Ulrich Schnauss - Goodbye (2007)

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The13th AÑO: 4







Today: Ulrich Schnauss - Goodbye (2007) Interview by Diego Centuriรณn. Translation: Rodrigo Debernardis

There are artists who have been working for many years, quietly outside the large corporations that still handle much of the music market. In the immense flow of Internet we can come across artists who have had a long history with great records, and that they have little place in the "specialized" media, and perhaps these musicians are more attractive than those who try to impose. Thanks to the God of the flow of information within the Internet network is that I arrived at Ulrich Schnauss. And this time we will talk about his album "Goodbye" released on June 25, 2007. Today, exactly ten years after this edition, we communicate with the band to know details of that album as well as its present and future..

content is concerned rather than allowing aspects of sound design and/or programming to take centre stage - not necessarily an easy task when you're doing electronica. However, as a result my stuff may not sound as 'outdated' as music that's more reliant on re-inventing sonics - the flipside may very well be that I never sound quite as 'fresh' as some cutting edge dance track for instance in the first place however.

But it is true that before releasing the album, you have edited the EP "Quicksand Memory" where Robin Guthrie participates in two of the songs. That is something we cannot miss. How did the collaboration born? It's not a particularly thrilling story to tell - although i was (and still am) extremely flattered Hi Ulrich, thank you for agreeing to talk to us. that it happened. I simply met Robin through our common friend Kevin long and asked wheIf we start to think that "Goodbye" celebrates ther he'd consider remixing one of my tracks its first ten years of life. What feelings are inva- and then he actually suggested to do two. ding you to think about the ten years of "GooYour career has taken you through many pladbye"? First and foremost I'm actually shocked that ces and studies. How was the recording of the it's such a long time ago already - to be honest, to album "Goodbye"? 'Goodbye' was a difficult one. I had always me it feels like not more than a couple years ago. And then I of course do remember the songs hoped that external factors such as relocating to that are included on that record and the situa- specific cities or reaching certain points in your tions they came out of. Writing music works a career would provide a reasonable amount of bit like writing a diary for me - every song's a stability, maybe even happiness - however, afsnapshot of a particular situation you were in at ter having a bit of a 'breakthrough' with the first two albums I released under my name i primathe time or a particular feeling you had. rily felt pressure and even a weird kind of empSometimes temporary measures can play a tiness to a degree. I decided to take quite a rabad experience on certain albums. In the case of dical step in response and re-located my music "Goodbye" sounds very actual, as if it has been equipment to a rather run down flat in my old hometown in the north of Germany and started recorded this year. What`s your opinion? I always admired artists who contributed to working on a record that as a result probably has styles and genres evolving and by doing so en- a much less euphoric, hopeful and more melansuring that popular culture doesn't get trapped cholic, sentimental tone. in a situation of stasis - however, I also noticed How important is "Goodbye" in your career? quite early on that my strength most likely lies It's difficult for me to assess the 'value' of one more in the area of capturing certain emotions rather than revolutionizing aesthetics. For that particular record against another from a persoreason I have always tried to arrange my songs nal perspective - they're simply all part of the in a way where the focus is primarily on achie- same story from my point of view - while obving a maximum impact as far as the emotional viously reflecting on different episodes. Howe-


ver, looking at things more objectively I'd say that 'goodbye' may have been the beginning of a clarification process in the way that it ruled out the misunderstanding that I could turn into another hipster crossover act and that my musical goals are located elsewhere.

probably easy to understand why: who enjoys reading their diary and being forced into a process of re-living old emotions which are (I guess that's not a surprise either) not necessarily happy ones after all?

What songs on the album are your favorites? Beyond the official album, you have edited an I was very happy with the way how the title extended version of it. Were both songs recor- song came out - particularly because I like the ded at the same time? chordal movement of the chorus. I'd say that Yes, pretty much all that material was recor- one's my favourite. ded within the same timeframe. The chapterhouse cover was done later - when I had moved What surprise has brought you this album? to London already. That's where I met Stephen, The biggest change may have been a technical Andy and the rest of the band who kindly and thing - sounds rather mundane, I know, but if to my great surprise agreed to participate in that you're sitting in the studio every day those types project. of things do have an impact on your life that's not to be underestimated. Up until 'isolated plaDo you often listen to your previous works? ce' I had used a very hardware-orientated set up How long has it been since you last heard of - using a primitive Atari computer for midi se"Goodbye"? quencing exclusively - with 'goodbye' I finally I never really listen to my own music unless bought a desktop mac, installed my first DAW I have to (for instance, when I play live). After and had access to the possibility of manipulaI brought up that diary analogy earlier on it's ting a recording even weeks after it was made

Do you plan to do any special presentation or as a consequence. That'd be the biggest 'surpri- launch for these ten years of "Goodbye"? se' by a mile. Not really - I hope I'm still a little bit too young to celebrate release dates from the past already. Would you change anything of the edition, ei- However, we're having this conversation now ther sound or tracklist? obviously - that seems like a nice and sufficient If I'd record those pieces today I'd most likely way to celebrate! change at least 80% of it - but I feel that way about everything I've ever done. Again, going Thinking about your career generates many back to the diary thing: I'm a different person to- questions but I will try to avoid many and I will day - I'd write down different thoughts therefore leave the possibility that in the future we can and the same applies to music as well of course. retake a new interview. A few years ago I interviewed Mark Peters from one of the bands that What songs do you still play live from this al- you have played with, Engineers. It was for the bum? release of "Always Returning". How is your reNone at the moment I think - I do sometimes lationship with that beautiful band today? use the chorus sequence from 'Goodbye' as an Mark and I are still friends, we still meet reguoutro at the end of encores. However, actually larly and moan about the state of the world (poplanning to re-record a bunch of old songs at litically, culturally, socially) and we still make the moment so that eventually I can play them music together. A new Schnauss & Peters allive again - this would not only include 'Goodb- bum is 'work in progress' at the moment and ye' but the previous two albums as well though. mark is even considering to eventually revive

7 engineers. I hope he'll remember to ask me whether I wanna play keys again.

cribed with mark - I see Jonas as a friend primarily and we always have a great time working together. I hope an element of friendship and Obviously, we cannot skip your way throu- comfort may even be present in the music thegh Tangerine Dreams, How was it to belong to refore. We've also already started working on a such a legendary band, are you still in the band? third joint album btw. It was and is pretty surreal to me - to this very day. It's not an everyday thing to be asked to join What are your plans for this year? your favourite band and to work with the artist The Tangerine Dreams album and the respec(Edgar Froese) that had the most profound im- tive pre-release promotion is most likely gonna pact on your musical development. Obviously require quite a bit of attention until late Septemthings took a very sad turn way too soon when ber - after that I'll really have to (and want to!) Edgar passed away - we've tried to somehow focus on my solo stuff again as I'm planning to drag ourselves out of the sadness over the last release an ep with all new material in autumn years by finishing the album we had started and there'll be quite a few more live gigs as well. when Edgar was still around. Trying to avoid thinking too much about what may or may not I want to thank your predisposition to answer happen after the release - time will tell. our questions. You have this last space to say what you want. At the beginning of the year you have released Thanks very much for having me - those were an album, Passage, next to Jonas Munk, What interesting questions. And thanks also for recan you tell us about this work so bright? minding me of the anniversary of 'Goodbye' - I It's a very similar scenario to the one I des- probably wouldn't even have noticed otherwise!


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