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Fight for the right to Stein
to lose the title of the true Stein, Steinschriber challenged this imposter to a battle of the Steins.
When this challenge was brought to Stein’s attention, he had something to say.
“I think I can fight anybody, but whether or not I win is up to the hands that are thrown,” Stein said.
When told about his opponent’s special move, The Dreidel Kick™, Stein laughed at this revelation and shared his skills.
“Not only did I box in college, but I was also a soccer player, which means I can break legs,” Stein said. “We’ll see if [Steinschriber] will bust out his Dreidel Kick™.”
Steinschriber remained unconcerned, and believes that what he lacks in physical fighting ability, he fully makes up for in other areas.
“What makes me better is that, I’m the original, I’m taller, I’m not encumbered by facial hair, and I actually teach a class that matters to students’ lives,” Steinschriber said.
Stein countered with the fact that the name Stein means stone in German, and that by default, that made him stronger than Steinschriber.
“My name actually means stone writer, this means I’m in control of all stones,’ Steinschriber said. “The fact that he’s just a stone means I have control.”
To get an insight of how those around the school are taking this matter, (mainly how it will affect students and learning) long-time Ritenour Husky Grayson Berry shared his thoughts on the matter.
“In the matter of the Steinschriber v. Stein, Mr. Stein would win for sure,” Berry said.
He paused for a moment to choose his next word carefully.
“He looks like a lumberjack, have you seen his arms?” Berry said.
With an extremely serious look he relays these words of caution.
“You can take his kindness for weakness,” Berry said.
A battle of wits and brawn was held to determine the true holder of the title of Stein. Both of the champions emerged from the dust, faces unreadable as to who won. Some pick who they thought would win, others say that the prophecy was a hoax. There are whispers in the halls of a secret council deciding a victor and then making both parties swear an oath, not to be shared with others. In fear of destroying the balance within the school, this might just be another secret lost in the empty halls and dark corners.