The13th AÑO: 5 | NÚMERO 45
[ Interview with Michael Feedrick from Amusement Parks On Fire by Diego Centuriรณn ]
A few years ago, many shoegaze bands have been part of the renovation of the genre that began several decades ago. While new technologies bring us new artists who multiply in networks all the time, we always look for ways to get closer to bands with years of experience, taking advantage of new releases. This is the case of the english band of Nottingham, Amusement Parks On Fire, who with more than a decade of existence, continue to publish excellent works. Recently a new single "All The New Ends" has been released and we took the opportunity to talk to Michael Feerick.
about grabbing a beer. Of all the records that you have made, which one do you like the most? It's not really possible to have that perspective on them. They were all supposed to be different, they are supposed to give each other context, so I think of them as different parts of an ever-expanding whole. Plus, they're all incredible so how could you possibly choose?
And which one would you like to re-record and for what reason? I can't imagine anything worse than re-recording an album. I don't even demo stuff anymore wherever possible. I don't wanna go Hello Michael! through the process twice. I'm not a fan of Thank you for agreeing to answer these revisiting these things. Remastering maybe. questions. Actually I'd like to re-record the first album To begin, we will ask how is the name of and just stick a fucking CG ET in there. the band born? It was a stream-of-consciousness sort of Today we are in a moment where musical lyric from the song that ended up becoming projects multiply day by day. Every day we 'Eighty Eight', I think. It's so long ago now I have several launches in the world and it can barely remember. There's no grand story is very difficult to cover everything, listen behind it, just an abstract image. I'd have gi- to everyone. You guys just released a sinven it more thought but band names are inhe- gle in April. How do you see this moment rently goofy anyway. where the market for singles, EPs, and albums has changed so much? Many musicians have gone through I'm the wrong guy to ask man. I've never the band, who will accompany you in the been particularly engaged with that side of band? things. We release what we feel like when we Well, not as many as you might think! We're feel like it. Whether that's an EP, LP or whanot The Fall just yet. It's almost exactly the tever. One thing I enjoy about the current clisame line-up it's been since 2006. The only mate is there are no defined rules release-wiexception being we've had multi-instrumen- se. That seems to suit our approach, or lack talist Rafe Dunn officially incorporated since thereof. 2012. It's entirely legit. There is a certain fascination with the What do you think when you see that the sound of other decades, in different muproject already exists more than ten years sical styles, many of the bands try to reago? plicate that sound. And while you have I think 'why the fuck am I still doing this?!'. some shoegaze sound of the nineties, I Then I think it's awesome that there is still an think you have a sonic explosion over this audience for it after all this time. Then I think time. What do you think is the percentage 'why the fuck are they still into this?!'. Then I of sound of those bands and the current think I must be really fucking old. Then I think one that you have?
Well, we grew up and discovered music in the nineties, so that would account for a lot of that. I don't think any musician consciously references specific decades do they? That sounds very dull. Aesthetics are overrated. Now I feel old again. No, it's the children who are wrong...
offend the cooler element of our audience but I was thrilled that people seem to have taken it in exactly the spirit it was intended. It's the kind of thing I'd like to hear on the radio, if I listened to the radio. Especially if that included the several minutes of noise that follow it.
What is coming in this 2018? In a musical business that aspires to inWell we've just finished a European tour. dividualism, how do you relate to other We're about to announce a couple of shows bands? With what bands do you feel a at the end of the year with a slightly expanded friendship? line-up. I imagine the main thing this year will Musically speaking I suppose we feel a cer- be working on the new album. It's time to get tain kinship with other bands who take issue that thing the fuck out there! It's been driving with their music being described as 'shoe- me mad for too long. gaze'! Off the top of my head I'd say Autolux, Blonde Redhead and Silversun Pickups with Thank you for the possibility of being whom we have a dear friendship in the tradi- able to interview you, I ask you one last tional sense. question. Is there something we have not asked you want to tell us? "All The New Ends" is the new single, tell Not that I can think of! us about it? I thought the combination of slightly tongueThank you!!! in-cheek rock and overly earnest pop would No, thank you!