Zingce Lifestyle Magazine

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“Our main focus is the good in people that is often taken for granted”

Welcome to the first issue of Zingce lifestyle Magazine, direct translation: Take Pride. Join us as we take pride in all we do this year. Whether it is in relationships, finances, eating plan and gym we will strive to give our best. I must take time to thank the man upstairs who makes the impossible, possible. Indeed we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. It has been a challenging journey and seeing this newborn come to life brings so much Joy. There has been sleepless nights so that you reader can only get the best as we are not settling for less in 2014! I encourage each one of us to start walking in greatness with discipline and perseverance, in good time all shall come to pass. I refer to this issue as the “Hustlers” Issue, so for those who want to make it big start reading and learn from the best in the field. Self- made Millionaire Lebo Gunguluza shares his story on how he made it to the top. Socialite, ex-con , businessman and politician Kenny Kunene opens up and we see a different side to him that most people have not tapped into. After all this magazine’s main focus is the good in people that is often taken for granted. We give you advice on the trending books to read from people who have come from challenging background and

are now playing a major role in South Africa. We travelled with Larry, to South Africa’s playground, Durban were we attended the Metro Fm Awards courtesy of KZN Tourism Department. So take notes as we give you the hot spots that you can visit next time you take a short left. This issue is filled with everything of the best which will add value to your life, you will thank us later. Join us as we continue the fight against Abuse. Rosie Motene continues to educate on the different forms of abuse that effect most of us. This issue is also about unearthing and celebrating talent and we encourage your interaction valuable reader. Thank you to all the contributors that have contributed in making this magazine what it is. Lastly Stay motivated, be bless and celebrate you!

Editor Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo


TENTS 01 - Entrepreneurial Advice from Lebo Gunguluza 07 - Rosie Motene II : Know Your Rights! 09 - Rosie Motene II : Know Your Rights! 11 - Let’s Talk Marriage 13 - Blue Moon Events 15 - The Other Side of Kenny Kunene 23 - Talent Focus : Dj Leosci 25 - Setting The Tone with Mr Selwyn

31 - Healthy Eating with Chef Thobela 33 - Health Matters 35 - Timeless Fashion 37 - To Infiniti & Beyond : Car Review 39 - The Book Review 41 - Stay Motivated 43 - Soccer Added On Time 47 - Hip Hop Meets Art. The Stay Fresh Team. 53 - Durban, My New Love Affair 57 - 13th MMAs


ENTREPRENEURIAL ADVICE FROM LEBO GUNGULUZA WORDS BY NGAWETHU KA SIPHIWO I tell you it has been a mission securing a meeting with the Self Made Millionaire, Mr Gunguluza who rose beyond the challenges, and choose to do things differently.

“It is amazing how people always take for granted where you are”. ”They assume that it is normal to be where you are, and sometimes it is not normal because were you are is a series of challenges, series of learning and basically every decision you make influences the historical data that you will have to have” ... those are the words of one of the leading business men in South Africa… He acknowledges that perseverance is what has pulled him through, he continues “The whole idea of being an entrepreneur exposes you to different people, the idea is not to giving up and think beyond the point where most people would normally give up”. The stage were most people give up is where Lebo released his full potential and that is how he conquered.

“I am an entrepreneur who never gives up and that is why I am in a position to lead”. This has enabled him to take on new territories, He goes into territories were most companies have not tapped into, and that is what excites him. Within their current business portfolio which is mainly communications, capital, property, travel they have added mobile to the list “This is an exciting time for my company as we are exploring different avenues which fascinates me” he says . Mr Gunguluza was born in the township of New Brighton, Nelson Mandela Bay (P.E) during a period where most companies were relocating to other centres, leaving the local employment market exposed to unemployment, culminating into boycotts in most cases. The majority of black people in the area who depended on local companies for employment were suddenly out of jobs, no income created suffering amongst this population. His father was a part of this population, and his passing away exposed his mother and his two siblings into a challenging position. Lebo blesses the decision that her mother took of taking them to a boarding school to ensure that they focused on being educated so that they could be able to function independently in society.

The next best move that his mother did was to use the money that she got after their father pass on to pay for their school fees at Private schools as she knew that the one good thing that she could do for her children is to provide them with the best education, little did she know that she was in the process of grooming leaders that would compete on a global scale. Even though Lebo struggled as he had been delayed a lot school wise, I can imagine how difficult it was for him to communicate from a transition of rural areas to private schools having to communicate in a new language: English was obstacle number one. Something had to give, he asked himself how is he going to change his circumstance because his mother was paying a lot of money and he had to do well but how was he going to achieve this if he could not speak English and all the subjects were taught in English, there had to be a feasible solution. His first important decision that changed his life was learning the language that is used globally to communicate. From that day he only spoke English, with his challenges came disappointment as he kept repeating grades because of the language bearer and was incompetent at the time to move to the next level.


However he persevered ….some of the traits of millionaires, perseverance!

He is thankful because even though he struggled he was lucky enough to be given a better education and taken out of the disadvantaged schools in the townships. He feels that, that is where his talent found him, and he can’t but wonder what would have happened if his mother had not taken that decision for his future. He also adds that, that is one of the reason why most students from such environments struggle in university and most of the time wonder around because there was insufficient grooming as well as no solid mentorship.

The stage were most people give up is where Lebo releases his full potential, and that is how he conquers...

His school gave him an opportunity, and opportunity comes with hope for a better tomorrow. After a few years within that school, in grade 11, they had to write an essay initiated by BMP and Multi choice were by 4000 scholars all over the country participated. The Topic of the Essay was as follows: If you had to introduce multi channels as a new thing in the country how would you go about and how would you introduce it in a nice way? Having fast tracked his mastering of the English language two years before, he beat all the other students who had been taught in English almost all their life that was when he got his ah-hah! Moment….it clicked, positive thinking pays off. Basically confirming that what you think of yourself is what you become. Positive thoughts generate positive thinking! Your background doesn’t not hinder you from achieving, it actually works towards your advantage because you have a story to tell. It is no surprise with this background that Mr Gunguluza‘s business dovetails into communications.

Being a key player in the Travel and leisure sector, service is very important to him. He points out that the one thing that he would really love for tourist in our country to experience is a high standard of service, when they come and leave this country they should talk about the best service received in South Africa.

Unfortunately most of the service that currently exists doesn’t necessarily come from people that come from South Africa it comes from people who came to South Africa from other countries. He supports his statement by making an example about the restaurants around Sandton, by the way we are having our interview in one of the Sandton, restaurants. Let me pause and give you an idea of the situation so that you understand the nature of Mr Gunguluza’s day to day Life. We are in this restaurant, he comes from a meeting I am really lucky because one of his meeting happened to be around the area, so he is having his supper as he needs a bit of Carbohydrates to keep his body in action. As he eats he pauses from time to time to give answers to my questions. His business schedule continues as he is heading to another commitment, for him it is simple time wasted is never returned! However in all this buzz, commitments and meetings, he tries to sleep early even though he admits that his not very committed when it comes to gym and thanks his mother for his Good Genes, can you believe it he is 43years old! Back to his example and the importance of service. He elaborates “If you go to most of the restaurants in this area, most of the waiters are South Africans but if you go to the shops that you see here how many South Africans are in the fore front as owners of these shops?, some of these shops are Italian shops “….”Companies from Europe


come to our country and have now established themselves here and on top of that they appoint people that are from outside the country “. Therefore you find most of the people that belong to this country are jobless, and yet most of the key areas where we are supposed to campaign in as South Africans are not occupied by South Africans. He hopes that at some point we will lead as South Africans and begin to filtrate that market.

However he stresses that the youth of our country is equally lazy and have too much pride. Some of the youth of our country prefer to stay at home than to work at “Aca Joe “ yet they are

the first to complain .They fill entitled, “ I must be given this, government must give me that”

They do not understand that you have to work and in the process of working you are learning and the education that you get from school is not enough to define who you are. What defines who you are, are the lessons learnt in your working life: being disappointed getting hurt, getting up and still learn, it is a cycle really until you start reaping the fruits of your labour that is what defines the real you He also advises young woman to be more independent, and enterprising, to safeguard themselves from falling prey to wealthy man, whose wealth may even be short-lived.

He comments, “What happens when the men lose their wealth?” He is concerned with women giving up their lives of a better education, jobs and business opportunities to be dependent on wealthy men who equally face an uncertain future. He encourages women to empower and liberate themselves by being more independent in thinking, and enterprising in business. It is an open forum both genders are entitled to. He emphasises on knowledge as being power, and detests man who flash money all over the place, to lure and misdirect our young and hopeful community in the wrong direction. He takes me back to when he had lost part of his fortune, where his money and cars were taken from him in one year, and through hard word he gained it all back, emphasising that with a lot of hard work you can turn things around. He accentuates that it was not because of money because money is not the solution the capability is the solution, but he did what he had done before that enabled him to acquire more money. His secret weapon knowledge! Clearly you can take anything from him, but if you do not take his knowledge you have really done a useless exercise, you remain poor. He hates the word Loan because he views it as a temporal relief, as he gets a number of young people asking for loans from him, I guess they see him as a breathing bank were money is placed in sacks . He fills that chances are they will use it for meaningless things, maybe flash it at a club when it is finished what are they going to do? So he says that when young

people want money from him he becomes really disappointed, most of them like the quick and easy route. Yes he can be of assistance to the lucky few, but if you do not rather take time to learn from his knowledge which he feels can make you have more money than he has. In a way one deprives themselves more than they can imagine. A knowledge thief is a far better thief than one who asks for a loan, misuses that money and is left with a debt. When you owe people chances are they will not respect you . However if you come to him and say” Mr Gunguluza I see an opportunity here, how do I go about” . ‘ Then you learn, in the process you make money, that money will always be with you and the beauty about it is that you will know how to keep making more”. This is really not rocket science, even back in the day before Christ people from different tribes, with lots of wealth different backgrounds travelled to King Solomon just to drink from his well of Knowledge. Refer to 2 Chronicles 9 Verse 22-24, true story so Lebo is not thumb sucking here we are dealing with facts! One important rule I have learnt from him when it comes to business is that you make your business work with the limited resources that you have available to you. Also make that business profitable and sustainable Mr Gunguluza also has a sense of humour as I am fascinated on how he keeps reinventing himself after all he is still going strong from the first big bucks made 16years ago. I wish you were around loyal reader to see his facial expression, Leon Schuster


would have failed dismally on this one. Here I am thinking that he is going to tell me about what he avoids and how focused his become. Not! “Failure, is scared of me, it is tired of me, Gatvol of me! Failure doesn’t want to see me”. Yho! Classic # Death by Mr Gunguluza! In a nutshell failure is allergic to him as he has abuse failure to the maximum, and when you abuse something it ends up not wanting to see you anymore, bingo! Lebo has established himself as an African brand, he feels with change comes opportunity. He makes a valid example on how we can get application on our Phones this is all inspired by change. Therefore change must always happen, compare then to now. Obviously with money comes special treatment, he tells me that people think that he has money all the time. He stresses that he works hard, “You know sometime when I request a service or quote for my business, and people tend to charge me ridiculous prices”. People miss the point that I am human as them and I save. Unfortunately that is the perception you get from people when they think they have an idea of your bank balance. The man who once had a main goal which was to make a billionaire at 45years shifted after realising last year that there is actually more to life than chasing money. Other things now bring fulfilment to him, after all if one thinks logically as an individual you can only have so many cars and so many houses but the real question is have you contributed anything towards creating a better South Africa? He redefined his destiny, he launched a project called

12.12.12 ( 12 December 2012) that is when he recruited young entrepreneurs in twelve months, he was on a mission to share his knowledge and help build them as well as their companies in their respective fields . These entrepreneurs have glamorous offices by the way but that is not the point they need to remember why they are there and not lose focus because with that came sacrifice. He took half of his salary added value to their lives and for him that was better than making a billion. In 2013 they had to report back on how they had grown from the initiation of the project and he is proud to say that he has been getting positive feedback. I am really inspired, I see Lebo as a younger version of Tata Madiba, the spirit of humanity is very evident: how many people would do that? As much as he still has a few years to 45, he does not regret his decision all he knows is that he has to transfer a billion rands worth of knowledge to these favoured souls….I ask my dear Lord to hold the green monster from creeping in as I envy these young entrepreneurs. I realise that there is so much I can take from him with the time I have as he doesn’t realise that his giving me tips on being a billionaire not even a millionaire. I am officially in healthy competition with a millionaire to see who will take first prize to make it as a billionaire*Hides*. Mr Gunguluza views entrepreneurship as a very basic concept that liberates people. He elaborates further by saying you can give a man fish, and they will eat for one day, that is why he is against things like loans. However if you teach a man how to fish that will be for a lifetime because in return he can

The man who once had a main goal which was to be a bil ionaire at 45years shifted his focus after realising last year that there is actually more to life than chasing money.. teach others and we can all eat together . So what really sets him apart from other entrepreneurs is being able to take time and teach other aspiring entrepreneurs on how to fish he does not hold any secrets. “There is a lot that has to be done in this country therefore let us share, develop and grow because we have a long way to go”. He reckons he has played his role and he plans to retire soon, by the end of this year he will really focus on teaching his entrepreneurs on how to make money. You can keep up with Mr Gunguluza by visiting the following website: www. gemgroup.coza, as he will be launching his book soon do not miss out.


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You’ve heard of physical wellness and mental wellness, but what about financial wellness? Financial wellness is “the balance between having a healthy state of financial wellbeing today, while also preparing financially for tomorrow”. This implies that when you make financial choices, you need to be in two places at once. You need to be in the present, thinking about your current needs and desires. You also need to be in the future, thinking about your future needs and desires. Then you need to override the urge to deal with the future and make a choice that balances present and future needs. Every time you choose the present over the future, you create a poorer future for yourself.

South Africans spend over 70% of their disposable income on “Then you need to ov debt repayment. That tells us that our focus as a nation is so future and make a ch overwhelmingly on the desires of the present that not only future needs. Every tim are we failing to provide for the future, you crea the future, but we are robbing our future by getting into debt to enjoy luxuries we have not earned yet! If you take time to observe around you , you see people The financially unwell status driving luxury cars. That of so many South Africans is will eventually mean that in partly about poor financial retirement they will have to literacy. Being financially phone their kids for a lift to the literate implies that you doctor. possess three attributes; some basic maths skills; a little Eventually, high fashion, knowledge about the workings overseas holidays, cigars and of finances and financial cognac will be exchanged for products and a practical a tracksuit and four free-tounderstanding of sound air TV channels on which to financial behaviour. watch the next generation You can be a smart person, but financially illiterate anyway. Many people who are financially illiterate have maths skills and understand financial matters, but they still make bad financial choices. That makes them financially illiterate.

make the same mistakes. All because they would not be in two places at once and they plundered their future for the sake of the present.

IT COMES DOWN TO THIS; it’s not what we know that will make the difference. It’s what we do with what we know. Financial literacy and consequently financial wellness, is more about our choices than our knowledge.


verride the urge to deal with the hoice that balances present and me you choose the present over ate a poorer future for yourself” For most of us, our choices are only part rational. Mostly, our choices are emotional. Sure we find ways to rationalize the silly choices we make based on our emotions so that we can feel justified in our actions “You know, I’m in my car a lot, so I really need to be comfortable and safe, that’s why I spent more on my wheels than JZ did on Nkandla, but hey, I’m worth it”.

Financial wellness is not at all If you need advice on about depriving yourself of the enjoyment of life so much how to handle your as keeping the big picture in money for the present mind when you make choices and the future. that will impact you financially. In essence financial wellness Email your financial doctor means adjusting your mindto help you get to financial set in line with living on a little wellness. less in the present and saving a little more for the future. mark.cloete@momentum. co.za That’s the take-away from this or article, that’s what you should MoneydoctorSA@gmail.com tell anyone who asks you what it’s about. Or you could tell them this: To achieve financial wellness, you want to be in present and the future at the same time because the two keep getting closer to one another and one day you will find that the future is actually the present and if in the past, you paid too little attention to the future you’ll presently wish you were still in the past.


rosie motene

know your rights. 09

Most people think that abuse only comes in the physical form however a number of people are affected by different forms of abuse and they do not realize it until it is too late. First it’s a bruise, life time scare and even death ….it is time to educate, let me break it down to you. The most important facts to know are the different types of abuse: • Physical • Sexual • Financial • Emotional • Psychological Abuse Is NOT only physical but the emotional and psychological abuse is far worse. If a person tells you every day that you are ugly, fat and stupid, after a while you will begin to believe it. Abusers will break down someone’s self esteem, so when they have had enough, they do not have the strength to leave. It’s imperative for women to earn their own income, have their own ambitions and dreams, so they are not dependent on a man. Its imperative to let your partner know what your plans and dreams are, you need a partner who will help you fulfill them not crash them down. If abused what you should do: • Remember it is not your fault!!! • Report the case, no matter who

the person is. • It will be difficult but try and remember things about the person, if he was a stranger, things like a scar, jewelry, scents etc. This will help in your case. • Go to the police as soon as the incident takes place. If it sexual assault: • Do not take a bath, go straight to the hospital and ask for the police to meet you there. • You have a right to ask for a rape kit. • You have the right to ask for ARV’s. • If the police are reluctant, get the persons name and report them later. You have the right to open a case and obtain a case number. Remember: • If you say no, it is against the law, even if you are married. • Even if he is your favourite uncle, if he hurt you or forced himself on you, it’s wrong. • If he was drunk, it’s still not your fault. • If you were drunk, it’s not your fault. • What you were wearing has nothing to do with the crime. • Confide in someone whom you trust.

What you should do: • Rest and get your strength. • Do not drop the charges, as you then give him the license to do it to another person. • Believe in your strength and power. • It’s not your fault. If you need help POWA is here for you do not hesitate to call or email. Telephonic Support Contact Number:

011 642 4345/6

Or email: tiny@powa.co.za,


Speak out!!! You are not alone.

What to expect: • A lot of doubt from people. • A lot of blame from people. • He might resort to try and intimidate you. • Some people will blame you for the incident, the only blame is on the abuser or rapist.


k l a t s ’ t le arriage m


have realised that we celebrate love in different ways. However the point of my article is to share my experience, for me the most important lesson I have learnt thus far is to give love throughout. So whether you single, married or divorced let us start being givers of love, you will be surprised as to what you will get in return. I also understand that how we choose to celebrate love is based on one’s religious beliefs, perspective and background. However the point of my article is not to convince you on whether or not one should celebrate Valentine’s day, or whether one should consider February as the month of love the most important thing is to give love throughout whether you single, married or divorced. I do understand that how we choose to celebrate love is based on one’s religious

Most men and women are reluctant to get married because of all the unpleasant stories that they have heard about the union. Reality is that it is an experience between two people and it is really what you make out of it.

written by Siyabonga Titi beliefs, perspective and background. What I do want to share is the greatest advice that I have ever received about marriage, this gave me a clear picture of what marriage is all about. When I got married I received numerous advices from a variety people on what the journey was, and what it represented. Married people shared their experiences, divorced people shared their views, unmarried people shared their understanding, pastors and psychologist’s counselled us from the perspective of their professions. Let me state this, all of this was helpful. I would be doing you an injustice, if I do not first share the worst advises I got in the process, and most was from married people. Firstly, all your wife wants is security/money, provide for her and your marriage will be a success. Secondly, she is not your sister; she came here for what she can’t get

at home, and so do it every night. Lastly, you are the man; you have the power to take all decisions. I learnt that this was all bulls##t. Reading an article from a marriage counsellor who was asked what are the three most pertinent reasons in couple’s being divorced, his answer was simple, “Money, sex and power”. In essence what he said was that a lot of marriages are based on money, sex or power and when one of these things lacks, the marriage seizes to exist. My truth, coming back from honeymoon my boss informed his Superior that I had just come back from honeymoon and that I was married. The gentleman takes one look at me and utters the following words, “Congratulations and I hope you have made the right decision”. My defensive guards came


up, out of all the good things you could say, is that the best words of encouragement that could come out of your mouth. Seeing my disgust in his statement, he continues to say “I see that you are confused, let me explain to you what marriage is”, I listened, he said, “Marriage is not the good times you will have with your wife, it’s not the bad times you will go through either, it’s not the hard mountains you will need to climb together, it’s not the beautiful kids you will have, marriage is all those things put together.

answer was simple, “Some have to, some don’t have to and most were in it for the wrong reason to begin with.” This really got me thinking and I came to the following conclusion: “When the road seems hard I must hold on, when the times are good, I must never forget the woman I climbed that hill with”. Marriage is bigger than just me and my beautiful wife. Marriage is an institution we belong to, and an institution that has a responsibility to society.

A strong marriage produces The only time you will know a strong family setup. if this decision you have A strong family that is made was the right one, is values-based produces a when all of these things have values-based community. happened, the kids have left A community will influence home, you have retired and the province you live in and the only milestone you face automatically the country with your wife is death. you live in. One author once wrote, “The problems At that moment when of a country are the sum you reflect and your inner problems of its people”. man tells you that the best decision you ever made was marrying this woman, then you will only know if this decision was the right one.” His last words where, “Marriage was never designed to end it’s a life time commitment.” I was blown away by such a profound view. Something still could not connect, so I asked him what about people who divorce? His

During this “month of love” I pray we revive our love for one another, but most importantly, we make a commitment to each other that we make it to the day when we can reflect on the decision we made about getting married. Have a blessed marriage, and don’t forget, kids are visitors in your marriage, one day they will leave you and be independent. Treat them as visitors. I dedicate this article to my father and mother in-law, Thornley and Nosimo Liwani, who are celebrating their 40th year of marriage this year. Love you mom and dad.

when we take decisions, especially as men, we must be mindful that the impact is bigger than just our immediate families.


As our country celebrates 20 years of democracy we reflect on the achievement of the past years: the celebration and unearthing of new talent. This year proved to be a very exciting year for the listeners of one of the biggest national commercial radio stations in South Africa. The station celebrated 13 years of existence and recognising the rich supply of South African music and Talent. Zingce Lifestyle Magazine took some time to find out what sets Blue Moon Corporate Communications apart from other companies. The company was awarded the tender to host the Metro FM Awards in partnership with Metro FM as well as KZN Municipality.

Junior Production Manager Blue moon: Mpho Mokgoatle There have been many – we’ve been doing live broadcasts for 13 years now! Some highlights were winning the creative Over the past 25 years that we execution of the live broadcast have been in business, we have of the ANC Centenary TV show moved from being a market “Tshihumbudzo” in 2012, the leader in eventing and now fabulous Cricket South Africa have 2 parts to our company: Awards in 2013 and, of course, the successful 12th Metro FM Blue Moon Events still remains Music Awards which were held ahead of its game and Blue last year. These are large scale Moon Integrated Employee events, however, we rate our Engagement. Our second daily execution of client work division, is now also setting as significant events as they new standards in the internal are just as important to us. communications market, locally and expanding in Africa.

What does the company specialise in?

The awards were indeed an epitome of excellence in the Music industry as per Mr Vilakazi’s Prediction (Metro FM Station Manager). We spoke to Mpho Mokgoatle, Junior Production Manager What other significant at Blue Moon corporate events have you hosted communication to explain why their company is seen as in the past? the cream of the crop.

Why do you think you were awarded the tender to host the Metro FM Awards; what sets the company apart from other companies?


Blue Moon Events is well placed in the market because our standard offering is a triple approach: every piece of work we do is based firstly on sound strategy from our experienced team, followed through with brilliant creative work and then, importantly, the ability to deliver every time, on time, within budget. We were awarded the tender because we offer the best service and quality in the industry, have great ideas and experience in the very specific needs of broadcast events.

Take us through the planning process when you prepare for such events. We take many things into account: previous shows, industry trends, logistical challenges - there is an extensive list which then gives us a solid strategic approach. Meeting the client objectives are paramount and thus we need to partner with the client team to ensure the best talent to deliver great performances on the evening. For example, this year we are re-focusing on accommodating Metro fans who are listening to, watching and attending the event. We assemble the best teams that the country has to offer, to run pre-show events,

hospitality, technical aspects – everything from when the invitation arrives in someone’s hand, to when they leave the after party, and all the live broadcast aspects at the same time. In the end, it’s about engaging and inspiring people, which is what Blue Moon does best. In all this we also make sure that we include some skills transfer. This year we’ve invited students from Durban University of Technology to be involved in stage management, sound and lighting technology, set design, video technology and graphics.

In cases where things do not go as planned, what method does the company apply as damage control? We try and prepare so well that there is never a challenge that takes us entirely by surprise. The back-up plans are almost as big as the event itself and range from medical emergency services through to alternative power sources and security.

cards. Blue Moon is flexible, adaptable and professional: we don’t talk ‘damage control’ – we talk immediate alternative solutions!

What encouragement would you give to companies that want to be in your league? If you have a head for business, nerves of steel, impeccable planning abilities and a love for creating spectacular material, then this business is for you. You need good strategic insight into your client’s brand, strong creative skills and excellent production to ensure delivery of your promised pitch. Our advice would be to never underestimate the power of solid teamwork; plan, plan then plan again; leave nothing to chance and don’t be afraid to spend money - this isn’t a quick buck business. You need to invest in staff, suppliers and equipment that are world class.


A great example is from last year’s show, where the autocue went down in the middle of the show. Due to the team being over prepared, we had a back up plan, the presenters could quickly shift from autocue to ipads and cue


the other side of

Kenny Kunene

written by Ngawethu Ka Siphiwo

Kenny’s Parents could not provide him with all the luxuries that most of his friends had. At school he sold fruits during break and he worked at a tavern on the weekends, picking up empty bottles and Deejaying. He learnt how to multi task at a young age. The fear of poverty kept him apace as he had to provide for his family. Poverty was like a bad odour that he had to get rid of as he wanted to succeed severely. No matter what it took he had to create another life for himself, where he no longer had to wonder about his next meal. Ironically he wanted to be a lawyer however finances shattered his dreams and the next best thing was to become a teacher. It was never part of his plan but what assisted him in accepting the situation was his love for children which played a significant role. It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I arrive in Kenny’s almost perfect home. The atmosphere is poles apart I must say as I did not expect to be in such an unperturbed family environment. As I walk in, on his sixteen year old son Thato who greets me with a smile. I had met him the previous day as he accompanied his father to the Photo shoot. One thing that stands out

about his boys is how they relate to people, they are very well mannered. I am told that his adopted son Moglatsi is more of an A student studying Information Technology.

baby that just makes his heart melt after our interview. I am stunned that the Sushi king is a real family man living with his two sons, his daughter and his 5month old granddaughter.

Thato is a sportsman playing for the junior team of Moroko Swallows. I wonder how he has protected these boys and maintained a balance normal life. “I make my children work for what they have”. “I do not just give, they need to get good grades and they know that they are more fortunate than other kids”. “However they must equally know how to live with other people as well as respect them”.

“What you see today is who I have always been” he elaborates further by saying even though he was poor he lived like a rich kid and had rich friends. When he was a teacher he owned a shebeen and never neglected his love for music which led him to deejaying. He also introduces us to the darker side to his life.

I kept asking myself if I was at the right place, we are sitting by the pool. Given the weather I assumed that I would walk in a music video type of setting to my surprise. All I could hear is the sound made by the pool. Out of the blue, I hear a sound I did not expect at all, Kenny Kunene’s granddaughter, clearly she wants someone’s attention. As his about to answer my next question he pauses and smiles. “That is my granddaughter Thandeka, I love her so much and she loves me”. Thandeka is named after his mother. I make a request to see this five month

That was a period of greed and impatience to reaching his financial goal which led him to criminal activity, today he regrets and tries to put it right. This he does in the values he instils in


family and his support for social charitable organisations. Kenny has always been a socialite and when he got to Klerksdorp were he started teaching. He organised one of the biggest beauty pageant which he took to the town hall.

great choice in marrying her as they complemented each other. To this day Kenny is very much in touch with his style, he loves looking good. He has acquired quite an expensive taste. He also highlights that a good scent is equally important.

There had never been history of a black event taking place in the town hall. He was already breaking boundaries and within a month everyone in the township knew this guy from the Free State.

He believes in making an effort to know your body and working with different pallets to create a look you own. At photo shoots he believes at dressing himself to accentuate his personality. He grew up in a mining area, some miners stole gold and brought it to him that exposed him to money at an early age.

He strongly believes in beauty pageants as he feels they help in moulding women of great veracity to become conscious of their looks which in turn builds confidence. Beauty queens play vital role in society, that is why our country should continue with beauty pageants. Even though they did not have much as a family image was very important. He grew up having a grandfather that wore suits on a daily basis, Monday to Sunday whether he was going to chill with his friends, going to church that was the dress code for the day this continued even after his retirement.

Two years into varsity his grandmother was really struggling to keep up with the fees. It was during that time when he started doing house breaking that is how he got to complete his teaching Degree.

While teaching in Klerksdorp he also ran a shebeen, the locals liked coming to his shebeen and would plan crimes there. He aided the criminals as an adviser and would take part in certain “jobs�. They invited him on board as he had winning strategies. Crime then took more of his time as a result he resigned from his teaching career. He emphasizes that nothing ever justifies crime, it was plain greed! He had a salary and he could have made ends meet with what he had, so that is why people commit crimes because they want more and more.

His grandparents played the prominent role in his upbringing and he also mentioned that his grandmother was such a lady. If there were going somewhere she would come out dressed to impress and she would ask her family how she looked. This was just to remind her husband that he had made a


Petty crimes like stealing bread are crimes driven by poverty. “If somebody steals bread because they are hungry he wants food for sustenance. Between 1999/2000, Kenny met his Business partner Gayton McKenzie they grew very close and spent about six years in prison. He elucidates prison as another world, survival of the fittest as well as smartest. After they exposed corruption in prison they sometimes tried to sleep, shower with one eye opened and a guard had to escort them everywhere they went. It was hell, they saw people being killed in front of them and they could do nothing about it. This was due to the fact that those six or ten people had knives on them

and there was really nothing you could attempt. You are not Jet Lee or Chuck Norris so you had to sit back and watch. He earned R22-00 a month by making tea for the wardens so he was lucky enough in the sense that he could walk around and in a way felt protected. “You really had to be strong” he says. That is why you find some guys that go to prison being nice people upon their return to society they commit worse crimes because their minds are so messed up. His mother, younger brother as well as his son were his “psychotherapists” when he came out of prison. Those are the people that inspired him to change as well as focus.

After prison he went back to teaching at a private school in Bloemfontein he was given this opportunity by a white lady who believed that he could change his life for the better. Having knowledge of the mining industry Kenny ventured into consulting that is where he made most of his money. Gayton and Kenny went into the publishing industry that is how they managed to publish Gayton’s first Biography.


So the journey began were the two were inseparable. The next project was the Hustlers bible which was one of the best sellers in CNA, which also gave them big bucks. An old lady at Edcon played a vital role with their book being housed at CNA Store s as they had just registered ZAR Publishers which was not known by Edcon. The lady convinced the buyers to take their books as she had known the success of their previous biography. Initially Exclusive books refused to take it but ended up ordering more books than CNA. Kenny is very ambitious and is really not comfortable with where he is today. He is aiming for a position where he has at least one billion rand per annum that is available that will fund business plans of young people.

These people are also at risk of coming to contact with crime on a daily basis, some would walk from Sandton through Grayston into Alex, he explains. That is when he took the time to acknowledge the grace of the almighty.

for these things, white people have a perception that we must remain slaves”. “Therefore every nice or expensive thing cannot belong to a black person” he utters.

Kenny feels he does not owe any one an explanation for how he choose to live his life. “You see people seem to see a problem between black people and luxury’. “It is as if we were not destined

He goes on to say “When you enjoy these luxuries there is a problem”. All of a sudden SARS must start investigating you because you are black driving a Porsche and living in Sandton. He also adds that “Black people will go on to say that you are spitting in the face of the poor”. Reality is that it is his success, he remains in control of how he spends his money. He feels that young people associate with the brand Kenny Kunene, the same

can make a living. “We complain about traffic!”

‘I should not be worrying about going to make money” he says. “I should have more than enough”. That one billion should generate profit so that the next group of young people can be assisted through that foundation. That is when he will say he has achieved his ultimate dream. Kenny draws his inspiration from his grandmother even though she passed away. They never had electricity, never had T.V. She sacrificed everything for him so that he could be educated. He is also inspired by young people that have a will to make it as well as old people that walk to trains. Whether it is raining, cold or extremely hot they still make their ways to the trains that will take them to work so that they Kenny and grand daughter,



way they associate with their favourite artist which they see on television. “When they see me living that life they become inspired and feel it is achievable”. Kenny is involved in motivation in schools as often as possible, he tells them his story and paints a picture so that the young people are captured in the moment and spurred on towards their goal. His emphasise is how to do things the right way and not earn a living through crime. One thing that you have to remember is that young people are not inspired by poverty. “Try and take a beggar from the street with thorn clothes to a school to motivate and tell me the results” he says. He makes an example of how Floyd Mayweather was brought into the country to motivate boxers. ‘’That man lives an extravagant life” he says. In a nut shell he feels that we are so quick to criticise and judge that someone from prison cannot be successful. He gets emails as far as the United Kingdom stating that they are interested in doing business with his company. Some come all the way just to feature him in a particular programme, go back to the US, put him on television and still pay him for that. He feels that it is that same thing that people criticise that has built the Kenny Kunene Brand. He makes it a point that he spend enough time with his children. They watch movies together and when there are soccer games he goes to watch with his sons. He also adds that he enjoys being a grandfather and from time to time he would watch cartoons

with his granddaughter. His world revolves around his children that is why he made a request on Comedy Central that no jokes must be made about his children but they can tap into any area of his life as he does not mind. One would see Kenny as a very brave men as he had the guts to write an open letter to the president of South Africa. He quotes one of Tata Madiba words” Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is instilling in other people that particular courage to move beyond the fear”. When he wrote the letter he felt the need that someone must just stand up to him and give him a mouthful. However he feels that most of the people missed the point of that letter. I am so curious to find out what was his point. “It had to do with the people around the president who are pulling him down, the people around him who were making him fail”. He explains that has a negative impact on his leadership issues such as poor service delivery, corruption just to mention a few.

The essence of the letter was to capture his attention that is one of the reasons he called him a monster. He adds on by saying “I know what the media likes”. Kenny and President Zuma spoke about the letter and fortunately he understood the letter better than anyone else. Kenny Kunene maintains that he is a realist, he is not angry and does not hate anyone. I ask him why he left the ANC, to start his own political organisation Patriotic Alliance. He believes that the leadership of the ANC in its current form has abandoned the freedom charter as well as ordinary people and that is why he left the party. He also believes that the media also plays a role in building bad images about most people. He has been a victim of such as the media has created a certain perception around him. However he does not pay much attention to that, what he does in return is to exploit that platform to achieve what he wants to achieve. He states that the problem with the media is that they assume that their enemies will be our

ith Ng aw eth u Th ato & M og lat si, w Ke nn y w ith his bo ys


enemies and their friends must be our friends. He also adds on by saying “the media wants us to hate Zuma and Love Helen Zille”. “I will not allow anyone to play dictatorship on my life” that is Kenny for you. For a moment I wanted to say order comrade! While we still were on the topic of discussing leaders of other political organisation, I ask him to elaborate further on why he left EFF. Kenny says that he felt out of place while in EEF and that is where he does not belong. “You see when you start something, you agreed on goals as well as the direction you will take to get there”. “Then you see a different direction being taken, you need to apply your mind and ask yourself whether you want to be there”. He clearly states that he is very decisive and does not waste time. He moved out of the organisation and that is how Patriotic Alliance came about. “People have this idea that I was friends with Julius Malema, we only had a political relationship”. He further explains that when he walked into a club and he was there he would join him. Malema would have a party at his house he would call him. “I would come to have a drink and that is where it ended we were never close friends”. He explains that Patriot Alliance speaks to young people in general and Middle aged people. Their strategy for this particular

elections is to share equal power in the Western Cape reason being they started there. He further highlights that his party plans to address key issues such as education, they plan to pump a lot of money in education. The issue of poverty and also decrease the number of unemployment among the youth. Indeed these elections will be very interesting. Kenny wants to be one of the people that assist in creating a society that is educated which will then think and dream differently. He feels that if the levels of literacy are low some children do not even have hope and our biggest enemy is the absence of hope. Mr Kunene raises the issue of abuse in our country and states that there should be a serious sentence for both women and men that abuse.

He feels people must stop sacrificing their happiness because you have been in that relationship for a long time. It is important to learn to walk away while you still can because he feels that he does not believe that a person that truly loves you will abuse you.

“Love is a beautiful thing and when you love someone you want the best for them”. The statement that he makes is quite true and I reckon we should continue to address such issue in our country head on. He tells me that white people helped in who he has become while black people never believed that he could make it after prison. His second opportunity to teach was provided by a white lady. Their book which became a best seller was motivated by a white lady. A white man who owed a mining company appointed him to work in his company knowing very well he was an x-con. These people were all inspired by the fact that these x-cons (Gayton and Kenny) wanted to make it in life in a legit manner. He is not ashamed of that and states that he is not fighting the white people. He is fighting the minority system. I learn that Kenny is involved in a lot of charity work in his spare time and feels that there is really no need to make noise about it and get P.R around charity. This man who never runs out of words is convinced that clothes are our first skin therefore it is imperative to always look good. He makes an example by saying if you walk into a five star hotel wearing an orange overall. What treatment do you expect to receive? Clearly first impressions last! His Favourite toys are Porsches as he loves the brand and had always dreamed of having one. “Fortunately I was not born to be poor” he says. For those that have been wondering what


happened to ZAR Night Club in Sandton, the club closed as a result of key developments that were to take place in the area, and so they were bought out. The ZAR in Cape Town and Kimberly closed as a result of a strategic decision taken to focus on the Political programmes that were running.

For all those who would love to roast Kenny in a hot oven. It is your chance to join Comedy Central on the 3 of April 2014 in lyric Theatre. Where they celebrate his life as well as make a mockery of him. Tickets are available at computicket. Kenny Kunene tells me that he grew up in a church but never understood the spirit world. Then things happened and Christianity was manifested to him and he lived by that. That is why he can now pronounce that Jesus Christ is his lord and saviour. His definition of a perfect weekend is quite time out to nurture his family. Clearly he has

evolved while he is still a socialite and he has headed the right. Even though people choose to misinterpret him, he his okay with that because it is their choice. ​ They do not know the real man, he insists. They rely on papers which are out there to make money out of selling fabricated stories, then again he understands because that is how they have to make a living.

and no one is there to capture the moment on camera. One of the 10 commandments states: Thou shall not give false testimony against your neighbour. When you point a finger know that there are three pointing back at you, therefore let us start taking the positive from individuals and create a better South Africa.

He is grateful to the few journalist who are not looking for mistakes but rather want to understand people. Kenny is certain that he can speak to any host of any radio station and they cannot break him. He refers to a quote that left me thinking. Quote- What you say about people does not define them but defines you. I made time to get to know this individuals that some people love to hate. His controversial, in touch with reality and one thing is certain that he is not apologetic about how he lives his life. He is equally aware that there is a superior power that governs the world and counts his blessing as he now lives a life that a few can only dream off. Having spent time with Kenny Kunene, I had to do a bit of introspection. We are so quick to judge as human beings as if we are perfect. Which standards are we judging him by? Is it the same standards that we judge ourselves by? Due to the fact that some of us commit the same acts behind closed doors


“when you point a finger know that there are three pointing back at you, therefore let us start taking the positive from individuals and create a better South Africa� 22



We find talent and bring it to you, if you know someone that you think is very talented and deserves to be feature in our next edition email us on Zingce@gmail.com. We encourage the youth to follow their dreams however they must first get an education in that way they eliminate themselves from limited choices.

We spoke to Lazola Leo Langa, rising Deejay from the Eastern Cape on how he brings his own tune to the Dance floor. Originally from Port st John’s, off the decks. The young man is an IT technician by profession specialising in network administration, maintenance and installation. He started Deejaying in 2007. At that time he was clueless as to what he was doing because he was doing it virtually on a computer.

The love for house music has kept him going. It was


a matter of time before he got pushed into the right direction.

he chooses not to pin point and say he plays this kind of music.

As far as deejaying is concerned . He got mentorship from the friends he met in Butterworth while studying I.T as they were already Deejays. They all had a common passion for music.

If his crowd is happy so is he. “There are places where most people prefer commercial house, each area has its style, somewhere else they prefer deep house, these places vary” he says .

He learned a lot from them and grew from strength to

The love for house music has kept him going. It was a matter of time before he got pushed into the right direction. strength. Young Eastern Cape products like Heavy K inspire him a lot, they just make him want to take things to the next level but it’s only a matter of time. He grew up listening to deep and soulful house music but his the kind of deejay that plays for his crowd.” My track selection depends on where I am, what time it is and my audience”. So

Personally he prefers playing for any audience as long as his dance floor is packed, nothing beats a packed dance floor at the end. When it comes to who he would like to work with in the future, currently he does not know. “ I guess I just want to build a name for myself in the music industry first, then from there the sky will be the limit”

“i guess i just want to build a name for myself in the music industry first, then from there the sky will be the limit” 24

setting the tone. Royal Greetings to all fashionable and stylish citizens of good virtue.

with Mr Selwyn

20. 4 .U or 20 Fortune or how ever your connection with 2014 is the fact is 2014 is here. As you would expect everyone wants to start a new year with a refreshed and new mind set. To have a solution over a failed solution. I say “SET THE TONE. That is the Attitude of this year and years to come. We seem to enter into a new season, with ignorance, a bleek vision or complete blindeness. Setting the tone is married to the “Doing it or Die” Attitude. With that said, I had the divine priviledge to engage with one of this Century’s greatest minds, The country’s most influencial and Trail Blazing Slave of Christ in the order of Melchizedek (New Priesthood, Raising Leaders Governed by Heavenly Regulations and Systems) My Spiritual Father, an Apostle of God, who carries the Prophetic mantle and who is the Orha Olam of this day to share with us what 2014 means.

Apostle Thabiso Mogano says, and I quote “We are already in 2014, and we are excited about this another great year.” We project it to be a year of : * Great transition *Year of Order *Divine Grace * Supersonic speed * Moreover, prophetically 14 is a number of Passover and also a number of the New Creation Generation after the order of Melchizedek.

We are in a season of change. Change is inevitable, so we must: 1. Anticipate change 2. Manage change 3. Embrace change. Therefore we must be agents of change. Bring change in our families, society, workplace and in the world. We aught to be world changers.”



Thus as you see here above mentioned by the Apostle that we need Great Transition, Super Sonic Speed and the Grace of Passover. I strongly believe in the Eternal Power of the Eternal God that we can Tap into the Eternal Grace of Passover which means we Passover Sin, Disobedience, Death, Limitations, Stagnation and Dead Dreams, Spiritual Bankruptcy, Bareness, Delays, Procrastinations and Backwardness etc... You name it, there’s a lot of reasons and scenarios.

Apostle Thabiso Mogano This is so interesting cos we seem to be doing the same thing over and over again every new year. Yes you got it “New Year’s Resolutions” simply because we failed the task of the previous year to achieve what we wanted. We fail because it is very easy to be motivated but to start and finish on a high note is likely impossible. We start on a high note and finish on a low one. Every year we do this. Some of us we get trapped in a Success Syndrome. Where we know what to do, how to do it, what to say and how to act but we do not get to doing it.

To Passover simply means from point of departure, you embark on a journey already equipped with wealth, resources, tools and provision that will be utilized at your point of destination. That is the paradigm shift and that is Transition. That’s what happened when the children of Israel left the slavery of Egypt. They plundered the Egyptians and took Articles of Gold articles of Silver. I believe they left Egypt as millionaires. This is of course by God giving favour towards you and un apologetically I am saying by being on God’s side, when God Passes Over you are spared from sudden death by the Blood of the Lamb (Christ Jesus) and you are counted as the new Creation Generation for the blood of Christ is the Blood of New Creation. 14 is the Number of Passover

this is the Attitude constituted with it. Let us bring this down to you earthling. 1. Transition – (movement, change, metamorphosis, paradigm shift, transformation are a few synonyms attached with this change. This change is heavily based on the mind. 2. This transition needs speed. Super Sonic speed is needed for thrust and get to eventually get things done. No prolonging processes and postponements. Get things done and move on to the next step. Change is easy as choice. You can make a choice to be diligent on how your spend time. From learning that “Time is the most expensive Currency”, knowing you cannot waste it. You can start living an orderly life where you have the wealth of wisdom to guide you on what you prioritize first. There it is! You would have taken action “to do” under the influence of a new and refreshed mind. That my friend is Transition. Instead of anticipating resolution rather anticipate change. Why? Because Re(again) Solution is synonymous with being stuck on doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That is defined as madness.


Rather change. You will not use your car keys to open everything, the door where you live and to open your safe and locks right? You would need different keys for different locks. You need different strategy and change all the time so to find a winning formula and stick to it. We are saying as the New Creation Generation, we are Leaders Raised to influence change in all spheres of our lives, be it family, society, businesses or the world.

These are leaders who take charge over their lives by 1. Anticipating change

There are 7 Tators in life

2. Managing change

2. Commentators- People who fi

1. Spectators - People who aren’t

Those who spectate whilst others w not do anything to help

3. Embracing change. With that in mind lets see where you fit in these TATORS of life.

3. Dictators- People who point ou they don’t get involved in doing it.

4. Agitators- People who want to support for it.

5. Hesitators- People who promis later don’t

The question is what are you willing to SACRIFICE!

6. Imitators- People who put up a

For something to live something must die. What are you willing to depart from, move, shift, change to get to where you are destined to be?

7. Sweetators- People who love p

something they are not

bring sunshine into people’s lives.

Destiny people! Destiny! We said earlier Passover is about Transition, Movement and Speed. Therefore Destiny requires a fast move to get to your destiny. Haste is needed when your Purpose, Wealth and Goals are threatened to be destroyed , killed and stolen. By that which will get to them first. It is our divine duty to own the territory first. He who gets to the territory FIRST owns, controls and has Power over that territory. That is the attitude of the 20 4 U Generation. These are individuals not intimidated by other people’s achievements.


t motivated to do any work. work

find fault and criticize and do

ut what needs to be done but

o do evil and they want

se and say they will help but

a front and pretend to be

people and are reliable. They

Which one are you? Whilst you are thinking of that bare in mind your answer will determine whether you will need a re-solution to a solution you had which didn’t work in 2013.

I can be down loading, sending a file and chatting at the same time without any fault. That is super amazing. It comes with an array of colours as you can see.

Exclusive to the XTOUCH So start now and embrace brand are Smart mobile Apps change and be a sweetator and that will be developed such have a sweet 2014. Siphiwe Tshabalala’s own App. He is one of the premium On that note here are sweet ambassadors of the brand. gadgets to sweeten you sweet life in 2014 and beyond. Even your favourite online magazine Zingce (Take Below is the X1 mini and I am Pride) Lifestyle Magazine or glad to say it is here in the Ilaphulam African Fashion country and is fitting for stylish Journal. Zingce On line and fashionable people like Magazine will have an App. yourselves to own one. I am an ambassador for this fine phone. I have used it and I must say it carries the android functionality so sweetly and effortlessly. I love that it allows me to open multiple screen at the same time and it does not freeze.


THIS MONTH , we inspire women to love themselves in and out of RELATIONSHIPS

written by Phumza Nomabunga

I have always asked myself one question when it comes to relationships, “why are relationships so difficult to maintain” be it’s a friendship, romantic relations or just family? It clicked to me that a lot of people try so hard to please other people just to keep them around. No matter how toxic the relationship is. People always look to others to make them feel happy. Why should I need the next person to tell me I’m beautiful to actually believe it? I had to do a whole lot of soul searching and I realized it all boils down to loving myself first, if I love and appreciate myself I automatically transmit that energy to the people around me. I therefore

encourage women to start celebrating themselves after all you only have one body and one Life. This is easy ladies a little pampering from time to time that is why I recommend Pure Romance. When I joined the Pure Romance business it made me recognize some of the qualities I have and I was so proud of their amazing beauty, bath and intimacy line. With Pure Romance products you feel confident and sexy from head to toe and if you have a partner you will take that sexiness straight to the bedroom!!!

of their own home with your girlfriends. By hosting a pure romance party you get to experience an amazing product demo of our amazing products from the rash-free shave cream to massing oils and lotions that could connect you and your partner more. Book your Free Pure Romance Party for your birthday, bachelorette or even a girl’s night in!!! Get in touch with me, Phumza Nomabunga (Pure Romance Consultant) 0718776110 www.phumzanomabunga. pureromance.co.za

Pure Romance is dedicated to empower, educate and entertain women in the privacy

“if I love and appreciat transmit that energy to 27

te myself I automatically o the people around me� 30


EATING WITH chef Thobela It’s a new year: The time has come for us to do things differently. After all, we all want to maintain that fabulous body shape and remain healthy especially after the festive season.

I came up with a solution – easy to prepare meals as we live in such a busy life. It seems like we do not have enough hours in a day.

So I am a guy with solutions. Allow me to take you on a journey of discovering fun and interesting ways to prepare your own dishes which will leave your body nourished.

Step One My suggestion: A few lunch and dinner meals. As this is usually the time when temptation kicks in.

That can be problematic as we tend to opt for fast foods. That is not the way to go, fear not because Chef T is here to make your lives a little easier. You will thank me later. It is often said that even if you go to gym but if you’re eating habits are not right you won’t go far.


ITALIAN SALAD Ingredients Salad leaves, cocktail tomatoes, cucumber, olives, mixed striped peppers and mozzarella cheese no dressing #lunch#

GREEK SALAD AND STEAMED CHICKEN STRIPS WITH APRICOT&PASTA SALAD Ingredients Greek Salad, Steamed chicken strips and pasta apricot salad #lunch# You can email me on: tbiko@hotmail.com, if you require additional recipes or advice.



MATTERS BY LISA BAYNES I don’t know about you, but I seem to get myself into the most trouble while my mouth is open. In conversation, I inevitably open my mouth just to change feet, inadvertently saying something awkward or silly. If I could just learn to keep my big mouth shut, I’m sure things would turn out a little better for me. Working in hospital, and even just walking around my friendly neighbourhood, a wide open mouth can lead to all sorts of scary bugs infesting the open cavity in the middle of my face. And scarily, when I’m innocently coughing, carelessly forgetting to cover my mouth, the consequences for unsuspecting bystanders consist of illness and discomfort at least. There seems to be an ever stronger case for me to simply, just keep my mouth wide shut. And yet again, my big mouth gets me into trouble, though somewhat more long term, in its ever present hunger for treats and titbits. I don’t seem to need too much of an excuse to drown my sorrows in pools of sugar and

carbohydrates, which does no favours for my waistline. And when I’m not filling my mouth with food, I’m filling it with the whispers of excuses for why I can’t exercise today and how I will be better tomorrow. Why can I not just keep my mouth wide shut?

I don’t know about you, but crash diets just don’t work for me. The sudden, drastic change of eating habits, forcing my body’s metabolism to recover from a see saw turn around, and leaving me somewhat dissatisfied but selfrighteous about my health and my decisions.

The issue of weight loss and body sculpting, is extremely sensitive to most people. Everyone has their own self-image issues, ranging across women and men of every age, race or dress size, and we are, as it seems, always on a mission to, ‘fix this,’ or ‘nip that,’ or ‘tuck this.’ A demand that keeps many professionals employed in the weight loss and cosmetic industry.

But a few weeks later, the effort and the pangs of hunger are just too difficult and I’m back at square one, bingeing in attempt to make up for lost time. The truth though is that I know better. And so do you. I am a medical student, and hence I’ve studied the body’s metabolism, and it’s hormonal processes. Hunger, as a sensation, is driven by hormones in the digestive


system and the brain, and is necessary to tell you when your body is running low on energy and needs you to supplement its supply with a meal. The problem comes in, when we eat, not because we’re hungry, but because we’re bored or curious or sad, etc. This gives us excess energy supply, which our resourceful bodies, store for later, in case there is a shortage of food in the future. Hence we turn the food we eat into stored fat and we gain weight. Along with this, many people have confused hormonal systems, and no longer recognize the sensations of hunger and thirst accurately, often confusing thirst for hunger, and hence increasing our intake of food. Our overeating is then supplemented with an unequal consumption of certain food groups. Most ‘Western’ diets contain vast amounts of animal protein, fat and refined carbohydrates, which are easy to digest, and easily stored. None of the essential food groups here are unhealthy, but it is the type of food and the amounts that make the problem. Carbohydrates have become some sort of diet demon, and most popular, fast track diets, remove all carbs from the menu. This is somewhat ill informed. We need carbohydrates (starches, cereals etc) to give our bodies the energy to function, but in excess they’re stored as fat. However, we don’t need large portions of starchy refined carbohydrates every meal time. So this means replace breads

(especially white bread) and baked goods, with more natural sources, like brown rice and starchy vegetables. Remember, that without fuel, your body can’t function well and can’t burn stored fat- fat burns in a carbohydrate flame! Animal protein, is not essentially bad for you, but too much of it is. We only require 1 gram of protein per kilo of body mass per day, and most people eat more than that in one meal. Also, meat contains products that our bodies don’t digest well, thus too much meat can lead to a build-up of toxic breakdown products in our blood, leading to illnesses, like gout, vessel diseases and even cancers. So the message is to be smart about how much meat you eat, what meat you eat (white meat is preferable to red meat) and how you prepare it - avoid braaiing, frying and drying if you can. And the family favourites, sugar and fat! We don’t need much of these at all, although they are necessary in our bodies’ functions. Again, refined products are always a problem. We get so much sugar in regular raw fruits, it shouldn’t be necessary for us to eat much else sugary, provided we eat fruits and vegetables, not to mention that fruit skins give our bodies essential fibre.

we don’t need to be adding fat to our food with oils and batters and thick sauces. Excess fat consumption can result in many serious diseases, clogging up arteries and causing heart conditions, strokes and even cancers. Remember, add years to your life, not fat (or salt) to your heart! I think the bottom line is, that we know how we should eat, and we know we should be exercising, the trouble is, wanting to live that way. If aesthetics doesn’t concern you, be concerned about the damage you do to your body by not giving it what it needs in the right way. You wouldn’t put diesel into a petrol engine car, you wouldn’t feed steak to a horse, so don’t feed yourself in a way that will damage your health and your future. Start today, not with a major, drastic crash course in strict dieting, but by making, good healthy decisions. Choose the better option, and indulge your desires with moderation and restraint. Exercise more, complain less and treat this one and only body you have, in your one and only life, as the miracle machine that it is! And although your motivation may not last, neither does bathing, it’s why it is recommended daily!

Keep in mind that too much sugar can lead to serious illness like diabetes - a condition that kills hundreds of South Africans each year. Likewise, there is already enough fats in the foods we consume,


timeless fashion written by Zola Mbulawa

We all have New Year’s resolutions and we state them differently. Most of us have that elusive resolution to go to gym. Often this is informed by how you want to look in the future. Question is how do you look whilst getting to the future. Let’s bring it down to sport watches. Do you wear a sports watch or you put on any watch that is available? Sport watches have become popular that some of them look like dress watches. Take a Seiko for instance, they have a Sportura brand of watches which caters for the sport people.


Just because you are at gym doesn’t mean you have to lose your sense of style. So when you decide to take on gym, do it in style. What is also important about these watches is that their prices are not steep. You can get a Seiko watch from R 2000 upwards and they are decent watches. The Kinetic brand from Seiko is quite a nice brand that uses your movement to power the watch, so the more you workout, the better for the watch.

For the hard wired sports fanatic, who are keen on measuring every calorie burnt and every second of their workout, you can choose a number of true sports watches with heart rate monitors.

The point with a sports watch is that it should be able to give you functionality and not impede your training and it should make you feel good enough about wearing it.

My personal preference are the Polar brand of watches. Not only do they combine functionality and style but they also wish you a happy birthday on your birthday.

Where you get these two from one watch, then you are well on your way to shedding those couple of kilos you put on during the festive season.

Tell me you don’t think that’s cool! The blue Polar V800 would be a good motivation to go to gym.

If watches don’t do it for you, then maybe you should consider the pain of thinking you have been running for an hour only to discover you have just run just under 20 minutes. The nice thing about these watches is that they don’t cost an arm and a leg and can be used even after the training sessions.



I had been looking for a car for about a year and one Friday afternoon I drove past Infiniti Cape Town, one of the few Infiniti dealerships in the country. Then it struck me, I needed to get to know this brand. There was an exoticism about it that got my attention out of all the options I had considered. It took me all of 5 minutes to fall in love! Infiniti was launched in South Africa in 2012. This brand has enjoyed success in the US and I have no doubt that in SA it will turn heads. I have had the pleasure of driving the Infiniti FX 30d (now QX70) and every day has been a great joy in that car. The design is what got me. The only way to describe it is an SUV with a sporty and athletic feel. The exterior of the car has a magnetic effect and some type of mystery for those who haven’t heard or seen

the brand. When people ask what car it is, the answer doesn’t help them much and the question of who makes it almost always follows. It is to Nissan what Lexus is to Toyota, a premium brand. For the QX70 there are three engine variants, there is a 3.7 V6 and 5.0 V8 petrol engines and there’s a 3.0 V6 Diesel.

The engines produce 235kW, 287kW and 175 kW respectively. The torque on the diesel is 550nM. This makes the cars easy and fun to drive, with the torque available at low revs. As far as premium brands go, I have never experienced anything like this. The car feels sturdy but not heavy and driving it in the city is not difficult as one would expect a car this big.

space is enough and doesn’t give the feeling of being in a hall, considering that most people drive alone most of the time. The features that come standard with the Infiniti are extras in many of the other models in the same category.

It comes with a 2GB music box where you can load all your favourite music into the car. Also standard is the Rear view camera with front and rear parking sensors with display, with a full colour central display with Infiniti Controller.

It feels natural! The interior can only be described as luxurious. The


& beyond The driving position is as comfortable as the other seats in the car, although there may be some driving blind spots where the parking assist comes in very handy. The steering mounted controls and the centre Infiniti control can make you feel pilot like. That and the riveting acceleration can make you think you are taking off, but the traffic Having taken the QX&) off road, I found it capable but the reality is that most of these cars will only ever have a pavement to contend with when the driver shows off

ground clearance to others.

The All-wheel drive will probably never experience sand or mud ruts but in the event that you are tempted to, you will find it capable. What also comes in handy with Infiniti is their full maintenance plan for the first 5 years or 100 000 kms. This will go a long way in keeping the cost of ownership down. The service experience I got from Infiniti Cape Town is nothing short of phenomenal. Infiniti promises you that when you take your car in for a service, you will always have

a loan vehicle, none of that “waiting for a driver to drop you off” stuff. But most of all the car has a presence and I can assure you that you will get some attention when driving in the QX70. The pricing for the QX70 starts at R679 131 but you may be lucky and get a special deal as Infiniti is trying to get as many of these cars on the road as possible. If I were to rate this car, I would rate it an 8/10 and given the competition in this segment, that’s a good rating.

kg o t lh o M e t t e y Brun w r it te n b



e new s made th a h day. t a h w ant idea to v xplains e le n re to a y h a c G hustler su book business nding of a d ta n a rs e lp d e n u nal, self-h ust BIBLE S ’ motivatio ne who m e o R e th E m is o L s is r T h T s written fo A HUS McKenzie h as book ever been n s a h t n s. As muc a e o th t ti li y a a re G n a By ple, they ased outh Afric elped peo ie was rele eal with S h z d e n v e a K h c d M le who r Da ton Dad, Poo ung peop in 2003, Gay o h y te in ic n y , R n o fo e a g k m a m li on in Bloe Ten years ount that ve a curity pris e into acc had ’t even ha e k e n -s h o ta d m ’t ts u n ip ic o h v im d s n on in a town from max ost ex-co e inspirati in a shack xrm. Like m th p e te u t rs s il e w o v ja o ro m g c g n e k k after a lo . This boo that ams. Unli ighly egin with to hear – ry big dre h b e s t v d s to e o d e d n m n a a t d ’s y a ica no mone one like th dverse come Afr ut their a vice some uthor of t on to be b d n -a , a e o d d c w e n e e g a c h c in ll u convicts have to s tivation r, a bestse and a reater mo ly do they al speake g n n n a o o n t e ti m v a o s e v s n e ti n a in paid mo re is ive them essful bus that failu stances g . e hy, a succ g rs m p d a u ll ra c le o g ir w d c io o f b n o an auto les of the sure k g millions es examp ceed with id ant earnin c v lt u u s ro s p n to n o c to mining t. tion. Gay xactly tha not an op convict r ly e p rm im s fo who did e r e le p th o o e n p a elievable edia s partner, many unb n of the m is busines o ti n e tt a He and h me the se who co nd their o , still draw a e s th n s e e to n c c k u a u K s pe Kenny the ause their that will s gling with daily, bec is a book g is such c u t is li s tr h b s a T u p ll p l ti e a s in and th r who are their crim urvival. nothing o ve that ure from e m rt li a o e p fr b e veryday s o d e h l f w o s le e p g radica o spire pe y challen s of first t less ly. They in day-to-da ntal issue thing, bu e o n m t a s d n ju an anoma t and e fu no life, work ease, als with th ome from n e c to u d n e h a It d it c u w o it ple att they to g your other peo your own ard en tacklin and it’s h ling with . They fill th a g ld e d in u d n o a th , o m lf n than ut yourse reak every thing abo ination, ion and seem to b ry ic y e e p v s e th u S e . s d determ it e d id d in becau y e -m how th h single own. tand fully relenting goals wit ld them d o h t o n to unders and an un o y d s e t u rt b u , o c llow them ams. unfailing distrust fo alising dre re – to y t n n a e m commitm rstood by not unde is le r‟ p e o tl s e p word „hu ny young Even the lture, ma u c p o -h y speak ots in hip tlers. The s u h s with its ro a s selve which ak of them a world in in ” n today spe o e d hustl etermine tting their but are d , s d about “ge d o e all th y have in p against which the , s rt they are u a m s treet d, using s to succee e. abundanc


to s n a ic r f A h t u So r! We encourage because knowledge is powe f your o e s u a c start reading e b it ake m o and t n le o t ib y s a s G o , p g t in o d n a e art r t s hink it is t d o n ve h a a h w in t e a s s g u o a h m t k e in ll h h a t T For s are ance. t k s o o m b u c o ir w c t r e o s e background ed that it is possible, th Sbu have prov Hustler. books for any Sbu’s about DJ is ” g in n he Begin success ip 2020 “T ne, but his Leadersh o s e h ic -r o t , constan is a rags-t E life story hard work H s u T o “ d n e 0 . He has with trem HIP 202 S R rmination E has come te D e d A e E rc e L his fi ’ G ment and thers with it o N e I m ir m p N o s c in N BEGI mission to rs he has it his life’s e d a u m b the mento S d n a t rn a By Dj lessons le m story, his ip boy fro h s n w to himself. ordinary ccessful eope, an found for Sbu, a su J D n w Sibusiso L o and e well-kn y of Sbu’s is now th presenter from man V s T e r, ri e n to s Tembisa, w k label o onal life e most , this boo an, record Using pers some of th n mentors n w o o d is e h businessm rk d . He’s wo story, an ind-set, as YFM personal radio jock dership m a ntry such u le o a c p e club and lo th ou Deve tions in reach e show l radio sta will help y strategy to ality gam a re a te f a o re influentia t c s how to is the ho , provide Show you o FM. He . 1 C B A portantly S and Metr n im o t e s s o e M h T your goals plate, and ends Like called Fri up to the p te s to n ld like inspiratio r you wou ration of e e d n a e le g f a o e inspir e kind with unity, ntinues to become th kgrounds ur comm c o a y b r DJ Sbu co e d e d a g the le dvanta ugh a as a to be, and from disa dom, thro outh Afric S is d w e d e hopefuls n d a in rd work ily and your fam siasm, ha leadership d n be. a s his enthu lk ta onal eed you to ti n a , s ir y a p tr s w n in n u , o s co Foundati workshop iso Leope s e u c ib in S s e d h n .T in mind, a seminars is mission th h it w d e ately 700 establish d approxim e it is v s a way over , SLEF h d given a n a , n inception io g ng re owing: the Gaute of the foll ts is schools in s n o c ork ries and ries. The w me, Bursa e h c 300 bursa S g in Feed nal Talks, Motivatio ip. Mentorsh as one of y Forbes b d e fi ti n ide as being J Sbu was r, as well fo In 2013, D t u o k o lo Year’ on of the Africans to rs g e n P u n o a y ic 3 1 fr Forbes ‘A lighted him d for the te a in also high m o n n ia rd a u nd G ans, and he Mail a outh Afric S in 2013. T g n u o y ’s nt uth Africa 200 brillia one of So s as one of a im h lists ay Times the Sund rands. coolest b


woth Pumza Mkentane 1. Make a pact with yourself this year to JUST OWN YOUR FABULOUSITY and make it a good year to be you. • Look inward instead of outward • Be more real – embrace everything that makes you unique • Do what you love, ask yourself the question what makes you come alive • Don’t shy away from the spotlight • Buy clothes that you feel comfortable in

2. Learn from the greatest! • Work with your enemy and they can be your partner and live with a more forgiving heart – Nelson Mandela Firstly work towards not having any “enemies” • If you want success, you can’t make success your goal. The key is not to worry about being successful but to instead work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow – Oprah Winfrey • Be the change you want to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi

• Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Steve Jobs • “If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me? Maya Angelou • Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the change we seek – Obama • If you keep positive and optimistic about what can be done – things do work out. Hilary Clinton • The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul – Audrey Hepburn

3. You can be financial savvy! Financial Prudence is all about spending your money sensibly and avoiding unnecessary expenditure. It is easy said than it is done in reality but we have listed below a few tips that will ensure that this year, you come out filling tops financially cause this too will have affect your overall wellbeing. • Know the differences between luxuries and necessities – knowing the difference between a want and a need can save you a lot of money.

• Think before you act – even it means walking away from the decision to buy ten times if it you have to but be conscious of every cent you spend. • Be realistic with your budget – take time to develop to develop a great monthly to weekly budget, do this even it means you have to keep a spending journal to keep you in control of your money • Think positive – a positive association or relationship with money is imperative because it makes you more open to opportunities to seeing your money grow and receiving more of it in your life. • Give – the law of reciprocity clearly states that if you give you will receive, give to charity, give to your church, a cause or even a stranger, when you give you not only feel good but giving attracts good things in your life too. This is just principle. 4. Yes you can love that body and its starts with taking great care of it… • Start by eating smart –this means being conscious of what and when you eat. • Enjoy your workout – find something that you will enjoy and take it easy, realistically speaking it takes about two weeks for a body to get used to a exercise regime so be patient with yourself.


Work with your enemy and they can be your partner and live with a more forgiving heart – Nelson Mandela • Be realistic – not everyone has the time and ability to lose five kilos in a month, set yourself realistic targets. • Make fitness a lifestyle – healthy living should be an integral part of your life, your health is your health, so it’s good to invest on your physical wellbeing. • Drink your water – it does wonders for your skin and keep you constantly revitalized.

• Give – the law of reciprocity clearly states that if you give you will receive, give to charity, give to your church, a cause or even a stranger, when you give you not only feel good but giving attracts good things in your life too. This is just principle.

• Last but not least know your body – don’t shy away from your nude reflection in the mirror, it will help you embrace your flaws and get you to make the best of them.


written by SIBABALO MALUSI an period Mesoamerica, soccer has always been popular and well attended. It has attracted not only those seeking fun and games but also royalty and noble men looking to place a bet on who will win and who will lose.

SOCCER ADDED ON TIME ! At times we experience changes as a result of us experiencing something new within this routine we call life, but how much of it is really new? Is it new because we didn’t know about it? Is it new because it is recently pioneered? For instance it is known that the beautiful game, soccer, started in England around 1863 when the English Football Association was formed as the sport’s first governing body. Earlier evidence shows that between 2500 BCE

and 100 BCE the ancient Mesoamerican Mayans and Aztecs played a game very similar to what we know as soccer but players would only be allowed to control the ball using their knees, heads and hips.

Closer to home we have been treated to some beautiful scenes that have influenced our hearts to fall in love with soccer; this is evident in the supporter multi colored stadiums scattered around South Africa. One team that embodies what soccer has become today is Soweto’s Kaizer Chiefs. Boasting 3 PSL titles, 3 NSL titles, 6 NPSL,14 MTN8 Cups, 13 Telkom Knockout Cups, 13 Nedbank Cups, 11 Charity Spectacular Cups amongst many others*; it is easy to

In this version of the game, not only did the winners enjoy an opulent feast deep into the night but the losers’ captain faced a certain death. Whether as the beautiful game of 19th century England or as the game of death in Pre-classical


nd SABELO BOLTINA understand why they have an estimated following of 16 million supporters. Those supporters aren’t there just because of the trophies collected since the team was founded on the 7th of January 1970. It is because of multiple moments experienced throughout the existence of this great club. It is the return of Kaizer “Chincha Guluva” Motaung, a nation’s pride, from the United States where he taught the world about “Diski”. It is the mesmerizing runs of Nelson “Teenage” Dladla, the breath taking tricks of Doc “16V” Khumalo, the resolute defensive rock that was Neil “Mokoko” Tovey and Lucas “Rhoo” Radebe. It is the black and gold buzz that encompasses an “Amakhosi” home game, the age old culture of derby day banter amongst supporters…It is the lifestyle of “Love and Peace”.

worldwide brand.

Many teams across the world have enhanced the appeal of their soccer clubs by building top class training facilities, youth development villages, multi-million rand sponsorship deals, supporter auxiliaries, brand consciousness and gob smacking player transfers that have impressed club owners and supporters alike.

Europe, Real Madrid of Spain is worth a whopping 3.3 billion Euros as compared to Africa’s richest, Al Ahli of Egypt at 21 million Euros… the difference is clear and so will the difference in product. However every now and then Africa will produce an exceptional talent that will stand shoulder to shoulder with the greats of Europe, such as our very own Benni McCarthy, Abedi Pele from Ghana, George Weah of Liberia, Didier Drogba of Ivory Coast and Samuel Eto’o of Cameroon.

This shows that even through difficulty, Africa is a big contender in the world of In Africa not so much as they soccer. do in Europe and America Soccer has become much due to the financial muscle more than a game; it is or lack thereof. a means of putting food The magnitude of difference on the plate, a way out of a dangerous society and between developmental un-conducive lifestyles structures in Europe involving drugs and gangster compared to those in affiliations. Africa is somewhat beyond measure i.e. the richest soccer (football) team in

With that said, Kaizer Chiefs hasn’t attracted many followers purely because of the many great players that have donned the famous black and gold, but the soccer club has essentially become a precinct, a place of development and a


Many people around the world find solace within the beautiful game by either immersing themselves into learning and playing the sport socially and professionally or being an avid fan ready to cheer their favorite team on, win or lose.

fortunate to catch a moment of brilliance…a subtle caress of the ball to the goal’s top corner by the impeccable Mezut Ozil, a composed chest and bicycle kick from 30 meters out by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a wizardly solo run by Lionel Messi and an unstoppable missile free kick by the ever imposing figure Some get into the sport with of Cristiano Ronaldo. the initial view of investing into a global brand, but end Whatever one gets out of up falling head over heels for the game; peace, livelihood, their supposed investment. laughter or mountains of adrenaline…one thing All this leads to one fact; is for sure, football will soccer, which is also called always be one of the most football in some lands, is a popular cultures throughout global phenomenon with different ages and eras. incredible power to mend Soccer has had “time added broken lives and bring on” countless times, but different people and races to the game has also and will realize the long lost nature always add meaning to our of equality amongst nations. time on this ball game called life on earth. This is not to say soccer is all fun and a bed of roses, because the sport has been dragged through the mud and thorny bushes many times before. Match fixing, doping, refereeing howlers, traditional muthi and aggressive unsporting behavior on the pitch are only some of the elements that have brought the beautiful game under fire. Yes, it’s not a perfect sport as we don’t live in a perfect world, but soccer always has a way of re-igniting an unmistakable romantic appeal with those who are

PLAYER PRO ITUMELENG Itumeleng Isaac Khune D.O.B: P.O.B: Height: Position: Current club: Number:

20 June 1987 Ventersdorp, South 1.81 m Goalkeeper Kaizer Chiefs 32

Kaizer Chiefs other trophies *Ohlsson’s Challenge Cup titles: 2 Winners 1987, 1989 Castle Challenge Cup: 2 Winners 1990, 1991 Stylo Cup: 1 Winners 1970 UCT Super Team Competition: 1 Winners: 1972 Sales House Cup: 6 Winners: 1974, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984 Panasonic Cup: 1 Winners: 1986 African Cup Winners’ Cup: 1 Winners: 2001 Vodacom Challenge: 5 Winners: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009



He began playing at Kaizer Chiefs in 1999, being a defender but due to a chest problems became a ball boy for some time, before Terror Sephoa noticed him and helped him become a keeper.

Khune was chosen to the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup tournament, he also was the first-choice keeper at the 2010 FIFA World Cup where he show cased his next to perfect distribution skill to the world.

In 2004 Khune joined the senior squad but he didn’t make a single appearance during the three years before Rowen Fernandez, the team’s first-choice goalkeeper left the team.

Khune won the league with Kaizer Chiefs in the 2012/2013 season including several awards; Footballer of the

Season, Absa Premiership Player’s Player of the Season, Absa Premiership Goalkeeper of the Season and Nedbank Cup Player of the Tournament. Together with the awards, Khune also bagged himself a cool R575 000 in prize money.

In 2007 the footballer made his PSL debut in the match against Jomo Cosmos. During the 2007/2008 season he got many individual awards. In the 2008/2009 season Kaizer Chiefs won the MTN 8 but the following season the man known as “Spider Kid’’ suffered a finger injury so he stayed aside for three months. He made his international debut against Zimbabwe in 2008.


Hip Hop m

written by LADY KAMALAR


t was the groups music video which was released on you tube by Stay Fresh management late November last year which caught my attention.

has set the tone to a level so high and worthy to compete not just nationally but internationally and the buzz that has followed it proved just that. In just two weeks of its release on you tube the video had over 1000views and they had booked gigs both in and outside of their area.

I also realised that the video also got its first T.V screen play on Channel O and has been played numerous times after that.

The history of this team is just one of its kind as we hear how I made it my mission to it all started, The team was secure an interview with the formed late 2012 consist of team. I still believe they had Sive “Ceezy cve” Dini now (18) just started a movement The team’s best achievement and Tabiso “ Sense 2.0” Klaas that defied and broken all was securing an appearance on now (21), who are both from a stereotypes with the attitude, e.tv’s Shiz Niz. Team manager township within Queenstown to get anything done and be Mbongeni “Mbo” Twala called Ezibeleni. celebrated musically you would received a call confirming the have to move to Johannesburg. interview while make-up was The two were discovered by being applied in preparation Mbo (their manager) on a Most Eastern Cape artists have for the photo shoot. street hip hop sessions. Mbo done that in the past and it Describes Ceezy cve’s talent has worked for them however as a crowd grabber he further this group prefers to make it elaborates by saying ”People big back home. Their video


It’s a Monday morning and the sun is almost

shinning to its maximum, maybe that is due to the fact that I have a date with the coolest Hip Hop group in one of the most captivating areas in the Eastern Cape, Queenstown. May all my Hip Hop lovers stand up and show some respect. We are at the dopiest venue in town, The Gallery, Queenstown’s finest art gallery, restaurant and guest house. I am fascinated by the luxurious classic in-doors, tranquil and beautiful Mauritius style out-doors set up. Art is at its best.

meets Art.

The atmosphere is amazing as I am in the presence of a group of young and very talented artists. From the likes of Simnikiwe’’Simmie’’ Vetezo our make-up artist, Charlie Joe the photographer, and Akhona Sibobosi our assistant. However the focus of the day is the main members of the Stay Fresh Team, Sense 2.0 and Ceezy cve.

would be busy talking and doing their own thing but once he starts performing suddenly everybody gathers around to listen and cheer”.

Mbo learned that Ceezy cve was in friendship terms with Sense 2.0 and knowing Sense2.0 from previous running’s as a rapper most recognized for his beat making skills, he knew his skills would be of great contribution to the team, finally the two of them (Ceezy cve and Sense2.0) became the official Stay Fresh Team.

During make-up I had a one on one with the guys together with management and this is what they had to say: Stay fresh is under Twala Bros Production, it’s a movement of skilled people in different things but mostly musically. Mbo admits that he knew nothing about managing artists but when he saw Ceezy cve performing at the hip-hop session, the two immediately grabbed his attention and he recognized their talent. He made a decision even though he had not done anything like that before, it would be a learning curve for him , and that is how he ended

up managing the them. He also mentions that his main concern was that if these boys did not have guidance they would end up discouraged. The two gentleman were sceptical as he was in the beginning as they didn’t know what they were getting into. They had an idea but I’m sure they had their reservations about Mbo’s capabilities to do the job and what to expect. Seeing the excitement now in their eyes makes it all worth it. In just a year the team has accomplished a lot together for an un-experienced bunch. Which goes to show if you believe in something and do


your best at it, it is possible. The manager of the Stay Fresh team also states that from the beginning the way everything unfolded was a revelation on his side and he took the idea and ran with it. It definitely was a divine intervention regarding the space of time and work they have put in and the response of the audience to the work they have done thus far. He believes it was the right place and time for all of them.

”A higher power conspired on our behalf for the work we’ve put in.” When the video aired for the first time he felt so proud, while watching he realised they have just stepped into success and he knew for a lot of people success is defined by material things. They may not have those materials yet but they have stepped into what he believes to be success.

Ceezy cve & Sense 2.0 @ The Gallery art gallery he always emphasise to the guys to remain humble.

He can only hope they don’t change for the bad but grow for the good. “I believe as their manager I’m going to have to monitor and work to keep them grounded” he says. Mbo had to make a number Taking out a video was a better of sacrifes to ensure that he manages the group efficiently. strategy for them instead of a mix tape like it is done. A video With that came the sacrifes of is much more likely to pull the his studies. He had to invest audience’s attention anything his time day and night to this seen is most likely memorable project. than heard. When he met the guys they were still raw and he had to Even though all this can be overwhelming for most artists take them for piano lessons and all sorts of other things who are in the process of establishing themselves in the as he felt they needed to contribute to their growth and industry. More than anything

it just doesn’t end there the growth still continues.” During our recording sessions we literally stay up long endless hours recording the material and all that requires all our undivided attention” he adds.

The team is currently working on the album, they are 50% through the album thus far and they are taking their time on this project to ensure that they deliver the best. We want to tell our stories and paint pictures through our music. We doing that most importantly for our audience!


province. He believes it is time to nurture and keep the talent at home, which is the Eastern Cape. The plan is to make the moves and let destiny/God to take the team through the right path. Otherwise as a recording company they would like to develop more artists and move music to another level for our town. Besides the main members of the stay fresh team they have other individuals who add value to the team.

The Twala Bros Production is a partnership between Mbo and his brother Siyanda Twala. These individuals will ensure that the audience will love and enjoy the end result, which is the final product. Their production is in Queenstown. The aim is to grow in the town and have everything done there. Mbo mentions that they will go to other cities when they need to perform, appearances, gigs, videos and so forth but most importantly the intention is to show it can be done in the comfort of our own area.

There is ILL Tabs who is Sense 2.0 and Ceezy cve ‘s mentor, Nhlanhla who helps out with visuals and styling. Then there is Yolanda who is a featured female vocalist in the album, Crash is the team’s engineer, Siyanda who is the co-manager and founder of the Stay Fresh Team.

watched the video and liked it, we can only keep doing what we are doing to the best we can going forward and we only hope for even more growth in support. I am left inspired by the fact that these individuals are living foot prints. I reckon it was a great transition for the main men Cve and Sense 2.0 .After speaking to their manager I needed to hear it from the horse mouth. Cve mentions that life was a bit easy because he and Sense 2.0 knew each other before the team was formed. They also have the same taste in both music and style therefore they complement each other. It wasn’t a combination of people who just meet they were already friends so the transition was not hard at all.

I really feel the need to applaud the team for the great work and just showing and proving to be an example that it can be done anywhere in the world. So let us keep our eyes wide open for the next video still early this year that is how we intend to promote the album; we will be talking out single videos of songs that will be in the album.

If everybody keeps going elsewhere to get started then it will And we would like to thank never be started in any other those who have supported and


Sense 2.0 has been doing music for the last 7 years and Ceezy cve, been doing music for 3 years now. Music has always been what they have wanted to do. They just had not figured out which channels they were going to take to pursue it, except on the street sessions. They performed on Sunday afternoons .Mbo, their manager was like an answer from God as they thought the only way to make it was to move out of Queenstown. After their encounter with him it was like a thousand steps taken into their destiny. Kamalar: How have things changed now that you have met Mbo? Cve chips in and adds that ever since Mbo stepped in as their manager. The way he writes his lyrics has changed because of the experiences he has gone through. Before he use to write

wishful thinking lyrics now his wishful thinking is the reality that he is living. “ I had never been on a convertible car before or been to places and done half the things I have, I’d seen some of the things let alone hold them, they were things I saw on T.V but now they are experiences I can write about because him” he says . adds “ Yes and I hadn’t been or used to professional studio equipment before, I had always done recordings the only way I could with my PC and that’s the first thing he bought for us to work on, now we have home professional studio”. “Things have changed so much that now we even have a video and people recognize it, watching it and loving it”. Sense 2.0, looks up to Ryan Leslie in the music industry. “He is a jack of all trades in music “ he says.

Simmie Vetezo applying make up on Sense 2.0

Ceezy cve, loves Drake, he thinks he is the freshest offering to the world of Hip Hop. I find these individuals very interesting, Ceezy cve tells me that he has two Personalities. “The real me is fun and conservative, on stage I become someone different all together. Sense 2.0, on the other hand is quite reserved and humble. On stage he reckons he maintains the same personality however he make sure he brings his A game in every performance. Both guys are laid back, totally down to earth.

They are a strong force and I’m certain that we will see a lot of them in the near future as it shows to be unfolding in the present time. We can only take time to watch, witness their growth and see what they have in store for us in the music industry. For South Africa from the Eastern Cape moulded in Queenstown. It is often said that Dynamos comes in small packages it is really no joke when it come to the Stay Fresh Team it is true and I was a witness in this town. ​


It was indeed an exciting day for me just to be in the presence of extraordinary talented youth. Nowhere else but in the small town of Queenstown. It was also interesting to find out that Simnikiwe “Simmie” Vetezo the make-up artist was born and bred in Queenstown. She has works as a make-up artist for video shoots for major artists in Johannesburg. She came back from the big city and set up her own business called SV Beauty in the small town. She offers services such as hot Stone therapy, full body massages, aromatherapy, facials, manicures, pedicure, waxing and make-up artistry. Charlie Joe who is a rising star in his own right was the official photographer for the shoot, I must say job well done. Guess what the amazing venue: The Gallery was closed and availed for our use with no limit.

Vince honey moon Suite, wine cellar and dining room area, the art gallery and the beautiful Mauritius styled outdoors. It was just a wonderful experience to watch everyone at work communicating and sharing ideas that helped with the shoot. This day will be written in the stars for people to see, if we looked and searched deeper in our own back yards we would find that all we need is right here covered in dusty roads and rags. Please watch the Stay Fresh Team official music video on you tube.

For bookings of any member of the stay Fresh Team such as performances and appearances, make-up artists, photographers, events venue, accommodation, art exhibitions and dinning. Please refer to the below contact details. The Stay Fresh team contact Mbongeni “Mbo” Twala at 083 382 6101 or stayfreshteam13@gmail.com or mbngtwl@yahoo.com Tweet: @stayfreshteamsa or instgrm and Fb: /StayFreshTeamSA. Make-up Artist Simnikiwe ‘’Simmie” Vetezo 079 019 1254 or simza.ziana@yahoo.com Photographer Charlie Joe charlo@702mail.co.za

The Gallery

(Luxury-cuisine-comfort) accommodation, dinning, art showings and events venue 045 838 3344 or email Kiewiet@thegallery.za.net

The Gallery is renowned for its fantastic romantic and luxurious rooms like the Da



DURBAN So my posse and I decided to take a drive down to EThekwini “The Miami of South Africa” as some like to call it ... 8 hours later I wake up soaked in sweat, scent of salt water fill my nasal cavities, I lift my head to the sight of a sign that says ‘Welcome to Kwa-Zulu Natal” (The Land of the great King Shaka) Durban is the largest city in the Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. It is also the most important manufacturing hub in South Africa after Johannesburg. EThekwini as it is popularly known, boasts itself with its ever warm sea water, all year summers and a sub-tropical climate. The weather is at an average of about 27degrees in the summer and is at an average of about 21 degrees in winter. The first thing I noticed about this festive city was the diverse ethnicities- Zulus

my new love affair...

form the largest single ethnic group. Then there are a large number of people of British decent and the largest sum of Indian people in any other place outside of India. The sound of a rumbling tummy got me thinking Lunch! -A bunny chow was on top the list of what ‘to eat while in Durbs’--- For those of you that don’t know what a bunny chow is -it is Durban’s pride and joy. Allow me to educate you: either a ¼, ½ or full loaf of bread hollowed out and filled to the brim with a curry of your choice. The section of bread that has been removed is then placed on top of the curry. It is often served with a ‘salad’ consisting of grated carrot and onion with chopper chilli and may sometimes include green pepper. Definitely a must eat

when visiting Durban, We found a bunny shack in the middle of town satisfied our appetite and were reloaded, -off to check inn. From the city centre we drove for about 20 minutes to a gorgeous colonial styled hotel called “The Oyster Box”, which is situated on the ocean’s edge in uMhlanga rocks. The hotel prides itself with its gorgeous veranda that looks as if it falls right into the sea, when lounging there, you truly feel like you are at the edge of the world. The sight of the never-ending blue sea waters and crashing waves just gets your mind into immediate meditation mode- off course the veranda will come into good use at some point, as you know , we are not here for meditation but to check out what activities, shopping and party


spots young fine Ladies like us can get into!-- We freshen up and hit the streets-First up- South beach. The strip as Durbanites call it-or Formally known as the Golden mile, is full of life, typical Miami style beachfront-Filled with numerous places to stay in, from your 5 Star hotels like the Hilton Hotel, which is about a mile (1km) walk from the beachfront.

The Golden mile is a perfect place to take a walk on your first day in the city; it captures the essence of Durban in a capsule.

The Balmoral hotel is situated right on the strip and has an on-site restaurant called the waterfront, perfect spot for an afternoon sundowner and if you are into people watching, the view is a perfect match.

After exploring the market we then took a walk on the sand and let the ocean wash through our tired feet, --Pure Bliss. It was sunset when we decided to go back to the hotel and freshen up for the night... This city is so humid you cannot escape the need to shower at least twice in the day.

The Marine Parade is a pleasantly clean 3 star hotel which is situated close to the pools. There-after you get your more affordable selfcatering apartments. Durban North has an array of bed and breakfast accommodation if you prefer privacy.

There is a permanent flea market all the way down, offering sarongs, straw hats, jewellery, hand-made shoes, handbags and very exciting souvenirs to take back home for loved ones.

A local from the hotel suggested we go visit an Italian restaurant called Spiga D’oro which is situated in Morningside on Florida road. I must say I’m still

licking my fingers just thinking about that focaccia starter and chicken pasta I had from there. The food is incredibly tasty and the service was on pointif you are not into Italian then there is a restaurant called Taco Zulu for Mexican and house of curries for a mouth-watering hot curry dish. . Florida road is full of interesting bars, you can literally go from dinner and walk right into a club.. Which is where we ended up, the rest is history! (Let’s just say the veranda did come into good use after all)

Day 2: We visited uShaka Marine Park, which is the 5th largest aquarium in the world. 54



and the love affair con This majestic aquarium is designed around shipwrecks, and contains several restaurants with a wall sized shark aquarium visible from most of the dining areas.

UShaka marine amusement park is child friendly and offers children plenty of activities. From fresh water pool slides, (including the highest slide in the Southern Hemisphere), dolphin shows However this time around we right down to boat rides. were there for the activities. So if you are planning a trip We did it all- Snorkelling in with the young ones this the lagoon, shark cage diving, Aquarium/amusement park which I had vowed to self caters for both. to never do...( must of been that handsome instructor, After exploring a portion of bamboozling me with his what uShaka marine had gorgeous looks to make such to offer, we then moved on a life- threatening decision) to catch the sunset at Moyo Must admit it was fun, and I restaurant’s beach bar by the would definitely do it again uShaka pier- This restaurant as well as recommend it to has a soulful theme which is anyone. accompanied by an a la carte and African food menu. We The beauty and uniqueness of found a table and were faced sea creatures is unparalleled. with the exquisite views of The dangerous animal exhibit the Indian Ocean; this got includes various reptiles, our minds rebooted for the amphibians and arachnids, evening ahead. some of which are venomous. My girlfriend P is one for This sub-section contains themes, so in true P style both local and exotic the theme for the night was animals, from rock pythons the beloved 20’s and ohh! to Burmese pythons, Black Did we look fabulous, from mambas, Nile crocodiles, feathers on the head, pearls, scorpions, tarantulas, and gloves and red lips--flapper gila monsters. style! --off to Sibaya casino! If you are into reptiles, The dangerous animals exhibit is a must see.

Sibaya casino is situated in Umhlanga north, it has a state-of-the art technologically advanced

gaming set up-...it was like a scene from the movie casino or the Godfather or at least we were trying to recreate those scenes -how can you not-surrounded by multiple slot machines, game tables and good looking waiters and waitresses... The outcome of the games is a topic for another day-Ha! Let’s just say we came back home with nothing more then what we left with. We failed dismally.

Day 3: Durban is one of the best places to buy fabric in South Africa, it’s multiple textiles offerings makes it a playground for aspiring and established designers. Some of the best retailers and fashion schools are based there. Mr Price head office is in the heart of Durban and where better to be because the weather goes hand in hand with the simple trendy, street fashion it offers. Durban University of Technology is based in Overport, which is



just outside of the Durban CBC. The fashion and design school offers learners a course which aims to develop and expand the knowledge of the fashion and textile industry. Practical design and manufacturing processes are complemented by modules of computer skills, fabric awareness, textile design, textile printing, business studies, marketing and communication. Contextual studies which cover topics such as contemporary culture, fashion forecasting, consumer psychology, style and image are also addressed. I write passionately about this institution because I am living testament of the highly advanced technical school. We could have easily spent our last day in Durban shopping at Gateway mall, La Lucia mall or Musgrave which offers almost the same shops as a typical shopping mall found in Johannesburg (and off course some of its own originals).We opted to explore the textile offerings.. We went all over the city from shop to shop-from Bassa fabrics in Overport,

U&G textiles, Fabric world in Musgrave and plenty more. By the time we got back to the hotel we had an array of fabrics from Argos, Floket, silk, leather, Shwe Shwe right down to Lycra!! We ended up having to leave some of it behind and air freight it back to Johannesburg...

favourite places to visit in South Africa, 1 article alone cannot do this metropolitan city justice... Its townships are buzzing, its warm temperature is perfect for vegetation and its coastline is ever ready with its simplistic feel.

The water is warm all year round, so whether you decide to go in winter or summer One of the most exciting events to diarise is the Metro the warm waters are waiting to welcome you...a perfect FM awards , which will be balance of modern, and taking place in Durban and culture, If there is any other what better city to host this glitzy event-So if you haven’t place that captures the booked your tickets-do so fast essence of modern day Africa, because this city has loads to It has to be eThekwini... offer. My new Love affair, Metro FM awards here we come! Without a shadow of doubt Kwa-Zulu Natal is one of my



he 13th Metro Fm awards was a spectacular event which drew masses from different parts of the country. Host city Durban, also known as South Africa’s playground came alive and did not disappoint. The warm weather allowed the guest to show off their best attributes in designer attires fit for a black Tie event. The main event was held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Conference Centre on the first of March. A big thank you to the KZN Tourism department for ensuring all that was planned was executed accordingly.

Zingce Lifestyle Magazine officially awards Metro Fm and the event coordinators with a special award for the best production to date. Pearl Thusi and Phat Joe are a great pair when it comes to presenting they just know how to keep the audience captivated. It was a night of major celebration with new comers such as Heavy K from the Eastern Cape surfacing from humble beginnings, his acceptance speech was very moving. We salute the likes of Oskido founder of Kalawa Jazzmee and Robbie Malinga hit producer at T.S records for achieving the lifetime achievement awards this reminds us of the rewards one gets for working hard! The performances were great, artists brought their A- Game, the ever fashionable Duo of Mafikizolo kept us on our feet with songs that saw them whopping three awards. This also included best African pop album.




They dedicated one of their awards to Tebza (late member). Uhuru just knows how to turn the hype up, this group was meant for the entertainment industry. They are so energetic I must admit they are just amazing which is one of the reasons they took home song of the yearclearly people are loving them, --well done guys. On that beautiful Saturday I realised that I am actually a huge Kwaito fan! Waar was jy? Where were you? Unolikayi? We should be asking everyone that did not attend that question. We were taken back in the day, it was really nice to see Zola and Unathi share the stage again. I also cannot get over Micasa’s moves, the white man danced like a black man, halala Micasa! Jika! My baby! Jika……..

We also bumped into the gorgeous boity on the black carpet in a body hugging dress. The gracious Zanele Mbokazi was among the audience in a perfectly shaped long gown. We were treated to the best after party which saw me dancing to my favourite house tracks, the only words that comes to mind to describe the event: High Class. “Heres to raising the bar for South African Live events”

written by Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo Images sourced from MetroFm

There was absolutely no way you could miss Vusi Nova in his sleek outfit which explains why he took the best styled artist.




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