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Mrs. Tripp, the science chick
Chemistry teacher Rachael Tripp discovered a new substance
Written by: Amareona Muhammad
Ritenour High School students are suffering the results of a newly discovered element.
On Dec. 14, 2022, Ritenour staff were informed of a new element being tested in the school’s chemistry lab by the chemistry teacher Rachael Tripp.
Tripp stated that she had been cleaning out her newly moved classroom when she moved a few boxes and found a mysterious vial. Of course, as any responsible chemistry teacher would do, she picked up the vial and decided to run some tests on it. This mystery vial proved to be highly reactive to other substances, but just testing on other chemicals and compounds was not enough. She needed human test subjects.
Tripp said that she initially targeted only students who would give consent, but others joined in with some incentives.
“I choose them mostly through volunteer work, but there have been some students who have been really bugging me about extra credit work.”
Unfortunately, there seem to be some contradicting views concerning Tripp’s selection process.
“I didn’t ask for it. It’s against my will,” junior Robert Chamberlain explained.
When asked to recount the mental and physical effects of the testing, Chamberlain recounted that his depression was cured.
“Instead of crying myself to sleep in a bad way, now I cry myself to sleep in a good way,” Chamberlain said.
He also stated that he has developed an allergy to cucumbers, but he will continue to eat them.
Another student, Senior Enrique Castillo, was questioned as another test subject. He said the effects this substance had on him has changed his views on his science teacher.
“I am very wary of that woman. I no longer trust her and her ideals, she is a crazed woman. Ever since she tested that new element on me, I get nauseous whenever I see the color green, and my skin sheds off every night. Sometimes it feels as if there is another entity controlling my body and I cannot move or think for myself,” Castillo said.
According to Tripp, these symptoms do not exist, or her students simply have not told her about them.
This element is still in the works of being tested so it is unclear what effects it causes.