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Renfrew Mercury INSIDE

ottawavalley .CA

April 2, 2015 l 48 pages


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Capital budget heavy on infrastructure brockville brockville COMMUNITY

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Sherry Haaima


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individual purchases,” said O’Reilly. “We’re approving the budget in essence.” The end figures may differ someREGION what depending on how the tenders come back. The finance committee recommends any savings identified in the capital budget be re-allocated to roads resurfacing..CA “This gives staff an opportunity to go out and do good shopping,” said Mayor Eady. Among this year’s major capital projects are: • $357,524 for roads resurfacing, including Ma-Te-Way Park Drive from Lisgar Avenue to the Millennium Trail. Other streets will be identified for resurfacing as funds permit. • $2,403,823.53 for Highway 132 rehabilitation – Council awarded the tender to B.R. Fulton Construction Ltd. in February. The project will be financed by provincial funding from the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund ($1,998,889.33) and federal gas tax funds (404,934.20).

kingston kingston Renfrew council has approved its .COM






See SAVINGS Page 4

lucy hass/metroland

Across the Universe The Renfrew Skating Club presented The Magic of Musicals Saturday night at the Ma-Te-Way Activity Centre. Performing in the salute to Across the Universe are CanSkate members, from left, Levon Barker, Ainsle Coulas, Hailey James, Jansen Riopelle, Ila McCallion and ring leader Payton Narezny. The second ring leader, standing on the far side of the circus caravan, was Elaina Mcdonald.

Have a safe and happy Easter weekend R0272957843

2015 capital budget and there are REGION some major infrastructure improvements on the way. Mayor Don Eady is pleased with how the capital budget shaped up. “I think it’s a budget that is good .COM for our community right now,” said Eady. “We’re going to be able to get some infrastructure done this year. I think we’re starting to get rolling.” The total capital budget is $5,039,030. Of that, just $681,930 will come from taxation. Federal and provincial funding, reserves and other sources make up the rest, explained treasurer Keray O’Reilly. ‘We’re really leveraging our money with provincial and federal money,” he said. Approving the capital budget before the rest of budget deliberations occur will allow department heads to get an early start on putting out tenders and getting quotes for projects. “The key tonight is approving the total dollar value of the budget, not

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