Život pod srećnom zvezdom
Aristotel je govorio da je sreća smisao života. Ali šta je zapravo ključ sreće? Bezbrižan život, porodica uvek na okupu i prostor koji nazivamo domom, u kom je sve to moguće.
Zvuči dobro, zar ne? Dobro došli u BW Thalia, vaše srećno mesto, u kome je savršeno ispunjen život svakodnevnica, u okruženju prepunom sadržaja za sve vaše potrebe.
Life under the lucky star
Aristotle said that happiness is the meaning of life. But what is actually the key to happiness? Careless life, family always together and a place to call home in which all that is possible.
Sounds good, doesn’t it? Welcome to BW Thalia, your happy place in which your everyday life is perfectly fulfilled in an environment rich with content for all your needs.
Belgrade Waterfront

Beograd kao nikad pre
Beograd odavno važi za jedan od najautentičnijih evropskih, pa i svetskih gradova. Pregršt istorijskog kulturnog nasleđa isprepletanog sa urbanim duhom prave moderne prestonice čine ga idealnim mestom za sve koji su u potrazi za jedinstvenim iskustvom života u metropoli.
Međutim, Beograd ne bi bio oaza za one koji drže do svog životnog stila, bez perjanice savremenog života koju predstavlja Belgrade Waterfront.
Prostirući se na oko milion kvadratnih metara duž desne obale Save, ovaj projekat urbane revitalizacije grada donosi jedinstvene impulse najboljeg sadržaja i najinspirativnijeg okruženja u svakodnevni život prestonice.
Belgrade Waterfront je višenamenski kompleks najraznovrsnijih mogućnosti, koji život u Beogradu podiže na potpuno novi nivo ugođaja. Odlikuju ga najsavremenije stambene zgrade, hoteli svetske klase, prestižni restorani, obrazovni i kulturni objekti, raskošni parkovi, najlepše šetalište u gradu, kao i savršena povezanost sa drugim delovima grada, uz niz prednosti za kretanje pešaka i biciklista.
Belgrade like never before
Belgrade has long been considered one of the most authentic European and even world cities. Abundance of historical and cultural heritage intertwined with the urban spirit of a real modern capital make it an ideal place for all those who are looking for a unique experience of living in a metropolis.
However, Belgrade would not be an oasis for those who are true to their lifestyle, without the spearhead of modern life represented by the Belgrade Waterfront.
Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of one million square metres, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces a unique impulse of the best content and most inspiring environment into the capital’s everydaylife.
Belgrade Waterfront is a multi-purpose complex of the most diverse possibilities, which elevates the urban life of Belgrade to a completely new level of convenience. It is characterised by state-of-the-art residential buildings, world-class hotels, prestigious restaurants, educational and cultural facilities, luxurious parks, the most beautiful promenade in the city, as well as perfect connectivity, with numerous advantages for pedestrians and cyclists.

Lokacija Location
Razdaljine Distances

Grad na dlanu
Belgrade Waterfront omogućava brzu i laku vezu sa svim destinacijama od značaja u Beogradu. Odlikuju ga prostrani bulevari i široke ulice, koje se idealno nadovezuju na postojeću mrežu glavnih gradskih puteva. Savski most pruža jednostavnu konekciju sa Novim Beogradom, dok most Gazela omogućava lak izlaz i ulaz u grad međunarodnim autoputem E-75. Aerodrom Nikola Tesla nalazi na oko 15 minuta vožnje automobilom od vašeg novog doma.
BW Thalia je pozicionirana blizu brojnih stanica javnog prevoza, uključujući autobuse, tramvaje čak dve metro linije, za najefikasniju vezu sa čitavim gradom u svim pravcima. I kretanje unutar samog Belgrade Waterfront-a je jednostavno i efikasno, bilo da koristite automobil ili neki drugi vid prevoza. Pešake i bicikliste očekuje pregršt uređenih i dobro povezanih staza, koje se protežu čitavim kompleksom i nastavljaju se uz obalu, duž Save i Dunava.
The city in the palm of your hand
Belgrade Waterfront allows you a quick and simple connection to all important destinations in Belgrade. Belgrade Waterfront is embellished with spacious boulevards and wide streets, ideally connected to the existing grid of vital urban roads. Sava Bridge provides a smooth connection with New Belgrade, while the Gazela Bridge gives you an easy entry and exit from the city via international highway E-75. Nikola Tesla airport is a 15-minute drive away from your new home.
BW Thalia is situated near the numerous public transport stations including buses, trams and even two metro lines, for a more efficient connection with the city in all directions. The traffic within Belgrade Waterfront is smooth and effective, whether you are using a car or any other means of transportation. Hikers and cyclists will find plenty of well-maintained and connected paths and lanes, which stretch throughout the entire complex and along the Sava and Danube.
Pogodnosti Amenities

Vaše srećno mesto
BW Thalia je moderna stambena zgrada od 15 spratova, sa 178 savremeno dizajniranih stanova, od studija do onih sa tri spavaće sobe, kao i sa četvorosobnim penthausom na povučenom spratu. U zavisnosti od položaja unutar zgrade, stanovi gledaju na reku, unutrašnje dvorište ili na panoramu grada. Pozicionirana u trećem redu zgrada od reke Save, nedaleko Savskog trga, sa Savskim parkom i sportskim centrom BW Apollo na dohvat ruke, na raskršću prve dve linije metroa, BW Thalia nudi najbolje od urbanog i mirnog života u prestonici.
Your happy place
BW Thalia is a modern 15-storey residential building, with 178 contemporarydesigned apartments, from studios to three-bedroom apartments, as well as a four-bedroom penthouse on a secluded floor. Depending on the position inside the building, the apartments offer the view of the river, the inner courtyard or the city panorama. Situated in the third row of buildings from the Sava River, near Sava Square, with Sava Park and the BW Apollo sports centre within immediate proximity, at the intersection of the first two metro lines, BW Thalia offers the best of urban and peaceful life in the capital.

Pogodnosti Amenities
Porodica na prvom mestu
Svakodnevne obaveze znaju da tokom dana razdvoje porodicu na potpuno različite lokacije u gradu, a okupljanje je rezervisano tek za sam kraj dana. Međutim, BW Thalia predstavlja jedinstvenu sredinu u kojoj je porodica uvek na prvom mestu.
Otkrijte bezbedno i ispunjeno okruženje za savršen porodični život. Tokom radnog dana, budite potpuno posvećeni kvalitetnoj organizaciji vremena i obavezama dok su vaši najmlađi članovi porodice u obližnjem vrtiću ili školi. U najsavremenijoj državnoj školi nastava se odvija dvojezično, a poseduje i bazen namenjen učenicima, kao i otvoreni teren za timske sportove. Vrtić je vrlo atraktivnog dizajna, sa posebnim mobilijarom namenjenom razvoju motorike kroz igru.
Obezbedite svojim mališanima zabavno i kreativno odrastanje uz interaktivni dečiji muzej i dečije pozorište na samo nekoliko koraka od BW Thalia. Unutrašnje dvorište sa igralištem, kao i neposredna blizina Savskog parka i BW Apollo sportskog centra omogućiće kvalitetno provedeno vreme u neposrednoj blizini vašeg novog doma.
Family first
Everyday obligations can separate the family to completely different locations across the city during the day, while the gathering is only reserved for the very end of the day. However, BW Thalia stands as a unique environment where family always comes first.
Discover a safe and fulfilling environment for a perfect family life. Be fully committed to quality organisation of time and responsibilities during the working hours while your youngest family members are at a nearby kindergarten or school. The most modern state school has bilingual teaching, while there is also a swimming pool for students, as well as an open field for team sports. The attractively-designed kindergarten has special furniture intended for the development of motor skills through play.
Provide your little ones a fun and creative upbringing with an interactive children’s museum and children’s theatre just a few steps away from BW Thalia. An inner courtyard with a playground, as well as the proximity of the Sava Park and the BW Apollo sports centre will allow you to spend quality time in the immediate vicinity of your new home.

Najmoderniji vrtić
The most modern kindergarten

Sreća na dohvat ruke
Život u BW Thalia donosi savršeno okruženje za život potpuno organizovan po vašem ritmu, u kome svaki trenutak slobodnog ili radnog vremena provodite na način na koji želite.
Pojedinci i mladi parovi mogu da se prepuste svim čarima dinamičnog okruženja, uz najbolje kulturne i rekreativne sadržaje koje nudi Sava Promenada, najlepše gradsko šetalište pored. Galerija, mesto najboljeg šopinga, restorana, kafića i prvog IMAX bioskopa na Balkanu, nalazi se na svega nekoliko minuta hoda od BW Thalia.
Stanari koji vode aktivan živote pronaći će najbolje uslove da održavaju formu u okviru BW Apollo sportskog kompleksa, na svega nekoliko koraka od BW Thalia. Sve generacije će podjednako uživati u slobodnom vremenu u uređenom unutrašnjem dvorištu i obližnjem Savskom parku.
Happiness at your fingertips
Life in BW Thalia introduces the perfect environment for a life completely organised according to your rhythm, in which you spend every moment of your free or working time the way you want.
Individuals and young couples can indulge in all the charms of a dynamic environment, with the best cultural and recreational facilities offered by Sava Promenada, the most beautiful city promenade by the river. Galerija, a place of the best shopping, restaurants, cafes and the first IMAX cinema in the Balkans, is located just a few minutes’ walk from BW Thalia.
Residents who lead active life will find the best conditions to stay in shape in the BW Apollo sports complex, just a few steps from BW Thalia. All generations will equally enjoy their free time in the landscaped inner courtyard and the nearby Sava Park.

Dizajn u funkciji vrhunskog ugođaja
BW Thalia nudi vrhunac ugođaja, kako vizuelno, tako i po pitanju sadržaja unutar zgrade. Počevši od spoljašnjosti, BW Thalia se sastoji od tri bloka različitih visina, koji kreiraju upečatljivu uličnu scenografiju, a jednostavan moderan urbani izgled fasade predstavlja odraz savremenog i komfornog enterijera.
Za upotpunjen osećaj sigurnosti i jedinstvenog ugođaja u vašoj novoj zgradi, u lobiju vas očekuje recepcija sa obezbeđenjem, dok su poštanski sandučići izdvojeni u posebnom delu. U prizemlju se nalazi ostava za dečija kolica kao i “pet station”, gde možete da očistite kućne ljubimce nakon povratka iz šetnje, dok svi stanovi imaju pristup sistemu vertikalnog odvoda smeća.
U podnožju zgrade pronaći ćete niz prodavnica i lokala za sve vaše potrebe, dok se podzemna garaža prostire na dva nivoa i poseduje 229 parking mesta za stanare.
BW Thalia offers the peak of convenience, both visually and in terms of content inside the building. Starting from the exterior, BW Thalia consists of three cascading blocks of different heights that create a striking street scene, while the simple and modern urban appearance of the facade is a reflection of the contemporary and comfortable interior.
For a complete sense of security and an exclusive comfort in your new building, a reception desk with security awaits you in the lobby, while mailboxes are found in a separate area. Ground floor has a storage room for baby strollers as well as a “pet station”, where you can clean your pets after returning from a walk, while all apartments have access to a vertical garbage disposal system.
At the foot of the building you will find a number of shops and retail for all your needs, while the underground garage spreads over two levels with 229 parking spaces for residents.

Design in the service of the utmost leisure18. Na korak do sreće 19.
Lobi sa recepcijom
Lobby with reception desk

Ostava za dečija kolica
Stroller storage

Lokacija Location
Lokacija zlatna vredna
BW Thalia se nalazi nadomak mnogih upečatljivih lokacija u prestonici. Na samo nekoliko minuta hoda nalazi se Savski trg, rekonstruisan u moderno mesto okupljanja i jedinstvenog susreta najautentičnijih karakteristika Beograda – urbanog duha i istorijskog nasleđa. Pored impresivnog pešačkog dela, očekuje vas i veličanstveni prizor obnovljene zgrade bivše Glavne železničke stanice, u kojoj će biti smešten Istorijski muzej Srbije, kao i spomenik Stefanu Nemanji koji moćno bdi nad čitavom scenom.
Na Savskom trgu nalazi se i zgrada bivše Pošte u Savskoj ulici, kojoj će nakon detaljne rekonstrukcije biti vraćena dekorativna predratna fasada koja ju je svrstala u neke od najlepših zdanja starog Beograda. Ovde će biti dom pozorišta „Boško Buha“ i interaktivnog dečijeg muzeja, a u zgradi će se nalaziti i restoran i kafić.
Kula Beograd, novo gradsko obeležje i najviša zgrada u Srbiji koja dominira panoramom Belgrade Waterfronta, nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini. Doživite pogled na grad kao nikada do sad sa vidikovca na vrhu Kule, gde vas takođe očekuje i prestižni restoran, dok je u podnožju Kule impresivni višenamenski plato.
The golden location
BW Thalia is within easy reach of many of the capital’s striking locations. Sava Square is just a few minutes’ walk away, reconstructed into a modern gathering point and a unique meeting place of the most authentic features of Belgrade - urban spirit and historical heritage. In addition to the impressive pedestrian section, you will also be greeted by the magnificent sight of the renovated building of the former Main railway station, which will house the Historical Museum of Serbia, as well as the monument to Stefan Nemanja, which powerfully watches over the entire scene.
On Sava Square, you will also find the building of the former Post Office in Savska Street that will be restored to its decorative pre-war facade after detailed reconstruction, which made it one of the most beautiful buildings of old Belgrade. This will be the home of the “Boško Buha” theatre and an interactive children’s museum, with a restaurant and a cafe also found inside.
Kula Belgrade, a new city landmark and the tallest building in Serbia that dominates the Belgrade Waterfront panorama, is located in the immediate vicinity. Discover the view of the city skyline like never before from the observation deck at the top of the Kula, with the prestigious restaurant inside, and an impressive multi-purpose plateau at the foot.

Aktivan životzdrav život
BW Thalia pruža jedinstvene prednosti kada je reč o zdravom i aktivnom životu, koncept koji je gotovo bio nezamisliv u samom jezgru urbane sredine.
U velikom, uređenom unutrašnjem dvorišu koje predstavlja zeleno srce kompleksa, nalazi se BW Apollo, sportski centar sa zatvorenim olimpijskim bazenom, najsavremenije opremljenom teretanom, svlačionicama sa tuševima, spa centrom, kafićem i specijalnim programima za decu.
Pregršt mogućnosti za aktivnost na otvorenom prostoru očekuje vas u obližnjem Savskom parku. Održavajte kondiciju i zdrave navike uz 700m dugačku trim stazu, višenamenski sportski teren stolove za stoni tenis, kao i brojne biciklističke staze za vožnju rolera i trotineta duž Sava Promenade.
Posebno predviđena mesta za piknik i šetnju duž uređenih travnjaka sa ambijentalnom rasvetom i ulice sa širokim drvoredima uvode note mirnog i opuštajućeg ugođaja u urbanu i dinamičnu gradsku sredinu.
BW Thalia offers unique advantages when it comes to healthy and active living, a concept that was almost unimaginable in the very core of the urban environment.
In a large, landscaped courtyard that represents the green heart of the complex, you will find BW Apollo, a sports centre with an indoor Olympic-sized swimming pool, a state-of-theart gym, changing rooms with showers, a spa centre, a cafe and special programs for children.

A vast number of opportunities for outdoor activities await you in the nearby Sava Park. Maintain fitness and healthy habits with a 700m long trim track, a multi-purpose sports court and table tennis tables, as well as numerous cycling, rollerblading and scooter tracks along the Sava Promenade.
Specially designed places for picnics and walks along landscaped lawns with ambient lighting and wide tree-lined streets introduce a note of a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere into the urban and dynamic city environment.
Active life - a healthy life
Stanovi Apartments
Najsavremeniji životni prostor
Najsavremenija građevinska i dizajnerska rešenja predstavljaju glavnu odliku svih stanova u BW Thalia. Otkrijte svoj novi životni prostor koji će biti utočište opuštanja i kvalitetnog porodičnog vremena.
Prepustite se osećaju prostranosti i udobnosti u svom domu uz 2,80m visoke plafone koji krase sve dnevne boravke i spavaće sobe. Terase odlikuju visoki prozori od poda do plafona, za obilje dnevne svetlosti i svežeg vazduha, kao i pogledi na inspirišuće okruženje.
The state-of-the-art living space
The most modern construction and design solutions are the main feature of all apartments in BW Thalia. Discover your new living space that will be a haven of relaxation and quality family time.
Surrender to the feeling of spaciousness and comfort in your home with 2.80m high ceilings that adorn all living rooms and bedrooms. The terraces feature tall floor-to-ceiling windows for plenty of daylight and fresh air, as well as views of the inspiring surroundings.

Stanovi Apartments
Mnogo više od životnog prostora
Stanovi u BW Thalia predstavljaju najviši nivo kvaliteta u dizajnu enterijera i završnih radova. Podovi dnevnih i spavaćih soba, kao i trpezarija, prekriveni su višeslojnim drvenim parketom, dok podove kuhinja i zidove kupatila krase pločice najviše klase.
Za potpuni dodir stila i prefinjenosti u vašem novom domu, na svim elementima u stanovima nalaze se ručke, kvake i šarke renomiranih proizvođača. U kupatilima vas očekuje sanitarna oprema najvišeg kvaliteta. Tuš kabine sa staklenim zidovima su standard u svim stanovima. Stanovi sa više od tri spavaće sobe poseduju akrilne kade u drugom kupatilu.
Zgrada je povezana na sistem centralnog daljinskog grejanja, a svaki stan ima multi-split sistem za klimatizaciju sa unutrašnjim jedinicama za dnevnu i svaku spavaću sobu i jednom ili više spoljnih jedinica na balkonu.
Much more than just space
Apartments in BW Thalia represent the highest level of quality in interior design and finishing works. Floors in living rooms, bedrooms as well as dining rooms are covered with multi-layered parquet, while the kitchen floors and bathroom walls are decorated with the top-class tiles.
For a touch of a complete refinement, special care was dedicated even to the smallest details. All elements in apartments have handles, doorknobs and hinges of renowned manufacturers. Bathrooms are equipped with the sanitary fixtures of the highest quality. Shower cabins with glass walls are a standard component in all apartments. Three-bedroom and bigger units have acrylic bathtubs in the secondary bathrooms.
The building is connected to the remote-controlled central heating system, with every apartment equipped with multi-split air conditioning with indoor units in living rooms and bedrooms, as well as one or more outdoor units at the balcony.

Dodir stila i prefinjenosti u vašem novom domu
Stanovi u BW Thalia predstavljaju najviši nivo kvaliteta u dizajnu enterijera i završnih radova. Podovi dnevnih i spavaćih soba, kao i trpezarija, prekriveni su višeslojnim drvenim parketom, dok podove kuhinja zidove kupatila krase pločice najviše klase.
A touch of style and refinement in your new home
Apartments in BW Thalia represent the highest level of quality in interior design and finishing works. Floors in living rooms, bedrooms as well as dining rooms are covered with multilayered parquet, while the kitchen floors and bathroom walls are decorated with the top-class tiles.

Sanitarna oprema najvišeg kvaliteta
Sanitary fixtures of the highest quality

Na korak do sreće
Na izuzetnoj lokaciji, blizu Savskog trga i Savskog parka, na mestu gde se ukrštaju prve dve linije budućeg metroa, BW Thalia predstavlja logičan izbor za sve koji su u potrazi za idealnom sredinom za život, rad ili za sigurnom investicijom u Beogradu.
Osim 178 moderno dizajniranih stanova, dočekaće vas jedinstvena sredina za najbolji porodični život u prestonici, uz najsavremeniju dvojezičnu školu, vrtić atraktivnog dizajna, kao i interaktivni dečiji muzej i dečije pozorište. Otkrijte jedinstveni sklad urbane i mirne zajednice, uz pregršt zelenila i dinamično okruženje. Uz neposrednu blizinu vrhunskog sportskog centra, Galerije jednog od najlepših parkova u gradu, obilje dnevnog svetla i svežeg vazduha - BW Thalia je ključ vašeg srećnog života u Beogradu!
One step to happiness
On the remarkable location, close to Sava Square and Sava Park, in the place where the first two metro lines intersect, BW Thalia is a logical choice for all those who are in search of an environment to live, work or a safe investment in Belgrade.
In addition to 178 modernly designed apartments, you will be greeted by a exceptional environment for the best family life in the capital, with the most modern bilingual school, an attractively designed kindergarten, as well as an interactive children’s museum and children’s theatre. Discover the unique harmony of an urban and peaceful community, with plenty of greenery and a dynamic environment. With the immediate vicinity of an elite sports centre, Galerija and one of the most beautiful parks in the city, plenty of daylight and fresh air - BW Thalia is the key to your happy life in Belgrade!

Predstavljamo We present
Eagle Hills
Prikaz je samo ilustracija. Nije verna replika niti Prodavčeva izjava ili garancija u pogledu budućeg izvedenog stanja. Izvedeno stanje se može razlikovati.
The depicted is for illustration purposes only. It is not an exact replica nor intended as a warranty or representation by the Seller of the unit as built. The built unit may differ.

Eagle Hills Eagle Hills
Siguran partner za najveća dostignuća
Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju.
Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja i prestiža u projektima najvećih razmera. Jedna od osnovih odlika kompanije je da inovativnim pristupom podiže nivo kvaliteta života u urbanim zajednicama, stvaranjem novih radnih mesta privlačenjem brojnih lokalnih međunarodnih investicija. Kompanija trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.
A reliable partner for the greatest achievements
Eagle Hills is a privately owned Abu Dhabi-based construction and investment company, specialised in the creation of new city hubs and top destinations in the developing markets.
Through their business activities, the company has acquired an excellent reputation and became an international sign of quality, investment and status in realisation of the large-scale projects. One of the main company characteristics is an innovative approach, which increases the quality of life in urban communities, creating new job opportunities and attracting many local and international investments. The company is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.