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to be in attendance. Among the day’s other speakers and dignitaries were Champlain LHIN chair Jean-Pierre Boisclair, Responding to the needs of pa- REGION REGION tients and families of Renfrew Coun- medical director of the nephrology program Dr. Nicole Delbrouck and ty with chronic kidney disease. The motto of the newly expanded RVH president and CEO Randy Regional Nephrology Centre at Ren- Penney. Chair of the RVH Foundation Jim frew Victoria Hospital says it all. .CA the ceremony. A large crowd of.COMRenfrew Vic- Lemenchick emceed “The grand opening is indeed a toria Hospital officials, dignitaries, staff and guests gathered April 9 for great achievement for all of us who the grand opening of the completed live and work in Renfrew Country,” expansion of a program that is vital said Lemenchick. “It represents the culmination of to Renfrew County residents with several years of hard work and cochronic kidney disease. The opening of the new cen- operation between several organitre means every aspect of a kidney zations within our community and patient’s care - education, clinics, beyond.” He thanked the ministry and treatment - will be consolidated in the same area of the hospital. And various health care organizations the patients who will directly ben- and specialists in the field, those efit from the bright new facility were involved in the physical planning front and centre at the opening, help- and construction and also those who worked to fundraise for the project. ing to cut the ribbon. RVH is the main site for all neRenfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski brought greet- phrology services provided to ings on behalf of the province and 100,000 residents of Renfrew CounOntario Minister of Health and Long ty. Term Care Dr. Eric Hoskins, who officials had earlier hoped was going See WORLD-CLASS page 28
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Miss Teen Ontario East Kathleen Barr of Douglas is crowned Miss Teen Ontario East 2015 before a crowd of 300 on Sunday evening at the Renfrew Recreation Centre. A farm girl who loves sports, outdoor activities and playing music, Barr impressed the judges during the gala event with her poise and candid personality. For more on the pageant, see pages 2 and 3. Derek Dunn/ Metroland