DecembeR 28, 2017
39 Renfrew Ave. W., Suite 203 Second Floor, Renfrew, ON
613-432-8122 Helping you is what we do.
SnowDogg Plows & Sanders Now IN STOCK!
R & M Truck and Trailer Repairs 480 Hartney St., Arnprior 613-623-6508 •
Frew Year’s Eve Sunday
The good ‘ol hockey game
Sherry Haaima/Metroland
Queen Elizabeth Public School’s Grade 4s took on Stompin’ Tom’s The Hockey Song during the school’s concert Dec. 20. Carson Barkley, from left, Charlie Routliffe, Karson Clarke, Palmer Munro, Jude Lurette, Kenny Hewitt and Gabriel Bourget are among the students celebrating Canada’s national pastime.
Celebrate New Year’s eve (Dec. 31) in style with Renfrew’s Frew Year’s Eve celebration, the town’s final event marking Canada’s sesquicentennial. “You’ve enjoyed events throughout the year and now there’s time for one more at Frew Year’s Eve at Ma-te-Way Activity Centre,” said Renfrew Coun. Tom Sidney, who also sits on the town’s Canada 150 committee. “Bring the family out for skating, pizza and fireworks! The best part of this event – it’s free!” The fun starts at the Ma-Te-Way Activity Centre with public skating from 1 to 6 p.m. and a performance by Little Ray’s Reptile Show from 1 to 2 p.m. Then prepare to be amazed from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. with Magic by Michael Bourada. If you are hungry, stick around for pizza from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and to finish the night off there will be a fireworks display at 6 p.m. So don’t forget to mark this free family event in your calendar and plan on celebrating 2017 by being Frew North Strong and Free!