she said she had been scratching her dandruff and she was not coming out. FL Allen: [laughing in the background]. V. Allen: My friend had a glass door to his condo building, so I was able to see her as she approached. She was very cute. She had on a blazer, jeans, and yellow boots. Her hair was feathered and she wore braces. We talked throughout the evening and then, it was time for me to head back to Virginia. On January 30,

I came back for her birthday. It was the night of the Super bowl. We were watching the game, and I opened my mouth and proposed. Now that’s the real story.

For Better, For Worse

RM: I hear a lot of laughter, detail, and cherished moments. What makes your marriage so special? V. Allen: As of this moment, we’ve been married 29 years, 2 months, and 28 days. It’s the details. FL Allen: [affirming] He always does that. He’s not just saying it because of this interview. He remembers everything. V. Allen: In every ceremony I perform with couples I always say loving another human being is hard work. Nevertheless, you have to have love and be committed to the covenant of marriage. You have to be best friends with your spouse. She is really my best friend. So on those days when you don’t feel like a husband or a wife, you’re still friends. RM: What happens when you don’t feel like you’re married to your best friend? Is it really all that important? V. Allen: I believe above everything else your spouse should be your one best friend. This is the person you’re spending your life with. This is the person you sleep beside and wake up to. This is the person who should know you in the most intimate way. I truly enjoy being with her. We have so many friend-like moments. We talk, we share, we spend time together, and these are the sustaining moments in our lives when we go through things. We’ve been through a lot as husband and wife that we probably shouldn’t be here today. There’s no reason why we should still be married. We, as people, really don’t mean til death do us part. We mean as long as these feelings last. We mean as long as I am happy. Whether it’s one year, two, or five—when those feelings leave, we leave. But

I am committed to our covenant. I am committed to making our marriage work. RM: Are you saying what couples share together — children, a home, a bank account — is not enough to keep a marriage strong and healthy? FL Allen: No, not at all. V. Allen: She’s right. The answer is no. I know some couples who are looking for a way out. They don’t want to stay married and they’re not trying either. FL Allen: This is very heart-breaking especially when it comes to the people of God. We’re supposed to be people who cherish covenant. We have a covenant with God. That’s the prime example of a marriage covenant. You have to get to a point where you believe come hell or high water, I am going to stay committed. I am not walking away. We look at the older generations and wonder how they were able to stay married for fifty or sixty years. They lived off five thousand dollars a year, raised ten children, and happiness was not even an issue. It is because they believed in fulfilling the covenant of marriage. That was their focus. They made it work. Today, we have the house, the money, the bling, everything mega, but we can’t stay committed. We’re struggling to keep our marriages healthy. There is something very wrong with that picture. RM: Most couples enter into marriage with a preconceived notion of how the relationship should be based on the Hollywood story. Yet you’ve been married almost thirty years. Has the game changed or have you changed? F. Allen: That’s a loaded question, and we had fun thinking about it. The truth is we’ve both had to grow, evolve, and change in many areas to make our marriage work as long as it has. We have to

Why did you get married? F. Allen: I was nineteen years old and I had no idea what I was doing. I was the one who said I would never get married, and if I did, I would at least be thirty. Although at the time I did not even have a relationship with the Lord, I knew this was a divine appointment for my life. I felt as a young woman that it was what God wanted for me. Yes, he was very handsome and wonderful. But it was all God.

learn to celebrate growth and change in our relationship. We’re in the emptynest phase of our marriage and we are absolutely enjoying it! Everyone is out of the house, and it’s just my husband and I. Yet, even in our philosophies and perception of life we may not always see eye to eye. But that’s the beauty of our marriage. We’re one, but we allow each other to grow. We celebrate our differences and have come to enjoy those things in each another. V. Allen: When it comes to growth, I respect that aspect about my wife. I respect the fact that she’s in seminary and that doesn’t intimidate me. I celebrate it because it’s going to make us better. There are couples I know who when one does something that the other does not, it opens a door to jealousy and strife. This doesn’t have to be. You have to be willing to celebrate each other and want to grow together. I did not grow up with an understanding of marriage. I didn’t see this with my parents. I didn’t even know my father. The second time I saw him, he was laying in his casket. So I had this notion within myself when I married my wife that I was going to be with her come hell or high water. I wasn’t even saved at the time, but I was committed to the idea of marriage. We have to understand that marriage is not just about a ring. It’s not just about repeating vows. It’s really about sharing yourself with another person—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

For Richer, For Poorer

RM: The phrase love and marriage to some can be most expressed with one word work. How do you view your commitment to your marriage? F. Allen: Work! [laughs] I really do. But as I often share with others, marriage is teamwork.

Sometimes within the team of marriage you may not feel like cooking or getting the kids dressed, but you have to learn to cover each other. You may be the one who has to carry the entire load for a period of time, but this does not negate the union of two people working to achieve the same goal of having a vibrant, healthy marriage. V. Allen: You have to take individual responsibility for your part on the team as well. Know your lane. Confusion is nothing more than two people trying to occupy the same space. You have to do your part and I have to do mine. I never talk about marriage being 50/50. That just doesn’t even make sense to me. I may be 2% today, but together we have to make a 100% effort. That’s the work you have to be willing to put in. RM: A lot of marriages are suffering because one or maybe both persons are still stuck on I. How do we shift our focus to being on a team rather than being an individual who just happens to be married?

V. Allen: We have to be willing to yield to Jesus Christ. We have to surrender ourselves to Him. A man’s responsibilWhy did you get married? ity in the marriage is V. Allen: At first it was not in my to bless the plans or even my intention. I had home. The no clue as to what marriage was husband has all about. Yet, what I did know was to underthat I didn’t want to be by myself stand he is and I didn’t want to play that ‘game’ there to prowith women. I wanted to be comvide and to mitted to one woman. We were protect. You literally watching the football game can’t protect and it just came out of my mouth. the home and harm it

at the same time. He is there to cover the family. He’s there to cover the wife and the children. You have to understand that your covering is real. It’s not about you.

In Sickness & In Health RM: Have you ever just wanted to walk away?

V. Allen: Never. It’s never been a thought in my mind. I told her if she ever decided to leave me that my bag would be beside hers. Tell me where you’re going because I am on my way. RM: But where does a person find strength when they feel I’m done? V. Allen: The truth is we are all selfish. Let’s just put it all on the table right now. You’re saying I... I... I. That’s a major problem in marriages, but it’s not the real issue. So, let’s close the door on this selfish thing. Marriages are not just ending because of money issues, but this selfishness problem. So, let’s deal with what’s really wrong. We have to face our issues in marriage, and we do this with wise counseling. We ask couples to first go through marriage counseling with a bona fide, licensed counselor to help them resolve their issues. During this process in our ministry, we typically play the part of the cheerleader. We’ve seen couples get to that place of being sick and tired, but we will stand behind them, encourage, and challenge them to make it work. It’s because of God’s grace and our commitment that we are still together. The truth is Jesus won’t keep you married. There has to be a commitment on your part with Jesus. You have to work with Him and work with each other. RM: What about you First Lady? Have you ever said I’m done? F. Allen: Yes! I am going to be completely real. It was when Vincent battled cont’d on page 27

yvonne m. foster | my testimony

“I knew I had to make a decision. It was either the decision to live or the decision to die.”

Years ago, I was addicted to cocaine. Someone introduced me to the substance and I became dependent upon it just to get me through the day. I loved the way it

Someone had left me for dead. made me feel and it made me forget about all of my problems. Yet little did I know, I was forgetting and losing two important parts of my life — self and family. Still, the love and grace of God was always with me. One day, I woke up in an empty and dark room. I was so afraid. I was bleeding from my mouth. Someone had left me for

dead. When I finally came to myself, I was informed that I had been hit on the side of my face with a 9 mm gun. At that moment, I knew I had to make a decision. It was either the decision to live or the decision to die. So here I am today. God was not ready for me to die and neither was I. I can truly say that I know Him to be my redeemer, my healer, my restorer, and my deliverer. I have personalized God for myself because I know it was nobody but Him who kept me through all of my moments of pain, disappointments, failures, and mistakes. He is God Almighty, and today I am free. It’s been 6 years since I started my new journey with Christ. I am walking in wholeness, but it is all because of His help. I know that with God I can do anything as I seek Him first. Every day I thank God for my life. I am grateful, and I am more than a conqueror. I ask God every day to help me as I pursue His purpose for my life. I am working. I have my own home,

Photo provided by Yvonne M. Foster

I am 52-years-old. I am single, and have four adult children and seven grandchildren. Each and every day I thank God for my family. As I look back on my life, I now understand that God has all along been with me and He has been perfecting some things concerning me. I had to learn to bear the fruit of longsuffering, patience, and humility.


a vehicle, and I am working on going back to school. I am the Director of Operation Street Force within His Worship Ministry. It is my desire to help others who are suffering with addictions. I want to go out into the highways and compel others to come and experience the hope, love and salvation that I have experienced in Christ.

SUMMER 2013 | 23

my brother’s keeper | pastor kenneth paden

THE UNTAPPED SOURCE OF A MAN’S GREATEST STRENGTH “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13).

LOVE IS ENDURING We live in a society where the divorce rate has skyrocketed. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. It seems that hardly anybody’s love for one another is able to endure the trials of life. Or, we could ask the question, was it love in the first place?

sustain them. Additionally, lust, is being attracted to the physical features of a person that arouses a sexual attraction. Still, even lust eventually wears out.

As a pastor, I have counseled people who desired to get a divorce because the person doesn’t look the way he or In addition to the above statement, she did when they first got married. today, if there are couples who are However, the truth is if we have been planning to get married and have a little married for a while, none of us look the substance of their own going into the way we did when we first got married. marriage, it has become common to Therefore, once again, we could ask the sign a pre-nuptial question, was it The truth is sometimes what we agreement. This love in the first statement says in place? might first consider to be love essence, that if the might just be infatuation or lust. 1 Corinthians relationship doesn’t 13:7b reads: “love work out, each endures all things.” Love endures the party will be able to keep what they ups and the downs, the good and the brought into the marriage. Although I understand the concept, by making such bad, the happy times and the sad times, the healthy times and in sickness, the an agreement, the couple is basically times of prosperity and the times of lack. saying that they don’t know if their love Loves endures all things. will endure. Or, again, we could ask the question, was it love in the first place? As I write this article, my wife and I are approaching our fortieth wedding The truth is sometimes what we anniversary. How did we do it? We took might first consider to be love may the lesson from scripture and applied it. just be infatuation or lust. When one Love is enduring. is infatuated with a person there may be something about that person that is intriguing and in some foolish way “Have you not read that He who made attractive. However, after the intrigue them at the beginning made them male has worn off, there is nothing left to and female,’and said, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matt. 19:4-6). 24 | SUMMER 2013 | WWW.RENEWEDMAGAZINEONLINE.COM

There are three words that are synonymous with the word strength— power, gift and asset. Man measures his strength by trying to show how powerful he is, what a gift he is to others, and how valuable he is to those around him. Over the years I have learned that if you can satisfy a person’s need, you will be given some form of authority in their lives and seen as a gift and an asset to them. In this, man has used so many techniques and strategies to have power in other people’s lives such as his gender, making a baby, physic, age, being a gangster, player, or job status. Yet, a man’s ability to love (unconditionally) is the untapped source of his greatest strength. Below are four keys to tapping into this love: o Know that love is already in you through

the Spirit of God

o Embrace the emotions experienced by

God’s love to you

o Learn what makes [her] feel loved o Remember God is Love (gender neutral)

I invite you to take note of Genesis 3:16: “To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”’ Notice in that scripture man is the desire of the woman. But let’s also consider what Paul said in Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” It is in love that man can find his greatest strength. As men, when we love our spouse, children, and family in the manner that God has instructed us, it makes us feel empowered. Love is a valuable gift to others. It is a treasure worth finding and a treasure worth sharing. Bishop Dickie L. Adams is the Senior Pastor of Global Ministries International Inc.

sister to sister | janine folks

WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS... Have you truly considered what you’re saying when you tell a person I love you? Love as we know it, has many levels and depths that some of us— due to life— may or may not have experienced. Today, the various expressions of love can be shallow leaving many to ponder its authenticity. Yet, if we study the way Christ loved, we will find three consistent characteristics of His love. v VALUE: As believers we understand and have experienced this value, but to non-believers that value will be seen, heard, and felt in an encounter with us. We are the nonbeliever’s Bible and reference to the character of Christ. So with the man and woman you meet on the street or encounter in the store, what value are you adding to their lives as Christ does to our lives? (John 13:34-35) v LIGHT: Psalms 119:105 reminds us that the word of God is a lamp to our feet and light to our path. Light illuminates and when present, darkness is forced out. Consider the woman at the well. (John 4:130) Her encounter with Jesus shed light on her sins and knowledge of the coming Messiah - whom she’d encountered. v ACTIVITY: Today, many are in need, physically and spiritually. With thoughts of hopelessness and despair, people assume the role of passing through life, with little to no hope. But we are commanded to go and share the message of hope. Take time to visit the sick and elderly. Consider single parents who may epitomize strength, but oftentimes need supportive circles to edify and inspire. (Matt. 25:35-40) Love means many different things to people. When we study the purest form of love shown by Christ we can understand what the world needs now is truly love. Zakiya S. Kyles is the Founder of Queenly & Confident, an organization dedicated to helping women and girls “Discover the Royalty Within”. Visit her online at

SHE WORKS OUT s ARMS — Used for lifting, to provide support, to do work with our hands and carry out our creativity. Gym gurus call them guns as they are important for carrying and warfare.

“She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms.” Pro. 31:17

This verse causes me to envision a woman working out. Yes, exercising. She strengthened her physical being. There are parallels between the The woman who is well known for her virtue, business savvy, physical and the spiritual. creativity, ingenuity, We must gird up by staying impeccable work prayed up and disciplining Physical strength ethic, and amazing our thoughts. The loins doesn’t just fall upon family also saw value of our spirit have to be you. It comes from in being fit. It was protected by God’s word consistent rigorous important for her through His Spirit. Peace physical activity. to have strength in dwells at the core of our her body. Physical being, where God is. This strength doesn’t peace stabilizes everything just fall upon you. It else. The Lord is our comes from consistent rigorous physical strength. We use the arms of our spirit activity. In this passage, it appears that when we lift others in prayer, with she did this on purpose for a purpose. encouragement, and support. Fitness is important. LET’S EXAMINE A FEW KEY TERMS FROM THIS VERSE: Remember this however: “Physical exercise is of limited value, but Godliness s GIRD — To cover, protect, prepare, is very dear, a pledge of life, both here secure or hold firmly, as with a belt. and there” (I Tim. 4:8 ISV). Get your It keeps a critical area from being soul in order and then take care of your vulnerable. body. s LOINS — Midsection of the body often called the core, the area between the upper thighs and just below the ribs. This area stabilizes and balances. It’s the segment of the body where we carry life. The center of our being, a strong core stabilizes and strengthens the rest of the body.

Respect your body, eat well, and exercise. Take care of it and strengthen it to optimize your productivity and overall health. Work out. *consult a physician before beginning any exercise regimen.

s STRENGTH —The ability to lift and move. Strength is power.

SUMMER 2013 | 25

a lesson learned | chaplain (maj) cliff vicars, d.min

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HE LOVES ME Mother Teresa has been credited with saying, “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” How do we know we are loved? To answer that question, I must go back to my early spiritual journey. I became a follower of Jesus at the age of thirteen, and for years felt utterly inadequate as a Christian. My faltering attempts at being faithful left me feeling discouraged, and I doubted that a holy God could truly love someone so unworthy.

to know Jesus Yes, Iaswant my personal Savior.

unworthy and the unfaithful. Christians like to quote John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This verse is so powerful that we often overlook its twin in John 3:17. There we read: “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.”

There are Because many layers to of my doubts, the Good News of Even when it appears I am far my spiritual life the Gospel. It is from God, I am still connected to resembled a Good News to say Him by the string, and that string yo-yo. There were that God knows is His love. moments when us and still loves I felt victorious, us. and then the bottom would fall Many out, and I would plunge again into years have come and gone since I the tumultuous river of doubt. The was thirteen years old. I no longer interesting thing about yo-yos is that beat myself up because of my even when the string is extended, it is unworthiness. I am too busy enjoying still connected to the finger. That has His wonderful love. The child’s song become the image of my spiritual life. by Anna Bartlett Warner states, “He Even when it appears I am far from loves me this I know, because the God, I am still connected to Him by Bible tells me so.” the string, and that string is His love. If you are not sure of your love In reality, I am unworthy of His for God, continue reading the plan of love…and so are you. But that is what God’s salvation on the right side of makes His love so wonderful and this page. gives power to His grace. He loves the Dr. Vicars is a native of South Carolina and serves as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. He lives at Fort Benning, Georgia with his wife Sharon and sons Will and Charlie.

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:11)


When God calls your name, will you be ready to answer and to enjoy the gift of eternal life? If you are unsure, pray this simple prayer of salvation and begin to enjoy your new-found life in Christ. Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart, and receive the free gift of salvation. Roms. 10:9


Father, I know I have broken your commandments and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry. I am making this decision today to turn away from my past sinful life and live a life in true obedience to you. Please forgive me and help me avoid sinning again. I believe your Son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey you and to do your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

cancer. My husband was taking medicallyapproved narcotics for about eight years. During this period of time, I saw him changing. I didn’t understand why he had become so mean and so short-tempered, but I knew I couldn’t divorce him just because of that. That’s not even scriptural. You can’t walk away simply because your husband is not the person he used to be. Yet, I was grieved because in my mind the man I married and knew had died. I didn’t know where this new person had come from. Still, he was here and I knew I had to deal with it. For me, it was the reality of for better or for worse. And even with what I believed was the worse, I was still committed. Yet, something had to change. I wanted my husband back and I knew I had to help him. I started speaking with different medical professionals about his illness and treatment. I learned that what I was really dealing with wasn’t my husband but the side effects of the narcotics. It really wasn’t Vincent. RM: What lesson did you learn from this experience that continues to help you strive towards your happily-ever-after? V. Allen: I believe going through that experience solidified our relationship. The challenges in your life help solidify what you already have. They are going to solidify or reveal that you’re not where you thought you were. I learned if we can get through this, there’s nothing we can’t get through. RM: First Lady, it’s your turn. F. Allen: Well I was too busy being mes-

merized by his answer that I forgot what you asked [laughs]. RM: What have the storms in your marriage taught you? F. Allen: I have learned to live life and to enjoy my spouse. We’re just normal people who really love each other.

To Love & To Cherish… Til’ Death Do Us Part

RM: But what if the issue that I’m dealing with looks like my husband, acts like my husband, and talks like him. Are there safeguards we can put in place to help our marriage get through the worse? V. Allen: Yes. You have to have healthy people with healthy marriages around you. You have to have people who will be honest and who will share their story with you. We need good information that’s not about the pie in the sky but addresses the real issues that marriages deal with, struggle with, and conquer. Still, one of the major problems we’re dealing with today is a lot of people want a quick way out. They don’t want the safeguard. They would rather walk away than try to make it work. So whether the help is through this magazine or the pastor who may never be featured on television— but has been with his wife for thirty years, never cheated, or laid his hands on her— there are safeguards available that can help us make marriage work. After having stage four

cancer we’re still here. We’re a testament that your marriage can make it. We are committed to this covenant and committed to Christ. RM: With 29 years to show, what’s the one thing you’ve done that has contributed to the success of your marriage. F. Allen: For me, it has been sacred time. I have always believed that if we were going to survive as a couple in ministry, something had to be sacred. Yes, you may have an urgent need, but we need our time together. Just because you’re having a problem does not give you the right to trample over our time together. There are other resources available. And even if we weren’t in ministry, there must be time for us to have alone. V. Allen: I will say dating. We have fun, and we enjoy each other. We’re enjoying this trip together. RM: So what is love? V. Allen: The truth is love is not the top reason most people get married. The love that will sustain and keep your marriage is not really known when you first say yes. It’s developed with time. Love is enduring. There are people who say they fell out of love. But the reality is if you’re going to try to go somewhere different and love someone else, why not just fall back in love with the person you fell out of love with? Why not just make it work? To Read the Conclusion of Their Story, See Page 28.

love notes for couples | pastor connie bivens

Love is…Give & Take I’ve been married for more than 30 years, and the give and take never stops. As a matter of fact, I’ve learned it becomes even more. As we keep aging and changing — so grows our need to give and take. However, over the years there are two major yet simple statements I’ve learned to lean on. I WANT TO BE WITH HIM TOMORROW When a couple from different backgrounds decide through the blessing of marriage to live under one roof, it is fair to assume there will be differences in what is liked and disliked. These differences can become bothersome irritants and agitations; however, when you feel like you’re about to blow a gasket, remember this: I want to be with him tomorrow. Yes, it may be true that the same thing you love about your spouse today may be the same thing that rubs you wrong the next day. However, in marriage you must figure out what you value most. If this becomes the focus of making your marriage work, then you’re on your way to having a life-long love affair with your spouse. DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF Sure there are times when your wife forgets to clean out the fridge or your husband inadvertently leaves the toilet seat up. But it is the same God who lives inside of you who also lives in your spouse. When we can understand this then perhaps the balled up black socks that are left by the footboard or the numerous cosmetics around the face bowl really isn’t all that significant. It’s not important to scream out words that can never be taken back. It’s not important to waste time spent on trivia matters when we can instead enjoy those moments in the arms of our spouse. Seemingly, give and take is not about giving up what you want and taking whatever your spouse dishes out. Give and take is about working together to achieve a win-win outcome. It means evaluating every request to see how we can help make things easier for each another. Give and take is about figuring out what we value most. Give and take is love. “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate”(Mk 10:9).

Pastor Connie Bivens is co-Pastor of Greater New Birth Family Outreach Ministry. She is founder of Encouraging the Heart- Woman to Woman.

Spotlight Your Marriage! Download Our Couples Form From Our Website.


Allen Vincent & Felicia Vincent and Felicia Allen were married on January 13, 1984 in Detroit, MI. Vincent is the Pastor of Agape Fellowship Ministries and is employed at the Pentagon. Felicia is the Director of Administration for Agape Fellowship Ministries. This couple currently lives in Stafford, VA and has four children: Tanisha, Crystal, Vincent, Jr. & Branden.

When a fellow Marine of mine e Hsaid graduated boot camp in San Diego,

CA, he showed Felicia the souvenir book we received upon graduation. Her eyes were affixed to my picture. She asked him who I was and he informed her that I was from Detroit as well. After graduating Administrative Clerk School (Camp Del Mar, CA), we went home for leave and I went to that same friend’s house. My wife’s best friend was there and called her to come and meet me. Within minutes, she arrived wearing her blue jeans and yellow rubber boots. She was beautiful and she wore braces. I opened the door and let her in. We sat and talked all night. I saw her twice after that night and then asked her to marry me. She later informed me that she went home after meeting me the first time and told her mom she was going to marry me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. when my best friend called Ssaid he relaxing and said, ”Girl, you have got to come It was the winter of 1983. I was home

over and meet Vince, the guy from boot camp.” Reluctantly, I dressed, slid into my skintight jeans, expensive yellow leather boots, and went to my friend’s home. Upon arrival there was a light-skin young man standing at the top of the steps peering down with a big smile. The brother in the boot camp photo was dark and fine. This guy was cute too, but it couldn’t be the same person. As I approached him, he looked at me, smiled and said, ”Hey, how are you doing?” Being from the streets of Detroit, my mama taught me not to talk to strangers. So, I responded with plenty of attitude, ”Do I know you?” as I sashayed passed him with my A-game walk. I knew he was checking me out but I didn’t let on. Then I asked my friend, ”So where is Vince?” She said, ”You just walked passed him?” I said, ”What! He looks darkskin in the book. He’s still fine but what happened to him?” Little did I know he had a serious tan from being in Marine boot camp in California. I apologized to him and we talked the rest of the evening. The third time he saw me he asked me to marry him. I’m pretty sure it was my beauty, stunning personality and my A-game sashay that drew him, but most of all, it was those expensive yellow boots that hooked him.


| kymberli roberts

Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live.

Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart

Jesus Is: Find A New Way to be Human

By David Platt Cost: $15.99

By J.D. Greear Cost: $12.99

By Judah Smith Cost: $16.99

In this new book, David Platt, author of the New York Times bestselling book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, contends that multitudes of people around the world culturally think they are Christians yet biblically are not followers of Christ.

Greear unpacks the doctrine of assurance, showing that salvation is a posture we take to the promise of God in Christ, a posture that begins at a certain point and is maintained for the rest of our lives. He also answers the tough questions about assurance: What exactly is faith? Repentance? Why are there so many warnings that seem to imply we can lose our salvation?

In these pages, Judah Smith fills out that sentence again and again, each time further revealing the character of Jesus. He writes as if to a friend, illustrating the importance of Christ’s message to modern men and women. This is a book for new believers, for lifelong followers, and for the merely curious.



Puzzle Directions: Using the NKJV Bible, find the missing words hidden in the word search puzzle. “Let us draw near with a true ______ in full ______ of faith, having our hearts ______ from an evil ______ and our bodies ______ with pure water. Let us hold fast the ______ of our hope without ______, for He who ______ is faithful. And let us ______ one another in order to stir up love and good works, not ______ the assembling of ourselves ______, as is the ______ of some, but ______ one another, and so much the more as you see the day ______.”

PUZZLE ANSWER KEY Hint: Ephs. 4:21-24

SUMMER 2013 | 29

masterpieces | nu music



ChoirBoi: At the age of four I began singing with my siblings, Spencer and Morgan in the group Heavenly Anointed. Then, when I was in the 6th grade God gave me a song while sitting in class. I thought to myself that this was something I could sing solo. I felt joy while writing this song. It was a song for just me, and it was different from what I was used to. It had more of an Urban/Contemporary feel.


Q: DURING THE DAY YOU’RE CAMERON, A YOUNG TEEN IN SCHOOL PARTICIPATING IN VARIOUS EXTRA-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES. YET, BY NIGHT YOU’RE ChoirBoi CAMCAM. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? ChoirBoi: Cameron is a regular guy who plays sports, likes going to the mall and to the movies. But ChoirBoi is an entrepreneur who has a clothing line and is a minster of the Gospel. I have conversations with God all day about any and everything. He gives me songs in the weirdest ways [laughs]. I wrote the song Patience on the left side of a church building during service one day. So, ChoirBoi is extreme and radical in his praise whereas Cameron is low key and in some ways very shy. I am a bucket of nerves when it’s time to minister, but once I hit the stage, God takes over and I have no fear. Q: WHAT’S THE INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR NEW ALBUM THE JOURNEY? ChoirBoi: While writing the album I watched how people went through different experiences and came out. So, I wanted to show how with God there is victory in Jesus. If I had to choose a theme it would be There’s victory in God. The life experiences of my mom inspired the song Worship You. That’s a duet we did together. It will always be special to me because through it all she never stopped praising God.

ChoirBoi: My mom. Her influence includes the business side of the industry as well. She’s very versatile. I am also very influenced by Michael Jackson because his music was never the same. He always changed his style.

I feel every person should be who they are at all times.

ChoirBoi: Individuality is major to me. When I was younger although I wanted to, I didn’t feel I could talk about God to my friends in school. But I feel every person should be who they are at all times. You should just be yourself whether you’re nerdy, play chess, or whatever it is you do and not be picked on. To me, that’s being an individual. Q: WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON NEXT? ChoirBoi: We’re scheduling [next summer] the tour C.R.U.N.K. Works Experience (Christian Radicals United iN Kingdom Works). I’m also working on releasing a new acoustic project with ballads. Additionally, there will be a concert where all proceeds will go to D.C.E.C. (Developmental Center for Exceptional Children). This is a school for special needs preschoolers that lost all funding during government cutbacks. Q: WHAT DO YOU WANT THE LISTENER TO GET OUT OF YOUR MUSIC? ChoirBoi: I would like them to hear the message of empowerment through Jesus Christ in my music. The Journey is encouraging and inspirational. It’s a poetic message of victory over life’s circumstances because in Him, all things are possible.

WANT MORE ChoirBoi CAM CAM? Visit him at


masterpieces masterpieces| |nu nuauthor author

J. D. Harris


HARRIS: There is no specific dwelling place or venue for prophets as God has hid them in various places until their time and season comes for them to be discovered in the body of Christ. Also, there is a wide variety of prophets in many non-denominational ministries. Q: IN YOUR BOOK YOU DISCUSS THE VARIOUS PIECES OF THE AMOUR OF GOD. HOW DOES PUTTING ON THE ARMOUR INFLUENCE AND IMPACT OUR LIVES? HARRIS: Putting on the Amour of God has an enormous In order to become a leader you impact on every must first become a follower. believer’s life. It is similar to driving a car and never putting gas in the tank. It’s necessary to obtain victory [daily] in your life. It’s also important to cleanse our spirit daily by asking for forgiveness, communicating with God as well as listening to what He wants to do in our lives. Additionally, we must read and study the word of God to know what and how to pray so that we are able to war against the wiles of the Devil. We must know God’s truth, righteousness, walk in the Gospel of peace, operate in faith, and have confidence in His saving power. Q: ONE KEY WORD THAT’S FOUND THROUGHOUT YOUR BOOK IS SUBMISSION. WHY IS THIS NECESSARY? HARRIS: Submission is the necessary ingredient to growth in churches, marriages, childhood, and being an adult. Submission means to come under someone’s guidance and teaching. It does not mean that a man or woman is any less because they are submitted to someone. Rather it means they are submitted to learning how to live better. In order to become a leader you must first become a follower. Jesus was first a follower and then a leader

by being obedient to the word of God. An example of this is in Matthew 3:13: “Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.” Jesus knew He was the Messiah and He knew He had to fulfill all righteousness—this righteousness being God’s way of doing things. HOW DOES YOUR BOOK RELATE TO SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT BEEN CALLED INTO THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY? HARRIS: The Prophetic Ministry – Prophetic Anointing book does relate to the person who has not been called into the fivefold ministry by explaining the prophetic according to God’s word. Truly, the five-fold is the foundation in the operation of ministry as it redefines the purpose of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. IN THE EARLY 90’s GOD SPARED YOUR LIFE WHEN YOUR CAR WAS HIT BY A TRAIN LEAVING YOU NEAR DEATH? DID YOUR LIFE CHANGE FROM THAT VERY MOMENT? HARRIS: Life as I knew it changed dramatically. I gave my life to Jesus Christ and developed a personal relationship with Him. God had been calling me for a long time, and I was not answering Him. In fact, I was running from His plan for my life. The train accident is what God used to show me His strength and who He is, because not only was I near death, but I experienced what happens when death comes. Q: WHAT DO YOU HOPE THE READER WILL GAIN? HARRIS: I hope the reader gains insight, revelation, impartation, and illumination to understanding the prophetic and applying it to their lives.


WANT MORE APOSTLE J.D. HARRIS? Visit him at SUMMER 2013 | 31

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