Nov12 - PXZ's Out Of The Blue

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Rho Chi Zeta’s

Out of the Blue A Monthly Newsletter...Keeping Sorors Informed V O L U M E

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Basileus Corner Dear Remarkable PXZ Sorors,

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editors Desk


Sisterly Success


Chapter Calendar


News from Nationals


News from Regional


We humans can learn a lot from geese. Yes, that’s right, geese.

News from State


Rho Chi Zeta News


Undergraduate Corner


Youth Auxiliaries


Zeta Word Find

On behalf of the sisterhood of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., “Remarkable “Rho Chi Zeta Chapter, I am enthusiastic about what lies ahead for our chapter and am honored to have the opportunity to serve as your Basileus. I hope that as a chapter we will take on the attitude of geese.

In fact, in 1991 Angeles Arrien gave a speech called, “Lessons from Geese,” that was largely based on the work of Milton Olson. What follows is a take on the story. Lesson 1: Fly Together


It’s truly a marvelous site to see a group of geese flying together in perfect V formation. Research has shown that as each goose flaps its wings an intense uplift is created for the birds behind them. Further studies state that this “teamwork” adds 71% more flying range compared to a goose flying on its own. Moral of the Story: Partnerships and teamwork rule the day. The days of the Lone Ranger are long gone (bad example, as even the Long Ranger had Tonto but you know what I mean). If you surround yourself with excellent

people you’re far more likely to succeed than if you attempt to go at it alone.

members. It’s also important to ensure that all workers are cross -trained and able to perform multiple tasks. Lesson 4: Honk

Lesson 2: Stay in Formation If you’ve ever watched geese fly, you’ve likely seen one fall out of formation. When this happens the fallen away goose begins to struggle mightily until it manages to fight its way back into formation. Moral of the Story: Once you’ve established a good team stay together and work together. Sure, times will get tough and you may become annoyed with one another from time to time but synergy cannot be created by a single person working in isolation. Lesson 3: Rotate

While it’s not always possible to hear from the ground, geese are a noisy bunch when flying in V formation. There are several theories of why this is. One theory asserts the geese honk to encourage each other. While another theory hypothesizes the honking is used to communicate the location of each goose. They may honk to say, “Hurry up pal (honk, honk) I’m right on your feathers.” Moral of the Story: No matter the reason for goose honking, it goes without saying that we should always communicate with one another offering encouragement as needed. We should also have ways to communicate when something is not right. This can be likened to the way lean companies “pull the andon cord” when a problem arises. Lesson 5: Leave No Goose Behind

While flying in V formation the lead goose eventually tires and rotates to the back of the pack to re-charge its battery while another goose takes its place at the front.

Whenever a goose becomes unable to fly (becomes sick, gets a bullet in the belly, etc.) two other geese fall out of formation and stay with their fallen comrade until the impaired goose is able to fly or dies.

Moral of Story: It’s important to share the load amongst team

...Continued on Page 2

Basileus Corner…Continued Moral of the Story: The best teams I’ve ever been on were made of people who genuinely cared for each other and would always help each other out no matter the situation. It seems geese figured this out a long time ago. On this note, I hope we will continue to grow and support one another both personally and professionally. Most importantly, I hope we will continue to build upon established relationships while creating new ones at the same time. Lastly, I am delighted to welcome the rebirth of “Out of the Blue!“ As we continue on the journey set by our sorority’s founders, it is my distinct wish that we provide a means to keep our chapter members informed and updated on our progress to fulfill our ideals of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood. Let’s continue working hard to hold our Zeta torches high ! Sisterly Yours, Sandra Casimir

Editor’s Desk Sorors, we welcome back, "Out of the Blue." In this monthly newsletter, you can expect to find pertinent information pertaining to Zeta Phi Beta on all levels (National, Regional, State and Local), tips on strengthening our bond, food for thought, announcements, chapter activities, trivia questions, etc. Everyone is encouraged to submit articles of interest, chapter announcements, etc. All newsletter entries must be submitted to me ( via the PXZ Communication Form no later than 10 days prior to the month’s chapter meeting. Before Zeta's 411 is presented let’s take this time to publicly congratulate Rho Chi Zeta's 2012-2014 Executive Board. Basileus: Madame Sandra Casimir

First Anti-Basileus: Soror Barbara A. Cousar

Second Anti-Basileus: Soror Lytanja Jones-Beulah

Third Anti-Basileus: Soror Earnestine Livingston

Grammateus: Soror Lavonia A. Page

Tamias Grammateus: Soror Elizabeth K. Terrell

Tamias: Soror Erika M. Dawkins

Phylacter: Soror Barbara Abdul-Karim

Basileus Monthly Inspiration Speaking from the Heart! If you do not know where you stand within yourself, where does that leave you? When you stand centered in your own space, it will become clear what your choices are and which ones to make. -Excerpt from O (Oprah) Magazine-



Congratulations LeShawn Johnson-Sydnor

LeShawn Johnson-Sydnor receives her award

LeShawn Johnson - Sydnor, Secretary of Rho Chi Zeta Archonette and daughter of Rho Chi Zeta member Shawndra Johnson, was 1 of 2 who won an essay contest hosted by the Philadelphia Phillies. LeShawn won a Verizon Galaxy S3 cell phone, a plaque, t-shirt, Phillies Phanatic, and if she chooses to attend Cabrini college after graduating from high school she won $40,000 in scholarship funds.

for the Philadelphia Phillies Essay Contest

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. -Benjamin Franklin

Congratulations Soror Dawkins Sorors of Rho Chi Zeta, please come together and give a CONGRATULATIONS to Soror Erika M. Dawkins!! Soror Dawkins will be having her “Moving Up” ceremony in her doctoral program on Tuesday, November 13th 2012 at 4pm at Widener University Campus. She will be receiving a Masters of Arts in

Clinical Psychology and will be elevated to a doctoral candidate. If anyone would like to attend, please contact Soror Dawkins. Soror Dawkins would also like to thank Rho Chi Zeta for their continued support through her academic journey.

Zeta’s Making History Rear Admiral Evelyn J. Fields

As a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Rear Admiral Evelyn J. Fields is the former director of the Office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Corps Operations and the NOAA Commissioned Corps. She was nominated for this position by President Bill Clinton on January 19, 1999, confirmed by the Senate on May 6, 1999, and subsequently promoted from captain to rear admiral, upper half. RADM Fields was the first woman, and first African American, to hold this position. OUT




Soror Shelby Cunningham Soror Lisa Matthews Soror Cynthia Riley

Soror Qiana Jackson

Soror Alexis Oliver

Soror Yaasmiyn Coleman

Soror Lavonia Page

Soror Aleece Moore-Beattie

Soror Valentina Landrine 30

Soror Martha Butler



Arrive 2pm

Uplift 2012- 2013 Kickoff

Soror Ingrid Perez-Martin


Soror Lytanja Jones-Beulah




7:30am at Memorial Hall



Soror Tara Webb

Soror Andrea Allen



9am -3pm

Chester Inter Greek Council


Soror Quinette Williams



Palmer House







Soror Angela Gray

Soror Barbara Cousar Soror Elizabeth Terrell



Soror Marquita Green



Soror Barbara Abdul-Karim 1776 Ben Franklin Parkway

Chester Inter Greek Council














Lupus Walk 2012



Soror Rebecca Austin

Soror Shenita Clark

Soror Carmen Wilson







Soror Massa Nuni













National Zeta News The National First AntiBasileus has provided updated information pertaining to MIP. You will find this information under the National heading on the website. The First Anti requests that Sorors govern themselves accordingly to ensure that the MIP packets are completed correctly so they can in turn be processed promptly.

IMPORTANT DATES January 2013 The Text4baby campaign has been extended until April 30th. For each mom who enrolls in the Text4baby service during the contest period, a Z-HOPE Point will be awarded to the Zeta Region of the participating mom’s zip code.

Atlantic Region Zeta News **Regional Director sent out information on Project 2020: Protecting Our Rights in 2012 for the upcoming election. It is a tool to help us during the upcoming election, and we can earn Z-Hope Points.

Fire Victim Fund. Below is the link to access the PayPal account.

**An S.O.S. was sent out for Soror Leila Bethea of Jersey City who experienced a fire on 10/19/12. She lost her home and all of her families’ belongings. Our Regional Director is asking for our support. If you can assist, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made via PayPal for Soror Bethea

If you prefer to donate by check or money order: webscr? cmd=_sxclick&hosted_button_id=4 YPEN7DXLV84C

Soror Leila Bethea 625 Garfield Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

National Executive Board Meeting in Washington, DC. (Exact date is forthcoming). July 2013 ZOL Certification (Exact date is forthcoming). July 10 – 15, 2014 Boule (Location TBD) July 16 - 20, 2014 Centennial Conclave in Washington, D.C.

Any proposed Constitution and By Laws Amendments should be emailed to by July 10, 2013 (The form to do this was emailed to you). IMPORTANT DATES February 8 – 9, 2012: Regional Executive Board Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa

I hope that we are all able to donate something, no matter how small, to assist our sister.

October 10 – 13, 2013: Regional Meeting in New York State

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Zeta News IMPORTANT DATES April 12-13, 2013 State Executive Board Meeting will be at Gettysburg College Training and Retreat for Basilei and Elected and Appointed Officers Under Graduate Retreat MIP Certification


Rho Chi Zeta Chapter News Transition of materials is essential. Please make sure all transition materials are given to the person holding the office, and have them sign off on what you gave them by the December Chapter meeting.

>>We did it! The 21st Annual Lupus Loop was a great success on 10/28/12! The weather held off, and we safely executed our 2.5-mile walk. Thanks to our LUPUS LOOP.

>>Congratulation to Soror Shaina Caldwell on her promotion with Blue Cross in Mississippi. She will be moving next month, this is her last meeting with us. Let’s wish her well. She will truly be missed!

Sorors, Archonettes, Amicettes, and Pearlettes who participated in support of Soror PerezMartin in her struggle with Lupus.

Undergraduate Corner Rho Chi Zeta is proud to be the sponsoring graduate chapter for Penn State University (Mu Eta), Kutztown University (Zeta Sigma), Widener University (Pi Tau), and Millersville University (Pi Mu). Below are upcoming events for our undergraduate chapters.

Kutztown University (Zeta Sigma) Currently, there are (3) active members on the campus. —Nov.2: Charity Auction- MSU Multipurpose Room 6pm-10pm —Nov. 8,15, & 29: Chapter Meetings —Nov. 28: Z Hope program: MCC,206, 7 pm- 10 pm

Millersville University (Pi Mu) Pi Mu 29th Anniversary Zeta Week —Monday 11/12 - "Love and Chocolate" SMC 24—This question and answer session provides students the opportunity to openly talk about intimate relationships and to ask questions about sex and relationships. —Tuesday 11/13 - Kitty Cat Chat "Love the Skin You're In" SMC 204 -Self-Esteem National Signature Program —Wednesday 11/14- "Dove Love Charity Auction" - MU's students have the chance to participate (in the audience or on the stage) to help raise funds that will be donated for a notable causes. —Thursday 11/15 - "Why Zeta" Interest Meeting —Friday 11/16 – Dinner for the chapter (tentative)

Widener University

(Pi Tau)

Ritual I, Course of Study and Ritual II (pending approval from First National Anti Basileus for (4) Aspirants) Once received will give exact dates of the MIP schedule —Nov. 12 & 26: Chapter Meetings —Nov. 17: Widener Day

Youth Auxiliaries ARCHONETTES The new officers for the 2012 - 2013 year are: President: Christina Rook

Vice President: Ebonee Weathers

Secretary: LeShawn Johnson-Sydnor

Treasurer: Jacinda Murphy-Soto

Parliamentarian: Shannteas Davis The officers were installed on Sunday, September 23, 2012 at Swarthmore Borough Hall.

AMICETTES Seven young ladies graduated from the Amicette Club. They are: 1. Devon Cottman – Devon, cousin of Soror Earnestine Livingston, graduated from Nativity BVM in Media, PA. She now attends Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield, PA. Devon’s hobby is playing softball. 2. Saeyee Lyon – Saeyee graduate from Beverly Hills Middle School in Upper Darby, PA. She now attends Upper Darby High School, and she is a member of the Honor Society, basketball team and drama club. Her hobbies include singing, writing, and acting. 3. Brooklynne Taylor – Brooklynne graduated from St Laurence School. She currently attends Merion Mercy Academy where she is a member of the Drama Club, plays volleyball, and runs track. Recently, she joined Crew. In her free time, Brooklynne enjoys fashion designing and baking. 4. Winter Toombs – Winter graduated from St. Francis De Sales School. She is a freshman, dance major at the Philadelphia School for Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA). Winter loves to dance & watch superhero movies, and she is a fan of the Hunger Games book series. 5. Dazjah Washington – Dazjah graduated from St. Laurence School, and she now attends Cardinal O'Hara High School. She is currently on the JV soccer team at O'Hara and in Honors Art. Her other activities and hobbies include Track and Field, Drama (at Summer Stage at Upper Darby Performing Arts Center), and reading. 6. DenNi'ra A. Whitley – DenNi’ra graduated from St Laurence School. She attends Cardinal O'Hara High School. Her activities/hobbies include: dancing (10 Years of Dance Training - Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Pointe, Hip-Hop & African), performing with the Philadelphia Sixers Junior(2 years) & Pre-Pros (2 years) Dream Team, Art (majoring in High School). This summer, DenNi'ra volunteered as a camp counselor. 7. Amber Young – Amber graduated from St. Laurence School, and she now attends Merion Mercy Academy, where she is a member of the glee club, basketball team, and softball team. Her hobbies include singing, reading, and acting. If you would like to recommend someone for the Amicette Club (ages 9 to 13), please email Sorors Ingrid Perez-Martin and Lytanja Jones-Beulah the child’s name, the parent’s name, address, phone number, and email address.

I hope you enjoyed Rho Chi Zeta’s “Out

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Rho Chi Zeta Chapter PO Box 163 Chester, PA 19016

of the Blue” Newsletter. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions so that our newsletter will continue to grow and become better. Please remember submissions for December’s “Out of the Blue” Newsletter are due no later than November 22, 2012. I look forward to your submissions!


Zeta Word Find

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