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Renfrew Mercury INSIDE ottawavalley INSIDE .CA
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August 13, 2015 l 60 pages
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Proudly serving the community since 1871 Proudly serving the community since 1871
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INSIDE INSIDE Posties call town hall meeting tonight to discuss mail delivery INSIDE INSIDE brockville brockville .COM
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brockville election have been invited to speak. .CA
The postal union will also make a presentaA town-hall style meeting tonight (Thurs- tion and open the floor for questions. The union sent out flyers in the mail early day) will discuss the future of mail delivery in Renfrew County in the lead-up to theREGION Oct. 19 this week urging people to attend to help in the REGION federal election. REGION campaign to save door-to-door mail delivery in REGION The Renfrew town hall meeting, sponsored Renfrew and other towns and cities throughout by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, will the country. The campaign appears to focus on how unbe held at the Legion at 7 p.m. There will also be a meeting at the Arnprior sightly community mailboxes can become, with .CA .COM photographs of them surrounded by garbage. Legion on Tuesday, Aug. 18. .CA .COM Local candidates from the three major parties (Conservative, NDP and Liberal) in the federal See MAIL-OUT, Page 3
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INSIDE INSIDE belleville
INSIDE INSIDE belleville
Allowing ATV on streets favoured John Carter
The push to allow All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) use on Renfrew streets is gaining traction. There was strong support for the idea at a meeting Aug. 6 to discuss designating certain town streets for ATV use. In fact, the majority of the close to 30 people at the meeting appeared to support opening all Renfrew streets up to
ATV use as is the case in some municipalities. The one exception would be main (Raglan) street through the downtown, including confusion corner. As well, it was agreed that the Millennium Trail between Barnet Boulevard and Ma-TeWay Park should also be offlimits. Two residents who live along the trail in town argued against allowing ATVs there, citing noise, dust and safety concerns. “If the trail is one
of your (designated) routes, I’m putting my house up for sale right away,” said the homeowner. Many of the people attending the meeting appeared to be ATV owners and said if they were allowed to ride in town it would help Renfrew businesses. However, they agreed that ATV use on town streets should be restricted to accessing trails and local services. See ALLOWING, Page 6
Blessing bags Renfrew’s Charlie Leclaire, 6, celebrates after making up the blessing bags he brought to Ottawa to give to the less fortunate. Inside each bag were things like juice, water, food and toothpaste. For the full story on Charlie and his good deeds, see Page 30. 0813.R0013401439
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