Manual do professor Log In to English 1

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2nd edition

Teacher’s Manual


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INTRODUCTION, 2 1.1 General characteristics of the series, 2 1.2 Course components, 2 1.3 Outstanding features within the lessons, 4




ANNUAL PLAN, 7 3.1 Suggested distribution per four bimesters, 7 3.2 Suggested distribution per three trimesters, 8



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Teacher’s Manual



1.1 General characteristics of the series LOG IN to ENGLISH is a four-volume series specially designed for teenagers studying English as a foreign language. The series brings real-life situations, interesting topics and engaging activities. The activities aim at providing students with opportunities to practice the language in a consistent and productive way. Personalization is a strong feature in LOG IN to ENGLISH. ENGLISH Students are given various opportunities to relate what is being learned to their own experience throughout the book. Themes involving ethics, the environment, health, cultural pluralism, education, work and citizenship permeate the book and are approached in interesting reading texts, exciting projects and thought-provoking discussions.

Log Plus pages. Opportunities for self-evaluation are provided to develop students’ sense of progress and awareness of their learning processes. After doing the exercises from each unit, students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and analyze how they feel about each grammar topic. This is done by having students look at three different symbols and decide which one best describes how they feel. Depending on how students respond to this activity, you may want to give them specific feedback or offer advice on how to overcome their difficulties.

1.2 Course components Student’s Book Each volume is structured as follows: Scope and Sequence:: Two pages with detailed information on syllabus distribution, including functions, grammar and vocabulary for every unit. Welcome Unit:: Two lessons with varied activities that allow for recycling of previously taught content and for showing what is going to be covered in each volume. For teachers, the Welcome Unit is also a useful tool for conducting an initial diagnosis of new students’ background knowledge of English. The Units: Eight units of four lessons each, followed by a Review. The theme-based lessons contain a wide array of reading text types to contextualize and present language. Although the four skills are addressed in all the units, strong emphasis is given to reading. Grammar Log Plus: A user-friendly grammar reference section with charts, examples and grammar rules followed by extra exercises for consolidation. It is an important tool to help students get a better understanding of all the grammar topics covered in the book. The grammar content covered in each unit is systematized in two pages, which makes it easier for students to further understand and practice it. The Grammar Log Plus can be used both for self-study and for extra guided practice in class. The lesson plans suggest when to refer students to the Grammar NEW


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Teacher’s Manual Introduction Workbook: At the end of each volume, the Workbook provides a series of exercises for students to practice and consolidate the content of each lesson. Learner’s Log: This page deals with learner training issues and aims at helping students develop strategies to progress with their language learning. Through activities, it provides students with tips and information on different learning strategies. Each volume approaches a distinct set of skills that are relevant for successful language learning, thus helping students develop these skills. Word Log: These pages features an inventory of the productive vocabulary in each unit, including meaningful chunks for communication organized by topics. The Word Log should be regarded not only as a list of lexical items, but as a compilation of the productive vocabulary in the book that can be used in a variety of situations. Students may interact with the Word Log in different ways in order to activate and internalize recently-learned vocabulary. They are encouraged to refer to these pages both for self-study and for guided practice. Also, the teacher may use the Word Log as a reference for warm-up or wrap-up activities to practice, consolidate and recycle vocabulary. Fun activities such as Hangman, spelling and memory games, dictation, or asking students to come up with sentences with the new words and activities with scrambled letters can also be used with the Word Log to have students actively use their lexical repertoire. NEW

Digital Book

The Digital Book enables students to do activities from the Student’s Book in an interactive way. It also provides tools for students to check their answers by themselves, but teachers will still be in charge of providing feedback on incorrect answers. In short, it is the digital version of the Student’s Book, including all the theoretical framework and exercises to be done with the help of digital resources.

World Issues Magazine This magazine accompanies the Student’s Book with exciting articles and activities spread over sixteen colorful pages. There is one World Issues Magazine per level, with one double spread per unit. World Issues texts all focus on the development of reading skills and on the enhancement of students’ ability to express points of view and discuss topics of interest in a respectful environment.

In this new edition, there are QR codes in the magazines that lead to quizzes, music websites, and a number of other interesting links. Guidelines on how to work with the magazines are available on the Richmond Educational Portal ( or may be accessed by scanning the following QR code:


Log In to Videos

Every book in the LOG IN to ENGLISH series is accompanied by a booklet with activities specially designed to be done before, during and after selected video segments. These activities offer students a great opportunity to practice language and, at the same time, have fun while watching amazing movies. Students will access the video by scanning a QR code. Guidelines on how to work with the booklets are available on the Richmond Educational Portal ( logintovideostm1) or may be accessed by scanning the following QR code:

Student’s MultiROM Each volume of LOG IN to ENGLISH is accompanied by a CD which includes both grammar and vocabulary interactive activities from each unit in the Student’s Book, as well as extra listening activities. Students should be encouraged to use it as much as possible to receive more audio input and consolidate accurate English pronunciation, intonation, grammar and vocabulary. Interactive games are also included in the MultiROM, one per every two lessons, and can be used at students’ discretion. 3

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Teacher’s Manual Richmond Educational Portal A constantly updated portal is available at <www.> with a number of teacher support resources. Tests, expansion tasks, activity banks, class planners, music and video activities can be found on the portal, as well as a wide range of other activities. The teacher may access the portal by scanning the QR CODE that follows:

Language Login: The user-friendly treatment given to the Language Login boxes brings the lesson’s target language into focus and isolates it so that learners have a clear reference for study. The Language Login is placed in a box on the upper-right corner of the second page of the spread. The fixed position of the box is a practical resource as it allows students to find the main language items in the lesson quickly and easily. Go Get It: This feature involves the active participation of students in discovering language and grammar. It is always related to the Language Login of the lesson.

Teacher’s Manual The Teacher’s Manual is the gateway for a sound and thorough use of the Student’s Book and the extra material. It provides specially designed features to give support to teachers in different areas. Each volume is structured as follows: Annual Plan: Suggestions of distribution of the content in four bimesters and in three trimesters. Lesson-by-lesson Plans: Detailed lesson plans with suggestions on how to teach each section of the book. There is an inventory of the language taught and the reading text types available per unit. Special attention should be paid to the following features: Teacher’s Log: A set of features are included in the Teacher’s Log, such as teaching tips, with hints specially designed to suit teachers’ needs according to their varied teaching situations, cultural notes, pronunciation hints and other background information or comments that might assist them with the lessons.

Tip Box: Some lessons have a Tip Box which provides tips on a variety of topics, including pronunciation and culture. Vocabulary Box: This box provides notes on vocabulary items and examples of useful chunks for communication. Log In: A flexible feature in the book that allows for personalization and less controlled practice. There are two types of Log In activities: Log In to Speaking involves interaction among students in order to complete a task. Different patterns of interaction are suggested in this Teacher’s Manual in order to help teachers adapt the activity to their teaching environment; and Log In to Writing includes personalization with different types of written text. NEW

Writing Tips:

Up to You:: This feature includes suggestions on how to exploit the material through expansion activities and interdisciplinary projects. Transcripts:: Teachers are provided with transcripts of every recording in the Student’s Book. They accompany the guidelines of the listening activities in every lesson.

1.3 Outstanding features within the lessons You:: Considering that allowing students to connect what they are learning to their own experiences is a strong feature in the material, every lesson provides one or more activities that involve personalization and are signposted by YOU or YOUR. These activities encourage students to present and discuss their views and opinions and help them relate the content being learned to their own experiences. 4

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Teacher’s Manual Introduction Provide students with useful information and strategies to help them produce their own texts. They include hints regarding both form and content. Students are encouraged to analyze and take notes of important details for each piece of writing. They are guided to follow some models at the initial stages and, little by little, are allowed more freedom to experiment with the newly acquired vocabulary, structures and writing strategies. Reading genres: By scanning a QR code, students can find animated explanations of reading genres, which provide information about style, content and form of two reading texts in each volume of LOG IN to ENGLISH series. NEW

Do You Want More?: This box includes links to other pages in the book. Students are referred to another section in the book, such as the Grammar Log Plus or the Word Log.


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