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MARCH 1, 2018

Newsstand value, $2 per copy

39 Renfrew Ave. W., Suite 203 Second Floor, Renfrew, ON

613-432-8122 Helping you is what we do.

B echere Bridal Sh March 4th 1:00pm-5:00pm • Eganville Legion


Winter fun in Horton

COMING SOON - STAY TUNED! 915 Gillan Rd. (1/2 km east of water tower)


Emily Defer and her saw-partner Wyatt Jessup got through this log in an impressive time of 1 minute 23 seconds. Not bad considering it would take adult professionals about 20 seconds or more. Overseeing the activity at this year’s Horton Winter Carnival was Andrew Roffey. For more photos, see page 4.

Gallant wins

Derek Dunn/Metroland

Low turnout for recreation expansion meeting was the details of the Town of Renfrew’s new survey on the need for an aquatic centre. Some in the crowd thought the inSurvey says? formation would be stale before 2023, The newest revelation from the the year the town does have the pool public meeting on the Ma-Te-Way set on the books with a $5.7-million Activity Centre expansion on Feb. 22 price tag attached. TIFFANY LEPACK


Local vendors F a s h i o n s h o w by C r a z y B e a u t i f u l D r e s s e s Free Admission Door prizes & more

Staff did confirm that other councils could move this date up. Some scoffed at the idea, saying surveys had already been done and town staff did admit information was collected during the master plan update in 2010, but nothing as detailed as what is proposed.

Based on the number of questions asking for a pool, members of the crowd were clearly not happy with the news there would be no pool any time soon in Renfrew. It’s something residents have been striving for since the early 1970s. See SURVEY page 2

Cheryl Gallant has defended her place as the federal Conservative Party’s nominee for the October 2019 election. “A heartfelt thank you to the Conservative Party riding members for their overwhelming vote of confidence in nominating me as their candidate for the next federal election,” said Gallant who has been the local MP since 2000. “I am fully humbled and gratified by your support.” Voting was held on Feb. 24 and 25 for the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke nomination race against challenger Mike Coates. “When I told Cheryl of my decision to run last December I said that if she won the nomination vote I would be the first in line to support her. I want to confirm that pledge today,” said Coates in a statement on Sunday night. “Cheryl won the race fair and square and has the support of the Conservative membership to carry our party banner proudly into the next election.” Party officials have not released the number of votes received for each candidate.

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