Chandini RZ Growers and processors both benefit
Chandini RZ is Rijk Zwaan’s first new generation parthenocarpic hybrid on the Indian market. The uniqueness of this variety is its open plant architecture. This ensures good ventilation and aeration, and in turn reduces fruit abortion and fungai infections.
Chandini RZ
Indian growers and processors both benefit
According to several Indian processing companies Chandini
We asked several processing companies to share their experiences with Chandini RZ. The common opinion was: this
RZ meets the requirements of
variety reduces the cost of procurement
their international customers.
They respond enthusiastically
Reduce wastage
to Chandini’s appearance
According to several processing
and quality. The spines and
1-6 cm focused production. It provides
cylindrical shape of the fruits
nubs percentage is very low compared
give a very good appearance
and in turn helps to realize better profit
companies Chandini is a good hybrid for very uniform fruits. “The crucks and to other leading varieties.” Several would agree as well. “Quality is excellent: the
when compared to other
shape is cylindrical, the colour excellent
varieties. The same goes for
important of all: this quality remains
growing habits and yield.
and the LD ratio ideal. But most the same till the last harvest, irrespective of the condition of the crop. This feature will help to reduce the wastage significantly.”
Chandini fruit shape remains the same till the last harvest, irrespective of the condition of the crop.
Higher yield
Downey meldew tolerance
No wonder that several processing
All processors love the fact that Chandini
companies have decided to produce
performs in all weather types. Their
more Chanidini gherkins! Due to the
common tenor: “Take cloudy days for
opinion of those companies growing
example. Normally this effects the colour
characteristics are great as well: “This
of the fruit. We get lot of pale fruits due to
variety improves yields over our ruling
lack of sunlight and this is not acceptable
hybrids by about 15 to 20 percent
for the processing. However, we don’t
across the different locations.” Some
have this problem with the Chandini
farmers observed a higher flower to fruit
variety. Even during cloudy periods the
conversion. Hence, Chandini increases
colour remains a nice dark green.
the yield per acre up to 15 tonnes with
The same goes for the rainy season.
good agricultural practices. “The number
Rijk Zwaan’s hybrid has tolerance
of harvest days contributes to the yield
towards Downey mildew, a disease
increase as well. It has been seen to
mainly caused by wet weather conditions.
extend up to 70-75 days”, is the opinion
This feature is a major plus point that
of several processing companies as well.
makes Chandini perform better.”
Chandini increases the yield per acre up to 15 tonnes with good agricultural practices.
Rijk Zwaan’s hybrid has tolerance towards Downey mildew, a major plus point that makes Chandini perform better.
Plant characteristics
Fruit characteristics
• High Yield
• Nice dark green colour
• Wide growing adaptation to different
• Crispy fruit texture
climatic zones • Open plant architecture which gives better ventilation to avoid fungal diseases
• Very cylindrical shape with optimal L/D ratio
• Highly resistant against Ccu/Px
• Very uniform which reduces wastage
• Intermediate Resistant against CMV
• Spined fruits which help to protect against fruit flies
Sowing and harvest window for South India Varieties Chandini RZ
Jan Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
Our gherkin specialists
Crop coordinator
Specialists vertical outdoor
Gerald Krischke
Prasanna D.G. Brazil Marcelo Sartori Central Asia Nasredin Sharipov Vietnam Gerard Hulisz
Rijk Zwaan’s descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information in whatever form for example on expiry, sowing, planting and harvesting dates are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan does not accept in any case liability for damages resulting from the use of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information. The buyer/user itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions. Inclusion of a variety in this edition does not automatically imply that such a variety is available for purposes of exploitation; it might be available for testing only. For more information, please contact Rijk Zwaan ( The pictures in this edition show the types to which the varieties as mentioned belong and not all varieties as such. These pictures do not constitute any warrranty, expressly or implied, of crop performance.
Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt en Zaadhandel B.V. P.O.Box 40 | 2678 ZG De Lier | The Netherlands | T +31 174 532 300 | |