2 minute read
Written by: Margaret Susovica
All of the quiet rumors surrounding Ritenour teachers’ overnight stay were confirmed as junior Zoha Iqbal entered an unexplainable sleeping scene.
On a quiet night, a Ritenour High School student planned to sneak in to quickly collect her uncomplete sculpture left behind. If sneaking in wasn’t rule breaking enough, she entered the third level art room to see a number of teachers slumbered away.
“I left my sculpture project in Kennedy’s classroom and I opened the cabinet to find him as if he was lying as a coffin,” Iqbal said.
Explaining the mass amount of teachers in one room could simply be justified as them having a fun sleepover, but seeing many bags and toiletries spread around the room shows this is a more regular occurrence.
“I saw at least 20 teachers all in one classroom, some were even sleeping on the tables. I was so spooked because they were all in sleeping bags and they were wearing monkey pajamas,” Iqbal said.
Now knowing that this secret was revealed by Iqbal, she has to adjust to this fragile relationship with anyone she saw on this revealing night.
“Its a little embarrassing looking at them because they all give me these really weird stares and they’re scared I’m going to tell somebody” Iqbal said.
When speaking with the social studies teacher Katie Davis, she confirmed to there being a group of teachers coming together on nights in Kennedy’s spacious room.
“I like to join the sleepovers in Mr. Kennedy’s room,” Davis said.
During Davis’ normal nightly routines, she has find it to be difficult with freezing temperatures and not many resources available.
“I have a cot under my desk for when I don’t have the willpower to leave. I use my student’s turnedin work as a blanket to keep me warm. Sadly I’ve been quite cold lately…” Davis said.
There has been struggle in some early teachers, as hiding behind the kindness and punctuality, there is more reason for needing to stay in the school at night.
“I have been sleeping at school since I was a student teacher because I didn’t have an access card and I like to be here by 7:00am,” revealed Davis.
When asking the main culprit of the scandal, Kennedy confidently and comfortably believes this is his forever home as it always has and will be.
“The space is livable because of the energy that was created by multiple realities coming together. The school was built at the confluence of three realities, this seemed like the best palace at the particular “space/time” to “move in,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy revealed the enormous amount of time he has been here.
“The secret has been kept for multiple millennia, the whole area is my home not just the school.”
The confidence Kennedy inputs with getting away forever sleeping at Ritenour High School, as he mentions, “I will truly never be caught.”
There will always be more secrets to reveal from this interesting school. With an ominous thought, Kennedy left the interview.
“I am sorry, but unfortunately you, the reader, can only perceive part of the story, sadly you will never fully grasp the whole story,” Kennedy said.