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The Renfrew
Queen of Furrow honoured 4
Serving the community since 1871
Year 141, Issue 12
Thursday, September 22, 2011 • 72 pages
VALLEY HARVEST Get a taste of fall’s bountiful harvest in the Ottawa Valley!
OUT OF THE DARKNESS: PART TWO Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds. While parents, teachers, friends and news organizations struggle with how – and how much – to talk about the issue, many teens are left in the dark, feeling alone. They try to reach out. Eight out of 10 people who attempt or succeed in ending their own lives have hinted about their plans. Recognizing those hints – and being equipped to address them – is one step in proving to teens that they aren’t alone. In the second of a three-part series, Metroland Media and the Renfrew Mercury look at the impact of youth suicide in our communities and bring the issue out of the darkness.
32, 33
ON THE RUN FOR TERRY They’re off and running for the start of the Renfrew Terry Fox Run last Sunday. Getting a healthy start are veteran marathoner Roger Poirier, at right, and some RCI runners. For more photos on Sunday’s event, see Page 11. Mercury photo by John Carter
Rogers going into country music hall of fame PETER CLARK peter.clark@metroland.com
He was born in Trenton, but Dan Paul Rogers will always be known as a Valley lad. On Sept. 25, Rogers, who has called Ren-
frew home since the early 1970s, will have quite an honour bestowed upon him. Rogers will be one of four people enshrined into the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame for having put their stamp on country music – not only in the Ottawa
Valley, but across Canada. Rogers will be honoured at the OVCMHF 2011 awards show at Centrepointe Theatre in Ottawa. It gets underway Sunday at 7 p.m. See ‘MUSIC’, Page 22
HOSPICE RENFREW BAKE SALE … FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 at 9:30 a.m. We need baking for our second annual
Last year's success was … your success … We are asking you to once again donate baking Please drop off baked goods at Hospice Renfrew Thursday, Sept. 29 after 2 p.m. or in the morning at Scott & Sons Hardware by 9 a.m. Adv. is compliments of your friends at