FEBRUARY 15, 2018
Newsstand value, $2 per copy
39 Renfrew Ave. W., Suite 203 Second Floor, Renfrew, ON
613-432-8122 Helping you is what we do.
Big birthday
It was a birthday party like no other. Lillian Sharples marked her 107th birthday with a surprise party at the Golden Age Activity Centre in downtown Renfrew on Thursday, Feb. 8. The birthday girl was at the centre playing her weekly game of bridge. The secret behind her longevity? “I think I have arrived here by the grace of God and the next best thing is cod liver oil,” said Sharples with a big smile. A faithful member of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Sharples noted her mother brought her up to go to Sunday school. She is known for her sense of humour and describes how it feels to be 107 years old: “About the same as 106... no matter what you have it’s all wiped out with a good sense of humour.” She admits she is kind of amazed she got this far but said that her family has strong genes. “My mother lived to be 103 years old, my mother’s family were all long livers and I am just following them,” said Sharples. Another note on her healthy lifestyle, she has had a “few” drinks over the years but has never smoked. “I bought one pack of smokes, I didn’t dare smoke them or my mother would have choked me.” Sharples, born in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, says the day she was born was a cold day and her father was sent out to find some wood to heat the water. She has been living in Renfrew for just two years with her daughter, Jean Percivall. Her son Jim Sharples lives in Markham. “I never, never expected to make that age. As long as I am in good health, I will keep enjoying every day,” said Sharples. “I am very lucky to live with my daughter here in Renfrew.” Sharples had two sisters and four brothers who she has outlived. “I’ve been the last one for about 20 years.” Tiffany Lepack/Metroland She has seen many changes over her 107 years and Lillian Sharples is ready to blow out her birthday candles on her 107th birthday at the knows she grew up in a different time. See BIRTHDAY, page 2
Golden Age Activity Centre on Feb. 8.
MOVING! New Location as of March 1st: 915 Gillan Rd. (1/2 km east of water tower)
Get ready to ride! Two-step your way over to the Renfrew Armouries on Saturday, Feb. 17, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., for Boot Scoot and Ride. The family-fun event is hosted by the Renfrew Agricultural Society and is a fundraiser for the fair. There will be a mechanical bull, DJ by Chris Cooper, chili and hotdogs, free photo booth and door prizes. Cost to ride the bull is $2 or $5 all night. Admission is $10 per person or two family rates: $30 for two adults and two kids or $40 for two adults and three kids.