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NEW SOCIAL MEDIA SITE New Ritenour Social Media service allows for “truth”

Written by: Jack Jamison

After the sudden outbreak of “exposed” pages on Instagram last year, the Ritenour School District realized that the students needed a new platform to share their thoughts about the school.


After several months of development the district has finally announced the release of their new school based social media application.

Ritweet is a social media not too dissimilar to Twitter; however, it is heavily moderated and accounts are only granted to students above the age of 16. The social media plans to provide a platform for students to discuss their classes and different schools events in a safe, sanitized way.

The change was made in response to constant complaints from teachers about students using social media in class, disrupting the learning environment.

The school hopes that with its own social media that students will stray away from sites with more disruptive content.

Currently the website has just been released and user accounts are limited. Students who already have gained access to the app have a lot to say.

“It’s terrible, they’re censoring my freedom of speech and freedom of expression about Ritenour,” junior Robert Chamberlain said.

The Game Changers club has been chosen to help moderate the site due to their expertise in social justice issues.

Ron Steinschriber, an English teacher and sponsor of the club, gave some details about the site’s first few days and how the group prepared to moderate the new website.

“We looked at other social media sites and analyzed every terrible comment we saw, and we had groups of what sort of bad comments we would allow and which ones we would remove,” stated the group sponsor.

For best efficiency and accuracy in filtering posts, the moderators have been split into groups based on their area of expertise.

“Yes, we have a misogyny category, a homophobia group, just a general language group, a troll group, and a weird photos of dogs group.” said Steinschriber.

Luckily for Steinschriber and the group, no posts have needed to be deleted yet.

“Shockingly we’ve not found any posts that need to be deleted, everybody at Ritenour just loves the school so much that they don’t want to post anything bad.”

The school itself has been sharing various screenshots of the success of their new website and sharing it all over. They are continuing to point out how amazing the site is and how everyone shows support for their school on it.

Many of the posts on the website however, seem to repeat themselves occasionally.

“I love Ritenour, I have learned so much here, and yes I am a real high school student at Ritenour.” was suspiciously posted more than ten times on the site.

If you would like access please contact realritenouremail@

Written by: Alivia Pearia

13 years ago, when English teacher Ronald Steinschriber first began teaching at Ritenour High School, he entered with the nickname he went by in college, “Stein.”

“I used to keep a list of all of my favorite mispronunciations of my name throughout the years. My favorite was Mr. Skyscraper. In college it was lovingly shortened to Stein, and it has remained to this day,” Steinschriber said.

It was then that he heard the ancient Ritenour prophecy that he thought was referencing him.

“In the school of Ritenour, where the one called Jones stalks the halls. There will be one Stein to rule them all.”

But that all changed when a new teacher by the name of Christopher Stein showed up as a history teacher. Not wanting

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