Rho Chi Zeta’s
Out of the Blue A Monthly Newsletter...Keeping Sorors Informed V O L U M E
M A R / A P R
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Basileus Corner Greeting Sorors,
News From National
News From Region
News From State
PXZ Calendar
Undergrad Corner
I have not stopped thanking the Lord for the diligence and hard work that was demonstrated for Blue Revue. Thank you to the sorors who supported the events by praying relentlessly, purchasing and/or selling tickets, inviting people to attend, laboring tirelessly, and believing faithfully. You definitely made a difference. THANK YOU! Now you may ask, “Is there any rest for the weary?” My response to that question is no. There is still yet much to be done this year. We have 3 minutes of Fame coming up on June 21, 2013 at Pica’s restaurant and Mr. Tri State in the fall. We need everyone’s support. We truly need all hands on deck. Lovingly yours,
Blue Revue
Youth Highlights
Zeta’s Making History Zeta Word Find
Basileus Inspiration
"There is no passion to be found playing small-in setting for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
- Nelson Mandela
The Executive Board Basileus: Madame Sandra Casimir
First Anti-Basileus: Soror Barbara A. Cousar
Second Anti-Basileus: Soror Lytanja Jones-Beulah
Third Anti-Basileus: Soror Earnestine Livingston
Grammateus: Soror Deanna Lewis
Tamias Grammateus: Soror Elizabeth K. Terrell
Tamias: Soror Erika M. Dawkins
Phylacter: Soror Barbara Abdul-Karim
“The time is always right to do what is right.� ~Martin Luther King, Jr. PAGE
National Zeta News This important Caregiver Survey was developed by the National Caregiver Alliance especially for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority to assist the Alliance in designing educational training and support services specifically for Zetas and Amicae. Full participation by the total membership is critical to obtain the best value of this partnership. It takes less than 3min to complete. Please complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9TMXBFY To assist in promoting Grand Wright’s Elder Care Programmatic Thrust, please visit the Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging website (http://www.p4a.org/agencies.htm). Visit the aforementioned site to find the agency in your area that can assist you in forging a working relationship and partnership while implementing Elder Care for your respective communities. Zeta’s Anti-Hazing Platform – “Finer Women Don’t Haze” is ongoing and chapters are to continue executing programs, events, town hall meetings, etc. around this initiative. Visit the following link for additional information http://www.zphib1920.org/finerwomendonthaze
IMPORTANT DATES July 18—21, 2013 Deadline 5/31/13 ZOL Certification Indianapolis, IN
July 10 – 15, 2014 Boule Washington, DC
July 16 - 20, 2014 Centennial Conclave in Washington, D.C.
Atlantic Region Zeta News 55th Atlantic Region Scholarship raffle ends July 18th -The raffle winner receives free registration for Regional conference. Sorors, I am asking that you give Soror Terrell a $20 donation to cover your raffle tickets. The Atlantic Region has secured a few more rooms for the 55th Regional Conference so if you have not reserved your space, please do so immediately to ensure you have accommodations for our Atlantic Regional Leadership Conference! For your quick reference: Adam’s Mark Hotel and Conference Center (716) 845-5100 – PRESS 1- Use Booking Code: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
October 10 – 13, 2013: Regional Meeting in Buffalo, NY
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Zeta News Please be advised that the Youth Auxiliaries of PA will not have a Leadership Conference in April 2014. The reason behind the decision is based upon the direction the National Level is heading as it pertains to the youth and their attendance at State and Regional Conferences. Therefore, the Youth will have their Leadership Conference in November 2013. The targeted date is either November 9th or the 16th. Once a venue (preferably a college campus) has been identified, additional information will be forwarded by the Pennsylvania Youth Coordinators, Soror Olden and Soror Page.
Rho Chi Zeta Chapter Calendar March 3rd
Happy Birthday Soror Latanja Rand
March 9th
Rho Chi Zeta’s Blue Revue
March 12th
Happy Birthday Soror Aleece Beattie
March 15th
April 26th
Happy Birthday Soror Alexis Oliver
May 4th
Happy Birthday Soror Kala Lynn Baxter
May 5th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Azeb Kinder
Happy Zetaversary Soror Quinette Williams
Happy Zetaversary Soror Michelle Johnson
May 7th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Tracy Gray
March 23rd
Happy Zetaversary Soror Shawndra Johnson
March 25th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Fonda Akins
April 3rd
Happy Zetaversary Soror Cynthia Carter-Chandler
May 8th
Happy Birthday Soror Nikkimah Davis
Happy Zetaversary Soror Nikia Whitaker
Mary 23rd
Happy Birthday Soror Ingrid Perez-Martin
Happy Zetaversary Soror Massa Nuni
Upcoming Events:
April 4th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Alysenn Floyd
June 2nd
Happy Zetaversary Soror Marquita Green
Happy Zetaversary Soror Morgan Pippens
June 5th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Shaina Caldwell
April 14th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Assia Williams
April 18th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Sandra Casimir
April 23rd
Rho Chi Zeta’s Chapter Meeting
Chester High Day—8am PXZ Award Winner Receives Scholarship
June 15th
Amicette’s Celebrate Mom
June 21st Rho Chi Zeta’s 3 Minutes To Fame at Pica’s. Tickets $20
Happy Birthday Soror Morgan Pippens
June 29th
Happy Zetaversary Soror Earnestine Livingston
Happy Zetaversary Soror Mona Lisa Artis
2013—2014 Rho Chi Zeta Planning Meeting PAGE
Undergraduate Corner Rho Chi Zeta is proud to be the sponsoring graduate chapter for the following universities:
Kutztown University Zeta Sigma
Millersville University Pi Mu
Widener University Pi Tau
Penn State University Mu Eta
Congratulations Graduating Seniors!! Sorors: Brittney Andrews—Pi Tau—Widener Sheryel Bohenek—Pi Mu—Millersville Deidra Laws—Pi Tau—Widener Oyeyimika Oyekanmi—Mu Eta—Penn State Susanna Tagoe—Mu Eta—Penn State
Amicae Learn & Lunch: Please Don't Hit My Sister (Sponsored by Zeta Amicae of Chester) This wonderful event took place on April 27, 2013 at Crozer-Community Hospital in Chester, PA. Our focus was to educate the community about domestic violence and how to get help. The presenter, Ms. Blake Cohen, from the Domestic Abuse Project (DAP), lead our discussion about domestic violence and the manner in which they assist people who are crisis. Handouts were provided for the guests to take home for further reading.
Blue Revue 2013 On March 9th, 2013, Rho Chi Zeta Chapter held its 13th Annual Blue Revue窶認rom Girls to Pearls.
Congratulations to the UPLIFT Class of 2013
Imani, Peyton, Amber, Saeyee, Ziyadah
Blue Revue 2013 (Con’t)
Archonettes Archonette Toria McLeod has been selected as a $2,500 award recipient of the 2013 Joe Neubauer Opportunity Award by The Urban League of Philadelphia . She was honored at their Empowerment Gala & Scholarship Awards Dinner on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel,
Please join us in congratulating Toria on this wonderful achievement!
Zeta’s Making History Autherine Juanita Lucy was the first black student to attend the University of Alabama, in 1956. She was born on October 5, 1929 in Shiloh, Alabama and graduated from Linden Academy in 1947. She went on to attend Selma University in Selma, and the all-black Miles College in Fairfield - where she graduated with a BA in English in 1952. Later in 1952, at the encouragement of and along with a Miles classmate, Pollie Ann Myers, she decided to attend the University of Alabama as a graduate student but, knowing that admission would be difficult due to the University's admission policies, she and Myers approached the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for help. Thurgood Marshall, Constance Baker Motley, and Arthur Shores were assigned to be their attorneys. While they started preparing her case, she worked as a secretary. Court action began in July 1953.
"Her initiative and courage won the right for students of all races to attend the University�
On June 29, 1955, the NAACP secured a court order preventing the University from rejecting the admission applications of Lucy and her friend based upon their race. Days later, the court amended the order to apply to all other African-American students seeking admission. The Supreme Court upheld this in Lucy v. Adams on October 10, 1955. On the very eve of the day Lucy and her friend (who had married to become Pollie Myers Hudson) were to register, the University Board of Trustees rejected Hudson on the grounds of her "conduct and marital record", but reluctantly allowed Lucy to register. However, she was barred from all dormitories and dining halls. [3] At least two sources have said that the board hoped that without Hudson, the more outgoing and assured of the pair and whose idea it originally was to enroll at Alabama, Lucy's own acceptance would mean little or nothing to her, and she would voluntarily choose not to attend. But Hudson and others strongly encouraged her, and on February 3, 1956, Lucy enrolled as a graduate student in library science, becoming the first African American ever admitted to a white public school or university in the state. On the third day of classes, a hostile mob assembled to prevent Lucy attending classes. The police were called to secure her admission but, that evening, the University suspended Lucy on the grounds that it could not provide a safe environment. Lucy and her attorneys filed suit against the University to have the suspension overturned. However, this suit was not successful and was used as a justification for her permanent expulsion. University officials claimed that Lucy had slandered the university and they could not have her as a student. The University of Alabama finally overturned her expulsion in 1980, and in 1992, she earned her Masters degree in Elementary Education from the University that she had applied to decades earlier.[6] In a complete reversal of spirit from when she was first admitted there, the university named an endowed scholarship in her honor and unveiled a portrait of her in the student union overlooking the most trafficked spot on campus. The inscription reads "Her initiative and courage won the right for students of all races to attend the University." OUT
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Rho Chi Zeta Chapter PO Box 163 Chester, PA 19016 rhochizetamedia@gmail.com
I hope you enjoyed Rho Chi Zeta’s “Out of the Blue” Newsletter. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions so that our newsletter will continue to grow and become better. Please remember submissions for the May/June
Back Issues of “Out of the Blue” can be found at:
“Out of the Blue” Newsletter are due no later than June 20th, 2013. I look forward to your submissions!
Zeta’s Honoring Women In Our Lives Word Find