Interview with Dyr Faser (Number 31)

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The13th AÑO: 3






[ Interview with Eric Boomhower from Dry Faser by Diego Centurión ]

"TRIO" IS THE NEW SOUND OF DYR FASER Again we return to give a space that we believe important new bands, that in some ways is the essence of magazine The 13th.

easy decision to bring her in. Our first show together was December 2015.

In this case we contacted Eric Boomhower, who along with

Kate saw us play in April 2016 and also offered to help in

Thalia Zedek and Kate Murray are "Dyr Faser", band has relea-

any way much like Thalia had before her. I took this as a good

sed an EP, with this new trio, but to tell the story of the band we

sign and once I heard her play synth I knew she had to be in

let the founder of this project, Eric, tell us everything, or almost

the group. Kate has a great balance of restraint and expansion.

everything ...

The songs have this otherworldly quality and the synth is a big part of that.

Hey guys, thanks for giving us the opportunity to do this interview with you. And thank you for the opportunity. Thank you. Glad to be included.

What would you say are the main musical (and other) influences of Dyr Faser? It’s nice to hear comments and read reviews that compare us to so many different artists or even states of mind. I like krautrock, post punk, goth, psych, classical, reggae, soul, motown,

First of all, why did you decide to call your band Dyr Faser? Is there a story behind this name? There is yes but I think it best to preserve the mystique and let others project their own thoughts.

etc. Thalia’s style possibly comes from a more American influence which is highlighted by her slide guitar work on ‘Trio’. Kate has a classical background and also a love for krautrock and space rock. I admire film directors like Tarkovsky, Kubrick & Bergman and feel like a song can reflect that type of cinema-

Dyr Faser began as a project with only Eric. How has it evolved since that time? When this began it was important for me to be able to play

tic experience. I know that may sound strange but I want our music to open up all of the listener’s senses so it envelopes you completely.

what I recorded in a live situation. I wanted to be self-sufficient. And to add synth and drum loops to my style of guitar and vocals. Looking back now I guess I would say that my obsessive

How would you describe Dyr Faser’s music and which of your releases do you think our listeners should listen to first?

behaviors were working in my favor. Thalia and Kate bring the

Our music is both heady and carnal. We can be light or dark.

music to a whole new level. It can be a huge wall of sound or a

The guitars weave in and out. The synths shade all of it with

very delicate pastiche. I’m lucky to have such talented and thou-

both mystery and purpose. The drum loops keep it all in a state

ghtful musicians backing me up. The melodies and rhythms we

of trance. The vocals/lyrics seem to explain my state of mind. A

are currently creating are very unique.

UK reviewer wrote: ‘Dyr Faser are a band who play music so or-

How and when did Thalia end up joining the band? What about Kate? Within a day or two of releasing Dyr Faser’s first song Tha-

ganically that it baffles that they can ever repeat the sounds they make – the songs on Trio sound like a single entity giving birth, a moment both magical and at once gone forever.’

lia said she would like to help me any way she could. We both

I would say that ‘Trio’ is a good place to start for new listeners

liked each others music and she was always a big supporter of

as it is the most current release and has all three of us on it. Pu-

my past groups. I am a great admirer of her work so it was an

rists may want to start with Volum 1 to experience how it began.


guitars mixing with the electronic elements. Even now I never This year you’ve released several EPs, including “Volume 2”, “Dyr Faser”, and the newest one “Trio”.

know what Thalia or Kate will play on any new songs. It leaves room to expand parts or break them down.

Would you say that "Trio" sums up the sound of Dyr Faser? If so, perhaps this has rounded out now because you are finally a threesome? ‘Trio’ is the new sound of Dyr Faser but really Thalia and I have been crafting this sound for a year. Kate has made it complete. It is hard to compare ‘Trio’ to any of the other releases sin-

Can you tells us a bit about the theme explored in each track of the "Trio" EP? Den Of Sables: Sometimes, sables follow the tracks of wolves and bears and feed on the remains of their kills.

ce I am the only player on those. I recommend all the releases.


They should all be considered the ‘sound’ of Dyr Faser. The live

I’ve had my fair share of estrangement.

show has become more dynamic as a trio. It’s great to have all


this sound happening and not be able to pinpoint exactly whe-

A reminder to keep your friends close and your enemies far

re it’s coming from.

away. Just A Face:

Eric, Thalia was still not fully integrated into your project

Sometimes having another face nearby is all we need.

when you released "Volum 1"… Did you compose songs with

Koso Biru:

Thalia in mind?

Stripping everything away to make room for new flesh.

No, I just wrote what came naturally to me. I had no clue what Thalia would add to them. This is what made it fun for us. Thalia has never really played with synth or drum loops so this is a new thing for her to experiment with. It’s great to hear the raw

Hybrid Souls: Torn apart by the same power that brought them together.

In addition to any live performances, what else can we expect from Dyr Faser in the remainder of 2016 and 2017? More recording of new material. More videos and visual collaborations. And hopefully reaching as many people as possible and turning them on to our music. A trip to play shows in Euro-

‘This is a band of such potential and velvety menace that you wonder how you ever managed without them. One of the best music releases this year.‘ ‘Imagine The Velvet Underground causing some freakish moves on a krautrock dance floor…’

pe is in the works. More dates in the US and Canada. Finally, why should anybody listen to Dyr Faser?

Thanks for your time and thoughts!!!

I think these two excerpts from a UK and Belgium review can

My pleasure. And thank you!

answer that better than me:



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