Breaking the mould 3d boards2

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Concept and design proposed by Tristan Currie / Robert Jones / Rinesh Mistry / J’nae Saunders End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Breaking _ the _ mould

Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould


Design Flat

Breaking the mould is an exhibition at Leeds College of Art that aims at showcasing the final year students work from both further and higher education. The term ‘Breaking the mould’ is used here to define the idea of Leeds College of Art students breaking away from conventions, highlighting and celebrating the students individuality, it’s unconventional nature and the progression of the students and institution. The concept has been developed in three different ways, flat, dissected and 3D design. Each one of these directions explores the possibilities of developing the concept in different directions whilst focusing on the key idea of ‘Breaking the mould’.

The Flat design concept is influenced by the use of a bold typeface against a strong colour which creates engaging high impact visuals that draws attention in addition to the placement and angle of the type which emphasises the idea that Leeds College of Art and the students there are different, promoting it’s individuality. The bold type breaking off the spread also relates to this idea of individuality and also the fact that creative courses are not only producing high quality work but also the development of the students and how they have changed and refined their image as designers. The bold letters within the type could act as way finding options for each course in a aplhabetised format and works legibly on the e-vite and other digital media. The title could be adaptable through higlighting courses e.g ‘Breaking Through — Graphic Design’.




With an infinite amount of graduating creatives in the UK, this exhibition is focused on how the students of Leeds College of Art are different from everyone else. Giving an insight into how our graduating students have and continue to challenge the norm, creating innovative and eye catching artwork that continues to break the mould.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Colour The colours used for the concept use a spectrum of red orange to light. These colours have been selected due to the connotations it provides. With the red orange connoting a sense of urgency and call to action which is what we want to advertise to visitors and the light orange connoting productivity, creativity and optimism which links to the vibe of the Leeds College of Art institution. These colours could be applied to viynl wayfinding and signage.

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


Breaking _ the _ mould

Deliverables Postcard

Web Elements

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Deliverables Exterior Signage

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould


Design Dissected

Breaking the mould is an exhibition at Leeds College of Art that aims at showcasing the final year students work from both further and higher education. The term ‘Breaking the mould’ is used here to define the idea of Leeds College of Art students breaking away from conventions, highlighting and celebrating the students individuality, it’s unconventional nature and the progression of the students and institution.

The Dissected concept is influenced by cutting the type to create a broken aesthetic that shys away from it’s original form. Reinforcing the idea that Leeds College of Art and the students are different, promoting it’ individuality. The diseected type has a tactile nature which relates to the idea of creative courses not only making work but also how they have changed and refined their image as designers.

The concept has been developed in three different ways, flat, dissected and 3D design. Each one of these directions explores the possibilities of developing the concept in different directions whilst focusing on the key idea of ‘Breaking the mould’.

The cut letters within the type could act as way finding options for each course in a aplhabetised format and works legibly on the e-vite and and other digital media. The title could be adaptable through higlighting courses e.g ‘Breaking Through — Graphic Design’




With an infinite amount of graduating creatives in the UK, this exhibition is focused on how the students of Leeds College of Art are different from everyone else. Giving an insight into how our graduating students have and continue to challenge the norm, creating innovative and eye catching artwork that continues to break the mould.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Colour The colours used for the concept use a spectrum of red orange to light. These colours have been selected due to the connotations it provides. With the red orange connoting a sense of urgency and call to action which is what we want to advertise to visitors and the light orange connoting productivity and creativity and optimism which links to the vibe of the Leeds College of Art institution. These colouur could be applied to viynl wayfinding and signage.

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


Breaking _ the _ mould

Deliverables Postcard

Web Elements

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Deliverables Exterior Signage

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould



Breaking the mould is an exhibition at Leeds College of Art that aims at showcasing the final year students work from both further and higher education. The term ‘Breaking the mould’ is used here to define the idea of Leeds College of Art students breaking away from conventions, highlighting and celebrating the students individuality, it’s unconventional nature and the progression of the students and institution. The concept has been developed in three different ways, flat, dissected and 3D design. Each one of these directions explores the possibilities of developing the concept in different directions whilst focusing on the key idea of ‘Breaking the mould’.



This approach at responding to the brief tackles the challenge of promoting the exhibition without focusing too much on a certain course. The promotion of the exhibition is based on a 3D type installation that will be photographed and used throughout the campaign.

As this approach involves creating a type installation, at the concept stage it has not been made. With the rough mock up vector and the images below a visual image of the final piece can been visioned.

The installation involves using a 3D shape that is broken and content is flowing out of it. The background and shape are white but the content is full of colour and form. Spilling from this shape (mould) would be the name of the exhibition.

3D Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art



With an infinite amount of graduating creatives in the UK, this exhibition is focused on how the students of Leeds College of Art are different from everyone else. Giving an insight into how our graduating students have and continue to challenge the norm, creating innovative and eye catching artwork that continues to break the mould.

This visual representation of ‘breaking the mould’ depicts what the college is about, student centred, focused purely on the visual arts and engaged with the creative and cultural industries. Also demonstrating the different courses as this idea uses mixed media from each course. Further development: apart from type, other objects could be used in the installation that represent the art and design world (brushes, pencils.. etc).

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Breaking _ the _ mould

Deliverables Poster

Outdoor type installation

Using the a photograph from the type installation as a basis to work from, key information is added in indesign (date, location, etc..).

One of the deliverables was to design content to go on the structure outside the college. Instead of using print the structure is converted into a type installation. This piece of work will help not only promote the exhibition but will be a key element in showing what the college and its students are capable of. Variations can be produced to be used at Vernon Street by adapting this idea to the building.


Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


3D type

Flyer / Poster For the flyer and smaller poster a cropped section would be taken from the type installation and used as a background image. Then text would be added with the key information. On the back of the flyer it would go into more detail with a bit of text about the exhibition and a map.

E-Invite The E-Invite takes on a similar approach by using a cropped area from the type installation and then adding info after in indesign. It could also work as a gif image, an image that could be a time lapse of the type installation being made, etc..

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art


Breaking _ the _ mould

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

Leeds _ College _ of _ Art

End _ of _ Year _ Show _ 2015

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