Renfrew Mercury

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ONE ARTIST HELPS ANOTHER Exhibit at downtown chocolate shop Page 27

Serving the community since 1871

Year 140, Issue 6


Thursday, July 22, 2010 • 64 pages

Rawn dies after saving man on river Horton and area mourns loss of community-minded man STEVE NEWMAN

A Burnstown woman escaped an early morning fire in her home Monday by crawling out a basement window. Her Burnstown Road home in the village received significant damage.

Members of the Horton community are mourning the loss of Larry Rawn, who died Thursday evening in a drowning accident. Friends say he and a woman from the area both rushed to help a swimmer who was in trouble on the Bonnechere River, just south of Golden Lake. Unfortunately, the two rescuers got caught up in an undertow and by the time the woman got Rawn to shore, efforts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful. A big man with a big heart was how many described him. “He might have looked rough, but he was just a gentle giant,” said close friend Valerie Miller who has known him since he moved to Castleford about 20 years ago. “He had a heart of gold. “This has hit me as hard as if he was my brother. He was like a brother.” See DROWNING, Page 2


Lemke joins doctor recruitment

GIANT HOGWEED CAUSES BIG STIR Jeff Muzzi has received over 100 phone calls from Renfrew County residents who think they’ve spotted giant hogweed plants growing in the area, but only three claims have turned out to be legitimate. The third was confirmed last week in White Lake.



‘ALL SHOOK UP’ The ‘50s and ‘60s Rock Rock’N & Roll’N Festival came to Renfrew’s downtown last Saturday (July 17). One of the most popular acts was Dan Burgess, the Elvis Presley tribute artist. Burgess was kept busy signing autographs after performing. During his second of three acts, Louise Duval of Kinburn hung a wreath of flowers around his neck as a token of thanks. Mercury photo by Steve Newman

Norm Lemke has just retired after a distinguished career in municipal politics. Now he’s looking to spearhead success on the medical front. The recently-retired chief administrative officer of Renfrew County was introduced July 14 as the Renfrew and Area Health Services Village Board’s new business development officer.

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See FORMER CAO, Page 4


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