CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS: INNER STAR BLOCK: 4 – 2.5: Squares 1 – 2.5 Square (center square) 2 – 3.5” Square of Red (or whatever color your center star is) 2 – 3.5” Square of White (or whatever color your outer star is) OUTER STAR BLOCK: 4 - 3.5” Square (outer corners) 4 - 3.5” x 6.5” rectangles (flying geese section) 8 – 3.5” Squares (flying geese section) PIECING INSRUCTIONS: INNER BLOCK:
Take your 1 – 3.5(white) squares and mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on wrong side of fabric. Place right side of fabric against the right sides of the 1 – 3.5” (red) squares and sew on either 1/4” on both sides of the line. Cut on the marked, press seams open (to the dark side). Trim dog ears and repeat with remain 2 squares. This gives you the 4 HST’s you need for your inner star. Make sure to square up your HSTs to fit with your 2.5” corner and center squares.
To create the block take 2 – 2.5” (white) square and 1 – HST and sew the first row as shown below.
To create row 2 take 2 – HSTs and 1 – 2.5” (red) block and sew them as shown below.
Sew Row 3 as shown below with remain 2 – 2.5” (white) squares and HST.
Put the rows together to form the block below.
To complete the outer block, take your 8 – 3.5” squares for your outer star and mark them on the diagonal from corner to corner (this will be your sew line for the flying geese units). Take 1 – 3.5” x 6.5” rectangle and 2 – 3.5” marked squares. Place 1 – 3.5” square in the upper right hand corner of the rectangle, sew on the marked line. Trim leaving a 1/4” seam, press to the dark side. Repeat with the upper left hand side of fabric. This gives you the flying geese section.
Repeat with left side of rectangle.
Repeat these steps with remaining rectangles and 3.5� squares to make 3 more flying geese blocks.
PUTTING THE FULL BLOCK TOGETHER: To put the block together so the rows as depicted below: