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Driver Dale Granger, in the car at top, REGION won his heat REGION in grand style. Both drivers walked away uninjured from this minipileup during the Saturday afternoon demolition derby on pavement that was part of the Hog Wild Pork Fest at MaTe-Way Park. For more, see page 10.

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June 25, 2015 l 60 pages COMMUNITY


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Community mail boxes for Renfrew in 2016


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Municipal officials concerned with the change

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Sherry Haaima



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rosalie felhaber/Metroland

Renfrew is the next town that will be converted to community mailboxes, and municipal officials are concerned. “Today, we informed municipal officials as well as affected employees that neighbourhoods of Renfrew postal code starting with K7V will be next in the conversion of door-to-door delivery to community mailboxes. This represents 3,226 addresses to be converted in 2016,” said a June 22 press release from Canada Post. The company says no regular employees will lose their jobs in the transition, which is part of a five-

year initiative to convert one-third of Canadian addresses who still have delivery at the door to community mailboxes in an effort to secure postal service for the future. Renfrew Reeve and County of Renfrew Warden Peter Emon said he is worried for two reasons. “One is we have a somewhat older population in some of the neighbourhoods that have been constructed in the 40s, 50s and 60s and those neighbourhoods are not conducive to putting up boxes because there’s not any room so people can safely access them,” he said. “Given their age, I’m not sure it’s a good idea for them to be walking around, especially in inclement weather.” See NO REGULAR, page 5

Chilliwack, Sidewinder among 2015 Renfrew fair entertainers Sherry Haaima

‘Whatcha Gonna Do’ Saturday night at this year’s Ren-


frew Fair? See British Columbia-based band Chilliwack, of course. “They will bring you back in time with their familiar

tunes,” said Renfrew Fair Board general manager Judy Dobec. With major hits from the 1970s, including ‘My Girl

(Gone, Gone, Gone)’, ‘I Believe’, ‘Fly At Night’ and ‘Lonesome Mary,’ the fair board is hoping to keep toes tapping in the Saturday night

crowd. The entertainment lineup for the 161st edition of the annual event was announced June 19 and the Sept. 9-13

event will once commence with the always-popular demolition derby on Wednesday night. See FAIR, page 3

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