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August 20, 2015 l 60 pages
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Looming loss of door-toINSIDEmail delivery INSIDE decried door INSIDE INSIDE brockville brockville COMMUNITY
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John Carter
brockville We’re not sure if it (home .CA
delivery) will ever come
kingston Close to 150 people showed up kingston back, but let’s make it an for a meeting in Renfrew Aug. 13 tokingston kingston REGION REGION
express their dismay at the prospect (election) issue. REGION ofREGION losing door-to-door mail delivery CUPW regional representative Rick Coffin in town. Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke with the community mailboxes, candidates Dan McCarthy (NDP) ranging from litter and graffiti to ac.COM and Jeff Lehoux (Liberal) shared cess woes, winter.CA malfunctions and .COM the stage at the Renfrew Legion susceptibility to .CAtheft. McCarthy told the crowd, to with three Canadian Union of Postal Worker (CUPW) representatives. hearty applause, that the NDP would Conservative Cheryl Gallant was not only reverse the move to comconspicuous by her absence, but munity mailboxes, it would restore Renfrew Mayor Don Eady dropped door-to-door delivery to communities who have lost it. He noted the by to observe. It was the second of three town NDP was the only party to move a hall meetings being hosted by formal motion in the House of ComCUPW in the riding, with a session mons in an attempt to save home dein Pembroke two months ago attract- livery service and the good jobs that ing more than 200 people. A meeting come with it, but the Conservatives, was also held in Arnprior Tuesday including Gallant, voted it down. Lehoux, who said it was “inspir(after press deadline). Most of the questioning and com- ing to see so many people concerned ments from the audience decried the about their community,” explained replacement of door-to-door delivery that the Liberals would put a morawith community mailboxes, sched- torium on Canada Post’s plans until uled to be in place in Renfrew by the proper consultation and a review of end of the year and in other Valley the Canada Post business plan have communities, including Arnprior, by been carried out. 2017. Several told stories of problems see JOB LOSS page 2 .COM
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INSIDE INSIDE belleville
Derek Dunn/Metroland
Winged guests at Quail Creek anniversary celebration Mary Plaunt watches the butterfly she just released make for the sky. In total, 48 butterflies were released to celebrate Chartwell Quail Creek Retirement Residence’s 25th anniversary. For more on the celebrations, see page 16.