Dead Stick Red Stick Club Newsletter
Next Club Meeting Wednesday, February 25 Next Night Flight Thursday, February 12 Next Combat Challenge Sunday, February 21
New Officers Elected for 2015 February 2015
Red Stick R/C Club
UPCOMING EVENTS Fevruary 25, 2015 Monthly Meeting
Letter from the Editor
Enjoy Your Christmas Holidays! Club Officers: President: Rich Whitlow
As we being the new year, we have a season of new beginnings for the club. We have some new officers, you can see them listed in the Club Meeting Summary, later in this issue. Take a look and see who is representing you in the Redstick Club.
Vice-President: Rick Klusman Secretary: Chuck McDonald
We have a new year ahead of us and many things that we can accomplish as a club. Things from securing our flying site on a long-term basis, so we can quell the rumors and give us a stable property to fly and make improvements on. We need to get some people involved in helping take care of the items that need to be taken care of during the year. One thing that I could really use some help on, is a Newsletter Editor. This would be someone who would help with collecting the content for the newsletter and then pre-reading and “editing” the newsletter to help prevent “typos” and inaccuracies. If you think you could help me with this, shoot me an e-mail at
Treasurer: Merv Howells
Redstick RC Club meets on the last Wednesday of the month (except December) at Jones Creek Library at 7:00 pm Burbank Field is located on Burbank Hwy, just south of Highland Road
Also, don’t forget to get me some pictures and stories from the field. I can’t be at the field all the time. If you see something interesting or something interesting happens, shoot me an e-mail and lets get it in the Newsletter! I am looking very forward to the upcoming year and lots of flying. I hope you are too! Remember this club is only as fun and active as the members that we have. We have been growing with some great new members and several junior members. This is a great sign for the hobby in our area. Also, you may notice I have come up with a Name for our Newsletter. It is “Dead Stick”. With the advent of electric motors and more reliable engines, we don’t hear it as much. But, early in my flying career flying engines such as K&B, Fox and Magnum I have yelled my share of “Dead Stick” annoncements! So, I hope you like the new name. Come out and fly and participate with the club, we look forward to seeing you!
Till next Month....Krzy4RC Cover Photo By: Rich Whitlow
Red Stick R/C Club
February 2015
Out Going Presidents Message I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for honoring me with the privilege of being the president of Redstick R/ C club for the last several years. I’ve opted out due to opening my own business, a collision repair center in Prairieville, which will be taking all of my spare time. I believe the membership to be a group of unique individuals with a very diverse set of talents. The club has grown beyond what I thought possible because of the friendly, courteous nature of everyone.
I would like to thank several individuals for their efforts during my term as Club President! Merv Howells for his keeping track of almost everything, especially the money, Willard Bettis for stepping up and taking some of the load off of Merv and myself as Secretary, Henry Hopper and his crew for the amazing condition he has kept the field in, Winston Cailloet for handling the safety coordinators position, Mr. Raymond David for training and promoting the club to everyone, Millard Allain for handling the membership duties annually, and Steve Blanchard for always being the go to guy. The clubs future is limitless! I look forward to flying with all of you and helping with maintaining the level of friendship shown to all by all of you guys. Just remember, it’s a hobby, have fun and experiment! Not everyone is the same and interest vary greatly. They’re is room for everyone and every type of aircraft. See you in the SKY! Tom Discon
February 2015
Red Stick R/C Club
Presidents Message I am excited and humbled that the club has offered me the opportunity to serve as your 2015 Club President. It is a great honor and great responsibility. We have a lot of things that we can do and need to address. We have a great opportunity to get people more involved in making our great club, even greater. First, join me in offering our thanks and welcome to the new officers. Without their support the club cannot function and grow. Rick Klusman - Vice President. Rick is your past Vice President and has lots of experience in holding top-notch Heli Fly-Ins. Merv Howells - Treasurer. Merv is your past Treasurer of many, many years and his dedication to the club and its finances is great appreciated. Chuck McDonald - Secretary. Chuck has served as the Web Master and is always willing to help. His openness to holding this office is greatly appreciated. He is also a big part of the success we have had with the Heli Fly-Ins. We also will be needing volunteers to help with the on-going activities of the club. We will need to fill some existing positions and determine if new positions are needed. This leads me in to someone that I want to give a big club THANK YOU!! to: Mr. Henry Hopper. Henry will no longer be able to help with the field committee. But, he has certainly put his time in. Henry has been a big part of keeping our field in such excellent shape. Hopefully, this will allow Henry to enjoy some well-deserved flying time! Thanks Henry! Also, I think we all want to thank Tom Discon for his years of service to our great club. The club has grown, the field has remained in great condition and we all have been able to enjoy an opportunity to get out and fly whenever we wanted. I wish Tom well in his new Body Shop business and I know every one of you will think of him, if you need Auto Body work done. Also, lets hope we see Tom more out at the field just enjoying this wonderful hobby of ours. Thanks again Tom!
Red Stick R/C Club
Let me address the rumors that have been swirling about the field. I have heard all sorts of doomsday predictions on the loss of our flying field and even someone that wanted to know the date we had to be moved off. The fact of the matter is nothing has changed. We still have a short-term lease (1 year) and could lose our field at the end of the lease any year. This hasn’t changed in 20+ years. We had a new land owner in the last few years and since his acquisition, as far as we have heard the situation with him hasn’t changed. So, what can we do. I will spear-head an effort to obtain either a long-term lease or ownership of our flying field. This could be either at the current site or at a new site. I plan on meeting with the land owner and getting from him his plans. From there we can knowledgeable approach to satisfying the needs of the club. Once that is established we will work with the AMA to achieve our goals. What will those goals be? We will need to determine that once we truly know what our position at our current site is. Help us with this situation. If you know of a possible field, let’s find out the land owner and start developing a relationship with them and see if they are open to helping us fill our needs. Some ideas for property are farm lands, land fills, empty lots, etc... Be a part of our solution! Spreading rumors and talking about things we don’t know about only hurts the club and its reputation. In closing, I cannot tell you what 2015 will bring other than continued friendships with our aviation bretheren and making some great memories with each other. So, get out the field and make some new memories! Krzy4RC
February 2015
Meeting Review January 28, 2014 Meeting Date: November 29, 2014 Meeting was held at Jones Creek Library, on a Wednesday, at 7 pm. There was excellent attendence, with over 20 people in attendence, with several guests. The minutes from last meeeting were read and accepted. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. We have plenty of money in the bank and and renewals are coming in regularly. Several checks were brought to the meeting. Field: The field is in pretty good shape for winter. There was some herbicide put down to help control the clover. Henry Hopper has stepped down as Field Maintenance Committee Chairman. He has put in his time and done a great job keeping our field in great condition. Nominations for Officers were read: President: Rich Whitlow Vice President: Rick Klusman Treasurer: Merv Howells Secretary: Chuck McDonald The floor was opened to additional nominations. None were received.
Tom Discon addressed the club and thanked everyone that helped him while he was president. He specifically mentioned Merv Howells (Treasurer), Winston Caillouet (Safety), Henry Hopper (Field Maintenance), Rick Klusman (Vice-President/Fly Ins) and Steve Blanchard as a great “Go To Guy” who was always there to take up the slack. He also mentioned that though he is stepping down as president, he would still see everyone out at the field. Rich Whitlow admitted that, yes he was the one that managed to take off his 78” Extra with the Ailerons reversed and smashed it into the ground. Steve Blanchard confirmed that was the case. New members were voted in. Please welcome them, when you see them! There was discussion that we will have a Spring Fun Fly and it will be the best ever! Steve Blanchard will investigate April and May and set a date shortly. A Fun Fly is an event that a club members and other surrounding club members (and general AMA members) can come fly, eat some food and have a great time with some good people. There is a Landing Fee for the pilots. All Red Stick Club Members are strongly encouraged to attend! The Gulf Souths best Heli Festival will be held at Red Stick on October 3, 2015.
The officers were elected unanimously.
Red Stick R/C Club
February 2015
Around Burbank December 2014
February Red Stick 2015 R/C Club
Red December Stick R/C 2015 Club
Upcoming Events
February 2015 Night Fly - February 12 Combat - February 21 March 2015 Sharks IMAC Challenge - March 7/8 Shreveport, LA April 2015 May 2015 Lost Squadron IMAC - May 2/3 Wrightsville, AR MMRC IMAC - May 23/24 Byram, MS BRRCC Spring Fly In - May 30 Irwinville, LA Red Stick RC Fun Fly - TBA Baton Rouge, LA
Red Stick R/C Club
February 2015
Classifieds Send me the stuff you would like to sell! DX18 Gen 1
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Used DX18 Ver 1 in excellent condition. I Upgraded to Ver 2. Includes Tx, Charger, Battery, Manual; and original Box. $450. Contact Rich Whitlow
Electrified Tower Uproar PNP. Just add your receiver/battery and fly. Has Reaper 35 motor and speed controller. Looking for good home! $200.00 Contact Rich Whitlow
February 2015
Red Stick R/C Club
Red Stick R/C Flying Club
Membership Application I, _______________________________________________________________(please print), am applying for membership in the Red Stick R/C Flying Club. If accepted to membership, I agree to abide by all By-Laws, Regulations, and Safety Rules. I also agree to participate in field maintenance and/or work parties set by the Club if they were to become necessary. I also agree to maintain an up-to-date membership in the A.M.A. Date:
A.M.A. No.:
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Date of Birth:
Transmitter channels which will be used: ___________________________________________ Authorization of a parent or guardian is required for Junior and minor Dependent Members (anyone under 19½ - years of age). Parents or guardians are advised that there is some risk associated with operation of model R/C aircraft, and that each Member, Dependent Member, and Junior Member (and his or her parent or guardian) accepts responsibility for their personal safety while on our field. The Red Stick R/C Flying Club can not and does not accept any liability for risks related to R/C flight operations. Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________ Relationship:_________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Revised 2/2010
For Club Administrative Use Only: Date elected to membership: _____/_____/_____ Membership category: regular________ junior _______ dependent _______ Dues paid by: cash: ________ check: ________ check #:________________