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They dream of quilts
The Renfrew
Big show next weekend Page 9
Serving the community since 1871
Year 139, Issue 50
TALKING TOURISM Look inside this edition of The Renfrew Mercury for your 2010 tourism guide. Be sure to keep it handy, to share with family and friends when they visit the area.
ST. JOE’S ON TOP For the first time since 2005, St. Joseph’s Catholic High School has captured the region’s junior Reach for the Top title. In come-from-behind fashion, the St. Joe’s juniors won their semi-final over General Panet High School of Petawawa and the final over Opeongo High School. The event occurred at the Cogeco TV studios May 20 in Pembroke, after winning an earlierseason qualifying tournament against MVDHS, Mackenzie and Bishop Smith. Jen Hall’s answer to a Nancy Drew question put St. Joe’s in front for good in its semi-final. In the final, late answers, including Myles Songolo’s naming of Google’s updated Internet browser (Google Chrome) helped spearhead St. Joe’s win. Coach Dave Rowat rotated his five players in and out of a fourmember panel. The championship team consisted of Hall, Songolo, Joel Beimers, Devric Devereaux and Ernie Lycett.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 • 44 pages
Push for pool continues Consultant says demand for an indoor pool “clear and compelling” PETER CLARK
A new indoor swimming pool continues to be a hot topic in town. About 70 people were at the Ma-Te-Way Activity Centre last week as the final draft of the town’s Parks, Recreation and Culture master plan for the next 10 years was unveiled. One thing they learned from Clem Pelot, head of the Ottawa Consulting firm which conducted the public survey, was that of 42 recommendations the consultants proposed, No. 17 on their list was No. 1 in the hearts of many – an indoor swimming pool for Renfrew and area. “The demand for a new indoor pool in Renfrew is clear and compelling,” Pelot said. Seventy-eight per cent of surveys returned were in favour of a pool,
virtually the same numbers in support in a survey 24 years earlier. The consultant group recommended developing a modest but attractive indoor pool at the MAC which would serve people of all ages. Pelot estimated half of the town’s 3,700 households would use the pool. Of the 1,000 surveys randomly sent to local households, 507 households responded. “About 30 per cent of all households received the survey and we got about half back. That’s a remarkable achievement,” Pelot said The building of a second ice pad was also high on the consulting firm’s list. He said if the town could afford it, building it and the indoor pool together would be the way to go. See POOL, Page 2
Mercury photo by Lucy Hass
School buddies, from left, Griffin Campbell, Jacob Schuler and Cole Turcotte have their photo taken by Shirley Ann Cone during the St. Thomas the Apostle Fun Fair last Thursday at the school.
Looking for doctors, looking for answers STEVE NEWMAN
“We’ve got all the time in the world,” said Horton councillor Bob Hall with a relaxed smile. His reference was to how much time
members of the new Renfrew and area health services committee would spend fielding Horton council’s questions and opinions on the family physician recruitment model being developed for the area. See HORTON, Page 4
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