Equinox - We want the music to speak for itself.

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The13th AÑO: 4





[ Interview With Equinox by Benjamín York ]


Your first album will be called "It's Hard To Be Happy When

I listened to "Goodbye" and found it both captivating and dis-

Your Head Is Full Of Sin". My first question: Is it hard to be ha-

turbing. Tell us how did this collaboration with "Dementio 13"

ppy when your head is full of sin?

come about?

When you have so many bad things or actions that you have

Thank you! We have been admirers of Dementio13 for qui-

done or experienced then, Yes. Badness stays with you and is

te some time and when we were thinking of acts to collaborate

difficult to shake off. Much of the album is written about ex-

with Paul became an instant suggestion. He is an incredibly ori-

periences with depression – some of it is factual and some of it

ginal artist and has an amazingly high output of quality material

fictional and it’s up to the listener to decide which is which! Ha

we simply asked him if he’d be interested in putting backing to

ha. All big emotions are imprinted in our being whether they

a poem and he agreed straight away. We’re very pleased with

be happy memories or sad, you remember good times and so

Goodbye, it is very dark but somehow uplifting at the same time.

the hard times are also part of you. If you have sinned or been a bad person then how can you consciously live with yourself in harmony?

Will Dementio 13 appear on another track in the album or will there be other collaborations involved? Dementio13 doesn’t appear on any other tracks unless he is

In a world where everyone wants to show themselves.

working under a pseudonym that we don’t know about! The-

Everything about Equinox has a mantle of mystery. Your nic-

re are many other collaborations. We don’t want to reveal too

kname, the fact that there is little information available about

much yet but there will be a couple of surprises and impressi-

the Equinox project, and so few images. Is it your plan to hide

ve announcements. The first track we completed was with one

in the darkness of non-information?

of the biggest names in pop of the last thirty years who again,

This is the first album and we want the music to speak for it-

instantly agreed to help. It was an amazing honour and we still

self. We don’t want people to know our identity just yet as that

can’t really believe it. We can confirm that there will be fourteen

may give an unfair advantage, or otherwise, to our progression.

tracks in total, including Goodbye and every one approaches our

We like imagery and art and see no reason why those shouldn’t

work in a varied way. We have picked artists that are very diffe-

be used inside of photographs of us after all it is the music that

rent in style so the album contains ambient, disco-punk, pop


and guitar based tracks as well as some very experimental stuff.

Has dicho que inconscientemente William Blake ha marcado el camino de Equinox, explícanos este punto. Y ¿Qué otros autores podrías nombrar como influencia para tu trabajo?

We’re already looking forward to this album – when will it be released? What can you tell us about it at this point? The album has been recorded and is currently be mastered.

Con William Blake fue en particular la referencia a su poema

We hope to release it within the next couple of months. We’re

Jerusalén. Se dice que fue escrita en la zona en la que nacimos

very proud of what we have achieved and are honored at the

en Lancashire, Inglaterra. Hemos comparado los 'molinos sa-

amount of praise and encouragement we have had from music

tánicos oscuros' de nuestro lugar de nacimiento con los ángu-

stations and writers all over Europe. We are hoping to get some

los negros e inquietantes que hemos abordado en el álbum.

good coverage before release and see where it takes us. The al-

"No voy a cesar mi lucha mental" se puede utilizar como una

bum will take you on a journey of highs and lows, and we hope

metáfora para el título del álbum - es difícil olvidar el pasado,

will be something that hasn’t been heard before.

pero voy a tratar. Will you eventually perform live? What other plans might you You had said that, unconsciously, William Blake has marked Equinox's path – please explain this point. What other authors would you say have influenced your work?

have for Equinox in the next year? That’s a question we have been asked a lot recently. Because we have used so many artists it may be difficult to transpose

With William Blake it was in particular reference to his poem

to a live performance unless we use lots of recordings or get a

Jerusalem. It was allegedly written in the area that we were born

good band together, the many styles would potentially mean a

in Lancashire, England. We have compared the ‘dark satanic

big band! We have already guested at two secret gigs with Wel-

mills’ of our birthplace to the black, disturbing angles that we

sh act Radio Europa who are a big influence on our work, and

have approached on the album. “I will not cease my mental fi-

contributed to the track Josephine on their album TyDbXx. We

ght” can be used as a metaphor for the album title – it’s hard to

have no firm plans yet other than to get the album released and

forget the past but I will try.

see who likes it, who knows what the future holds – maybe we will be happy after all!


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