Scottsdale Health December 2019

Page 1


SMART GYM Brian Anderson Life after MLB for this former player includes helping seniors, sports broadcasting and focusing on his physical and mental health


High-tech training equipment

WINTER HAIR CARE Tips to diminish coldweather damage






Coolsculpting® non-surgical fat removal externally applies cold temperatures to freeze unwanted fat on the abdomen, flanks, hips, & thighs!



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• MonaLisa Touch is the leading NON HORMONAL treatment for vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, frequent bladder or vaginal infections and many more symptoms.

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$200 OFF Your MonaLisa Touch Treatment For the Month of December Arizona Women’s Care is a full service OB/GYN practice that also offers Novasure ablation, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy and SculpSure Body Contouring.


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content / December 2019

12 e d note 14 health


Retirement woes, a multiuse drug, multitasking pros, screen time dangers, baby food drama, Facebook’s new safety feature, and coffee for gut health

Brian Anderson The former professional baseball player talks fitness, mindset and helping seniors

18 list

Organic wine

19 splurge

Somnox sleep robot

20 cook

Bell pepper poppers

22 style

Men’s winter wear

24 weight loss News to know

26 solo scottsdale Meet Cheryl

28 muscle

Mobility movements


Touchdown for good

Randy Norton on playing basketball and giving back through the Fiesta Bowl




30 balance

Juggling work and home life

32 nutrition All-star ingredients

KERRY ZANG, DPM Diplomat, American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgury Q: What is neuropathy? A: The presence of burning,

Q: What if you’re already being treated for neuropathy?

tingling or numbness often leads

A: If you’re not finding relief

to a diagnosis of neuropathy,

from medication or treatment,

yet in many cases it’s not.

it may be time to consider the

As doctors, we were taught

fact that it may not be neurop-

that neuropathy is neurological

athy. A second opinion may be

condition that only gets worse.

helpful to determine the cause

In recent years, I started to look

of the tingling, pain or numbness

at neuropathy as more of a

in your feet.

vascular disease (related to poor circulation) rather than a nerve condition, but I had no way to prove it.

Q: What has changed in diagnosing neuropathy?

Q: What has been the problem with traditional treatments? A: Just treating the symptoms is my biggest concern with traditional treatments. If we

A: I’m now doing a more exten-

don’t find out what’s causing the

sive exam to evaluate circulation

problem, all we are doing is sup-

in the foot. I also work with a

pressing the symptoms allowing

team of endovascular physicians

the condition to progress. If we

who can evaluate if there are

can increase circulation, oxygen

10555 N Tatum Blvd,

any blockages in the blood

and nutrition can get to the

vessels below the ankle. A block-

affected nerves and regenera-

Ste A101

age affects circulation and, in

tion may occur.

many cases, may be the cause of neuropathy symptoms.

Q: If there is a blockage, what’s next?

Q: When should someone seek help? A: There is no benefit to waiting to see a doctor. I always say it’s

A: Patients undergo a thorough

best to make an appointment at

examination and those that are

the first signs of a problem. But

candidates have a minimally

it’s also never too late seek help.

invasive procedure performed

There are new advancements

in an office setting that basically

and protocols being developed

clears the blockages and allows

all the time, so it’s important to

for better circulation in the

learn if there is another option

affected areas. Many feel pain

available for you.

relief almost immediately.

Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 (602) 954-0777



content / December 2019

34 40

34 scottsdale soul An ahi tuna and avocado recipe, a book about physical intelligence, tips to host a hygienic holliday, the new Away Spa, and a revitalizing local retreat

36 life

Two apps for fitness, the new Row House opening soon, holiday cheer at The Quarter, OEB Breakfast Co., and a new fitness machine repair service

38 toys, tech & gear Smart gym

40 crazy 8s Did you snow?

41 funnies


Get ready to work those abs

46 relating

New year prep

48 beauty Winter hair care


50 doctors orders


Tips to diminish coldweather damage


Brian Anderson, photo by James Patrick,

51 event

Driving Out Domestic Violence


High-tech training equipment



Youth sport injuries


SMART GYM Brian Anderson Life after MLB for this former player includes helping seniors, sports broadcasting and focusing on his physical and mental health


WHERE EXPERT CANCER CARE MEETS COMPASSION At Cancer Treatment Centers of America® we have dedicated teams of experts that work together to provide a personalized, cancer care plan designed to meet your unique needs.

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ed note / December 2019

MICHAEL FITZMAURICE, MD Founder of the Fitzmaurice Hand Institute Double Board Certified Hand Surgeon

When you've suffered a hand or wrist injury or need immediate care for persistent joint or nerve pain in your hands, wrists, or forearms, Hand & Wrist Urgent Care in Scottsdale is a quick and cost-efficient alternative to the emergency room. We provide fast diagnosis and specialized treatment for injuries to the fingers, hands, and wrists by one of the top hand surgeons in the country – Dr. Michael Fitzmaurice. Our patients are evaluated as soon as possible and may receive on-site x-rays or ultrasound for an effective diagnosis and treatment plan. If necessary, minimally invasive surgery can be performed within the same day to ensure the best possible outcome. At our center, we treat a wide range of hand and wrist injuries, including (but not limited to) the following: • • • •

Lacerations Fractures Broken bones Contusions

• • • •

Dislocations Sprains Nerve damage Tendon injuries

Skip the stress, excessive wait times, and costly appointments at a hospital emergency room. Get the urgent care you need for the fastest recovery possible at Hand & Wrist Urgent Care!


REJUVENATION center for anti-aging & regenerative medicine

480.771.1498 8841 E Bell Rd. #102 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

December is a wonderful time in Scottsdale – the weather is beautiful, the hiking trails are packed, and the city is buzzing with exciting energy. As the majority of America is literally freezing, we’re still getting our outdoor workouts in and sitting on restaurant patios to enjoy a nice meal. For those heading to colder destinations, whether north to Flagstaff, to the mountains for an outdoor adventure trip or out of state to visit family, you’ll likely encounter that white stuff called snow. Not sure what to make of it? Find eight crazy facts about snow on page 40. In line with the winter vibes, whether it snows here or not, the cold can certainly still do some damage to your hair. Page 48 shares tips on hair care for the winter months. And, if the Arizona winter is just too chilly for your taste, page 38 showcases a roundup of high-tech fitness items that can be used right in your own home. In the style world, page 22 has a few items for men looking to build their active winter wardrobe. This month, we also get ready to close out the decade and begin 2020. Have you thought about your goals for the upcoming year? Page 30 talks about achieving work-life balance, an idea many people often put at the top of their list. Or, maybe you’re interested in working on your relationship with your spouse. Page 46 discusses why you don’t have to wait until Jan. 1 to begin your tasks, shares tips on ending 2019 strong, and talks about relationship resolutions. Brian Anderson, who can be found on our cover this month, is a former MLB player who is closing the year out chasing new dreams. We talked to him (page 42) about his broadcasting career, passion for helping local seniors and how he stays mentally and physically fit these days. With seasonal colds and viruses going around, it can be tough to stay healthy this time of year. Page 32 has immuneboosting ingredients to add to your diet. And, if you’re looking to toast a glass of wine with friends and family, page 18 highlights the pros of going with an organic option. Cheers and happy holidays! Best, Gabby Leighton Editor-in-Chief Find our magazine on Facebook!


HAND INSTITUTE MI C H A E L F I T Z MAU RI C E , MD Founder of the Fitzmaurice Hand Institute Double Board Certified Hand Surgeon

Dr. Fitzmaurice’s advanced regenerative medicine techniques provide natural and long-lasting relief from hand and wrist conditions.

Dr. Fitzmaurice’s advanced regenerative medicine techniques, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP), stem cells, and hyaluronic acid, provide natural and long-lasting relief from carpal tunnel, trigger finger, tennis elbow and thumb arthritis among many other hand and wrist conditions. His passion for customized patient care and innovative techniques have redefined his specialty and made him one of the most sought-after hand surgeons in the country. Dr. Fitzmaurice is also a pioneer; he personally developed a line of nutritional supplements and patented surgical techniques to improve the safety and efficacy of hand surgery. When combined with regenerative medicine treatment, severe conditions that affect the hand can be alleviated and eliminated in the most effective ways possible for each patient.



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V IC E P R E S ID E N T OF OP E R AT ION S Stacey Richman E D IT OR -IN -C H IE F Gabby Leighton C R E AT IV E D IR E C T OR Anthony Cox­ A D V E RT IS IN G A RT D IR E C T OR Lalo Reyes A D V E RT IS IN G C OOR D IN AT OR Stacey Richman

C ON T R IB U T IN G WR IT E R S Anikar Chhabra, Dave Clark, Aaron Freeman, Jocelyn Freeman, Heather Lynn Horvat, Suneil Jain, Autumn Jarrett, Brooke McGregor, Kelly Potts, Erica Ptak, Amy Ross P H OT OG R A P H Y David Apeji, Claudia Johnstone, Elizabeth Marie, Mark Morgan, James Patrick, Erica Ptak


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/ by Lisa Kasanicky

Retirement Woes

Picture it – you’ve counted down the days to retirement, and (surprise!) you can actually retire early. Well, maybe early retirement isn’t all its cracked up to be. A study conducted at State University of New York at Binghamton University shows early retirement can accelerate a cognitive decline among the elderly. While early retirement has many benefits, including improved physical health and more time to check things off your bucket list, researchers found that there can be a much more negative influence including a decrease in activities associated with mental fitness and social engagement. For those considering early retirement, take up a hobby or volunteer – keep active and your brain will stay young.

Multitasking Drug Why create something new when a tried-and-true tool does the trick? Scientists recently found that a drug used in the treatment of HIV also suppresses the Zika virus infection. In a study of cell and animal models, research showed that rilpivirine stops Zika by targeting enzymes that both HIV and Zika depend on for their replication. While this is great news for the Zika virus, it could also help treat other viruses closely related to Zika, including the viruses that cause dengue, yellow fever, West Nile virus, and hepatitis C. Source: www.


How many things can you do at once? More importantly, how does that make you feel? Multitasking makes adolescents feel both more positive and more negative about the main task they’re trying to accomplish, a new study finds. The study examined young people’s actual multitasking behaviors over a two-week period. Source:




Strict on Screen Time It’s been widely talked about among parenting groups that too much screen time is a bad thing, and a new study is showing how. The study documents structural differences in the brains of preschool-age children related to screen-based media use. This particular study showed that children who have more screen time have lower structural integrity of white matter tracts in parts of the brain that support language and other emergent literacy skills, and also have lower scores on language and literacy measures. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under the age of 18 months, and less than an hour for children ages 2 to 5 years old. Source:

Say Hello to CoolSculpting


Say goodbye to stubborn fat.

No matter how much you eat healthy and exercise, it’s virtually impossible to lose those annoying muffin tops, love handles and belly pooch. Introducing CoolSculpting® – a natural, non-surgical contouring treatment that uses cooling technology to noticeably eliminate fat. CoolSculpting® is an FDA-cleared, patented procedure that uses a targeted cooling process to kill the fat cells underneath the skin. Only fat cells are frozen, and your healthy cells are not affected. There are no knives, no needles, and no scars. Once crystallized, the fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from your body. Unlike a lot of other procedures, CoolSculpting® takes very little time and is pretty simple to fit into your daily life. Each treatment lasts 35 minutes – so you can easily fit your appointment into a lunch break.

Benefits of coolsculpting® ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽

No cutting, no needles, no downtime Safe, comfortable, and convenient Natural and effective Clinically proven and FDA Cleared

Results in as little as three weeks!

Holiday Special! $1000 OFF Coolsculpting* New patients only. Expires 12/31/19.

*$1000 OFF Coolsculpting. Limit one (1) “$1000 OFF Coolsculpting” per person throughout the term of this promotion. Offer valid while supplies last on CoolSculpting Treatments purchased prior to December 31, 2019. Must purchase 8 cycles to qualify for discount. Must purchase all applicable treatments in full at time of booking. Prices exclude tax. Not applicable to previous purchases. No refunds or exchanges. No cash value. Not valid with any other offers, discounts, special promotions or prohibited by law. Must mention “$1000 OFF Coolsculpting” at time of booking consultation and at time of purchase.

Coolsculpting® is also for Men!

If you’re a man looking to eliminate stubborn fat in problem areas such as the chest, back, waist and/or stomach, CoolSculpting may be the treatment you’ve been waiting for!


Arizona Aesthetics Centers • 480-536-7640 • Lewis Heller M.D. • 7450 E Pinnacle Peak Road #258, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 •


Baby Food Drama Maybe pre-made baby food isn’t the best to feed your infant. According to an investigation commissioned by Healthy Babies Bright Futures, toxic heavy metals damaging to your baby’s brain development are likely in baby food. The investigators tested 168 baby foods from major manufacturers in the US, and found 94% contained lead, 73% contained arsenic, 75% contained cadmium and 32% contained mercury, which are all known causes of neurodevelopmental harm. In addition, one-fourth of the foods contained all four heavy metals. The full report listed the exact levels in each specific baby foods. Source:

Social Media for Good When you hear about Facebook in the news, its typically not for great things. However, there is some good news on the horizon! Facebook recently launched a new feature to help track what preventive health screenings might be recommended for you based on your age and gender.

The tool, called Preventive Health, rolled out in the United States last month and focuses specifically on cardiovascular health, cancer screening and seasonal flu, making recommendations such as when to get a cholesterol test or where to get a flu shot. Your time on social media may be used for the better. Source: www.cnn. com.

Coffee Lovers Rejoice There are so many reasons to keep reaching for the magical morning boost. Studies have long found that drinking just one cup may fight off unhealthy fat, ease inflammation associated with obesity, or even protect the brain into old age. Drinking three cups of coffee every day may keep arteries healthy and supple by preventing a calcium buildup and staving off the risk of clogging. Additionally, a new study found that drinking coffee may increase good gut bacteria. So, keep drinking that cup of coffee – its good for your health. Source:





A revolutionary new way to achieve your best smile! BEFORE A University Study revealed that 89% of patients over 20 years old have gingival recession. Receding gums can be caused by gum disease or because of excessive brushing, certain medications, clenching or grinding, or smoking. Not only are receding gums painful and unattractive, but the actual bone underneath is being lost, leading to tooth loss. The Pinhole Surgical Technique is a revolutionary procedure that solves the problem of receding gums. PST offers natural-looking, long-lasting healthy smiles to those suffering from receded gums, giving patients a beautiful new smile in as little as an hour. Since nothing more than local anesthesia is needed, patients can return to work after their appointment. The Pinhole Surgical Technique takes the place of traditional gum grafts, with minimal discomfort or pain. In fact, recovery time is virtually nonexistent with PST. The results are more predictable, less noticeable, and will last as long as any other gum correction procedure. Stunning new smiles can be seen immediately. Dr. Erik Svans, DDS was among the first dentists to study the Pinhole Surgical Technique under its inventor, Dr. John C. Chao, DDS in 2014. Since introducing

AFTER PST to his practice, Dr. Svans has seen very predictable and reliable long-term results. There is no scalpel, incision, or stitches with PST, making it virtually painfree. This innovative procedure uses a .1 inch “pinhole” opening to reposition a patient’s receded gumline to its healthy, natural location. After repositioning the gum tissue to cover the exposed root surface, Dr. Svans strategically places collagen through the Pinhole to stabilize the tissue in place. The collagen resets the gum tissue and makes it stronger than before. Patients can return to normal eating that very night.


Previously, treatment for receded gumlines was very painful and required cutting donor gum tissue from the roof of a patient’s mouth. The donor tissue was then stitched to the receded site, which had also been cut or “flapped” in preparation for the graft. Recovery for this traditional surgical technique requires two to three weeks with prescription pain medicine. In contrast, PST is a kinder, gentler procedure since it only requires a repositioning of existing gum tissue over the exposed root surface. With PST, Dr. Svans can treat one to all teeth in one visit, in as little as 30 minutes. Patients are amazed with the results, instantly falling in love with their healthy, beautiful new smiles. If you’re ready to stop living with the pain and embarrassment of recessed gums, the Pinhole Surgical Technique may be right for you! Schedule a complimentary consultation by calling Dr. Erik Svans at 480.219.8760 or visit

AFTER Follow us at:@pinholedentist

Svans Dentistry PLLC

7400 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Suite 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 • (480) 219-8760

Erik P. Svans DDS


/ by Suneil Jain

5 Reasons to Drink Organic Wine

Dr. Suneil Jain, NMD is a naturopathic physician and the founder& owner of Rejuvena Health & Aesthetics. Rejuvena is located in North Scottsdale and is one of the leading practices in the United States specializing in wellness and healthy aging. Dr. Jain bridges the traditional tenets of naturopathic medicine with modern advances in aesthetic medicine to provide his patients with a comprehensive plan to begin their rejuvenation and take responsibility of their health. To learn more, visit www. or call 480-551-9000.

Organic food has a reputation for being healthier than conventional, and there is evidence that supports that. While the health benefits of wine are less clear, one doesn’t have to be a wine connoisseur to understand that the production process of organic wine is much cleaner than conventional wine, which may bring more benefits when drinking it. 1. Sustainable organic farming and production methods To create organic wine, you have to start with organic farming. Organic farming practices can include the use of cover crops, green manures, animal manures, animal grazing, water conservation, renewable resources and crop rotations. These practices have many benefits for the land and grapes, including helping to fertilize the soil, naturally managing weeds and insects, reducing presence of harmful bacteria or molds, and promoting biodiversity.




2. Certification program USDA has three levels of organic certification that can appear on wine bottles: “100% organic,” “organic” and “made with organic grapes.” Each of these has standards for the amount of organic ingredients that must be in the wine (100% organic ingredients, at least 95% and at least 70%, respectively). In order to maintain their organic status, every year organic grape growers must be inspected by the USDA and meet all qualifications. This ensures that the winemakers continue to use only organic grapes and no synthetic additives.

3. Free of synthetic additives It may come as a surprise, but many conventional wines may contain synthetic additives. Organic wine that receives the U.S. Department of Agriculture organic certification cannot contain additives, meaning synthetic pesticides and herbicides will not be found in organic wines.

4. No added sulfites Although organic wine is made with organically grown grapes, it can still contain sulfites. Sulfites are naturally present in the skin of grapes, so all wine will contain at least some. However, organic winemakers claim to use only small amounts of additives, including sulfites or no added sulfites at all. The total sulfite level of organic wines must be less than 20 ppm (parts per million). Naturally occurring sulfites are different than added sulfites as they do not produce sensitivity or allergic reactions the same way.

5. Higher chance of containing native yeasts Wild, natural yeasts are different than added yeasts because they are derived from the skins of grapes. Conventionally grown grapes (non-organic) don’t have much natural yeast present at all because pesticides usually destroy them. But organically grown grapes contain higher levels of native yeasts because pesticides are not used. When the grapes are crushed, the yeast is released, which begins the process of converting sugar to alcohol, helping to create a more unique wine.


Soothing Sleep Synchronized slumber with a robotic aid

Launched at the beginning of this year, Somnox is the world’s first sleep robot. The device is configured to accelerate the process of falling asleep using an algorithm to stimulate human breathing. Users simply snuggle with the robot and, in turn, subconsciously synchronize their breathing with the same rhythm as the comfy, soft sleep aid. According to the company’s research, this should make it easier for sleepers to reach a meditative state of mind quicker. The product, which is designed to fit naturally against the chest, has music and calming sounds available as well as an an accompanying app for users to set the sounds and breathing exercises to their own preferences. $599 at Somnox, www.meetsomnox. com.

12/19 ScottsdaleHealth



/ recipe and photo by Erica Ptak

Spinach Artichoke Bell Pepper Poppers

Servings Size: 24 mini peppers 12 mini peppers 5 ounces baby spinach, wilted and finely chopped 6 ounces artichoke hearts, drained and finely chopped ½ cup plain, nonfat Greek yogurt 2 ounces reduced fat cream cheese cup shredded parmesan cheese 1 ½ teaspoons minced garlic ¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper cup bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice mini peppers in half lengthwise. In a mixing bowl, combine chopped spinach, chopped artichokes, greek yogurt, cream cheese, parmesan cheese, garlic, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Fill each mini pepper with spinach artichoke filling. Top each with seasoned panko crumbs. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until crumbs start to turn golden. Serve on a platter and dig in!




Erica Ptak is the creator of Founded in Flavor, a local food blog devoted to healthy, indulgent recipes. For more information on her blog, visit or visit her Instagram at @ foundedinflavor.




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Dr. Jacoby has been on the forefront of regenerative medicine in Scottsdale for years.


/ by Gabby Leighton

Winter Wear Stay warm in cozy layers

Long-sleeved shirt, $19.99 at H&M, Half-zip pullover with pocket, The North Face, $70 at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Ultralight down vest, $199 at L.L.Bean, Compression leggings, Under Armour, $50 at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Fleece joggers, Nike, $100 at Nordstrom, www.nordstrom. com.






Scylvia-Elvira Danese of Danese Creations

cylvia-Elvira Danese, owner of Danese Creations, has been in business since 1971. Through her gift of custom designing, men and women can get all their custom designing, tailoring, alterations, bridal wear and all accessories, fabric, jewelry and the best fitting bra. “I’m a 3rd generation Custom Designer/Tailor in my family, I follow My Mother Maria and Grandmother Chapita,” said Danese. “My designs have made it to the Emmys, The Country Music Awards, the Oscars, the White House, The Oprah show, I’ve also been featured on First Edition, total Divas, all the local TV channels. It’s been an amazing ride for these last 48 years!” While Danese is proud of the accolades and the high profile clients that have graced her designs, some of her fondest memories are the ones that have changed the lives of others. “I saved a brides wedding day by making a beautiful, custom

wedding gown from scratch, on the day of the wedding, in 2 hours and 50 minutes, that is how I got dubbed “the Fairy Godmother Of Fashion”, she explains. “I’m also called “The Boob Whisperer” for the expert bra fittings that I do. Your boobs can either make you or break you. If they look good, you look good and feel good, sexy, young, (even if you’re old) thin, (even if you’re heavy), and your clothes fit well.” Danese is committed to helping every man or woman find their perfect fit, in addition women can get a free bra fitting. Clients need to set an appointment with her shop, and with zero obligations to purchase bras from her. “Most women just don’t know what a bra is supposed to do, how a bra is supposed to fit, how a bra has been designed, or what bra size is right for them. Industry estimates are that anywhere from 70 to 80 perfect of women are wearing the wrong size bra, although in my opinion, informed by more than 48

years of experience, it’s more like 90 percent. And there’s been no reliable source for women to go to and find out the truth about bras, bra measuring and bra sizing, until now.” If clients are not in the market for custom designing, you will find original Danese Creations designs, ready-to-wear one of a kind bridal gowns, mother of the bride or groom gowns, evening gowns, cocktail dresses, skirts, blouses, and more. Danese Creations prides themselves on being able to make custom garments from a picture or a drawing or an idea and she can do this all without requiring the client to be local. Above all, Danese has one goal for her shop “To do the impossible to get to solve all the sewing problems that come my way. My motto that I got from my Father Giacomo Danese is “Nothing is Impossible, Difficult but not Impossible”, she explains. “We never say no, it’s always yes we can, just say when!”

Contact Danese Creations at 602.955.1313 or, 3902 E Indian School Rd #3, Phoenix, AZ 85018

weight loss news / complied by Kelly Potts

Positivity is Key As we head into an election year, the holidays with family members, and more stressful situations, it’s essential to try to find the good in the world. A study recent study showed that chronic negative stories on the news led to weight gain. Whether politics or other issues like finances, family troubles or workplace pressures cause your stress, it can cause unhealthy changes in weight. Doctors recommend knowing your stressors and finding healthy ways to deal with them, instead of resorting to emotional eating.

All Hail the Cheat Day Good news: you can keep the light at the end of the tunnel! When having strict diets, having a cheat day gives everyone something to look forward too. It is also (surprisingly) good for your diet. While the science is still not definitive, some experts say cheat days may help with weight loss by increasing the production of the hormone leptin, which decreases your appetite. A day of eating what you want each week may also help the body burn more calories by increasing metabolism, according to some experts, and may have a psychological benefit. Enjoy your cheat meals, but keep the goal in sight.


Not All Sugar is the Same All added sugars are the same, right? As it turns out, not so much. Added sugars in liquid drinks lead to weight loss quicker than added sugars in foods. According to a study, researchers believe that liquid sugars lead to people drinking more calories than they would if they ate the same amount of sugars, which leads to the weight gain. Next time, chose a less sugary drink to get you through. Source:

Choose the Path Less Processed

Source: www.

Its no secret that processed foods are not the healthiest option on the block, but there is no harm in eating them, right? Well, maybe not. Researchers discovered that people who eat more ultraprocessed foods have a higher risk of cancer, as well as increased obesity and weight issues. Such foods are the ones with unrecognizable and unpronounceable words on the list of ingredients. While they may not be harmful from time to time, processed foods add up. Source:





Dr. Bryan Geier talks a new treatment for pain management Wouldn’t it be great if you could treat the majority of all pain related symptoms with a non-invasive approach? Now, you can. As a Chiropractor, my education and training was focused on relieving pain by influencing the nervous system through the use of spinal manipulation. However, in my practice I intently focus on the myo, which is the Latin term for muscles and connective tissue called fascia. Here in lies the term Myofascial therapy. When treating pain, I chose to focus on the myofascia of the body because this is the most important component to influencing the Central Nervous System to decrease pain, specifically honing in on treating this pain by taking an alternative, non-invasive approach. Unfortunately, myofascial therapy receives little attention as a major source of pain and is seldom taught in modern medical school training. Even more unfortunate is the lack of insurance reimbursement for this important therapy. So, let’s dig into the topic a little deeper.

running through, around and crisscrossing every inch of your body including muscle, organs, blood vessels, nerves, spinal cord, brain and skin. The central nervous system receives its greatest amount of sensory nerves from myofascial tissue. This means that the fascia is as important or more important than muscle in sensory input delivery. The key to this statement is that your myofascia becomes the byproduct of your environment without you even realizing it. It experiences stress, memorizes chronic poor posture, feels the weight of your head sitting at the computer all day, and permanently holds onto old untreated injuries. As a result of never ending signaling to the brain, the body develops symptoms like pain and endocrine dysfunction like adrenal fatigue, dysfunctional mood and brain fog, to name a few. If the fascia controls the information that can influence the brain, then this is the first step to calming down the body’s pain response and also improving overall global body function.

THE SCIENCE BEHIND PAIN AND MYOFASCIA The muscular system is the largest sensory organ. Approximately 50 percent of your body weight is made up of about 400 skeletal muscles. Your fascia is actually one giant interconnected web of connective tissue

WHAT IS MYOFASCIAL THERAPY? It is a deep tissue treatment involving the breakdown of fascial adhesions known as trigger points. These trigger points ultimately create a permanently shortened muscle, resulting in pain and muscle dysfunction and, in turn, weakness and uncoordinated movements. Myofascial therapy can be performed in many ways including by a practitioner’s hands, using tools that break down adhesions and stretching. This therapy proves to be a very efficient and effective therapy for pain management, improving athletic performance and reducing cellulite.

COMMON INJURIES RELATED TO MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINTS • Pain or stiffness in your neck, mid- or lowback • Headaches or jaw pain • Sciatica and other nerve related symptoms like numbness and tingling • Tendonitis, Bursitis and Plantar Fasciitis • Joint pain especially in your shoulder, knee or wrist • Generalized dull, achy pain • Athletic performance issues

HOW DOES HEALTHY FASCIA BECOME UNHEALTHY FASCIA? This happens when extra layers of fascia grow due to stress, trauma, repetitive motions, dehydration and inflammation. Inflammation comes from repetitive working out or even eating inflammatory foods such as (but not limited to) sugar, fried food, certain oils and processed wheat.

CALL 480.800.4924 AND MENTION SCOTTSDALE HEALTH MAGAZINE TO RECEIVE 20 PERCENT OFF A PACKAGE OF THREE VISITS, EQUALING $179. Dr. Geier is located inside Jewish Community Center (JCC). A JCC membership is not required to be treated. Sign up to see Dr. Geier and also receive a one week pass to the JCC!

solo scottsdale by Gabby Leighton / photo by Mark Morgan

Each month, Scottsdale Health features one local single. This month, meet…

Cheryl Lennon AGE: 70 ABOUT ME: I’m originally from Maryland/D.C. I lived in Seattle and moved to Arizona in ‘94. I have had several careers; schoolteacher, manager of technical training for a computer company, and for the past 20 years, a realtor. I’m the mother of two sons, ages 29 and 30. My oldest is a fighter pilot at Luke AFB and my youngest is a business analyst on Wall Street. I love to travel the world, go to sporting events, concerts, movies and the theater. I enjoy dancing, exercising, pickleball and trying to play golf. I look and act much younger than my age. MY FAVORITE TV SHOW IS: My current favorite TV show is This is Us. I love the writing and the subject matter is relevant to the world today.

Interested In Meeting Our Single?

Email her via Please put “Cheryl” in the subject line.




WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR IN A SIGNIFICANT OTHER: I want to meet someone who has similar interests and lifestyle as I do. I am looking for someone who is confident, intelligent, giving, supportive and has a sense of humor. Someone that likes to live an active life, sees the glass half full and accepts me for who I am, flaws and all. THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES TO ME ARE: Kindness, loyalty, honesty, understanding, compatibility, and a sense of humor. THE LEAST IMPORTANT QUALITIES TO ME ARE: Selfishness, insecurity and dishonesty.

Interested In Being Our Next Solo? Send an email with your name, age and a recent photo for consideration to the same email, with “Solo” in the subject line.

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/ by Jeremy Scott / photos by Elizabeth Marie Jeremy Scott is an expert advisor for Olympian Labs Nutrition and Reebok. He owns and operates Jeremy Scott Fitness, located at 7750 E. Redfield Road, Suite D106. For more information, call 605.481.2611 or visit

Mandatory Mobility

Three movements for muscle maintenance When you finally dive into the world of training and working out consistently, you begin to truly understand the importance of mobility work. You spend so much time and effort training to get into amazing shape, and you are succeeding, but your body starts to get tight and tense. Your glutes, upper back and hamstrings become wound up and tight making training harder and putting your body as risk for injury. Here are three quick mobility drills you can start implementing into your training program today to help you not only move better, but feel better in the process.




Spiderman Walk The Spiderman active stretch is, in my opinion, the best allaround stretch that you can do. I find the stretch so amazing due to its ability to effectively stretch both hips simultaneously. The positioning of the drill allows you to stretch the hip flexors of the back leg as well as the adductors and glutes on the front side hip. From a pushup position, take a huge step forward, matching your foot to hand or as close as possible. Plant your front foot flat, letting the hips open up. The stretch is best done actively, alternating sides and squeezing the backside glute with each rep.

Pigeon Stretch/ Elevated Pigeon Pose If you have tight glutes or think you might, this is a mustdo stretch for you. Start on all fours with the knees directly under the hips or use a high box for the elevated version. Place your hands ahead of the shoulders. Bring your right knee in front of the body, and slide it toward your right hand. Simultaneously, slide your calf under the torso. Then, move the right foot so it is in line with your left knee or as close as your mobility allows. Relax the glutes to the floor and place the right heel in front of the left hip, or I like to try and make my right leg go about 90 degrees for a deeper stretch.

Inchworms To begin, stand with feet about hip or shoulder width apart. Hinge forward at your hips and place your hands on the floor. Slightly bend your knees if needed to get your hands on the floor. Walk your hands forward so that you’re in pushup position. Your shoulders should be stacked directly above your wrists. Walk your hands back toward the feet and stand up, while keeping the legs straight for a hamstring strength or bending the knees to open the hips.

Spiderman Walk

Pigeon Stretch

If you have tight glutes or think you might, this is a mustdo stretch for you. I like to try and make my right leg go about 90 degrees for a deeper stretch.


12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


balance / by Dave Clark

Dave Clark is the staff writer and editor at TTI Success Insights, where he often writes about the challenges facing the talent management industry. Dave used assessments to discover why he didn’t enjoy his career in sales, allowing him to move to a career more suited to his interests and abilities.

Work-life Balance How to achieve the elusive concept

Work-life balance: the dream of most but the realization of a select and lucky few. So many factors go into the formula of work-life balance, or imbalance as it may be, including workload, commute, your boss, work pace and countless other factors. Where you live may even play a role in achieving this seemingly utopian concept. A new survey by New York-based company Kisi ranked cities in America, and across the globe, based on a number of factors. Arrival time, hours worked, vacation time, healthcare and city livability were considered and averaged, creating a formula that determined the best cities where one can achieve work-life balance. San Diego, Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis and New York City represented the top five U.S. cities to work, according to Kisi. Metro Phoenix checked in at No. 20. Even the U.S. top five paled in comparison to global metropolises such as Helsinki, Munich, Oslo, Hamburg and Stockholm. Regardless of where you live, there are things every person can do to help get closer to their goal of having a work-life balance.




Take it one step at a time In our impatient, instant gratification world, we need to be willing to take it slow on this one. We can’t fix years of bad habits overnight. Focusing on one small change and building on that is a great start. If you find it hard to make time for yourself, start by scheduling a small task and seeing it through. Need to see your chiropractor? If so, schedule an appointment right now and follow through with it. Once you allow yourself to break free the first time, you’ll soon realize that life as you know it went on just fine while you were at the chiropractor’s office. Now you have two albatrosses off your neck - the chiropractor appointment, and the belief that you were a prisoner to your job. Use the buddy system to divide and conquer Are those things you need to get done really weighing you down? Chances are, your coworkers are feeling similar personal challenges. Divide and conquer by partnering with someone in your office to cover you while you run a much needed errand, and be willing to do the same for them. If you help each other, you can still get your work assignments done while taking care of those energy-sucking tasks. Prioritize your non-work time while at home Leaving work at the office can be very

freeing, reducing your stress during non-working hours. However, if taking work home is necessary, be diligent about when you work. Make the effort to actually schedule your work time at home. This way, you can enjoy dinner and bedtimestory hour with your family, without workrelated distractions. Never underestimate the value of time No matter what anyone tells you, time is your most precious commodity. No one has ever been on their deathbed proclaiming, “I sure wish I could have worked more.” Life happens, including significant life moments. If your child has a concert or recital or your uncle is celebrating a milestone birthday, make the effort to be there. Don’t miss a moment of these major events to finish today’s workload. Work will be there long after your important event has passed. You can’t overestimate the C value of time. Treat it like the precious M natural resource it Y is, because once it’s gone, it’s gone.CM Be sure to prioritize the most importantMY things in life. Book CY that trip! Attend the daddy-daughterCMY donut day! Only then K can you truly achieve a true work-life balance.

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/ by Brooke McGregor

All-Star Ingredients Five health-boosters to eat this season

The holidays are synonymous with nutrient-deficient food choices, leaving the body more susceptible to illness. Food is one of the first lines of defense in protecting the body against harmful bugs found in everyday life. But a few key ingredients can play an active role in maintaining a healthy immune system. By adding in these immune-boosting ingredients, your mind can be at ease knowing you won’t miss out on any of the holiday fun.




Brooke McGregor is the Chief Operating Officer of Kaleidoscope Juice. Kaleidoscope Juice is a organic juice and smoothie bar with locations throughout the Valley. Kaleidoscope takes a customer centered health approach to its product development using wild crafted, organic, and sustainably sourced ingredients. The passion behind the products allows for creative combinations that not only taste great but realistically aid in the customers health and wellbeing. To learn more, visit


Oil of oregano You may be familiar with the term oregano as its commonly found in many Italian dishes. However, the essential oil extract does far more than just flavor meals. Oil of oregano is an essential oil comprised of two active components called carvacrol and thymol. The active components work separately to aid the body. Not only does it combat common types of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, it is also effective in fighting fungal infections. Oil of oregano reduces free radicals often associated with DNA damage, and helps reduce inflammation. CBD There is a lot of information coming out about CBD. CBD stands for cannabidiol. which is one of the many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. The body naturally has receptors such as the CB1 receptor found in the brain that deals with movement, pain, and emotions. CB2, another receptor, deals directly with the immune system. Consuming CBD through the CB2 receptor may lower inflammation throughout the body, such as immune

cells attacking vital organs like our pancreas when responding to high sugar consumption and our skin preventing acne. Turmeric The Ayurvedic spice turmeric has been around for thousands of years, known not only for its flavor but medicinal properties. The main component, polyphenol curcumin, eliminates harmful free radicals acting as a powerful antioxidant. It also blocks activation of dangerous inflammatory markers such as bacteria, viruses, and environmental pollutants. Turmeric also acts as a natural pain reliever for gastrointestinal issues and joint inflammation commonly associated with arthritis. Chlorella Chlorella is a form of freshwater algae that is similar to spirulina but undergoes a breakdown in the supplementation process for better human absorption. Chlorella increases immunity by enhancing good gut bacte-

ria for better food consumption and nutrient absorption. The unique build of chlorella binds to heavy metals and other contaminants aiding in heavy metal detoxification. The most studied use of Chlorella for detoxification is supplementing small amounts over time to help avoid heavy build up, along with strong protective effects to lead exposure. Cilantro Cilantro is a wonderful herb used to season or garnish anything from guacamole to noodle dishes. Cilantro has binding power to loosen heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, lead and mercury from tissues. Often heavy metals deposit within tissues that may play a role in hormonal imbalances, neurological conditions, and even weight gain. Cilantro’s main role is displaying natural antibacterial properties, a gentle digestive aid, and lowering chronic inflammation.


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12/19 ScottsdaleHealth



Revitalizing Retreat Plan ahead for this can’t-miss weekend retreat, taking place at Mountain Shadows resort on Jan. 10-12. Desert Bloom Yoga Festival will host a collection of health and wellness events to kick off the new year, with topics ranging from intention setting to nutrition. There will be a variety of classes for attendees to choose from including aerial yoga, yin yoga, yogalates, morning meditation, a night flow with wireless headphones followed by cocktails, and more. Special guest instructors will include Courtney Sheber, Randi Graves, and Meditative Vibes, just to name a few. Weekend stay packages start at $299 and individual event tickets are available for those not staying at the hotel. www. mountainshadows. com.

Physical Intelligence After sparking a new wellbeing trend in the United Kingdom, a book is available in America. Titled Physical Intelligence, the book made the front page of the Daily Mail and has been featured on BBC World News. Physical Intelligence shares techniques to manage the chemicals in our body and brain that control how we think, feel, speak, and behave. Written by Patrician Peyton and Claire Dale, the book builds on the eight key chemicals in our bodies and covers the importance of IQ (cognitive intelligence) and EQ (emotional intelligence). Available on Amazon,



Hygienic Holiday Hosting Food prep is at an all-time high during the holiday season. With large family and friend gatherings, food is often placed in a buffet format. The nonprofit Partnership for Food Safety Education ( is sharing advice for a safe, hygienic holiday buffet. Here are five key ways to keep unwanted germs away: 1. Keep a clean scene: Before cooking and after handling raw ingredients such as meat, poultry, eggs and flour, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. It sounds simple but recent USDA research found that 97% of people are failing to wash their hands properly. Wash your cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops with hot soapy water after preparing each food item and before you go on to the next food. 2. Thaw foods safely: Thaw frozen ingredients in the refrigerator, in cold water, or in the microwave. For safe-


ty, never thaw food at room temperature! 3. Keep hot foods hot: Place hot foods in chafing dishes, crock pots or warming trays at 140 °For warmer. Bacteria can multiple rapidly between 40 and 140 degrees. Use a food thermometer to monitor the temperature and ensure food is being held at 140 degrees or higher on your buffet. 4. Keep cold foods cold: During your event, arrange and serve perishable foods on several small platters. Put one platter on the buffet table and store the other platters in the fridge. Swap

them out every two hours. Nest platters in bowls of ice on the buffet table. 5. Handle leftovers safely: Divide large portions of leftovers like beef, turkey, gravy, dressing, stews and casseroles into smaller portions in shallow containers. Refrigerate leftovers within two hours. A constant home refrigerator temp. of 40 degrees or below is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Use an appliance thermometer to be sure your refrigerator temperature is at 40 degrees or below. Eat leftovers within three to four days.

LOOKING FOR A HEALTHY & DELICIOUS HOLIDAY GIFT? ANY FAMILY MEMBERS HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES? Choose from our vegan, keto, paleo, gluten free, dairy free, or allergen free holiday gift boxes.





Ahi Tuna + Avocado Recipe provided by executive chef Russell LaCasce of ZuZu at Hotel Valley Ho,

Use promo code Scottsdale at checkout to receive 15% OFF your first order.

Serves 1 5 ounces Hawaiian ahi tuna, large, diced 1 large avocado, diced ½ ounce julienne purple ninja radish ½ ounce small diced shallot ½ ounce small diced jalapeño


All gift box orders ship within 2 business days and include a personalized gift note.

1 ounce extra virgin olive oil 1 ounce lime juice Sea salt to taste Few pieces micro cilantro 3 white corn tortillas

In a mixing bowl, toss all ingredients together and taste for proper seasoning. Serve in a small bowl and garnish with micro cilantro. Cut three white corn tortillas into long strips. Fry and toss in Tajin. Place small bowl inside a large coupe plate and place tortilla chips in the negative space. Serve with a spoon and enjoy. or call 480.223.3376 12/19 ScottsdaleHealth



APPily Ever After

Two apps advancing the fitness industry

Ready to Row Set to open early next month, Row House is a concept formed by a husband-and-wife duo in New York City. Now part of the dynamic fitness group of California-based Xponential Fitness, which also includes Club Pilates, Cyclebar amd YogaSix, Row House will be located in Hilton Village. The group fitness concept will offer a Soulcyclestyle indoor rowing workout, and will be Arizona’s first gym dedicated entirely to indoor rowing. Classes at Row House will be 45 minutes long and vary by type, with some formats keeping attendees on the rower almost the entire time, and others incorporating more work off the rower, such as toning with dumbbells, interval training and stretching. Prices will range from $29 for a single class to $179 per month for unlimited visits.

Local Repair Fitness Machine Technicians, specializing in the maintenance and repair of exercise equipment for commercial and residential customers, recently opened its first location in Arizona. Headquartered in Philadelphia, the company currently operates in more than 70 markets across the country. It offers service, repair and maintenance on a variety of exercise equipment in fitness centers, universities, high schools, hotels, apartment complexes, corporate gyms and private residences. The Arizona location is owned and managed locally.




Charge Running Created in Chicago, Charge Running is a mobile fitness app for iPhone, Android and Apple Watch. Combining the boutique fitness class experience with the personalization of a skilled trainer, the app features live and recorded classes with interactive coaching for users all over the world. Users can choose from a list of worldclass trainers and multiple live runs per day. There is a live leaderboard with stats about all of your runs to compete against yourself and others, and a group chat to communicate with other runners. www.chargerunning. com.

Zeamo Referred to as a “fitness passport,” Zeamo makes it easy to search, compare and access thousands of gyms. The flexible fitness option allows users to choose between a variety of gyms across the country and sort through preferences depending on their preferred workout or gym environment, with the option to purchase a day, week or month pass, with no longterm contract. www.

Elevated Morning Eats OEB Breakfast Co. recently opened its first U.S. location right here in Scottsdale. Created by Italian-Canadian chef Mauro Martina, the concept puts its own creative, upscale spin on morning classics. The 2,900-square-foot restaurant seats 84 inside with an 18-seat patio. In an effort to locally source, Martina has partnered with egg supplier Vital Farms for the new Scottsdale location. Some highlights of the eclectic menu include the holy crab eggs benny, the Nutella French toast, and items using fine dining ingredients, such as caviar and duck. For a healthier take, there’s an entire section dedicated to “scram-blettes.” In addition to breakfast favorites, OEB has a full-service bar, serving hand-crafted cocktails, local beer and Frizzante on tap.

Holiday Cheer Christmas Movies at The Quarter will return this month for its fifth year, screening free holiday movies right by the Christmas tree in the open-air shopping destination’s courtyard area. The series will take place on the first three Fridays of the month, kicking off on Dec. 6 with the popular movie Elf. On Dec. 13, moviegoers can catch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, released in 2000 staring Jim Carrey, and the series will be end with A Christmas Story on Dec. 20.

12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


toys, tech & gear / by Gabby Leighton

Smart Gym High-tech training equipment

Jaxjox KettlebellConnect Most home gyms are on the smaller side, or consist of a portion of a closet piled high with equipment. This six-in-one




adjustable kettlebell minimizes equipment for weighted workouts. The advanced technology allows users to add or drop weight in seconds, saving both time and

space. The six weight variations range from 12 to 42 pounds. The compact product, which has a comfortable wide-grip handle, allows connection for up to nine users and holds a single charge for 14 hours. The KettlebellConnect can be synced to the Jaxjox app via Bluetooth for free guided workout video routines, and to track reps, sets, weight and rest time. It can also be synced to the Apple Health app. Available for $299 at Jaxjox, www.jaxjox. com.

Peloton Tread Not just your average treadmill, the Peloton Tread allows fitnessgoers to train with other Peloton members, send “high fives� to others, and filter by followers, age or gender with the immersive 32-inch HD touchscreen. There are live daily classes to take, or you can choose from hundreds of ondemand classes from the library, which include running, strength, bootcamp, walking and stretching varieties. Classes range from 5 to 60 minutes and show real-time metrics for participants to see progress from every class, including heart rate, distance, speed and output. There is a built-in soundbar and a low-impact, shock-absorbing

slat belt. It also has adjustable knobs to change speed and incline without breaking stride. Starting at $4,295 at Peloton, www.onepeloton. com. The Mirror When it’s off, The Mirror is just that – a mirror. But when it’s on, users see themselves, their instructor and classmates in an interactive display, complete with an embedded camera and speakers. Working in any room in your home (all you need is space for a yoga mat), the Mirror can either sit on a stand or be mounted to the wall. The product offers unlimited classes, ranging from cardio and strength to yoga and boxing, streamed directly from the company’s New York City studio. There are over 70 live classes offered weekly with real-time instruction, as well as an extensive library of on-demand workouts available anytime. Users have a personal fitness profile with biometric data to track progress and can sync a Bluetooth heart rate monitor or Apple Watch to enable competition mode. The Mirror has embedded speakers for users to choose from curated playlists or create their own, and can also sync

to Bluetooth audio devices. Starting at $1,495 at Mirror, Activbody Activ5 Portable Gym It may be tough to wrap your head around that an entire “gym” can fit in the palm of your hand, but it’s true. The portable isometric strengthtraining device gives the freedom to get fit anywhere. The device offers fullbody workouts for all fitness levels. Users have access to over 100 strengthbased workouts, all customized and personalized. Simply link it to the iOS or Android apps through Bluetooth and select the types and levels of exercises desired. The app will coach users through workouts and provide immediate feedback and progress results, including daily or weekly updates on strength gains. $139.90 at Nordstrom, www. Tangram Factory Smart Rope Pure Stay connected while doing cardio with this high-tech jump rope. The product, which has an adjustable rope length, connects to the Smart Gym mobile app, which is compatible with iOS, Android and Apple Watch,

via Bluetooth. The rope stores up to 100 sessions of jump rope data, collecting information such as jump count, calories burned and fitness workout times. The transparent polycarbonate handles have internal technology and magnetic accurate sensors to gather data. Additionally, fitness goers can unlock awards and challenge friends to competitions through the app. $59.95 on Amazon, Stealth Core Trainer This Amercan-made product combines technology, exercise and fun. The interactive core trainer turns the plank into a full-on gaming experience, with mobile games to play on a smartphone by using your abs. Stealth uses core strength to control the action on the mobile phone screen. The trainer supports up to 400 pounds and has dynamic 360-degree motion. The support pad is made from energy-return foam for comfort and easy maintenance. It comes with two free mobile games called Stealth Speed Gliding and Stealth Body Fitness, which are available on an accompanying app. $249 on Amazon,

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12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


crazy 8s

While it may not occur in Scottsdale, snow is a large part of winter for many people in America. Whether its setting the ambiance when you’re by the fire at a cabin in Flagstaff, or supporting your outdoor adventure fix on the slopes out of state, the winter weather act is both magical and mysterious. Here are eight facts about snow that just might give you the chills.

1. Winter white? Contrary to popular belief, snow isn’t actual white. Technically translucent, we see snow as white because of the way light bends and reflects. 2. Center secret. The center of almost every snow crystal contains a speck of dust.

Crazy Facts About Snow 40



3. Naming storms. It may be a common term, but not every big snowstorm is considered a blizzard. Qualifications of a blizzard include winds blowing at 35 mph and reduced visibility to less than a quarter mile for at least three hours. 4. Too many to count. It’s estimated that over 1 septillion ice crystals fall from the sky each winter in the United States.

5. Snow beginnings. Snow forms when water vapor in the atmosphere freezes into ice crystals. 6. Color me surprised. There has been reports of red, yellow, and black snow, likely with pollen, dust, or ash as the cause. 7. Size story. The Guinness World Records book chronicled the largest snowflake ever recorded, measuring 15 inches wide. It was found in Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1887. 8. Two of a kind. Though the saying goes that no two snowflakes are alike, that’s not the case. Scientists reportedly found identical snow crystals and many crystals are similar in their early stages of growth.


The Joke’s on Us! So go ahead and laugh already—hey, it’s good for you! My boss just texted me “Send me one of your funny jokes!” “I’m busy working. I’ll send one later,” I texted him back. “That’s hilarious,” he said. “Send another one!”

My friend asked me, “What are your plans for the weekend?” “I’m going to buy glasses,” I said. “And then what?” she asked. “Then I’ll see,” I said.


What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down? It gets toad away. 12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


Former professional baseball player Brian Anderson talks helping senior citizens and being on-air in the second chapter of his life

/ by Heather Lynn Horvat / photos by James Patrick




Former professional baseball player and Arizona native Brian Anderson loved baseball since he can remember. “Some of my most vivid memories are of my father chucking balls to me,” he says. Growing up in Tucson, Anderson attended Canyon del Oro High School where several players went on to the big leagues. In 2000, Anderson was named Arizona State Player of the Year. During his time at University of Arizona, he was named an All-American twice before being drafted in the first round in 2003 by the Chicago White Sox. “Growing up, Ken Griffey, Jr. was my idol. Fast forward and his locker was two down from mine. It was such a humbling experience,” he says. Anderson made the legendary diving save that sent the Sox to the playoffs in 2008. In 2005, his rookie year, he was integral in helping Chicago sweep the Houston Astros in four games to win their first World Series in 88 years. “I remember in my rookie year, not only was it one of the most amazing experiences as a 23-year-old, but I was able to fill in for regular starters. It is truly a team effort to get the job done,” he says.

A MOTIVATED MACHINE Though his career these days doesn’t require him to stay in gameready shape, Anderson still holds health and wellness in high regards. Personal accountability is a huge part of his success. “In pro baseball you have access to any food you want. Post career, there’s no structure of a diet, so you have free range to eat whatever and whenever,” Anderson says. “I tell myself I’m not 20 years old anymore, and that it’s simply not an option to eat whatever I want.” Anderson cites his cousin and workout buddy, Shane, for keeping him motivated to work out and eat healthy. His secret to healthy eating is to plan out his meals ahead of time, with his go-to staples being ground beef, veggies, and brown rice. When he needs a quick meal on-the-go, he opts for Chipotle’s basic bowl of chicken, rice and salsa. A big advocate for eating throughout the day, Anderson advises to feed your body like the machine it is and not to be afraid to indulge every now and then. “Cheat days are necessary. Soft chocolate chip cookies will always put me into a food coma,” he says.





Outside of baseball, Anderson is focused on being a good brother and an integral part of his family. His own mental health has been a key component in his lifestyle change. “Always trying to reach that pinnacle and chasing the high of the game takes a toll,” he says “Former athletes still want that feeling and still strive for it, even though it’s hard to find again. For me, I’ve had to come to terms with myself and it’s hard. It’s a constant battle to hold a positive outlook; some days are better than others.” Though Anderson has an impressive resume, he’s not immune to battling the same struggles other people face. “On paper, I look great but I still feel like that’s not good enough. I battle with myself every day,” he says. For Anderson, mental and physical health go hand-in-hand. He credits time spent with friends for adding extra value to his life. “Mental health is a taboo subject. People are scared and embarrassed [to talk about it],” he says, My advice is to just get it out in the open and talk about it. You’d be surprised who’s there to help.”


Anderson spent five seasons playing in the MLB. He’s now retired from the sport, and currently splits his time between Chicago and Arizona. In addition to a decade-long broadcasting career, traveling for projects with NBC Sports, Pac12 Network and Comcast Sports, he also works locally for Prime Care Hospice, living out his passion for helping senior citizens and their families navigate the hospice and healthcare world. The company’s motto – live well, finish well – resonates with Anderson for reasons both professional and personal. “I have a soft spot for the older generation,” he says. “This is the second chapter of my life and I need to find something now to make me happy; not continue to chase the old dream. I want to have a meaningful and positive impact, and that’s why healthcare is so important to me.” Anderson also volunteers with the Caris Sports Foundation to raise awareness and funds for underprivileged kids to participate in sports.




12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


/ by Autumn Jarrett / photos by Claudia Johnstone




and maybe even shooting a Discipline, empathy, Randy Norton leaves it all on few baskets here and there. camaraderie and And with his passion for perseverance are just a few the field for community impact sports, Norton has found a of things that Randy Norton’s way to stay involved by giving early athletic career taught him back to others that enjoy it as that he still carries today into through Fiesta Bowl well. adulthood. In 2001, while Norton While growing up batwas volunteering his time tling the snowy winters of coaching basketball at The Minneapolis, Minnesota, a Boys and Girls Club of young Norton found himself Metropolitan Phoenix and serving on the intrigued with sports, such as basketball, The up-tempo type of game was somewhich later grew into an everlasting passion thing that Redlands coach Gary Smith learned board, a good friend encouraged him to join the Fiesta Bowl Committee. of a lifetime of being active. while studying under legendary coach Paul As Norton familiarized himself with the Norton first started playing winter sports Westhead, the first coach of Magic Johnson Fiesta Bowl’s mission and values, he became when he was about 5 years old. He discovat the Lakers. His creation consisted of a full more drawn to its sense of community and ered baseball and football later, and since court press with two to three passes and historical relevance. neither of his two older siblings took on the then a shot. “The Fiesta Bowl is aligned with collesame passion for sports, he assumed the “In high school I was used to playgiate sports and fun, so it easily tied back to role of being the “jock” of the family. ing a traditional, more defensive-oriented, my passion,” he says. “And I would also be When Norton was preparing to begin type of game,” Norton says. “Once I got to helping create a deeper sense of community high school, his parents decided to leave the Redlands, we were literally running teams though charitable causes – something that winters of Minnesota behind and relocate out the gym.” the Fiesta Bowl has done a great job of doing their family to Arizona. After graduating from college, Norton over the years.” “My parents choosing to move to returned to Arizona where he continued to The pillars of youth, sports and education Phoenix when I was 13 was rough because play in a few leagues with semi-professional drive the Fiesta Bowl’s community activities. you are entering a new school with people players before hanging up his jersey for good. Fiesta Bowl Charities donated $3 million to who have established their cliques and Norton has retired from playing basketnonprofits in 2019-2020, including $1 million friendships early on,” Norton says. ball competitively and is currently serving as in grants to teachers during its Wishes for But one thing stood true: Norton still the lead client service partner and regional loved sports and found his niche playing bas- managing director with Deloitte, LLP. Though Teachers, powered by DriveTime program. Norton currently serves as the chairketball, baseball and running track at Paradise no longer on the court every day, he still has elect of the Board of Directors, meaning he’ll Valley High School. a burning passion for being active. After high school, Norton went on to “I continue to work out four to five days take over as chair of the board of the Fiesta Bowl in 2021. play collegiate basketball at The University of a week,” he says. “That endorphin rush just The annual events will take place Dec. Redlands in Redlands, California. starts your day right. I can’t imagine life with“Going from playing high school basket- out it; I even bring my workout gear with me 27 and 28, featuring the Cheez-it Bowl, the Desert Financial Fiesta Bowl Parade, and the ball to the collegiate level was a difficult tran- wherever I travel. It truly helps with staying PlayStation Fiesta Bowl. sition,” he says. “The University of Redlands mentally and emotionally fit as well.” For tickets and more information, visit always played ‘West Coast tempo’ style of You can find Norton doing anything from basketball.” lifting, cycling, playing tennis, hiking, running

12/19 ScottsdaleHealth



/ by Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman are your go-to marriage coaches to learn the relationship skills no one taught you in school. The Freemans are published authors, public speakers, and lead couples workshops in the Valley. For more information, visit

Resolution Prep Tips to finish 2019 strong and carry momentum into 2020

Has it dawned on you that 2020 will be an entirely new decade? You likely scroll past anything that says “New Year’s resolutions,” especially while it’s still 2019. While you might not be ready to talk about resolutions just yet, how about practical, fun ways to be rested, organized and set up for a successful start to 2020 as a couple? You don’t have to start off this next year scrambling, tired and trying to catch up with the momentum of the year. Here are five helpful ways to close out 2019 and start 2020 strong as a team.

1. Delete, delegate or do it differently Have you ever tried to add clothes into a jampacked closet? It’s not easy. Well, the same thing goes for trying to add new and exciting goals into your life if it’s already overwhelmingly full. Take a few hours during December to do an audit of your lives as a couple and delete what doesn’t align with your goals, delegate what doesn’t have to be done by you, and plan to do




things differently if it’s feeling monotonous. Simply make a list of all the activities or commitments that don’t inspire you for 2020 and ask yourselves, “how can we delete this, delegate it or do it differently?” 2. Categorize the areas of your life Sometimes it can feel daunting to try and create “big-picture life goals” without a way to organize your thoughts. Instead, write out six to eight categories of

life like, health, social life, career, romance, finances, etc. Then, with those categories, ask each other what would be a goal or intention that would inspire you into action. The goals don’t have to be the exact same for the two of you, but see if you can create a few that you want to pursue together. 3. Guard your time You can either start January 2020 exhausted from all of the social gatherings

or you can start the year feeling intentional about your time. If you have New Year’s Eve plans, make sure to at least block one of the following three days to rest, collect your thoughts and set your life up for success. Just don’t go from running 100 miles per hour during the holidays with family to trying to start the year with less steam for your own goals. 4. Focus on the habits, not the outcome The truth is, you can’t always control the outcome when you set goals. However, you have complete control over your daily habits. When you set your goals as a couple for 2020, focus on the daily actions or habits that will lead to the bigpicture achievement. For example, make a goal to exercise four days per week instead of the goal to lose 20 pounds in two months. Make a scoreboard to track that you’re keeping to the habits you wrote down.

5. Make your date nights a priority When it comes to the start of the 2020, nothing is more important than your romantic and emotional connection as a couple. Achievement is great, but connection is even better. As you start to anticipate your schedule for the new year, pre-block date nights and mark them in your calendar. Going on a date once per week is ideal, but make sure it’s no less than twice per month. Get creative with the dates. Most importantly, make sure to stick to setting aside quality time together and that you don’t cancel your plans because you don’t feel like going out. By taking some easy steps, 2020 can be one of the most extraordinary years you have ever had as a couple, but 2019 still has hope. Don’t wait to start the new year to get intentional and focused about your goals, desires and dreams for the year. December is a great time to connect and get clarity together.

beauty / by Amy Ross

Hydrate your hair The cold, dry air outside saps all the moisture out of your hair. Leaving it more brittle, less flexible, and up to 3% shorter in appearance. Keeping the hair hydrated is essential to avoid weak, unmanageable hair. When washing your hair, leave the conditioner in your hair for a minute or two longer. You can also add a leave-in conditioner after showering. For the days you don’t wash your hair add a dry conditioner to the ends.

Brrr, It’s Cold in Hair Wintry weather hair care tips for this season

While Arizona doesn’t experience the same winter as other parts of the county, it still gets cold here. Since colder temperatures can do damage to your hair, taking extra care of your hair this season will ensure it remains strong and looking its best when the weather is at its worst. Here’s how to prevent cold weather hair struggles.

Never go out in the cold with wet hair When hair is wet, the hair cuticle is open and the cold can lead to static and frizzy hair. Make sure your hair is completely dry before bracing the cold. Hit your hair with a blow-dryer or a diffuser to quickly dry it. Once hair is dry, seal your ends with a little smoothing oil. Be gentle while brushing Start by brushing hair, wet or dry, on the ends and work your way up the hair shaft until reaching the top of your head. This will help

to avoid tangles that can cause the hair to break. Consider ditching the comb or rubber bristle brush during the colder months and switching to a brush with softer bristles, like a boar bristle brush. These brushes help condition and add shine by distributing natural oils throughout and detangle while minimizing damage. Try a minimal or no heat hairstyle There are plenty of styles that can be achieved during the winter that require little to no heat. Style your hair in a half up, half down top knot with loose curls or leave your hair natural on the bottom. Try a braided crown or two French braids. You can never go wrong with a low pony with a scrunchie or a ribbon. For straight, sleek hair run a heated brush through it rather than a straightener. A heated brush won’t damage hair as much as a straightener and can help seal ends to prevent frizz or breakage. Remember to add a heat protectant spray before using any hot tools.

Amy Ross is the operating partner of Drybar Arizona. Drybar provides professional blowouts at a flat price, regardless of hair length or thickness (wash included!). Drybar currently has five locations in the Valley. For more information and to book an appointment, call 877.379.2279 or visit




Rachell Hall’s Permanent Makeup

MICROBLADING PLUS™ Microblading PLUS With Rachell Hall’s signature Microblading PLUS technique, she creates the virtual hairline effect of Microblading plus a soft powdered backdrop of shading to create the illusion of perfect natural brows that are the envy of every woman.

Whether you are challenged with short, sparse, or thinning eyebrows, Rachell Hall’s 28 years of expertise in makeup artistry, custom color blending, art and science will be your perfect solution plus... Remember, discounted prices are not an indicator of value in permanent cosmetics. Trust YOUR face only to the very best. For over 20 years Rachell Hall has eased the makeup woes of an international clientele with her exclusive perfected signature procedures. Be beautiful at breakfast and still look fresh at four! Work out or go out your permanent make up will be perfect! Save time with any procedure. Always natural, always pretty, always perfect. Don't you deserve wash and wear beauty? • Powder soft eyebrows create the illusion of fullness, frame your eyes with the perfect arch, and of course save all that time in the morning! • Smokey eyeliner, never smears, enhances your lash line and eliminates daily tugging at delicate eye tissue • Custom contoured lips- naturally full and blushed lips with contour and colors blended just for you! • Restores lip fullness without the "duck lip effect" and eliminates lipstick bleeding into fine lines • Breasthetics, 3-d nipple areola restoration post mastectomy

"My motto is Classic Beauty, nothing trendy. Nobody wants to look like they had their makeup tattooed on! That’s why all my signature treatments are designed to look soft and natural. Remember you can always add more! My clients never wake up Wednesday morning with Saturday night makeup! Classy, classic and conservative is my specialty look.

REFERRED BY THE VALLEY'S FINEST PLASTIC SURGEONS AND ESTHETICIANS Make your life simply beautiful! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 8075 E. Morgan Trail, Suite 6 | Scottsdale, AZ 85260 | (Off Hayden, between Mountain View and Shea)


doctor’s orders

/ by Anikar Chhabra, MD

Anikar Chhabra, M.D. is an orthopedic surgeon, the director of the Sports Medicine Section in the Department of Orthopedics and vice chair of Clinical Practice at the Department of Orthopedic surgery at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.


Youth Sport Injuries A safety guide for young athletes Millions of children and teens in the United States practice sports, and every year about 3.5 million sport injuries occur. That said, most of these injuries are not serious and do not need surgery to correct them. A significant number of these injuries are preventable. Injuries on the rise As sport specialization among children becomes more common, injuries are increasing. Children nowadays are playing one sport year-round. This causes them to not develop different muscles groups. Additionally, this is not allowing their brains to develop different motor skills. On top of that, most parents admit that




their children rarely take extended periods of time off from their sport. Resting is key The best way parents and youths can avoid these issues is to listen to the body and let it rest. If a patient is in pain and continually sustaining injuries, early treatment is necessary so that the injuries won’t become a longstanding problem. Most parents want their child to play at the next level. If they don’t let their children rest their bodies rest now, these injuries may ruin their chances of extending their playing career. Ideally, an athlete should take two to four weeks

off from the sport after the end of each season. Preparing for practice Before sending your child out on the field, make sure they hydrate before, during and after practice. Also, equipping them with the correct protective gear that fits is instrumental to both their performance and form. A sport injury is never planned for, but it doesn’t have to take your athlete out of the game. With proper equipment, nutrition, hydration, rest, and crosstraining, your child’s chances of getting hurt are substantially reduced.

Shoulder or patella dislocations Growth plate fractures: A condition that affects the growing tissue layer near the end of a child’s bone. Muscle sprains Osteochondritis dissecans: A joint condition that occurs when a lack of blood flow causes the bone underneath the joint’s cartilage to die. Shin splints Patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee): An injury to the ligament that connects the kneecap to the shinbone that allows for walking, running and jumping movements. Torn ACL Sever’s disease in the foot (calcaneal apophysitis): A condition that causes heel pain due to stress on the heel’s growth plates.

event / by David Apeji

Tiffani Easton, Jennifer Moser, and Jennifer Laughton

Andrea Labelle and Loni Colbert

Lauren and Mark Teahen

Driving Out Domestic Violence

Hosted by Chrysalis, this two-day fundraiser kicked off with a private golf invitation at Starfire Golf Club, followed by an evening gala and auction. Proceeds from both events went to help domestic violence victims. Jen Patterson, Nikki Woodward and Jenn Kanerko

Sharon and Kevin Walsh

Gavin and Jenna Stitt

Kathryn and Sean Mattson

Josh Prince and Barry Enright

12/19 ScottsdaleHealth


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