January 8, 2015
The Santa Claus Rotary Club
The Santa Claus Rotary Club (Tempe Rio Salado) Meeting Minutes January 8, 2015 Attendance: Members – Larry Horton, Corey Bruggeman, Kent Hendricks, Karen Ingersoll, Geoff Pashkowski, Ben Eubank 7:00 AM: Meeting called to order by President Larry Horton Invocation: Ben Eubank Pledge of Allegiance: Karen Ingersoll Four-way Test: Gary Johnson Discussion: 1. District Governor John Pennypacker will be visiting our club next week. 2. Club leadership discussed… Karen will continue as secretary for TRS. We still need a president (Larry is working on that). 3. Habitat for Humanity project this Saturday, February 10th… 7:00 AM. 1927 N. 25th Dr. Happy $$: Geoff had a nice holiday. Went to Tucson last Saturday and saw the Beach Boys. Said it was an interesting concert to say the least, and observed that he and Barbara were among the youngest people attending! Kent had a sad $ due to the Hawkeyes losing their game. Happy that he won Fantasy Football. Spent 2 weeks with his brother in San Antonio… Brian only has a few more treatments left. Karen had a great holiday… lots of family stuff. Just had a wonderful visit with her amazing granddaughters. Gary Johnson added a late $... happy to be with us today. Larry had a late $ too. Happy about the Ducks winning the playoffs against the Buckeyes. His dad had surgery that went really well. Corey bummed because he got a photo ticket in the mail right after Christmas for speeding through a yellow light. Sad $ - transmission went out on his truck and it’s going to be $4G’s to fix it. (ouch!) He spent Christmas Eve distributing presents with Sue and Santa Pete Strebe. Ben - sad $ for Dwight R. passing away… Have a blessed week everyone!