July 1, 2010
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
COREY BRUGGEMAN President 2010-2011
The Rio Squawk The official newsletter of the Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club ”The Funniest Rotary Club West & East of the Mississippi.”
District 5510 ~ Tempe, Arizona USA For information regarding subscriptions, advertising, submitting or requesting a story or photograph, sending a letter or making a comment, Email: patrick@pnacentral.org The Rio Squawk is a free publication circulated weekly to both Rotarians and non-Rotarians worldwide, with readership on six continents. For membership information, call 623-326-7951 or join us for breakfast 7:00AM Thursdays at the Hometown Buffet, 1312 N Scottsdale Rd
Rotary International President John Kenny Scotland District 5510 Governor - Glenn W. Smith Governor Elect - Alan Havir Governor Nominee Assistant Governor – John Slentz Secretary - Sherry Mischel Treasurer - Joanne Kline World’s First Service Club Organization Founded on February 23, 1905 Over 1,200,000 Members in 33,000 clubs Located in over 200 Countries Worldwide
IN THIS ISSUE 3 4 7 8 9 11 13 16 18 19 19 21
Club Minutes Army National Guard Photos About the Army National Guard Mail Box Beth Anne in New Zealand Clemet the Cobbler The ABC’s of Rotary Born to be Wild Tempe Rio Salado Tundra Timmy the Squirrel Tears of Joy Display Ads
Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club President Corey Bruggeman Immediate Past President Patrick de Haan Vice President James Greene Secretary Jack Buckles Treasurer Bobbi de Haan Sergeant at Arms PDG Ben Eubank Environmental Services Chair Jim Lemmon Gift of Life Chair Ron Freeman Greeter Kent Hendricks Guiding Rotarian PDG Ben Eubank Health Services Chair PDG Ben Eubank International Service Chair Dona Eubank Leadership Committee Chair Bobbi de Haan Marketing Committee Chair Greg Searfoss Membership Committee Co-Chairs PDG Ben Eubank & Patrick de Haan Official Mascot Rio Macaw Pathway to Reading Committee Chair Jack Buckles Photographer/Writer Bobbi De Haan PolioPlus Committee PDG Ben Eubank & Brad Dowden Progetto Salvamamme – Salvabebè James Greene & Bobbi de Haan Public Relations & Media Management Patrick de Haan River Rally, Octoberfest, Picnic in the Park Jim Lemmon Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Ben Eubank Service Committee Chair Lynsie Scharpf Trainers Kent Hendricks Geoff Pashkowski Ambassadorial Scholars Justin Randall (Spain) Laura Kalb (Middle East) Beth Anne Martin (2011 Nominee-Latin America) Service Above Self Award Recipients Jim Lemmon (2001) PDG Ben Eubank (2007)
Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club Regular Meeting July 1, 2010
Today’s Guests
Arizona Army National Guard
PRESENT: Corey Bruggeman, Jack Buckles, Sandi Daly, Bobbi de Haan, Patrick de Haan, Ben Eubank, Dona Eubank, Ron Freeman, Kent Hendricks, Tim Lidster, Geoff Pashkowski, and Lynsie Scharpf. GUEST: Sgt Ed Balaban, Morgan Bruggeman, SPC Joshua Cantrell, SPC Jay Coughlin, L. F. Kasperbauer, John Orr, and CW5 John Vitt We missed you 1) President Corey called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00AM. Today was a very BRAD, JAMES, DENNIS, light meeting due to it being a holiday week and many of our members were out of BRIAN, JIM, ANITA, GREG, the Valley on vacation and on cruises. and LINDA! 2) Invocation – Ben 3) Pledge & Four Way Test – Tim 4) Our Memoriam video was shown in remembrance of the soldiers and public safety officers who lost their lives in the line of duty during the 2009-2010 Rotary year. 5) Introduction of Guests – Kent SGT Edward Balaban – Arizona Army National Guard CW5 John Vitt – Arizona Army National Guard SPC Joshua Cantrell – Arizona Army National Guard SPC Jay Coughlin – Arizona Army National Guard L. F. Kasperbauer – Guam Rotary Club Judge John Orr – Tempe South Rotary Club Morgan Bruggeman – The First Daughter 6) Get Food – GOOD as usual – BACON! 7) Rio’s Macaw – BAD jokes as usual. BAD PARROT! a. Q – What do you call a dentist in the Army” A – A Drill Sergeant! b. Q – What do you call a movie about mallards? A – A “Duck-u-mentary!” 8) Ben collected Happy Dollars and any other cash that wasn’t nailed down.
9) CHARTER NIGHT – We talked briefly about Charter Night last Saturday. Everyone had a great time. 10) ARMY NATIONAL GUARD – President Corey welcomed our guests from the Arizona Army National Guard and on behalf of the entire Club thanked them for their service. Each Guardsman briefly introduced himself and told us a little about their background and history with the Guard. We discussed ways that we could support our troops. President Corey stated that he would like to see us develop some service projects for the military. We talked about care packages and were told the best item in them was the Baby Wipes. 11) NEXT WEEK – Will be a work meeting to develop our budget and service plan for the upcoming year 12) There was no further business. adjourned at 8:10AM.
Meeting was
SPC Joshua Cantrell
Welcome Army National Guard We thank you for your Service!
Coughlin, cantrell, and vitt
Sgt Edward Balaban Community Relations Manager
spc Jay coughlin
Sgt Ed balaban and Geoff pashkowski
Cw5 john Vitt, command chief warrant officer
TODAY’S PRESENTATION: MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network. MUFON is one of the oldest and largest UFO investigative organizations in the United States. MUFON is currently head-quartered in Fort Collins, Colorado under the direction of Clifford Clif
TIM LIDSTER VISITS WITH Spc joshua cantrell
President Corey presents the Troops with their Official Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club Whoopee Cushions
ARIZONA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD The Arizona Army National Guard is a component of the United States Army and the United States National Guard. Nationwide, the Army National Guard comprises approximately one half of the US Army's available combat forces and approximately one third of its support organization. National coordination of various state National Guard units are maintained through the National Guard Bureau. Arizona Army National Guard units are trained and equipped as part of the United States Army. The same ranks and insignia are used and National Guardsmen are eligible to receive all United States military awards. The Arizona Guard also bestows a number of state awards for local services rendered in or to the state of Arizona. Currently, there are nearly 8,000 men and women serving in the Arizona Army National Guard. Duties National Guard units can be mobilized at any time by presidential order to supplement regular armed forces, and upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state in which they serve. Unlike Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually (except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments , or TDY), but only as part of their respective units. However, there has been a significant amount of individual activations to support military operations; the legality of this policy is a major issue within the National Guard. Active Duty Callups For much of the final decades of the twentieth century, National Guard personnel typically served "One weekend a month, two weeks a year", with a portion working for the Guard in a full-time capacity. The current forces formation plans of the US Army call for the typical National Guard unit (or National Guardsman) to serve one year of active duty for every three years of service. More specifically, current Department of Defense policy is that no Guardsman will be involuntarily activated for a total of more than 24 months (cumulative) in one six year enlistment period (this policy is due to change 1 August 2007, the new policy states that soldiers will be given 24 months between deployments of no more than 24 months, individual states have differing policies). History In response to the Indian wars, the Arizona Army National Guard was formed on September 2, 1865. In 1898, hundreds of Arizonans joined the ranks of the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War. The Militia Act of 1903 organized the various state militias into the present National Guard system. However, during World War II, the Arizona Army National Guard received its greatest praise and served its greatest moment in history. Units from Arizona were called into action on September 26, 1940. The 158th Regimental Combat Team were given the name the "Bushmasters," named after the deadly Bushmaster snake in Panama. General Douglas MacArthur said that, "No greater fighting combat team has ever deployed for battle". Since then, the Arizona Army National Guard has been deployed to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Units from Arizona also deployed to Louisiana to assist with the Hurricane Katrina aftermath. The 158th Infantry Regiment was created September 2, 1865, as the First Arizona Volunteer Infantry. Subsequent to Poncho Villa’s murder of American civilians and soldiers in Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, the 1st Arizona Infantry was activated and headquartered at Camp Naco, Arizona and assigned border protection duties. The regiment was drafted into Federal Service for World War I, 5 August 1917 as part of the 40th Division. Reorganization after the 1st World War assigned the 158th Infantry to the 45th Division. On 16 September 1940, the declaration of the National Emergency, the 158th Infantry joined its parent organization, the 45th Division at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. After being relieved by divisions in campaign after campaign across the Pacific, the 158th Infantry was selected to spearhead the final invasion of Japan. The 158th Infantry was demobilized and returned to state service following the end of World War II. It was subsequently reorganized as the 258th Military Police Brigade, and later reorganized as the 153rd Field Artillery Brigade. At present, the 153 FA Bde is being converted back into the 1st Battalion, 158th Infantry. The Arizona National Guard has served the State through the Arizona Project ChalleNGe program. Since 1993 AZ Project ChalleNGe has offered an in-residence, voluntary, academystyle educational program for high school dropouts who wish to return to their educational goals.
Hello! Hope all is well with you. I went to Wellington this last weekend and visited a couple of the LOTR sites. I attached some pictures of the trip that I thought you might like. The first one is for, of course, Rivendell, the second one is the site where they filmed Rivendell, and the third is the Ford of Isengard. Where I stayed, we could see Hobbiton out our window. It was pretty exciting. Have you heard any news about the scholarship? I keep thinking about it. Please pass along my best wishes to the rotary club. Thanks! Beth Anne
Beth Anne Martin
NOTE: Beth Anne is our candidate for a 2011 Ambassadorial Scholarship. She is in New Zealand this summer working as an intern on a self-sufficient farm, near the locations where they filmed the Lord of the Rings movies. (See page 10)
Welcome to New Zealand! Welcome to Uma Rapiti! Uma Rapiti is a small farm on the beautiful island of Waiheke, which is off the coast of New Zealand. The farm is family owned and operated primarily by family members, WOOFERs (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farmers), and other workers, like myself. Uma Rapiti’s main interest in sustainability is focused in two areas- food production and sustainable living for farmers. Food production may see like an inherent interest in sustainability since this is a farm but this farm goes beyond focusing on merely food production and attempts a more sustainable approach . The owners of the farm made it a point early on to try to produce this food as sustainably as possible. For example, we use a gray watering system and organic fertilizers for all our plants. Some of this is done out of necessity. For example, there is no water available on the island and so gray water is the main water supply. However, other steps towards sustainability like using as few chemicals and pesticides as possible are part of a conscious choice to lessen the impact on the environment. All members of the farm share the food. This last year the remaining food was donated to a center for the Maori, which are the native people of the island. As crop yield increases in the coming years, the goal is to sell part of the food in a local farmers market. Sustainable living for the farmers, Uma Rapiti’s other main investment in sustainability, is a part of my daily reality. In an effort to cut down on energy consumption, I have no running water and heating/cooling in the wool shed, which is what they call the place I am staying. The heating/cooling is not really an issue since, although it is winter here, the temperature never reaches a point where I am incredibly cold. I fill my own water jugs off a main tank, which holds filtered rainwater. I have an outdoor sink and shower. Being able to look up and see the sky while showering is an interesting experience. The toilet is a composting toilet situated off the wool shed and near the greenhouse. Although the shower pressure and water temperature have proved a bit challenging at times, the toilet is absolutely amazing. Both food production and sustainable living continue to spark my interest in sustainability.
As one might imagine, food is the main product the farm provides. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. are some of the crops on the farm. Since we are entering into winter, the majority of the harvesting already took place. In a sense the farm also provide a service, since they allow WOOFERs and workers to live on the farm and gain experience. I am unaware of any formally written goal or mission. However, in talking and communicating with the various owners and workers I realized that the main goal is to mature the farm and increase the quantity and variety of crops. They also want eventually to have of hens to lay eggs. (We have a couple of hens right now but they have not laid an egg in close to a year.) Additionally, the main mission of the farm is to provide food and a place for people, including the owners, to live sustainably. Welcome to my farm and, as we say here in New Zealand, cheers!
Right Relations My first week on the farm enabled me to focus mostly on settling into the rhythms of the farm, exploring the island, and doing a couple small projects but one experience earlier this week dramatically changed my perspective on my internship as a whole. Shortly after I arrived in New Zealand, I was wandering around one of the main cities and found a statue (pictured below). The statue itself looks relatively simple at first glance: a boy, a woman, and a world. Yet as I began to look closer, I realized a couple unique aspects. First of all, the child, not the adult is holding the world. The woman is wearing a triple twist necklace, which is the design by the Maori, who are the native people of New Zealand. The twist represents the joining together of people, peoples, and cultures for eternity even though they experience highs and lows of life they remain bonded by friendship and loyalty for
life. They are, in essence, standing together to support the world. Different genders, different ages, different ethnicities, and different responsibilities but they are together. Underneath the statue, the inscription read, “Right Relations with God with the People and with the Earth.” For a moment, I was taken a back by the saying. What are right relations? How do we connect our environment, lifestyle, spirituality, and humanity in a way that honors all aspects and promotes justice? It came to me that these are the questions we are attempting, in some way or another, to answer in the study of sustainability. If you read the news, study history, or look at present civilizations, what quickly becomes apparent is that people struggled and often failed to achieve right relations. My time at the farm enables me to take a step back from my normal routine and way of being in the world and truly consider what living within these right relations would mean for humanity and myself. Utilizing more sustainable agricultural practices is part of living in right relations with the earth. I hope to learn from the farm and be able to understand agricultural practices more in an effort to create better and, hopefully, right relations “with God with the People and with the Earth.”
Beth Anne Martin is Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club’s nominee for the 2011 Ambassadorial Scholarship. She is in New Zealand this summer working as an intern on a self-sufficient, organic farm.
Looking for a Simple, Low-Cost, High-Impact Polio Project?
All we need is a $25 donation from 100 Clubs, Companies, or Individuals
To make a contribution or if you need additional information, contact:
Patrick de Haan (Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club) 623-326-7951 or patrick@pnacentral.org Jan Snyder (Tempe East Rotary Club) 480-951-9250 www.sustainableltd.org
UPDATE ON CLEMET THE COBBLER We have just received the following pictures of Jan and Clarice Snyder delivering the adaptive equipment that was designed and built for Clemet by ASU Bio-Engineering students. We are still short the total amount needed to purchase the container for his shop (see above ad), so it is not too late to contribute.
18. THE CLASSIFICATION PRINCIPLE Virtually all membership in Rotary is based upon a "classification." Basically a classification describes the distinct and recognized business or professional service which the Rotarian renders to society. The principle of Rotary classification is somewhat more specific and precise. In determining the classification of a Rotarian it is necessary to look at the "principal or recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company or institution" with which an active member is connected or "that which covers his principal and recognized business or professional activity." It should be clearly understood that classifications are determined by activities or services to society rather than by the position held by a particular individual. In other words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as "bank president" but under the classification "banking." It is the principal and recognized activity of a business or professional establishment or the individual's principal and recognized business or professional activity that determines the classification to be established and loaned to a qualified person. For example, the permanently employed electrical engineer, insurance adjustor, or business manager of a railroad company, mining company, manufacturing concern, hospital, clinic, etc., may be considered for membership as a representative of the particular work he or she may be doing personally or as a representative of the firm, company, or institution for which the professional service is being done. The classification principle also permits business and industries to be separated into distinct functions such as manufacturing, distributing, retailing and servicing. Classifications may also be specified as distinct and independent divisions of a large corporation or university within the club's territory, such as a school of business or a school of engineering. The classification principle is a necessary concept in assuring that each Rotary club represents a cross section of the business and professional service of the community 19. RI WORLD HEADQUARTERS The headquarters of Rotary International always has been in the area of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. First it was in Chicago itself, but in 1954 an attractive new building opened in suburban Evanston. The Ridge Avenue building met the needs of the Rotary Secretariat until the 1980s when the addition of new programs, the growth of The Rotary Foundation, and the new PolioPlus activities made the headquarters building extremely crowded and required some staff members to be housed in supplementary office space nearby. When a modern 18-story office building became available in downtown Evanston in 1987, it appeared to meet all of Rotary's space and expansion needs for years to come. The glass and steel structure, built in 1977, provides 400,000 square feet of office and usable space. The building was purchased by Rotary International, which leases approximately two-thirds of the space to commercial tenants, until needed by future Rotary growth. The building provides a 190-seat auditorium, large parking garage and 300-seat cafeteria, as well as functional office space for the 400 employees of the world headquarters. The executive suite on the 18th floor includes conference rooms for the RI board and committee meetings, in addition to the offices for the RI president, president-elect and general secretary. One Rotary Center, as it is called, will enhance the efficient operations of Rotary International for many years to come.
Your Club is invited to join Tempe Rio Salado and our Sister Club, the Rotary Club of Islamabad, Pakistan, to become part of this important Global Peace Initiative !
Looking for a COST EFFECTIVE Literacy Project? Are you working with a limited Club service budget or short of voluynteers? Would you like to get books to hundreds of impoverished valley children for just a few cents per book? Contact Rotarian Jack Buckles & learn about Pathway to Reading! JBuck32175@aol.com
Bobbi de Haan’s
Born to be Wild Celebrating the Care and Husbandry of Exotic and Endangered Wildlife
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary, formerly known as Heritage Park Zoo, is a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation and protection of native and exotic animals. Located in scenic Prescott, Arizona, the sanctuary provides a source of recreation, education and entertainment for all ages. With the mission of "Conservation through Education," Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary provides a unique and up-close experience with animals visitors may see nowhere else. Animal residents at Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary do not tell the typical zoo story. All animals at this sanctuary have been rescued from other locations and have a lesson to teach. They include a tiger who was kept as a pet in Texas; a melanistic (black) jaguar who came from the Wildlife World Zoo in Phoenix after his mother rejected him; a black bear who came to the sanctuary as a cub when his mother was mistakenly shot by a hunter; an orphaned mountain lion who was found as a kitten in a burn pile in Montana; and a gray fox who was rescued from the Aspen Fire in Tucson where she stayed to protect her newborn kits, but irreparably damaged her feet. Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary also has a prestigious role as participant in the American Zoo and Aquarium
Association’s Species Survival Plan for the critically endangered Mexican Gray Wolf. After a 20-year absence in the wild, this animal is being reintroduced to its former range following a successful captive breeding program. The sanctuary is a housing facility for wolves not yet ready for release
Tiger (Panthera tigris) Status: ENDANGERED "Samson" arrived in February of 2003. He had been a pet in Texas , but his owners no longer felt that they could properly care for him. Tigers are usually solitary, except for a female with cubs, or during the breeding season. The territories of males do not overlap those of other males, nor female territories with other females. But, the much larger male territories will overlap those of several females. They will eat whatever they can catch, but prefer larger hoofed mammals like deer and wild pigs. "Samson" is fed a commercially prepared carnivore diet, along with a variety of other meats. Of the eight subspecies, only five remain. The Bali , Javan, and Caspian, are now extinct. The remaining five (Amur or Siberian, Bengal , Indo-Chinese, South China , and Sumatran) cling to survival over a greatly diminished range. In spite of laws to protect them, they are illegally hunted for certain body parts, which are mistakenly believed to have medicinal purposes, as well as for their beautiful fur. Habitat destruction is another serious threat to their continued existence.
Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) "Abbey" was about 6 months old when she came here in 1990. She had been found in a Forest Service burn pile in Montana. She recovered from her burns, but was too imprinted on humans to be released. Mountain lions range from North America to Central and South America. They have long hind legs to help them leap through the rocky outcrops that are their preferred habitat. The mountain lion is the largest of the "small cats" and can purr loudly. They also make a chirping sound and a loud scream, but they don't roar. They have large retractable claws to help them catch food in the wild. They usually eat deer and elk, but will also eat rodents and other small mammals and birds. We feed "Abbey" a special exotic feline diet, as well as deer, elk, beef, and other meat scraps. They are gone from much of their historical range due to hunting and habitat destruction. A subspecies, the Florida panther, is endangered but beginning to recover with help from the Fish and Wildlife Service.
If you like these cartoons, visit Chad’s web site - http://tundracomics.com
James Greene’s
Timmy the Squirrel
Memorial Bizarre Pictures of Cute Little Animals
The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are the winners: 1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time. 2. Ignoranus : A person who's both stupid and an a##hole. 3. Intaxicaton : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 4. Reintarnation : Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 6. Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very, very high 7. Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. 8. Inoculatte : To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 9. Osteopornosis : A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.) 10. Karmageddon : It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer. 11. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 12. Glibido : All talk and no action. 13. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
RIO MACAW’S FACEBOOK PAGE Rio now has 652 friends on his Facebook page. What’s even more amazing is that more than 200 of them are from different countries around the world, true to the spirit of Rotary International. Rio currently has friends in: India Greece Turkey Argentina Portugal Denmark Italy England Venezuela Bangladesh Pakistan South Africa Brazil Chile Mexico You can visit Rio at this link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/rio.macaw?ref=name
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands!
The 2011
WE TOUR Walk Across America For Special Needs Kids