Renfrew Mercury

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A FOND FAREWELL Central says so long to final Grade 8 class

Mercury Mercur y The Renfrew

Page 26

Serving the community since 1871

Year 140, Issue 4

Thursday, July 8, 2010 • 60 pages

Day care will close July 16 No administrator; centre forced to close doors before September LUCY HASS

BLUEGRASS BACK The 16th annual Valley Bluegrass Festival is this July 9, 10 and 11 weekend. The family-oriented festival is held at Johnston’s Farm on Castleford Road (County Road 20). This year’s entertainment lineup features Grasstown, The Dick Smith/Mike O’Reilly Band, Concession 23, Larry Stephenson Band, Nothin; Fancy, Gold Heart, Traditionally Wound, Bill White and White Pine, Canucky Bluegrass Boys, Handsome Molly and Byetown Bluegrass.

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WHITE LAKE MAN DIES IN CRASH A White Lake man, known for his dedication to his young family and community, was killed last Friday when his car veered off Waba Road. Jarrett Dorzek, 28, died at the scene of the crash, which occurred about 9:45 a.m. Dorzek is the father of two young sons, Cayden and Owen, and wife Kelsey Eades is expecting their third child. Lanark OPP report they were notified Friday morning that a vehicle had left Waba Road between Waba and Pakenham in Mississippi Mills. The route has numerous curves, especially after it pulls out of the farmland southwest of Pakenham. It was reported that Dorzek, who was alone in the vehicle, was returning from a trip to town to get groceries. Members of the Lanark County Detachment are investigating with the assistance of East Region Technical Traffic Collision officers to try to determine why Dorzek’s vehicle left the road. Anyone with any information should call Lanark OPP Staff Sergeant Derek Needham at 613-267-2626, ext. 4411. Dorzek helped his father run his business, Phil Dorzek Automotive, in Arnprior.



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Mercury photos by Steve Newman

HORTON HOME GUTTED BY FIRE House owner Doug Campbell, joined by firefighter Dave Gleeson, sits watching what the flames and smoke have done to his home on Castleford Road. See Page 15

Renfrew’s municipal day care centre will officially close its doors July 16. The centre was to remain open until Sept. 3, but council has been unable to secure administrative services until that time. Renfrew councillor Bill Ringrose made the announcement at council’s June 28 regular session. Ringrose explained that council is required by provincial law to have a qualified supervisor to oversee the program and has been unable to find a replacement for the previous administrator who has retired. “We cannot meet our original intention,” said Ringrose, adding that council is left with no option but to close at the end of the day July 16. He also apologized to parents for the short notice. Reeve Audrey Green, a long-time proponent of the municipal day care service, praised the staff for its dedicated service over the years. She said the town can take great pride in the “large, large number of children that have gone through our day care centre.” “We’re sorry, but we’ve done the best we can,” the reeve said. Faced with skyrocketing costs, Renfrew voted earlier this year to close the program. A report to council on personnel issues such as severances will be addressed at council’s next meeting.


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