Dribbling Through Challenges Introducing you to cory michaleca true point guard for inclusion BY ANDREA HURR • PHOTOS BY JULIAN CURET
nzo Ferrari said, “Don’t run away from challenges, run over them”. This is a favorite quote of 19-year-old Cory Michalec! Cory graduated from Tallmadge High School in 2022 and had great support both in the schools and the community, which has allowed him to flourish. Cory, who uses a
wheelchair himself, faced numerous challenges growing up, particularly in assessing the same programs as the other kids. However, he refused to let these obstacles define him. Cory was instrumental in bringing the Wheelchair Basketball Program to Tallmadge City Schools as well as helping
to grow the Tallmadge Challenger Baseball League into what it is today! Cory’s parents Greg and Tiffany, who are always a big part of his life, were fortunate to discover ASPO (Adaptive Sports Ohio) when Cory was 62
February 2024
younger. With Cory, they have since been involved with the Wheelchair Basketball program and are now looking into Power Soccer. Cory has also been playing on the Tallmadge Challenger Baseball team with his dad