DECEMBER 14, 2017
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Toy-rrific drive
Douglas Christmas Fun Day Dec. 17 The Douglas Lions Club is hosting a Children’s Christmas Fun Day on Sunday, Dec. 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. at St. Michael’s School (5346 Hwy. 60). The event, which replaces the Santa Claus parade, will include a bouncy castle, a visit from the snow queen Elsa, face painting and more. Lunch will be a free hot dog and drinks for all families. Santa will also be on hand to deliver a treat bag for each child. The day is free to attend however they are welcoming donations to the food bank. Also coming up next weekend at the Grace United Church in Admaston (1875 Foy Rd.) the church is re-enacting the nativity story outdoors with volunteers and animals at 7 p.m. on Dec. 24.
Renfrew County Paramedics held their annual toy drive outside of Walmart in Renfrew on Saturday, Dec. 9. This year the group raised $1,943.16 and collected 780 food items and 327 toys. From left are paramedics Dave Libby, Cheri Robertson, Amber Hultink, Ashley Etmanski, Kendra Longtin and Steven Bromilow. Jake Davies/Metroland
Shooter’s Bar and Grill in Calabogie drops liquor licence appeal TIFFANY LEPACK
Shooter’s Bar and Grill in Calabogie has surrendered its liquor licence and withdrawn an appeal of its suspension. The Calabogie Road restaurant will remain open. Ray Kahnert, senior advisor, communications at Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) said in an email the AGCO acted when advised that
Shooter’s was allegedly “connected to the tragic event near Renfrew on Oct. 27.” That single-vehicle collision on Calabogie Road killed two Renfrewarea hockey players and injured two others. Following the crash, Ontario Provincial Police said they “believe alcohol contributed to the crash.” However, police have not yet confirmed alcohol was involved in the incident. On Oct. 30, the AGCO issued a Notice of Proposal (NOP) to revoke the liquor licence for multiple infractions
of the Liquor Licence Act (LLA), including alleged service to minors. The AGCO suspended the liquor licence for reasons of public interest and safety, said the agency. “The owner had initially appealed the proposal to revoke the licence to the LAT,” said Kahnert. “However, the AGCO was then contacted that the owner wished to surrender the liquor licence.” The appeal was to be heard in Ottawa on Dec. 12. However, accord-
ing to Silvia Cheng, communications co-ordinator for the Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals Ontario (LAT) the appeal has been withdrawn. “(The) Tribunal received a notification from the parties informing the tribunal that the matters in dispute have been resolved and the application was withdrawn,” said Cheng in an email. “Subsequently, the LAT closed the file, effective Monday, Dec. 4.” On Thursday, Dec. 7, Shooter’s staff confirmed to Metroland Media
that the restaurant is open, adding they have no comment for the media at this time. Kahnert explained the difference between surrendering a licence and having it revoked. “If a licence has been ‘revoked,’ those associated with the licence must wait two years before reapplying,” said Kahnert. “Someone who ‘surrenders’ a licence can re-apply for a licence. However, the AGCO would perform its due diligence including past history.”