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OCTOBER 26, 2017


Galvanized Trailers arriving weekly! Many sizes to choose from! R & M Truck and Trailer Repair 480 Hartney St. Arnprior 613-623-6508 •

The good ‘ol hockey game

Hockey season is in full swing in Renfrew and Oct. 20 was the perfect night for minor hockey players wearing their sweaters to get in free to the Central Canada Tier 1 Hockey League game between Kanata and Cornwall at the Ma-Te-Way Activity Centre. Among the young players in attendance are, from left, Mackenzie Earle, Isaac Stewart, Bo Stevenson and Jake McLeod. The boys play for the Renfrew Timberwolves peewee team. The next Lasers game in Renfrew is Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. versus the Carleton Place Canadians. It was a special night for Cobden native Jack Quinn who suited up for the Lasers. See page 21.

39 Renfrew Ave. W., Suite 203 Second Floor, Renfrew, ON

613-432-8122 Helping you is what we do.

No Douglas parade

Sherry Haaima/Metroland

Volunteers plan Tom Sidney benefit dance Oct. 28 Tiffany Lepack

The community continues to rally around Renfrew Coun. Tom Sidney after an accident on Sept. 1 left him badly injured. Volunteers, family and friends are helping to organize a benefit dance for him on Oct. 28 from 8 p.m.-midnight. Cost is $10 per person at the door, which includes music by DJ Paul Manwell, a 50/50 draw, a silent auction and a light lunch. Emily Drew, Tom’s sister-in-law, is one of the many

involved in making the event possible. “I don’t know when he will be discharged but this will sure help them,” said Drew. “There will be a bar, DJ, so it should be a good time. Hopefully there will be a good turnout.” Drew says Sidney is doing well and his mobility is definitely improving. As to why people should support Sidney and his wife during this difficult time: “He is like the essence of this community and I hope anyone would do it for someone else,” said Drew. Sidney is receiving treatment with the rehabilitation team at the Ottawa

General Hospital after the accident that left him with little to no movement in his arms and his legs. According to his wife Shelly, Tom has come up with a new saying: “Gratitude determines your attitude and your attitude sets your altitude.” They are both very thankful for all of the support. “The outpouring and ongoing support we have received both emotionally and financially is truly a blessing!” Shelly explained via an electronic message. “Our town is quite loving and positive. The people continue to surprise us with positive

thoughts, prayers and compassion!” Shelly says they are both very thankful for the support they are receiving from the residents of Renfrew. “We are beyond grateful to have Renfrew by our side through all of this,” said Shelly. Silent auction items include Calabogie Peaks overnight accommodations with a $100 gift certificate and golf for four at Whitetail Golf Club. Drew is still looking for silent auction items and selling tickets. For more information, she can be reached at

The Douglas Lions Club announced last week it would not be hosting a Santa Claus parade this year. “Our float entries have decreased the last couple of years and we don’t have the volunteer help that is required to make a successful parade,” said a Facebook statement. “After lengthy discussion, it has been decided that we will try something new.” This year, instead of the parade, they will be sponsoring a Christmas children’s fun day on Sunday, Dec. 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. at St. Michael’s Catholic School in Douglas. The day will include free hotdogs and drinks, a bouncy castle and a visit from the snow queen Elsa. “We will have lots of activities for the kids to do as well as a colouring contest and face-painting. Santa will also be there to give each child a treat bag.” They will also have the stage decorated for family photo-ops. The event is free, however they are asking people to bring food items that they would have collected on the parade route. Follow ‘Douglas Lions Club’ on Facebook for more info.

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