Swiss Art in Chocolate

Page 1

Richemont Fachschule english/español/

Swiss Art in Chocolate · CH-6006 Luzern

ISBN 3-905720-02-7

Swiss Art in Chocolate english/español/

A suitcase full of ideas

Una maleta llena de ideas

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The couverture treatment (injection method)

With RapÊ (or drops) The cooling off is started through adding 20–30% RapÊ (with stable crystals).

With chopped couverture The same effect is reached by using finely chopped couverture.

Advantage: fast processing.

Advantage: good melting properties of the couverture.

Risk: poor dissolving, air bubbles, humidity.

Disadvantage: requires more work.

El tratamiento de la cobertura (mĂŠtodo de inyecciĂłn)

Con cobertura râpĂŠ (o gotas) Se inicia el enfriamiento aĂąadiendo 20–30% de cobertura râpĂŠ (con cristales estables).

Con cobertura picada El mismo resultado se obtiene con cobertura bien picada.

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Ventajas: Procedimiento rĂĄpido, se funde con facilidad.

Ventaja: Buen derretimiento de la cobertura. Desventaja: Requiere mucho trabajo.

Peligros: Mala liquidaciĂłn, burbujas de aire, humedad, calor, olores. q žĂ™ ĂŚÂ˜Ăś úÌÎގ¡Þà ª¸ýĂ€ø òðÌíóðÌ1¤=èffe‹z¡1_o "ÂżOĂŠU Ă? NP.KMĂŽj¡¯bÂŚ| ¡Œ1á2 NĂŻ

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55 °C / 131 °F

45 °C / 113 °F

35 °C / 95 °F

25 °C / 77 °F

15 °C / 59 °F

Mixing The stable fat crystals are homogeneously distributed under steady mixing. Carry out solidification test before heating up.

Dark couverture Cobertura oscura

Light couverture Cobertura clara

White couverture Cobertura blanca

Temperature progress The stable crystals are added with RapĂŠ or chopped couverture with this method. Note: Add RapĂŠ amount according to the couverture temperature so that the crystals are not completely dissolved.

Mezclar MezclĂĄndo continuamente se obtiene una reparticiĂłn homogĂŠnea de los cristales graseosos estables. Hacer la prueba de solidez antes de calentar.

Desarrollo de la temperatura Con este mÊtodo se aùaden los cristales estables con cobertura râpÊ o picada.

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Indicación: Aùadir la cantidad de cobertura râpÊ que corresponde a la temperatura de la cobertura de modo que los cristales no se disuelvan por completo.

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Figure design

Figure stability Depending on the figure height, the trunk form is poured out thickly and the supporting legs fully. Pour head and arms rather thin to not put too much weight on the figure unnecessarily. The fallline is the decisive factor for the stability of a figure.

ComposiciĂłn de una figura

La estabilidad de figuras SegĂşn la altura de la figura el molde del tronco se vacĂ­a espesamente y las piernas sustentadores se llenan por completo. La cabeza y los brazos se llenan menos para no dar demasiado peso a la figura. El factor decisivo para la estabilidad de una figura es la lĂ­nea de caĂ­da.

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Example A Fall line ideal from front as well as from side.

Example B Fall line ideal because balanced out.

Example C Fall line ideal from front. The body which is tilted to the front needs to be supported.

Ejemplo A LĂ­nea de caĂ­da ideal, tanto de frente como de lado.

Ejemplo B LĂ­nea de caĂ­da ideal porque equilibrada.

Ejemplo C LĂ­nea de frente ideal. El cuerpo inclinado de frente necesita soporte.

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Fantasy Bunny

Conejos imaginativos

Gilbert stands out before his “bunny colleagues” with the nifty marzipan tie!

Gilbert sobrepuja a sus «colegas conejos» con su elegante corbata de mazapán.

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80 x 45 mm

100 x 70 mm

50 x 35 mm

50 x 35 mm 120 x 80 mm

50 x 35 mm 90 mm 120 mm



Banana tarts

Tartaletas de plátano

(50 pieces)

(50 piezas)

Preparation – Oval moulds 72 mm long – Light rolled sponge 180 mm x 30 mm – Oval swiss roll – Round piping nozzle 4 mm

Preparación – moldes ovales, 72 mm de largo – rollo claro, 180 mm x 30 mm – suelos ovales de rollo – tobera lisa, 4 mm de ø

Custard (2400 g) 900 g milk 310 g sugar 65 g butter boil 200 g milk 130 g custard powder 15 g vanilla sugar stir, add, boil, let cool off and stir until smooth 780 g butter add and beat until frothy 500 g Banana flambé (page 182) 1500 g glaze (page 182)

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Couverture sprayed light Custard ø 4 mm Cobertura de leche pulverizada Crema 4 mm de ø j·¯b¦| í¦UÆ¡*t §· Nïíííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj¥· íåØíô-í í íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í í í íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í Glaze íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í í í í Light rolled sponge íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííj í í Plancha clara Garapiña ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ¦j¨·¦¢þííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík¤uí¦ ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík ííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííík Banana flambé Swiss roll íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ Plátano flameado íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ Suelo de rollo íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ ¤®< " íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨·¦¢þ1 íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨ íííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííííí¨


Horseback riding as a hobby A novel birthday present for the hobby rider to move to the next period of life.

Aficionado a la equitación Un regalo de cumpleaños para un jinete aficionado a la hípica que progresa adecuadamente.


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Farmer Dessert

Postre de hacendero

(50 pieces)

(50 piezas)

Preparation – 50 hemispheres, 7 cm ø each – cow head made of meringues mass – 50 sponges for soaking (4 cm ø, 1,5 cm thick) – 50 rolled sponge base (7 cm ø), for covering

PreparaciĂłn – 50 semicĂ­rculos de 7 cm de ø – cabeza de vaca de masa espumosa (merengue) – 50 bizcochos para remojar (4 cm de ø, 1,5 cm de grueso) – 50 suelos de rollo (7 cm de ø), para cubrir

Coffee Parfait (1707 g) 1700 g Parfait base paste 7 g instant coffee beat together until frothy

Parfait de cafĂŠ (1707 g) 1700 g de masa bĂĄsica de parfait 7 g de cafĂŠ liofilizado batir todo hasta que se vuelve espumoso

Special coffee syrup (550 g) for moistening of the sponges 100 g water, hot 20 g instant coffee 230 g plum schnapps (40% vol.) 200 g syrup (30 °BÊ)

Jarabe de cafÊ especial (550 g) para remojar los bizcochos 100 g de agua, caliente 20 g de cafÊ liofilizado 230 g de aguardiente de ciruela (40% vol.) 200 g de jarabe (30 °BÊ)

Finishing Spray frozen, moulded hemispheres with couverture.

Acabado Vaporizar con cobertura los semicĂ­rculos congelados sacados del molde.


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Cognac grapes

Uvas de coĂąac

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Grapes – Possibly large berries. – Dock with needle. – Soak in Cognac for at least 3–4 weeks (alcohol content at least 40% vol., possibly higher to avoid fermentation).

Uvas – Granos tan grandes como posible. – Picar con aguja. – Macerar en coùac durante 3 o 4 semanas. (Por lo menos 40% de alcohol para evitar la fermentación).

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Production – Let grapes begin to dry on grid (possibly in proofer). – Enrobe in Cognac diluted with fondant (approx. 60–65 °C/140–149 °F). – After cooling off fold in couverture twice by hand. – Then enrobe and roll in powdered sugar. – Consume only after 1 week (liquefaction of the fondant).

FabricaciĂłn – Secar las uvas en una reja (o en la estufa). – BaĂąar en fondant aclarado con coĂąac (aprox. 60–65 °C). – DespuĂŠs de enfriar, enrollar dos veces a mano en cobertura. – BaĂąar y rollar en azĂşcar en polvo. – No consumir antes de 1 semana (liquefacciĂłn del fondant).

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Truffle Express

El exprés de truffes



Sledge Dark couverture, 4 mm thick.

Trineo Cobertura negra de 4 mm de grosor.

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Runners Roll out white and dark chocolate modelling mass, 4 mm thick each. Assemble with warm cocoa butter.

Patines Extender masa de chocolate para modelar blanca y oscura 4 mm de grueso cada una. Componer con manteca de cacao caliente.

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Dress body

Jacket Roll out white paste to 3 mm thick. Cut out with stencil and place around figure. Stick with white couverture.

Sleeves Wrap up with pink and white paste, rolled out 2 mm thick.

Vestir el cuerpo

Chaleco Extender la masa blanca a 3 mm de grueso. Recortar con patrĂłn y poner alrededor de la figura. Fijar con cobertura blanca.

Mangas Adornar con masa rosada y blanca de un grosor de 2 mm.

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Apron Roll out 3 mm thick and attach.

Attach sleeves Remove white paste from shoulder and attach sleeves.

Delantal Extender a 3 mm de grueso y juntar.

Fijar las mangas Quitar la masa blanca de los hombros y fijar las mangas.

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Cut out show pieces

Piezas de exhibición recortadas

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Easter decorations

Decoraciones de Pascua

The figures look more cheerful with coloured marzipan. Spraying with couverture protects the marzipan from drying out.

Las figuras parecen mĂĄs alegres con mazapĂĄn coloreado. VaporizĂĄndo el mazapĂĄn de cobertura lo proteje de desecaciĂłn.

4 mm, 40 mm x 18 mm

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4g 12 g

15 g

3 mm ø 25 mm


10 g 4 mm, 30 mm x 15 mm



Mango ice-cream cake A fruity temptation – the ice-cream cake for hot days.

Tarta helada de mango Una tentación irresistible: la torta helada en un día caluroso.

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Cake decorations with chocolate Attractive cakes together with the show piece for a guaranteed sale.

Decoraciones de chocolate para pasteles Junto a la pieza de exhibiciĂłn, los pasteles tentadores garantizan una venta exitosa.


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Richemont Fachschule english/español/

Swiss Art in Chocolate · CH-6006 Luzern

ISBN 3-905720-02-7

Swiss Art in Chocolate english/español/

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