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First things first... Happy Women’s Month to all our female readers. Another edition done and dusted. With our 4th edition reaching over 53000 readers, we’d like to thank all the people who forwarded the magazine to friends, family and colleagues. This is our 5th edition. On this edition Ngawethu has a one-on-one with Tumi (who plays Princess on SABC 1’s Tempy Pushas - Fridays @ 20:30). Our featured models are Masheri, Keith and Gallas. We also feature designers; Jenevieve, Hambokazi, Selusazi and Claire Scott. We get an opportunity to chat with the Edcon boss, Christo Classen. We go check out some craft markets around the Johannesburg CBD area, meeting with designers and merchants. The magazine is growing at a rapid pace, with a strong family of contributors pushing it to new and greater heights. If you want to be featured on the next edition, email or call us. Ilaph’lam is a platform for people in the fashion industry, within the borders of Africa and beyond. To be featured send us good quality pictures of your work and a profile of your brand. Contacts are 0844783782/ 0836839877,email is ilaphulamafj@gmail. com . Please do not stop forwarding the magazine to all your friends and family members. This magazine is for us, the fashionistas. Support local designers and help grow our fashion industry.

anam xinwa - founder & editor

Contributors Founder & Editor ANAM XINWA Fashionista NGAWETH KA-SIPHIWO Fashion Analyst KAMALAR NC GWEBA Features Writer KAYA NQWELO Stylist INGA MAGWENTSHU Styling Guru THE STYLISH MR GORDON Fashion Journo ZUBENATHI GCINGA Layout Artist NATHI XINWA

IN THIS EDITION 03 > Hombakazi Vintage Cabin 07 > Serati Mathibela - Specialist Hair Buyer 09 > “Men in Lace” 11 > Selusazi Street Wear 13 > “From Lagos to London to the World” 15 > Tempy Pusha’s Tumi Ngumla 21 > Model of the Month - Masheri Ncapayi 23 > Claire Scott Originals 29 > Fox st Craft & Design Market 31 > Jenevieve Lyons 37 > Carien Bennett - Photographer 39 > “Shooting My Mouth Off...” 41 > Christo Classen 45 > PMD Fashion Revolution 47 > “One on One with Kaya Nqwelo” 49 > “Dressing for your Body” 51 > Millius Gallas Thobejane - Model

cover shoot by

Carien Bennett dressed by Claire Scott jewellery by Gaylene Scott

53 > Keith Oliver Siumuloboka - Model 55 > Motherland Style - Inspired by Afrika 57 > SAFW Spring & Summer Collections


It’s a sunny winter morning in Sandton. Soulful music serenades the army of ladies, arms laden with vintage garments and accessories. Ilaph’lam’s Zubenathi Gcingca joins the mass and discovers more about the woman behind the sale and fashion movement.

WHO IS HOMBAKAZI? CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHO/WHAT INSPIRES Simply, I am fashion lover from YOUR LOVE OF YOU? East London. Our rich history, including VINTAGE? apartheid and Sophiatown. Growing up I always loved TELL US ABOUT HVC vintage clothes. They represent In fashion; Khensani Nkosi,


It’s a nostalgic fashion movement aimed at reviving the spirit of past fashion trends, whilst adding a modern touch. We have a mobile store and we visit different cities every month.

an unforgettable era in fashion. Vintage is fashionable, stylish, unique and high quality. You just stand out because every piece is different and you’re not likely to find the same thing been worn by someone else.

Mafikizolo’s style and various fashion blogs.I read a lot of fashion magazines and visit fashionable places and shops to keep up with the trends...

“I have always loved vintage clothes... they represent an unforgettable era in fashion�


WHAT MAKES YOUR BRAND STAND OUT? The ability to mix clothes, how vintage blends with trendy clothes, the love I have for my customer and how I treat them separates me from the rest.

HOW DO YOU SOURCE YOUR CLOTHES? I don’t have specific places. I buy them from all over the country and abroad to get different styles and looks.

ANY ADVICE FOR PEOPLE WANTING TO JOIN THE VINTAGE FASHION MOVEMENT? You need to have passion and love for fashion as these will keep you strong in the game.


by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo

WHO ARE YOU? I’m Serati Mathibela, Specialist Hair Care Buyer for Edcon. I was born in Soweto, Baragwanath Hospital. I grew up in Pimville and went to St. Mary’s School for Girls in Waverley. Straight after high school I left for the US (Atlanta, Georgia) where I studied Journalism for 2 years then transferred to Fashion Merchandising because I thought Journalism was too boring.

WHAT DOES A HAIR BUYER DO? As a hair buyer I buy and place hair care merchandise for Jet, JetMart & Legit stores. This involves product research, sourcing, supplier cost and delivery negotiations. I have to make sure that I’m always communicating


with suppliers and creating awareness of current and forthcoming trends that we want to capitalize on. Based on current and future trends I have to plan and decide on what stores will be carrying about 6 months to a year ahead of time. Part of my work includes analysing information by looking at historical sales data so that previous successes are identified and implemented for forthcoming seasonal buying plans. I always have to keep an eye on our competitors to identify introduction of new fashion trends and implement testing of similar products to make sure that we have what our customer wants. I also have to do weekly, monthly and seasonal presentations for Marketing, Trend Analysis, Pre-Seasonal and Post Seasonal Merchandise Reviews.

WHAT IS IT LIKE? Buying hair is similar to buying clothing as it is a fashion business. The only difference is that it is part of fast moving consumer goods which means that we have to be on the pulse of what’s going on all the time. Unlike clothing, most hair pieces and after care products are already made up so we don’t have to spend months developing them. We mostly buy brands so we simply turn them on or off depending on the budget. The downside is when all suppliers are out of stock of trending items then we miss the sales for that season while waiting for production.


The South African hair care industry is very vast and a big This may sound like a mouthful percentage of it is informal but it’s actually quite fun. therefore I have to be very

“I’m always on the lookout of what’s popular in the streets” resourceful in sourcing the latest trends. I usually get updates from my suppliers on newness but I still do a lot of research for myself. I watch popular TV shows to see what hairstyles are trending in the market. I’m always on the internet looking at overseas trends that could work here,


I’m honestly not a fearful person. Most people will describe me as larger than life and so I’ve realised I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. I’m I buy local and international mature enough to know that I magazines, attend hair shows don’t like everybody I meet so and I’m always on the lookout I shouldn’t expect everybody of what’s popular in the streets I meet to like me. Other whether it’s downtown Jozi, challenges were getting the Durbs or PE. company to buy into the idea that hair is big business – I’m a I love interacting with people very persuasive communicator and that’s my favourite part of so we were able to test some my job. I’m not too shy to ask items then the sales just spoke someone about their hair and for themselves. contrary to popular belief most Black women are very friendly and eager to talk about their hair – I guess it’s the approach that’s important. I would like to go back and study Journalism I guess now I’m old enough to understand that everything has it’s time and place. I’ve realised that I love communicating. It comes Because Jet, JetMart & Legit naturally to me. stores are discount stores our target market is mostly women (obviously) who don’t have a lot of disposable income but still want to look good and keep up with the trends. Our budgets are not the same so there’s no blanket approach Their biggest need is to be able to buying weaves. to access the brands without There are now high heat overspending as they have resistant synthetic weaves that other responsibilities besides look very close to human hair at themselves. a lower price so readers have a


bigger variety to choose from. Also if you buy your weaves from China Marts don’t expect the best quality because it is not – most of them have not even been quality tested.


Know your story. Know as much as possible about your own hair, hair care products and who does what in the hair game. You can get information from the internet and magazines. Always ask questions. Suppliers are always willing to teach, especially about their products.

WHAT HAIR STYLE NEVER GET OLD IS THERE ANYTHING WILL The baby afro/brushcut – it’s a YOU’D LIKE TO classic. You can update it with colour or do baby dreads like CHANGE? Lira’s style. DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER INTERESTS? Yes, I love photography. I’m also interested in going into the clothing manufacturing industry here in SA. The rate of unemployment bothers me.


is being loved and understood by people close to me as this allows me to freely be the person that I am. And eating yummy food cooked by my husband - how can I forget that.



men by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo

In this edition I focus on men being in touch with their feminine side...


. e c a L n i

...does that make him any less of a man? ...has he then lost his masculinity?

the same rights as women me to tell you all about the therefore in my book men can beautiful lace shorts, tops and When is it okay for a man to get away with anything. dresses that women can look wear a floral jacket? Have out for and invest in. All about times changed from how You must have read the origins of lace and what it used to be? Is it socially somewhere, if you are as makes it really special but expectable if a man rocks up gaga about fashion as me, that is for next time. in a lace suit at a gala dinner? that stripes are the in thing Does that make him any less for Spring. Be they vertical, But there is a trend that of a man? Has he then lost his horizontal, big or small‌ surprised me‌ it is estimated masculinity? make your selection. The other that about 10% of men that big trend is lace, a fabric that buy women’s lace underwear The beauty about fashion is was made in the late 15th buy it for themselves. So what that no gender has a right and early 16th centuries. I does this tell us? Is it that men to a particular fabric, cut know you probably excepting are over the whole hard-core or trim. In fact, men share


gangster look and are opting for softer fabrics/trims? What is so special about lace that fascinates men so much?

Lace-making is an ancient craft though now lace is made with cotton threads, although linen lace suit by Alexander Alex

and silk threads are still available. Manufactured lace can also be made from synthetic fibres. This could just simply means that they also want a bit of comfort. Is there anything wrong with this? This is one of the latest trends for men, believe it or not. I know some men will say “I will never” but, never say never. And unfortunately if you aren’t one of the people calling the shots in the fashion Industry you might just find that lace will be the only thing left to buy. So sit back and get smart. You can use it or lose it.

By the way, we are also taking reference from straight men. There are designs for men who are willing to wear lace but not go all the way. Yes, there are masculine silhouettes such as briefs, trunks, fitted blazers, raglan so fear not… these designers are not girly at all. Versace took some time to also design a few lace outfits for men. I know after reading this some men will secretly go and check out what is in the market. You know that it is okay and ladies please if you find your men in one of his favourite lace numbers he has not committed a crime so relax.

Yes, there are masculine silhouettes such as So men step out and live out of the ordinary and put briefs, trunks, fitted yourself first by expression your fashion prowess. blazers, raglan.... The power is in your hands. so fear not… We want you to access the power that is in fashion

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is... _ try to please everybody. _Herbert Bayard Swope




Ilaph’lam’s Zubenathi Gcingca took to the streets and had a sit down with the owner and marketing manager of Selusazi Street Wear.


HOW IS YOUR BRAND WHAT ARE DOING IN THE YOUR BIGGEST I associate street wear with MARKET? ACHIEVEMENTS hip hop music and the ghetto. It’s how the hippie-youth wear clothes...


Considering that I started the brand in the rural area, it is doing very well such that I get orders from across the country as I brand the clothes in a way that people feel proud about where they come from.

I got inspired by how the youth now dresses and how they express their love for music through their clothes. Siyabonga Ngwekazi inspired me his sense of style and his We are planning to host an business acumen. event to officially launch the brand and we want to brand upcoming hip hop artists in the Eastern Cape.


Being able to market our brand as young as it is but, it’s doing very well in the market. It’s well known in our communities and people are showing interest, being invited to almost all community radio shows in the in the Pondoland area shows a certain recognition. We are currently working with a hip hop group Incutshe Zakwantu in dressing and styling them.




LAGOS to london WORLD. from


by The Stylish Mr Gordon

am urnal means that I Jo n io sh Fa m la h’ p correspondent for ila ually prefer the ct a I , er ov re o M . My role as fashion ners r new fashion desig fo ut ko o lo the small hours of e to th in n o g in rk o w b regularly jo e often envisage on th I m ho w ory in their pursuit r, st ne r a ig ili es m d fa o to ll a unknown an ny a designer this is a m r Fo . cently caught my g re in s rn o ha m ho w t ec sp the early pro brand. One rising ’ ig ‘b t x ne e th g in of becom e esigner Abiola Sule. d n io sh fa rn o b so chelor of Arts degre a B a h it w e ir sh attention is the Lag rd o tf m University of Her o fr d te ua les to the creative d ti x ra g te f ho o n io ss a p Abiola, w r he ays wanted to apply lw a d ha n, culminated in the ig n es io d sh n fa f o ve in Fashio lo e , the late nights and lly a tu en Ev ule is inspired by th n. S B io B sh t a fa th d te a st world of la io n fashion label. Ab ow r he e, ul S B B f, o creation life. experienced in her s ha e sh rs te un co ... many en d designer recently se a b no nd Lo to k I managed to spea

“My African background along with my fashionable parents, who passed to me their fondness of style and dressing up, made it easier to pursue my eternal passion.


My design aesthetic focuses on colour, detail and creative construction of fabrics”

. What struck me most about BBSule, in addition to the incandescent colours, is the continuity and smoothness of the materials used. And on these grounds alone I would not be at all surprised to learn that BBSule proves a big hit in Africa. So, despite the plethora of up and coming fashion designers, many of whom will become lost in the ether, we Africans have a duty to embrace and support one of our own - so to speak. Abiola Sule is certainly one of our own! BBSule, in my opinion, is the merger of European oppulence with African flamboyance. Or put a different way, one to look out for. Remember... you heard it here first. Don’t forget to tweet us on Twitter - #ilaphlam #BBSule




by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo Ilaph’lam’s Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo gets up close and personal with Tumi Ngumla, 2012 Class Act Female winner who now plays the role of Princess in the drama Tempy Pushas - which airs on SABC 1, 20:30 on Friday. Tumi describes herself as a very simple girl without being modest, growing up from humble beginnings in a small town called Port St John’s in the Eastern Cape where everybody knows everybody…. and every old lady is your mom and every old man is your dad.

for anything as I had to deal with “Do I really need make up? May I please keep my natural hair”.

changed from the time of our parents and what advice would she give to her sixteen year old self.

Those where the questions I “As much as times have had to answer just before the changed, the whole dynamics shoot in PTA. of relationships is just so scattered; we get ideas from We decided to meet at all sorts of different places.” Capello’s a few blocks from her place to finish what we “The media ,people that we started and I got there just look up to, I honestly think before her. I realised this lady people should go back to is simple and you cannot the basic”, she reckons our change that about her but grandparents and parents She was brought up in a very the good thing is that she is mastered it , there where strict home, went to church far from being a diva…… I do flaws and all but they got the every Sunday, Sunday school, not think she has it within gist of what its suppose to be. choir the works. her. She also elaborates further She reflects back to where As we settle I ask her is there and says how love is so fickle she was and boldly states a specific reason that has when you talk about it, you that now she is more driven made her to be more driven. have to include your finances, than ever. Her answer is Yes, she starts which car are you driving, This young lady is a true off by saying “Its having where do you stay, what definition of crazy... I found people that believe in you, do you do and who do you myself laughing throughout which has made me believe know? the interview. in myself and I am working on something, I am working on It becomes clear to me that in This is our second encounter me, I am growing as a person a nutshell those things do not as we first had our share of and as an artist.” define love and its not the fun at the Montana studio end of the world. in Pretoria courtesy of CV When she mentions growth Photos, where the cover another question pops up One just needs to relax. By shots were taken. which was motivated by our the way we just got advice readers. I ask her about her from someone who is very I am reminded that she is views on love, taking into much single….mmmmhhh…. more of a tomboy and she account how things have would not trade her all stars


On this particularly cold day Tumi opts for a drink stashed with ice and my body shivers as I move to my next question. Given that it’s Women’s Month, which five women would you like to have over for dinner? Her first lady is Pamela Nomvete. Growing up she loved her and she was also the first actress that made her believe that evil was evil. She reckons she can teach her a thing or seven. The second, Moshidi, who mentored her during the shooting of Class Act. She refers to her as a woman of grace and she states that in life it’s important to surround yourself with such people so that you don’t fall into traps that most artists find themselves in. She also mentions that it would be an honour to have mam’Letta Mbuli , she loves her music and Brenda Fassie just to add a bit of drama to the table. The last woman would be her mother, firstly for her to understand that it is okay to be concerned, but she has taught her enough to get through life as she has looked up to her for the longest of time and that she will try with all her might to make the right decisions.


I then shift my focus to her hair... she has such a healthy afro. I cannot help but ask her to give the sisters a tip on how to maintain an afro…

I assume I might have a slight idea but to my surprise she doesn’t have one. She takes what she thinks she can gain from anyone that crosses her path, what works for her then Rule number 1: ”If you not and there she will take and using any chemicals and you use that to make herself a are African woman, plat your better person. Her response hair before you go to sleep drives me to dig and find out or else the following day it is what has shaped her life to going to be very nappy”. I be where she is today. figure that she might have got these tips from her mom, There is a moment of silence without any hesitation I ask as she looks straight into my her who her role model is. eyes as if to say make sure that you exercise what I am

about to tell you.

”FAITH….has shaped my life, you know when you believe and physically it seems impossible, just unachievable. It is like…Ahhh! Dude you’re dreaming here, but what I have always told people is that you dream and you work on that dream to be a reality”.

wondering if she has always wanted to be an actress. Turns out it is all thanks to her good friend Vukile Ngcingwana who also made it to the Top five of Class Act (Males). That helped her realise her full potential and take up the challenge.

The answer “was there’s something wrong with my friend”. As she did not put her name down fortunately she knew the lines as she had been of help to a dear friend, talk about angels having her back.

God had a plan, everything Auditions where in Cape falls into place at the right Town and Vukile was going to time, and the rest as they say stay at Tumi’s place during is history. the duration of the auditions, bear in mind that Tumi did The conversation veers “In the hardest of times, not know anything about towards the contents in her before Class Act I was a class act auditions. bag... she always has a note waitress in Cape Town, pad and a pencil in her bag but I said to myself this is So she would help him with because she writes poetry. temporary I do not belong his lines, he actually suggest here. It goes back to me that she should give it a try It’s weird because anything taking whatever I can from a but as much as she loved can inspire her to write particular situation and as a acting she did not want to therefore she doesn’t want result I have learnt so much embarrass herself especially to miss the moment. She from being a waitress.” not on National Television can get an idea from seeing as she had no training or a couple fighting in the “From experiencing the qualification so when the street or a piece of plastic dynamics of different people time came Vukile secretly flowing you name it, poetry is and having to humble myself wrote her name down as well liberating for her. sometimes”. while she was accompanying him. She was surprised when She also mentions that she Tumi has a zest for life, and a lady called her name to is old school and you’d find I cannot keep myself from audition. Vaseline in her bag, it works wonders when her hands are dry. She admits that there’s usually junk in her bag, and now eventually she has a wallet before that she used to just stash money in her bag…she is getting there even though her wallet is currently empty and there is money all over her bag.


Tumi is really crazy and fun to be around but things can really be hectic in the industry that she is in. However what keeps her sane is knowing that there is a higher power that is just looking out for her. She might be thrown in the deep end but she always comes out stronger, wiser and with a little bit of love.


requirement so that she can portray the character perfectly as she feels that what you see does not define who she is. So her advice to up coming actors/actress do it because you love it and if you in it for the fame then there is a problem.

I ask Tumi what her take ,does the industry change “I always laugh when I am in a person? She thinks there the deep end now, back then are really nice people in I use to cry, I now choose to the industry and there are focus on the positive as I tell those that really try to fit, myself that God is showing not because they do not me something here and a know who they are but they lesson has to be leant and want to be associated with a I take it in my stride. I no particular calibre. longer stress as much, as I know that I can never be She has witnessed a few given what I cannot handle.” people who are currently losing themselves because of She makes it clear that she that. Once you start lying you cannot live without her start to believe the lie and family, they can never turn living it, and you only catch their backs on her. up when its too late and people have already labelled Sometimes we take our you. family for granted, she finds time to appreciate them So she says she never tries to as they do so much for her buy face even when she was excluding material things a nobody she never did ,she just lending an ear as people wants her work to speak for often get tired of hearing itself, she must be celebrated other people’s problems. for the right reasons and her hard work. Tumi is a very laid back person when it comes to She always asks her self acting she can go an extra one question when all the mile as it is in her viens, negative things are presented she can cut her hair shave to her….”What would uMam her eyebrows if that is the Ngumla say if she would see

me here”. Her advise is that if you really want something the opportunities will present themselves therefore always be true to yourself, but don’t always think that it is going to be rosy. She says some of the new projects that she is going to be doing is purely through word of mouth because of the personality she has and not her acting skills. She is easy to work with and I can testify to that, so all in all be nice to people as you will never know what life brings. It is important to watch what you say your tongue has power …. I decide to tone things down and I ask her what her interest are. She loves nature, which is not a surprise because nature is at its best in Port St Johns. She also loves swimming with friends where there is a lot of meat. And she loves dancing. As it turns out had Tumi not been an actress she would love to be a pilot and that is one dream that she still has to fulfill. And she says she is going to go back to school. She also has always loved to be a teacher, however she would not like to teach old people. She fills that children have so much enthusiasm.

That is a time where you can teach and they can completely grasp and you can really build them. So what can people look forward to what is in the pipe line?

She leaves us with wise words saying you have to have a stamina to endure because people are mean, people that are supposed to hire you can be mean.

She says she is going to surprise us so we must watch the space, because it is going to be a good surprise. She is working very hard and she wants to be on radio that is also in the pipeline, she is already doing voice over’s, more television, she is also working on a documentary.

You need to know what you want and do it because you really have a heart for it not because you want to appear on t.v. cause if you do something really dumb people are going to take pictures of you and we will see you on the news‌.ufuna uba famous mos.



Model of the Month SIPHOSETHU MASHERI NCAPAYI I’M FROM EAST LONDON and went to West Bank High School. I’m currently doing my ND in Touism Management at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and Experiential Learning Programme at Radisson Blu Hotel, Port Elizabeth.

comfortable firstly in your own skin and in the clothing you choose to wear. Before you step out of that door, look yourself in the mirror... tell yourself that you’re beautiful and God loves you. Then step out and conquer your day.

The capturing of a scene; a moment and a beautifully compiled outfit it is simply art in my eyes.

One model that inspires me nationally is Joelle Kayembe and (internationally) Tyra Banks. More especially because we tell a story through our big eyes (laughs), Being a young person and a which I effortlessly pull off... At first I wanted to study and which I’ve been told fashion and design or interior Libra I tend to spendthrift. I love clothes, beautiful things that they could look into a decor which led me into persons soul. being a model... and my love and shoes but I strive to control my fashion desires. for fashion. But with parents wanting secure and traditionaly stable futures for us and with the growing competition on all fronts, I went for my next passion instead’which is travel. And even though its not all about seeing the world and beautiful places I learnt that a lot that goes into the industry and passion is not enough. Hard work and determination are also needed to do what we love.

STYLE, IN MY EYES IS being unique but not ridiculous, or outrageous (laughs). Its about being



I budget and compromise on getting what I want compared my family dear through my to what I need. struggles on to breaking into the industry... and for the LOVE of food and shoes. since 2007 and my major achievement in modeling is being a household brand in my town and getting the support from my family On make-up; Less Is More. and friends; being featured Go for the nude look and in fashion shows; recently with fashion; add your debuting on BayTv (2012) personality to the trends you which gave me great follow. exposure and platform.



I love the runway (ramp modeling) and editorial photography.

Fashion is a drug and I am an acknowledged addict. @Sethu_eN


MODEL DETAILS Height: 1.75m Weight: 60kg Bust: 85 Waist: 64

Hips: 98cm Shoe: 5 Dress Size: 8











by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo


My bridal and evening gowns venture into Grecian and Romanesque romantic Passionate, Compassionate pieces of soft flow and and Driven. lace applique arrayed with decadent to soft beadwork.


Officially...about 9 years... and unofficially... 13 years.

I also design sassy, sexy gowns with taste and sophistication.


My brand is about capturing the chic elegance and enhancing that which we were given.

CSO is about Classic elegance that enhances our natural beauty. If you don’t have the right figure for a mini skirt don’t wear it...



my brand is about capturing the chic elegance and enhancing that which we were given when we produce beautiful pieces of authentic handcrafted jewelry that is loved by our customers. No one else gets me when it comes to designing exactly the pieces I want for the looks I am going for, even my brides and matric dance girls love that they can get exactly the pieces to match their gowns.

My mother is a very I love textures and soft talented woman and one flowing fabrics at times which I got a lot of my complemented by structure arty flair from, although and stitching. I like to make she has a strong streak for core-comfort pieces with perfection and I am usually My mother uses sterling style that can be a basic more left of center when it silver and gold plated for many different looks comes to design. as well as real gems and and then provide color and crystals so it is of the fashion pieces to update We fight and bicker but highest quality just like my your wardrobe. the end result is all smiles gowns.


WHAT ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES IN LONDON... HOW HAS THAT ADDED TO YOUR BRAND? I was there for a year and worked for the world’s leading bridal boutique, Pronovias, who have now opened here in Sandton.

London taught me so much more about the industry. It’s hardcore cut-throat but so rewarding, the difference between overkill and understated, just the right finishes, so many new techniques, so much about my own strength as a person and designer in such a fast paced industry that never sleeps.

WHAT IS YOUR LONG TERM GOAL? I would love to have a team working under me so that I could focus on my love for designing and travel to spread my label, however as the left-of-centre perfectionist I am, I have to try let go... to enable people a chance to work with me.

You always have to stay I have had the privilege alert and passionate, watch I am just unable to drop of working in their store your quality and finishing. my standards as I want as well. In London I got my customers to love the to work on the likes of Take pride in your work and pieces and quality of those Valentino and Elie Saab toughen up because the pieces that I make. Long gowns as well as working critics are tough. term growth would be for a vintage couturier It was such an experience amazing... whom I did most gowns for and I grew as a person and a runway show in central designer. I always look to the stars London for. It inspired me no end.

“I am just unable to drop my standards as I want my customers to love the pieces and quality of those pieces that I make” WHERE ARE YOU CURRENTLY BASED? My long term goal would be to have a team working under me so that I could focus on my love for designing and travelling to spread my label, however as the left-of-centre

perfectionist I am, I have to try let go... to enable people a chance to work with me.

I am just unable to drop my standards as I want my customers to love the pieces and

quality of those pieces that I make. Long term growth would be amazing... I always look to the stars 26


your best to every task you Well standing by my ideal of classic elegance, lines undertake. and textures, I also wanted to incorporate a rainbow Always go above and of cultures in one concept beyond to please your as our country does... customers... they are the so from the kimono style reason you can do what gown of the japanese to you love and must be pleased with the result and the Afrocentric neck and feel it is worth while paying hair piece symbolizing the for...but there is a fine line beauty of nature in our just goes to don’t let people walk all show how fashion can unite over you. two very diverse cultures in a single look.

We tend to have a very relaxed sense of fashion and laid back idea of what looks good at times, especially at the coast. Don’t be afraid to push barriers and have fun.


I have a crazy list. But I can’t go a day without thanking God for being able to do what I love and for my health, the love of my That’s the beauty of fashion family and friends, water, and fabrics, every look and my mac makeup, music and idea stems from a different a refreshing shower. cultural influence actually Have self- respect, honesty and it’s our job as designers to have the foresight to and integrity there is a combine them into what +27 (0) 72 120 4226 big enough market for works. everyone, if you are good Jewellery by Gaylene Scott at what you do and have confidence in your product there will be a market for you. Watch your pennies and the pounds will take Definitely to support young care of themselves. Time designers and not the management is your biggest friend and enemy. cheaper imports and also how to properly collaborate When it is mastered you an outfit. Europeans seem will be on top of your to do it with such ease, we game... I am still trying to learn how sometimes miss the mark. in this industry it nears on South Africans though truly have our own mark on AFJ impossible.

“ give your best to every task you undertake”



the global map. We have charisma and energy of a diverse land that should encourage us to do this with ease.









Jenevieve Lyons


Based in Joburg, Jenevieve Lyons was born December 2012 and continues to take leaps in 2013, building a strong business, encompassing a strong design style and stable retail standing. .J enevieve Lyons embraces Apparel with an aesthetic quality of avantgarde ideals; with ‘performatic’ prerequisites to evoke an emotional response and bring across meaning within the viewer, telling parables through ‘fashion’ and apparel.


With ready-to-wear and retailed apparel; which are intricately designed and constructed to become something of immense grandeur and aesthetic depth, intriguing a consumer with an eye and appreciation for the concept - process outcome of the garment, ending with high aesthetic quality and appeal. Custom-made and made-to-measure offering the consumer their own unique parable; outspoken into their wardrobe.



Jenevieve Lyons as a brand aims to supply her consumer with apparel incor the highest quality of fabric as well as construction. As the brand grows; it unite several lines within the brand, namely that of couture, menswear and wear apparel broadening the brands horizon in terms of supplying the con affordable apparel as well as your once-off unique collections with limited maintain the convoluted intrigued consumer and build strong consumer re

rporating only is aimed to d ready-tonsumer with availability to elationships.



by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo Carien Bennett is a In 2011 I opened my passionate photographer own studio in Montana, who loves to work with Pretoria. people and she is also the Owner of Clear Vision WHAT DO YOU ENJOY Photography & Design



WHAT ONE DREAM DO YOU HOLD CLOSE TO YOUR HEART? Clear Vision is currently a one man business, and that’s what gives it such a personal touch, which my customers love, but in the future I would like to have a few studios or to become a franchisor of Clear Vision Studios.

I really enjoy studio and location shoots, as well as wedding photography Since I was a little girl and corporate or social I started to experience functions. Schools and photography though my Nursery Schools are so parent’s cameras. much fun cause I can be so creative with my themed All my packages are very At school the teacher packages. affordable and deliver refused to teach us professional photographs. photography because there People can email me at wasn’t enough interest, if they so after school I started would like to find out more. studying photography and I started my career soon after that. Photography is my passion, as soon as I step behind my camera and look through the lens… that’s where I find my inspiration. I enjoyed the cover shoot a lot because everybody I studied photography at was relaxed and had fun Visual skills school in 2007 together, while I was able and I completed a 3 year to take professional shots course within one year. of our cover girl, Tumi. I believe you can never stop I started photography learning, every day is a new on the side and on challenge and over these weekends, then I got the past 6 years I have learned opportunity to run a studio a lot, one thing that I would in Johannesburg, I was the still like to accomplish is main photographer and Videography studio manager.







SHOOTING MY MOUTH OFF, IN THE NAME OF FASHION. by The Disgruntled Designer Let me set the scenario... its a beautiful day ánd you are finishing up a garment, cleaning access threads or ironing it out perhaps... the client is coming to pick it up in a couple of hours but then the unthinkable happens... You burn it or accidentally snip off a chunk with your scissors.

You have two options here... leave the country or lie. You have 2 options hereleave the country or lie your ass off.

I’ll gladly go with the lie, because you’re broke... remember. And that was the last 3 meters of the fabric at the store. So you do what any self respecting The world stops. Even artist would do in the face women stop talking and of epic errors... Lie Lie. then you have a mini heart Or maybe that’s just me. attack. Or what doctors fondly call a cardiac episode. I truly hate those words, And also in fashion you every time someone says always get those people The fabric is finished and those words I want to who like tailored clothes it took you weeks to do but do not want to pay for b!@h-slap them across the the damn dress. And the face. them. client is on their way to collect the fully-paid dress. They introduce themselves If you cannot afford a To make it worse you’ve designers price then go to you by saying “I hope already spent the money. you not expensive” to the shop were they sell


dresses for R350.

The reason those dresses are cheap is because they are made in bulk. With a designer, they have listen to you blabbing on and on, this is the process for the designer you approach... getting fabric, draughting patterns, making the garment and fittings.

I’m just tired of always having to lie to designers... telling them that their garments are beautiful, when they look like they were sewn by a sweat shop of blind people (no offence to the blind).

Being paid peanuts will not pay the rent /levy and rates, so next time think My point is if you’re not before you give a price for a sure about your own garment. creation, how do you expect us to shower you We’re not here for charity. with compliments? This is our bread and butter. I touched on this issue Do us a favour and go back So in your most sober already in a previous to the drawing board or mind... does that add up to column. try another line of work R55o? If you make t-shirts and please. I think I am done caps... sorry to say but for now... whoooosaa... We have other clients as you’re not a designer. You with that said I feel lighter well. You are not our sole can print a hoodie or two... already. Like I just responsibility, so please get sure. Don’t even get me over yourself. started on designers who And yes, apparently some Pay us or voetsek. can’t design to save their designers do not want to lives. Makes me cringe. be associated with this here And I also hate that some publication... rumour is designers will under charge How can you call yourself a there’s cash being gained for their garments and designer when you cannot from their work... end up losing money only even make a simple skirt WTF? because so-and-so is not or top? Leave fashion willing to pay for the item designing to people who With that off my you spent weeks and many can design, for havensakes. disgruntled chest... sleepliess nights making. Happy sewing and stay fashionable.





by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo

WHAT IS THE HIGHLIGHT HOW DID YOU GET INTO DO YOU THINK RETAIL OF YOUR DAY IN YOUR RETAIL? IS LUCRATIVE? Once retail starts running Like many industries, retail LINE OF WORK? Meeting the needs and desires of customers.

through your veins it is difficult to part ways.

can be very lucrative.

At the end of the day you I love the intricacy of need to be happy with There is nothing as figuring consumers out on a what you are doing though. fulfilling as witnessing daily basis. I entered retail good product sales The reward I find in this performance, knowing that by chance. I was working for an investment house industry is through the our customers are voting initially. excitement and thrills I get for our choices. in my job. My entry into retailing was It is similarly as exciting facilitated when one of our to watch the sales being retail assets started running generated through a new into trouble. I was literally store. thrown into the deep end. My family


HOW DO YOU INTERACT WITH YOUR EMPLOYEES? I love the intricacy of figuring I believe in creating an consumers out on a daily basis... environment where people can be themselves. In order to establish that, I need to be myself, first and foremost. I believe that I am friendly, open, but honest. Honesty sometimes requires you to be very stern and quite unfriendly.


My wife and I have five kids. Two boys aged 12 and 10 and three little triplet girls aged four. Of course I lose my temper. The important thing though I just try to let my love for them overshadow my anger is to deliver the message a hundred times over. and then move on.

judged over a period of time and not just over a day, a weekend, a week, a month or just one strategy. I always try and remind myself of that.


HOW DO YOU SEE REAIL WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS MAKE IT BIG? Nobody knows their own ON A GLOBAL SCALE I am hugely excited by the consumption prospects of our own continent.

true potential. If you think you do, you are bluffing yourself.

We have one billion consumers, currently being under-served. Combine that with the potential expansion of purchasing power as Africa industrializes more. Wow, I don’t know of any opportunity elsewhere that excites me more.

I often talk to my management team about the principle of constantly improving your personal best. I get annoyed if anyone tells me that they will try their best.

The best example of the personal best principle for me is Sachin Tendulkar. At age 11 he played first league club cricket. At age 14 selectors felt he was good enough to play for India, but they were too Be patient. Everything embarrassed to select worth doing is worth doing him. He played his first well. My wife tells my kids international game at age this every morning. 16. Remember that he did this in a country with If you stick with this recipe, a population of 1.1 billion you will not have to go people at the time, where look for success, as it will every father wants their surprise itself sons to play for India one day.


be patient... Most batsmen struggle everything worth with their co-ordination beyond 34. Today he is doing is worth older than 40 and he still carries on improving his doing well personal best. 43

He is humble and he absolutely loves what he is doing. His approach and attitude to me is “very big”.

at age 11 he played first league club cricket... at age 14 he was good enough to play for India... today he is older than 40 and still improving his personal best WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST CAREER MOVE TO DATE?

Having five children. I am as focused as ever in my career, because I have huge financial responsibilities towards my kids


WHAT MOTTO GETS YOU eating a breakfast at “ I’d fancy my THROUGH LIFE? Salvation Café at Stanley chances as an 44 with my wife, and finally There are no shortcuts to relaxing with friends and success in life. international family over good red wine. HOW DO YOU MEASURE CNN I visit stores over weekends. correspondent” Good visits always help me PROFITABILITY? to relax more when I open We all know what profit WHAT DON’T PEOPLE the first bottle of red wine. means. My emphasis is always on growth in KNOW ABOUT YOU? ANY TIPS ON MAKING A profitability over the I hail from the metropolis previous year. SUCCESS... of Brakpan. Desire it more than anyone WOULD YOU CHANGE WHAT’S YOUR TAKE ON else, but don’t let your ANYTHING IN YOUR desire change who you are. FASHION? If you allow that to happen PAST? The more it changes, the your success will be shortThere were the odd more it stays the same. occasions as a young man where I embarrassingly drank way too much... yes.

WHAT’S BEEN YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT SO FAR? It will be our set of results for this year for the Edcon Discount division.

WHAT DREAM ARE YOU HOW DO YOU UNWIND? I have taken up boxing as a CHASING NOW? sport. I obviously only do My management team and I want to turn the retail formats under our control into the fastest growing... measured by operating profit, formats in the country.

IF YOU WERE NOT CEO, WHAT IS YOUR IDEA OF WHAT WOULD YOU BE A PERFECT WEEKEND? A combination of all the DOING? following: watching my I’d fancy my chances as an international CNN correspondent.


sons participate in sport, boxing technically correct and hurting my coach a bit in my boxing sessions, watching good rugby,

light sparring, but I train with professional fighters. Boxing is far more technical than what people realize. It is also the toughest cardio workout you can imagine. I suppose I only have a couple of years left acting like I am 18 years old in the ring, so I am making the most of it. My personal best is currently eight consecutive rounds of sparring. I am trying hard to get to 12.





10H00 - 14H30




one one on

with Kaya Nqwelo

“I am a bubbly diva with an enormous sense of humor and strong personality. I love to stand out and be identified; the whole lot about me is daring, even my sense of style. You can never resist looking”. Please, who am I trying to fool here? This is the language of a fearless individual or fashionista... so to speak.


Someone who dares the fashion cosmos and its sovereign, with a declaration to take over and be an influence in her own little world. The better way of describing me is if I say, “I am quite a simple girl with a sense of humor and a strong personality. Always been inlove with beautiful and shinny things (keen eye for detail)”. Another would be to say... as humans we differ in

many ways. Not everyone is all bold and beautiful, not everyone is positive and confident under their skins. But there is a similarity if we look closely. I hope you still remember Cinderella. She’s a perfect example of transformation or makeover. In every girl there is that little Cinderella element, it may be hidden somewhere in your heart, but please let us all admit to this one. Every girl is for diamonds, you know what

they say “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, so now there is no way you would disagree. No matter where you come from, you dream of beautiful things. You also want that same makeover they did on her last summer because it seems as if it helped her grow her confidence a bit. ` It is pretty common to find someone who has a wandering eye that reviews everything about style, shape and identity but in the diversity of human nature, but we all need to accept one another at some point.

just because she doesn’t hold the same curves as you doesn’t make her any less, not even different than the yellow-bone girl sitting on the other side... be above what people that shame you want it to be. That way no one can read between the lines. Clothing is awesome. Style is the most exciting thing in the world and I think everyone should love thinking about and evaluating their outward appearance.

Accept the sister sitting next to you on the taxi, just because she doesn’t hold the same curves as you doesn’t make her any less, not even different than the yellow-bone girl sitting on the other side.

But don’t become someone that others feel that they need to tremble in the presence of. Don’t make other people’s outward appearance be the only thing that you base their value from.

How dare anyone think that they have a right to criticize another person’s body?

Have adequate trust that the way they express themselves feels good to them, so you ought to feel fine too.

No matter how you look like, your confidence must

But let’s say someone is totally killing it in a fierce outfit, then, you better recognize.

I know we differ a lot as human beings, but being different than the other is the reason why we are all special, just like diamonds.




BODY by Inga Magwentshu

We are all uniquely designed, different styles suited to different shapes.

Knowing and understanding especially your waist, your body shape INVERTED TRIANGLE without adding bulk. plays a vital role in Your main style aims are Accentuate your hip and to create the illusion of bust areas. your daily dressing the perfect body shape by balancing your lower body DIAMOND SHAPE and overall to your upper body and to Your main style aims are personal style. draw attention away from to create the illusion of a Get to know your shape and how to dress it to enhance your best qualities. Here are a few tips for your shape…



Your main style aims are to balance your top half to your bottom half by creating the appearance of a wider upper body.

your upper body.

longer, inverted triangle body shape. Draw attention RECTANGLE SHAPE upwards towards your Your main style aims are to shoulders and face. add curves by defining your shoulders. Or, if you are ROUNDED SHAPE slender, by defining your Your main style aims are waist to create the illusion of a


Your main style aims are… To emphasize your curves,

longer, inverted triangle body shape. Draw attention upwards towards your shoulders and face.

AND FLORALS With the climate PEPLUM a subtle introduction was For that Spring freshness, warming up, its done in the 2012 Spring/ get a touch of Floral. Summer, in 2013 this trend time to Think gets bigger Bright, Think Summer. Here’s a sneak peak at the 2013 Spring/ Summer colors and trends... BLACK & WHITE PATTERNS


Bold? Yes please! African, Oriental, Animal prints. A 60s come back. Black and Options are endless white patterns in checks, stripes and dots. Own it, wear it







Motherland style INSPIRED



south african fashion week


spring & summer


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