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The Renfrew
Good news announcements
Serving the community since 1871
CONLEE FRIDAY; RUTTAN SATURDAY The grandstand lineup at the Renfrew Fair is an impressive one. Captions on two photos in last week’s Mercury accidentally switched the performance nights. John Conlee is on stage Friday night and Deric Ruttan Saturday, as presented on fair board posters and advertising.
Year 141, Issue 10
LUCY HASS Webster’s dictionary defines fair-minded as just, upright, impartial. But the first week of September it takes on another meaning as the Renfrew Fair rolls into town, welcoming people from far and wide to gather to celebrate our agricultural community. The fair reminds of our important rural roots and is an annual homecoming for many; the chance to cross paths with old classmates and catch up with old friends and relatives. The fair opened last night with the always-popular demolition derby. The grandstand shows this year feature Bee Gee and Frankie Vallie tribute bands tonight, John Conlee Friday night and Deric Ruttan Saturday night. From the barns to the exhibit hall, the RenfrewAgricultural Society grounds will be filled with a wide range of games and attractions, food and drink. The fair wraps up at 5 p.m. Sunday.
Thursday, September 8, 2011 • 52 pages
Toyota shoots for November opening STEVE NEWMAN
The new George Jackson Toyota dealership in Horton Township should be open by year’s end. The 15,000-sq.-ft., two-storey building is nearly complete after more than a year’s work on construction and surrounding infrastructure. The latter includes parts of a geothermal heating system and a catchment pond for a million litres of water. The new headquarters will have a much larger service garage. The new facility will house one alignment, one underspray, two detail and four full mechanical bays. Current staff is 16, including four mechanics and a shop foreman. Vice-presiMercury photo by Steve Newman dent Warren La Rocque hopes increased Warren La Rocque, general manager of George Jackson Toyota, and Ralph Christinck (right) of business will result in that number risGerber’s Nursery landscaping stand outside the new Toyota building. In the background is worker ing. See ‘Toyota’, Page 2 Colin Donovan. La Rocque says the goal is to open the new site within 60 days.
Solar contract under fire
The Renfrew and Area Chamber of Commerce is challenging town council’s first step into the world of solar power. Last week chamber president Kevin Bossy sent a letter to council questioning its decision to award a Solar FIT program tender to an Ottawa firm rather than Renfrew-based OVG Solar Inc.
Renfrew Mayor Bill Ringrose says he respects the chamber’s right to present its purpose and mandate and the town hall staff say they plan to address the matter further this week. The mayor says he has also met with Shawn McHale of OVG Solar Inc. to discuss the matter. Ringrose says the controversy also opens the doors for a broader community discussion about the buy-local concept.
In his letter, Chamber president Bossy described OVG Solar Inc. as a good corporate citizen and sought rationale behind council’s decision to go with a twice-as-high bid. “When the bids were analyzed it appears little consideration was given to OVS and the overall benefit that can be had from nurturing our local businesses – as long as it represents value for the taxpayers of Renfrew,” Bossy wrote.
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