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NAS Corpus Christi Morale, Welfare and Recreation

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Beneficiaries in our system have a Primary Care Manager as a central point of outpatient services including: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, General Practice, Pediatrics, Preventive and Occupational Health, Aviation Medicine, Physical Therapy, Wellness Services, Mental Health, Optometry, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Radiology and Immunizations. Specialty clinics include: General Surgery, orthopedics, and Podiatry. In addition to its Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation, the Corpus Christi facility has a Behavioral Health Care Accreditation for our Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP). The College of American Pathologies certifies the laboratories. All accreditation standards have been met.

On February 17, 2005, Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi successfully completed a weeklong combined survey and inspection by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Inspector General.

The Corpus Christi facility is comprised of 367 personnel that include 39 officers, 169 enlisted, 91 civil service, 37 contractors, and 21 reservists. The health clinic is an active participant in the TRICARE program, and there are more than 18, 000 enrolled TRICARE Prime beneficiaries who account for 120, 000 annual encounters.

The health clinic’s mission is to be recognized leader in global force health protection. Our vision is joint medical readiness and high quality economical healthcare.

Navy Exchange Bldg. 1744 Phone: (361) 961-2166

The Navy Exchange is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.mp. Eligible patrons can shop for a variety of items ranging from clothing, household products and jewelry to garden products, seasonal items, and much more.

A Navy Exhange Uniform Shop is located near the Navy Exchange and operates the same hours. A complete mail order service is available for hardto-find uniform items. For assistance, call (361) 961-3105, extension 28.

A Barber Shop and Beauty Shop are also located in Building 1744 and are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Services for both shops are available to military personnel and their dependents. For appointments, call the barbershop at (361) 961-7032 and the beauty shop at (361) 961-7981. The Citco Service Station is located at the NEX Mini Mart, Building 1290, and is open seven days a week. Gas sales, a quick mart and Budget Truck Rental are available at the station. To reach the


service station, call (361) 937-7237. A barbeque kiosk known as the Amigo’s Café is also located at this site with a popular drive through facility there and to-go orders at (361) 937-7231.

An Optical Shop is available in the basement of Hospital Building 100. It is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call (361) 961-3187.

Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society Bldg. 100, Deck 5 Phone: (361) 961-3482

The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Corpus Christi office provides assistance to Navy and Marine Corps active duty, retirees and their dependents. Financial assistance is available for food, shelter, utilities, medical expenses, emergency travel, necessary "road safe" car repairs, and dental expenses for dependents (including some orthodontics), funeral expenses, and other unforeseen emergencies.

Also available: Visiting Nurse Service offering house calls and instruction to mothers with newborns, retirees and widows/ widowers; Combat Casualty Visiting Nurses provide long-term case management, health and resource information, and emotional support to the families of service members affected by the war; Debit Cards for use during evacuation resulting from natural disasters; Thrift Shop offering gently used items at low costs - including uniforms; Baby's First Sea Bag (Budgeting for Baby).

Financial counseling is available at no cost to military families and their dependents. Hours of assistance are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. After-hours emergencies may call, tollfree, (877) 272-7337.

The society needs and wants volunteers from both the enlisted and officer communities. Reimbursement for childcare and mileage are available for volunteers. Your help is welcomed and appreciated.

Personnel Support Activities Bldg. 1730

The Navy Personnel Support Activity Detachment (PSD), Corpus Christi, is responsible for providing consolidated pay, personnel, travel and transportation services for active duty, reserve and retired personnel and their families located throughout south and central Texas. The Human Relations Office, located on the second floor, provides personnel services for Navy civil service employees. General customer service hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Tues day, Thursday, and Friday. Support is pro vided from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

ID cards can be issued for eligible Navy personnel and dependents in room 108 of Building 1730 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; and from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Wednesday. ID cards are issued to new Army Depot employees in Building 1727. For more information, call (361) 961-2728.



Religious Ministries Bldg. 100, Deck 4 Phone: (361) 961-3751

The Chaplain Department provides confidential pastoral counseling and a full range of on-base religious services and activities to enhance the spiritual readiness and quality of life for military and family members: If these services do not meet your needs, information is available in the Religious Ministries department for hundreds of opportunities to worship in a church, temple, synagogue or mosque of your choice located in the Corpus Christi area.


The new Corpus Christi All-Hands Club offers daily lunch specials with an elegant atmosphere and wide selection of menu items. Located near Building 90, the consolidated club is open to all base employees and their guest for breakfast from 7 a.m., lunch from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Wednesday through Friday sandwiches are served in the bar till 10 p.m. Friday dinner is served from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Club will open for catered events Monday through Saturday for 50 or


9a.m Sunday (Bldg 332)

Catholic Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Sunday (Bldg 117) Protestant Religious Education 10 a.m. Sunday (Bldg 333) Catholic Religious Education 10 a.m. Sunday (Bldg 117) Protestant Divine Worship 1130 Monday-Friday (Bldg 332) Catholic Mass 12 p.m. Wednesday (Bldg 117) Men's Christian Fellowship Group 12 p.m. Wednesday (Bldg 333) Catholic Women's Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Thursday (Bldg 117) Protestant Women's Bible Study 6 p.m. Friday(Family Homes) Protestant Family Discipleship Groups


12:15 p.m. First Tuesday (Bldg333) Welcome Aboard Fellowship Lunch (all station newcomers are invited) 5:30 p.m. Second Sunday(Bldg 117) Family Movie Night including fellowship dinner 6:30 p.m. Bi-weekly (Bldg 117) Protestant High School Youth Group


(Bldg 333) (Bldg 333) (Bldg 117)

Catholic High School Youth Group Catholic Women's Ministries Protestant Women of the Chapel


Marriage Enrichment Retreat Couples' Night Out Sweetheart Banquet Marriage Preparation Classes Vacation Bible School Outreach to Homeless

Family Camping Football Fellowship Women’s Retreat Holiday Meal Baskets

more guest. Call (361) 961-2541 for more information.

The Flight Deck offers great food, fun and sports games for all ages. The Flight Deck is located in Building 149. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call (361) 961-2249 to place your order for Dine In or Carry Out.

Other eating establishments on Naval Air Station Corpus Christi include the Subway located in Lighthouse Lanes Bowling Center, the Golf Course Snack Bar, and other fast food options.



The mission of NAS Corpus Christi's Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) pro gram is to provide quality varied programs of wholesome and constructive recreation/ leisure activities. Eligible individuals include active duty military, reservists, retired military, DoD civilians, and dependents in each category. Contractors working on base are also eligible, however their dependents are not.

For Current MWR Events, visit Corpus Christi MWR on Facebook at www. facebook.com/MWRCorpusChristi.

NAF Human Resources Bldg. 39 Phone: (361) 961-3187

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Closed.

Applications for employment at MWR and Combined Bachelors Quarters are accepted Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hiring for full-time and flex positions. (Off duty military may be employed, but require an approved chit from the department head). Vacancy announcements are published on the bulletin board in Building 39. Numerous positions have continuous vacancy openings, so you may apply anytime.

Wings Auditorium Bldg.100 Phone: (361) 961-2267

A 1,556 seat auditorium may be reserved for official training, safety stand down, and many other official functions by calling (361) 961-2267.

Food & Beverage Division

Bay Club Bldg. 90 Phone: (361) 961-2541

Office Hours: Call (361) 961-2267 to schedule for Official Functions.

Bar Hours: Monday through Thursday Closed; Friday (Winging Nights Only); Closed Saturday, Sunday & Holidays.

The Bar at the Bay Club is open on Winging Friday nights. The Bay Club is available for Official Functions upon request. For additional information, please call the MWR Administration Office at (361) 961-2267.

The Flight Deck Bldg.149 Phone: (361) 961-2249

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Closed Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

The Flight Deck serves pizza, panini sandwiches, pasta, breakfast sandwiches, bagels, muffins, Starbucks Coffee and more. Enjoy your meal inside or on the Fantail Patio. For more information, call (361) 961-2249.

Gulf Winds Golf Course Snack Bar Bldg.1272 Phone: (361) 961-3360

Hours of Operation: Monday through Sunday open 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Visit the Gulf Winds Golf Course Snack Bar for breakfast and lunch. Open 7 days a week serving favorites like: breakfast taquitos, omelets, hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, philly steak,

A Child Development group of children known as the "Sandpipers" sing to various groups including the Security Department to show their appreciation for their service.


BLT's, french fries, onion rings and more. Call (361) 961- 3360 to see what our daily lunch special is, or to place a phone order for pickup.

Library Coffee Shop Bldg. 1872 (Located inside the Library & Resource Center) Phone: (361) 961-0368

Located inside the Library & Resource Center, this shop features Starbucks Coffee. Breakfast sandwiches and grab and go lunch sandwiches are also available. For more information, call (361) 961-0368.

Subway Bldg. 1707 (Located inside the Lighthouse Lanes Bowling Center) Phone: (361) 939-9544

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visit the Subway located in the Bowling Center for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Call Subway at (361) 9399544 to place an order to be picked up or eaten there.

Child & Youth Programs

Child Development Center Bldg. 1782 Phone: (361) 961-1165

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday Closed

The Child Development Program is nationally accredited by National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and helps parents meet their childcare needs by providing full time care (drop-in care is provided on a space available basis), where children are encouraged to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially in a safe, loving environment. The Center accepts children from age six weeks to five years (if not eligible for school). The Center provides quality care with a trained and experienced staff Monday through Friday. For further information please call (361) 961-1165.

Child Development Home Program Bldg. 1782 Phone: (361) 961-1166

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday Closed

Child Development Home Program is also available for families who need an alternative child care program or cannot be facilitated in the Child Development Center. Anyone interested in caring for children in their own homes may apply


to become a CDH provider. Training includes CPR, first aid, record keeping, and training in child development. Call the Child Development Home Program Direc tor at (361) 961-1166 for more information about the program.

School Liaison Officer Bldg. 39 Phone: (361) 961-2625

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday Closed The School Liaison Officer's primary function is to serve as a conduit between parents, educators and the command so that military-connected children experience a seamless transition during the transfer between schools. They facilitate communication between the military family and the Command staff on matters relating to regional public and private schools as well as home schools and alter native modes of education such as charter schools, online education, and independent study. The School Liaison Officer serves as an advocate for the military child at all levels of the K-12 education process. The School Liaison Officer coordinates services for military children and their parents with internal organizations including but not limited to all Fleet and Family Support Programs (FFSP), Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Child and Youth Program (CYP) activities. They also serve as a subject matter expert in education-related issues such as Military Impacted Schools, Department of Education, Colleges and Vocational schools and financial aid institutions.

Youth Program Bldg. 1756 Phone: (361) 961-2355

School Age Care: Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.; 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday & Holidays Closed Open Recreation: Saturday open 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Ages 10-17 must register to participate)

Teen Center (Ages 13-18): Monday through Friday open 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday open 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday & Holidays Closed

Youth Activities is affiliated with the Boys & Girls Club of America and 4-H Club. Its mission is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The Youth Pro gram offers a wide variety of programs and activities, and field trips for ages 5-18. For more information call (361) 961-2355 or visit facebook.com / NAScorpusya.

The facility is equipped with a fully functional gym, game room, teen center, and playgrounds. The game room includes big screen TV's, ping pong table, foosball, and Video Games.

School Age Care

The School Age Care Program also offers before school, after school, full day camps, and summer camps throughout the year. Fees for these programs are determined by total family income. Programs are offered for ages 5-13. School Age Care provides snacks, arts and crafts, games and sports, field trips, swimming, and volunteer programs.

Youth Sports Program

Sports league programs are offered to ages 4-18 with a nominal registration fee. Leagues include soccer (Fall), basket ball (Winter), and T-Ball/ Coach Pitch (Spring). Instructional sports classes are offered throughout the year.

Recreation Division - Sports, Fitness and Aquatics

Aquatics Program Bayside Pool (May—September) Phone: (361) 961-3260 Fitness Express (September—May) Phone: (361) 961-3164

NAS Corpus Christi has a recreational waterfront pool. Bayside Pool is a terrific family pool, which is near the RV Park on Ocean Drive. Bayside Pool has a 138 ft slide with three loops. This main pool ranges in depth from 2 ft to 10 ft. A swim test is required before any children under the age of 10 can ride the slide. The baby pool ranges in depth from 1/ 2 ft to 2 ft. Bayside Pool is open


Memorial Day to Labor Day. Swim les sons, open swimming and pool parties are all offered.

Lap swimming is available at the City of Corpus Christi's Natatorium or Collier Pool at no cost for active duty military. MWR will cover the cost. You must register at the Fit ness Express in building 103 to receive the no cost lap swimming. Active Duty patrons not registered at the Fitness Express will not be able to lap swim for free. For more information on this program, please call the Fitness Express at (361) 961-3164.

E-Street Gym Bldg. 102 Phone: (361) 961-2401

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday open 12

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