NOVEMBER 30, 2017
39 Renfrew Ave. W., Suite 203 Second Floor, Renfrew, ON
613-432-8122 Helping you is what we do.
Trumpeting Christmas season
Harriet Bowes of Logos Land Resort tames the elephant during this year’s Cobden Santa Claus Parade held on Nov. 25. For more photos from the event see page 29.
Sat. Dec. 2nd • 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
338 Main St. Shawville, QC
Here comes Santa!
Derek Dunn/Metroland
Local developer Mack Wilson passes away TIFFANY LEPACK
A prominent, no-nonsense businessman who helped shape Renfrew has died. Mack Wilson, 79 years old, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 26. Dave Lemkay, executive director of the Renfrew Industrial Commission (RIC) describes Wilson as the kind of person who had an interest in what people were doing in general and had a remarkable ability to keep track of goings on around him.
Mack was Chairman of the RIC board of directors for about 25 years, stepping down at the 2017 annual general meeting. “Mack through all the years of development of housing and commercial buildings in Renfrew, was proud to contribute to growth of the town and, as he would say, to create jobs and to expand the tax base in Renfrew,” said Lemkay. “He had a penchant for things to be done right and he was passionate about being able to help bolster Ren-
frew’s economy. “His success in this milieu is evident everywhere. In so many ways, he put his money where his mouth was, to coin a phrase. There will be big shoes to fill.” Visitation will be held at the Goulet Funeral Home Nov. 29 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. and Thursday, Nov. 30 at 9 a.m. The funeral is scheduled for Nov. 30 at 10:30 a.m. at Trinity-St. Andrew’s United Church See WILSON, page 2
It’s a busy weekend in Renfrew with numerous festive events planned. It all gets underway on Nov. 30 with the BIA Holiday Shop Hop from 5 to 9 p.m. in downtown Renfrew in support of Hospice Renfrew. On Friday, Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. is the annual Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation lighting of the Tree of Lights followed by a traditional holiday celebration at the Renfrew Public Library. On Saturday, Dec. 2 the BIA hosts for the first time ever a new nighttime Santa Claus parade. The Under The Stars 150 Wishes parade starts at 5 p.m. with a new route: from Bonnechere Street South (starting at Renfrew Collegiate Institute) turn left onto Renfrew Avenue West, then right on Lochiel Street South, to Opeongo Road, then left onto Raglan Street South until Monroe Avenue East where the parade will turn left and proceed back to the school. And on Dec. 3 the Vern Yemen Nativity Scene will be lit in Low Square at 7 p.m.